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1) Define diffusion- diffusion is movement of particles from an a of high concentration to low

concentration of a particle, the process by which that is not energy needed for the
transport for movement to occur.
2) Why does diffusion occur? Because the particle move from high concentration to low
3) What is meant by concentration? Concentration means that he leave
4) During diffusion, how do the particular move with respect to the concentration gradient?
The particle move down a concentration gradient from area of high concentration to area
of low concentration
5) How does the size of the particle affect the rate of diffusion?
The size of a article and its mass is inversely proportional to the rte rate of diffusion as
the smaller the particle the faster the rate of diffusion
6) How does temperature affect the rate of diffusion?
The particles in high tmp will have more energy and move faster because the hr the
temp , the faster rate diffusion of diffusion
7) What is the relationship between the rate of diffusion and how far the particle has to
The distance the article has to travel will have an effect on the time taken as the further
the distance , the lower h rate of diffusion
8) Define permeability.
Permeability is the ability of the particular to be able to pass through
9) Define solubility.
Solubility is the ability of a certain amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a
given amount of solvent
10) If two molecules, one water soluble and one lipid soluble had equal size, which would
add more easily pass through through a cell membrane?
A lipid soluble would pass through more easily than water.
11) For two lipid soluble molecules, would a small molecule or a large molecule have the
fastest rate of diffusion?
A small molecule would have the fastest rate of diffusion.
12) Identify two substances that enter the human body by diffusion.
Water and oxygen
13) Define osmoregulation.

14) What is meant by the water potential?

15) Define osmotic pressure

16) In an aqueous solution off glucose, what's the solvent and what is the solute?

17) g

18) The diagram shows an animal cell in a container filled with distilled water.
a) What would you expect to happen to the animal cell? Explain your answer.
b) If it was a plant cell in th container, would the result be the same? Explain your

19) The kidney can change the permeability of the collecting duct. How does this assist
excretion or the body?

20) In plants sugar (sucrose) is loaded into the phloem against a concentration gradient.
Explain why water follows the sugar in the phloem.

21) Which of the following does not cross the cell membrane by simple diffusion?
a) F
b) E
c) F
d) r


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