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TAHUN 2023

Once upon a time, a poor woman and his son lived on the north coast of Sumatra.
Malin Kundang was the name of the boy. As they lived in the coastal area, fishing was their
primary income. Malin Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helped his
mother to make money. However, as they were only fisherman’s helpers, they still lived in
One day, Malin Kundang shared his thought with his mother. He wanted to sail overseas so
that he could be a successful man. Hearing this, his mother disagreed.
“But mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful
person.” he said. Seeing his persistence, his mother couldn’t stop Malin Kundang. She asked
Malin Kundang to promise her to go home after gaining success.
The following day, Malin Kundang was ready. He joined a successful ship crew who
offered him to join the crew. Malin Kundang’s mother bid him adieu, and asked her son to
take care of himself. Malin Kundang asked the same from his mother. They parted, with
Malin Kundang pursuing his dream and his mother waiting for him at home.
It had been three months since Malin Kundang’s departure. Not once did he take his
time to contact his mother. The mother, who waited patiently, always stood up on the dock
every morning. She wished for a ship to bring her son home. She prayed day and night,
endlessly, for Malin Kundang’s safety.
One day, after several years of not hearing from her son, the fated day came. A large
ship docked at the point where Malin Kundang’s mother used to wait. A wealthy-looking
man stepped down from the ship, accompanied by a beautiful woman next to him. Realizing
he was her son, Malin Kundang’s mother ran toward the man. She hugged her son dearly
while crying out how much she missed him.
Malin Kundang froze and gave no response. He was ashamed that the woman wearing
old and shabby clothes was his mother. He replied coldly, “You’re not my mother. My
mother would never such a shabby clothes.”
The mother released her hug and asked unbelievably, “Malin, you don’t recognize
your mother? I am your mother!”
Malin Kundang then ordered his guards to take his mother out of there. Her mother
cried as the bodyguards dragged her. She was very sad, knowing that his awaited son treated
her badly like this.
Malin Kundang ignored her mother’s cry and ordered his crew to set sail. Malin
Kundang’s mother stared at him blankly. She prayed to God, “Oh God, if he is not my son,
please let him have a safe journey. But if he is indeed my son Malin Kundang, I curse him
into a stone.”
Right after she prayed, the calm sea turned into a thunderstorm. Malin Kundang’s
ship was wrecked. The wave threw him out of his ship, and he was stranded on an island.
Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his mother.

A long time ago, there was a couple. Both of them were already old, yet they didn’t
have children. They wished for a child, and they prayed every day. One day, Buto Ijo, or a
giant, came to them. He said he would grant the old couple’s wish to have a child, but with
one condition. They had to give the kid to Buto Ijo when she reached 17. The old couple was
very happy to know this, and without hesitation, they agreed with Buto Ijo.
After the agreement, a lovely girl was born from one of the golden cucumbers planted
in the old couple’s yard. They decided to name the girl “Timun Mas” or “Golden Cucumber,”
suiting the place she was born in.
Timun Mas grew into a cheerful and smart kid. The old couple was happy to see
Timun Mas’ development everyday. This happiness continued until Timun Mas reached 17.
When Timun Mas reached her age, they remembered the agreement with Buto Ijo.
Knowing this, the mother and the father were very sad. They didn’t want to lose their
only kid. So, they tried to make Timun Mas stay alive by giving her a pouch. Inside the
pouch were cucumber seeds, salt, and shrimp paste. They told Timun Mas that if a giant came
after her, she just needed to throw each item to Buto Ijo.
On Timun Mas’ 17th birthday, Timun Mas was ready. Buto Ijo came after her, just as
her parents said. She ran swiftly, and she threw the cucumber seeds. The seeds turned into
tangled plants, trapping Buto Ijo’s feet. His chasing stopped for a while but he managed to
get off the plants.
Realizing that the plants couldn’t stop Buto Ijo, Timun Mas threw salt. The salt turned
into sea, which drowned the giant. But still, he was able to after Timun Mas.
The last item inside the pouch was a shrimp paste. Timun Mas threw it, and it turned
into quicksand. This time, Buto Ijo couldn’t get away. The quicksand sucked him so quickly
till he drowned in it. Timun Mas was saved, and she can gather with her family again.

A long time ago, the island of Java was not balanced. The western side of the island
was higher than the east. It is because there was a big mountain on the western side. The big
mountain was called Jamurdipa Mountain.
The gods were planning to move the mountain to the island’s center. The head of the
gods, Batara Guru, held a meeting with the gods. However, there was one problem. Two
empus, or blacksmiths, lived around where the gods wanted to move the mountain.
The two empus were Empu Rama and Empu Pamadi. They were blacksmiths who
created objects from wrought iron or steel by forging the metal. They were excellent at
making keris, a traditional weapon with mystical powers. At that time, only the chosen ones
could create keris. Both of them, Empu Rama and Empu Pamadi, were the chosen ones.
Batara Narada, ordered by Batara Guru, went to persuade the empus to move to
another place. Hearing this, they rejected the suggestion. They said they couldn’t move to
another area, as it would affect their work creating keris. They asked Batara Narada to find
another place to move the Jamurdipa Mountain.
Batara Narada reported that the empus refused to move to another place. Batara Guru
had decided that he would move the mountain, whether the empus would like it or not.
Then, Batara Guru asked Dewa Bayu, the god of wind, to move Jamurdipa Mountain.
With his power, he placed the mountain on the empus’ houses in a second. The two empus
who were inside the houses died instantly.
It is believed that the spirits of Empu Rama and Empu Pamadi are still in the
mountain. The fireplace inside the empus’ houses is still working. It is also believed that the
fireplace became the mountain’s crater burning heavily. Now, the mountain was known as
Gunung Merapi or the mountain of fire.

A long time ago in the Jenggala Kingdom. He had two wives, a queen, and a
concubine. Both of them were beautiful. But, the concubine had a bad personality. She was
jealous of the queen and wanted to take her place. She planned to make the queen leave the
So the concubine carried out the plan. She asked the palace healer to help her. They
said that the queen wanted to poison the king. Hearing this, the king was angry. He sent the
queen to the jungle as her punishment. Little did the king know that the queen was pregnant.
The queen now lived in the jungle. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy named
Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice and handsome man. One day, when Cindelaras and his
mother went to collect some fire woods, he saw an eagle. The eagle dropped an egg.
Cindelaras took it, and he took care of it.
The egg hatched into a chick and later grew into a strong rooster. The rooster was
mystical. He was very strong in dueling with other roosters. He could also sing. He sang a
song about Cindelaras and his father.
Once Cindelaras heard the song, he ignored it. The rooster kept singing the song until
Cindelaras was fed up. He asked his mother about the song. The queen then told him
everything. Cindelaras was surprised to know it.
He decided to go to the palace to meet the king, his father. He brought the rooster as
well. On the way to the kingdom, he met many people who did the rooster fighting.
Cindelaras joined, and he always won. The king, Raden Putra, also heard about the greatness
of Cindelaras’ rooster. He invited Cindelaras to the palace to fight with his rooster.
The king made a bet. If Cindelaras won, he could get all the king’s jewelry. But if he
lost, he would be sent to jail. Cindelaras agreed, and the roosters started fighting. Easy guess.
Cindelaras’ rooster won. The rooster then sings the song.
“My master is Cindelaras. He lives in the jungle. His father is a king. His name is
Raden Putra.”
When hearing the song, the king was surprised. He asked about Cindelaras’ origin.
The palace healer admitted the true story that the queen was innocent and that all the things
that happened in the past were the concubine’s evil plan. The king was angry and ordered the
concubine to be sent to jail. The king then went to the jungle to pick up his wife and made her
queen again.

Once upon a time, there was a couple in Bali, the island of Gods. This couple had
been married for a long time but didn’t have any children. They prayed to God every day.
Finally, God answered their prayers. The wife was pregnant with a baby boy. They were very
happy. The wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

But the baby was different. He was much larger, and he ate and drank a lot. With this
habit, his parent should provide him with food and drinks. His body was as big as a buffalo
when he was a teenager. People then called him Kebo Iwa.

Kebo Iwa kept consuming food with his enormous amount. This led to the bankruptcy
of his parents. His parent then asked the villagers to feed Kebo Iwa. The people agreed, and
they provided food for him. Besides, they also built a big house for Kebo Iwa. Kebo Iwa’s
body was like a giant, and he couldn’t stay at his parents anymore.

Finally, after several months, people gave up on feeding Kebo Iwa. They asked Kebo
Iwa to cook his food, and the people would prepare the raw materials. Kebo Iwa agreed and
showed his gratitude by building facilities the villagers need, such as a dam and wells. He
also protected the village from dangerous animals and men. The people were happy.

At the same time, the Majapahit kingdom planned to conquer Bali. They heard about
a giant human called Kebo Iwa, who protected his village. The troops of Majapahit then
made a plan. They pretend to invite Kebo Iwa to Majapahit to help them dig wells. The Chief
Minister or Maha Patih Gajah Mada, made an alibi that Majapahit went through a long dry
season and needed much water. That’s why they invited Kebo Iwa to dig well.

Kebo Iwa, who didn’t know the plan went to Majapahit and helped the kingdom.
Little did he know that the troops covered the well with soil when he was busy digging well.
Kebo Iwa was buried alive, and he died.

After Kebo Iwa’s death, Bali could be conquered by Majapahit. Up until now, people
still remember Kebo Iwa and his good deed.

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