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SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS. 8 (o)amen 5 2 we 000 00 seccuencr. x {444 t len a} |" tefaronce: a) || c Oe ae "00 recency, 10. Painted Finish Alpolc* panels are available with Lumiflon-based fluorocarbon coating which has been tested by Japan Paint Inspecting Association (JPIA) to meet the following criteria: (2) General Properties Fim Beopecsy Tact Method Comaments 160" Gloss ‘ASTM 525-89, 30 ~ 80% Colors Wider range Formabllty (T-bend) NCCA 11-19 2T, no cracking ASTM D-1737-62 Reverse Impact- 4 | 2sidesfixed, — eee 2sides free sme 5 | Asidessinpiy t =p. we supported oop x= B ® 4 “X]|.ab)1 12 14 18 18 20 30 ———— ea) 6 | Asides fxed wo? |-—o--+ Oe Ble os 1 m1 ww ww $6" | Blame tan cast oer care ous ost 7 | longersick 3 we? ee = ae sides simply i ms ww we supported ——— B losiee ovose 0.800 oases esis oAsi2 000 8 |. longersdes Pp =B. we simply supported, |-—et Suc B e shorter sides fixed ; Hi uw wo ww = ss B Tose 05208 ose oso o4oi2 o7145 0.750 9 | Alongersicie ae eg xed,anoiher_| [e+] Ovac= Bs Me longer side free, t ah [oT is eetesale shorlersides Blerw ia aw es 30 senply supported | 10 | Ishotersde | [3] = RB. we fee, other sides ma [ Sine= B+ “Se simply supported 4 wt wt Blas 077 079 080 {901) wii e720 S08 Gaim Table 11-2. Skin stress calculation when the load Is concentrated support ‘Conattions Meximum Sin Stress No} Condition Tlustrated yy) Formula T |" sides simply supported, eB] = 3, we 2skes tree, i Suan“ ote centerlood | ~——> 2 | 2sdestned, | at hee 2sides free, 3 wae 4 bee center load 3 side fixed, wa other sides free, oH Cree tip load 4 aa liecerey Has [P| cmon $f (stea $ +1998) concentrated ee Pa ow centerlood | EO" |p Taek eae on ons om v0 5 Asides fixed, ea t apa concentrated | [5 Sax= Bs 8 centerlood {Lt Y fas ew ee ——— ee ee) (ote) wood 66) Tengor pn cre) serosa (rer) Table 11-5. Constants by supporting condition when the foad Is uniformly distributed Support Conditions No} Condition tlustrated Constant o. 1 I side fixed, |+—b—+| a= 1.50 sides free ————— 2 | 2sidessimply [ea supported, = 0.156 2sides free —\ 3 2 sides fixed, 2sdes free ponies = 00313 / ofo| 1 | 12 | 14 | 16 4 | Asidessimply o 4 ‘. 10048 | o062 | 0077 Taos supported — of| 18 | 20 | 30 | 2 @ or017To.1110To.1995 Fo.1az2 o| 1 | 12 | 14 | 16 100138 | oo1e8 |o.0226 Fo.0251 5 Asides fixed 1g_| 20 | © (0.0267 | 0.0277 To.caea Table 11-6. Constants by supporting condition when the load is concentrated Support Conditions Maximum Skin Stress Condition tlustrated (Gyo Formula 2sides simply supported oA 8. 2 sides free, centerload tt 2sides fixed, t 2sides free, lo en Wot centerload wat 00625 «Ed ‘Asides simply supported, F i concentrated | [“°——H || centerlood 1 5—A whee, Bye? Maximum | 6. Thermal Expansion / Contraction Thermal expansion / contraction should always be considered in design with A/polic*. ‘The expansion / contraction can be determined by the following equations; ‘Thermal expansion / contraction (mm) = 1000xGad 7°) xL( 1m) Gy is coefficient of thermal expansion shown in Table 1. Lis the length of Alpolic* . anTeT, T, is the actual temperature of panel surface. 7; is the temperature of panel surface when Alpolic* was fabricated or installed. Positive AT shows expansion, and negative AT contraction. Table 6. ‘Thermal Expansion / Contraction per meter (mm) aT 5 10 15 20 25 30 3,4, 006 mm 12, 0.24 0.56, 0.48, 0.60 0.72. aT 35 40 45 50 55 60. 3, 4,86 mm 0.84 0.96 108 1,20 132 144 7. Vibration Damping Being a laminated composite, , Alpoilc™ can damp the vibration velocity and/or amplitude by absorbit ing or converting, vibration energy into thermal energy. * Sample size : 20 x 30 mm Fig. 1. Vibration Damping 8, Surface Burning Characteristics (at 23°C) oo 003 Loss Factor: 0” Frequency (Hz) Table 7. Surface Burning Test in Each Country Country “Test Standard Specimen Results & Clasications United Kingdom | BS 476 Part 6 3mm, 6mm — | Chass 0 Pare 7 Germany DIN 4120 Tell 1 Simm, 6mm —_| Klase BZ Austla ‘ONORM B 3800 3mm, 6mm | BL Switzerland SNV 520 18 3/2 3mm, 6mm —_| St Netherlands NEN 3883 3mm, 6mm | Clas 1 Belgium NFP 92-501 3mm MI $21-203 3mm Al ‘Australia AS 1530 Part 3 mm, 6 mm 3mm 6mm Ignitabitey ‘ommizo] Flame Spread o 0 Heat Evolved 0 0 Smoke Developed 1 O-l USA. ASTM E-84 3mm, 6 mm 3mm 6mm Smoke Developed 15 10 Flame Spread 5 0 Modified ASTM 6mm Passed E108 9, Sound Transmission When tested in conformity with ASTM E-413, the following sound transmission classes (STC Nos.) were established (see Fig.2). sTC Fig.2 Sound Transmission 3mm 4mm 6mm : 25 26 26 LL Lt (ine = ry 11. Deflection by Wind Load Deflection by wind load depends on thickness, aspect ratio, span and boundary condition i.e. simply supported or fixed. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the longer to the shorter dimension of panel. Deflections differ from different aspect ratios, even though the panel area is same. For example, deflection of 600 x 2400mm (aspect ration = 4) panel is smaller than that of 1200 x 1200mm (aspect ratio = 1) one. Fig. 3 shows actual measurements of fixed ALPOLIC® deflections. ea 204m I lie rool | (3mm at e 20am | bcd 125 fe J 20a Wd ood a) Re ‘oorm dl a4 ede / é = ios 2 taam oo m0 Oa tn [4 Wd ood an) th Fig. 3 Deflection by Wind Load a ) (Four sides are all fixed) Wd ood tn) 3.4 200 kg/m 221th Appendix 11-A. Strength and Deflection (1) Flexural Strength Design Strength design are made assuming that the flexural strength of the panel is totally dependent on the aluminum skins. This means that if the stress exerted on the aluminum skins, which is determined by both the supporting and loading conditions, is within the range of aluminum strength, the plastic deformation of ‘the panel will not occur. Strength of the aluminum skin foaenay Ha akg memes 2 12.0kg/mm2 * How to obtain the stress in aluminum skin, The magnitude of stress depends on the supporting ang loading conditions The stress calculation method depending on the conditions are given in Table 11-1 and 11-2. NB. t2 in the Tables are given in the formula below. v= (tap? the’) / tae Where, t: apparent thickness of AP (mm) ‘tap: AP thickness (mm) tpe: core polyethylene thickness (mm) The calculated values of t’ for each AP brand are given in Table 11-3. Table 11-3. Square of apparent Alpolic thickness (mm’) ‘tap (mm) 3 4 6 v(mm) | 6.33 9.25 15.17 (Example calculation) When Alpolicis 3mm thick, panel size being 900 x 900 mm square, supporting condition being 4 sides fixed and wind load w = 200 kgine, does the plastic (permanent) deformation of Alpolic occur? According to Table 11-1, case No. 6, alb = 1, Therefore p = 0.3078, rune = B bt = 0.3078 X200 x 105% (900*)/6.33 =7.9<15.5 kg/mm? (Strength) Therefore, 3mm thick Alpolic panel is all right in this case. 35 (2) Deflection Calculation Alpolicis a laminated sandwich composite panel characterized by lightweight and rigidity. Therefore the deflection can be minimized. The deflection of Alpolic can be calculated as follows P ‘The magnitude of actual deflection under load is given in previous section, (1) Flexural strength design. (a)Deflection by uniformly-distributed load When the panel is subject to uniformly-distibuted Joad (dead weight of horizontal panel, wind load, etc.) the deflection can be given by the formula below: Sax = + wb*/(Eqp- tap?) Where, Syax: maximum deflection (mm) a: constant given by supporting conditions flexural modulus of Alpolic (kg/mm’) Alpolic thickness (mm) unit area load (kg/mm?) short side length of panel (mm) The required values for calculation are given in Table 11-4 and Table 11-5. Table 11-4. Flexural modulus Eqp and Eap - tap? ‘tap (mm) Enp (kg/mm?) | Ego + tae? (kg:mm) 3 5000 135.010 4 4060 259.8 x 10° 6 2970 641.5 10° (Example calculation) When Alpolic is 3mm thick, panel size being 1000 x 1000 mm square, supporting condition being 4 sides fixed and wind load W=150 kg/m’, how much does Alpolic deflect? According to Table 11-5, case No.5,a/b=1, “a = 0.0138, Sax =O: wh* / (ap: tap?) = 150 x 10% x (1000)? / (135.0 x 10°) 5.3mm 3.8 Table 11-1. Skin Stress Calculation When The Load Is Unifomly Distributed Support Conattions Maximum Skin Stress No] Condition Wustratedt yy) Formula 1 | 1side fixed, aaa Ssides free Frome 2 | 2sdessimply 5 ePeiswmaWer supported, A i 2sdestee | 3 | 1sde fxed, opposite side . rp ee pate simply supported, cr te 2sides free 4 | 2sides fixed, JL we 2sides free 2° 2 5 Asides simply 6 wh? supported i. ar we as OT 6 Asides fixed wo? -— eee 4 Mol 1 12 14 18 80 $F | Blimn osm o08 one nar car osm 7 | longersdes | fixed shorter | |-—o—t-] Sun= B sides simply Mt Facial aie eat suppotec | << | lear oar 065 be ban ban 8 er sides =. we sen copped | [=e Se= Bs shorter sides fixed i wy a to a 9 | ongerside fred, another | [-—e—-+] Sun= BE ee ae ee ‘ als 2 ae petates ee 9 | Ishoterside | fot a wot free, othersides ® Sine B+ simply supported 4 mis 2 4 ——._| bles an ono (ote) w unt eoe bed kone Table 11-5. Constants by supporting condition when the load is uniformyy Distributed Support Coneiiions Condition ustratedt Constant 0: side fixed, |+—v—-+| a= 1.50 3sides free —— 2sides simply [ea supported, eet] = 0,156 2sdes free ———— 2sides fred, 2sides free ie Baa = 0.0313 o| 1 | 12 | 14 | 16 sides simply aul @. T0044 T0082 | 0077 Toms supported a G | al | 1, 20 0. = @ loro Forn10 Ta335 0420 o| 1 | 12 | 14 | 16% o ) @ lo.o13s | ooea [ozs T0.0261 Asides fxed [aman] ” | of| 18 | 20 | c 3 @ 10.0267 | 0.0277 !0.0284 39. (©) Deflection by concentrated load When the panel is subject to concentrated load, the deflection can be given by the formula below: Table 11-6. Constants by supporting condition wnen the loadis concentrated Support Conditions Maxirnum Skin Stress No} — Condition Wustrated (yyy) Formula 1 | 2sides simply t supported lo A_® 3 2sdes free, t center load —— ie 2 sides fixed, 2sides fre centerload 3 | 4sdes simply supported, concentrated center load ty: Alpoli thickness rm) W: concenttatedoad kc) <9: longor span en) @! : shorlerspon(rm) a/b | a. 4 | Asdestied | | 2 8 concentrated | centerload 4 10100611 12 3.10

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