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Title: The BFG

Author: Roald dahl

Summary: The book is mostly about a girl getting kidnapped by a
big friendly giant. After the girl got kidnapped, there became a big
problem. The big problem was that the bad giants always came to
the big friendly giant’s house to ask if there was any humans to eat.
After the bad giants kept coming, the big friendly giant starts to stop
them from eating humans by going to the queen’s palace. The girl
asked the queen to vanish the giants. At last, everything finishes. (I
can’t tell the ending cause then, I’m spoiling!)

Favorite part: The favorite part in Most interesting part: The most
the story (for me) was when the interesting part (for me) was
girl called, “Sophie” gets when the bad giants would come
kidnapped by the big friendly to the BFG’s house to ask if there
giant which is called, “The BFG” was any humans hiding here.

I would recommend this book 8.5 out of 10 because it is
adventurous and really funny (for me). It's also good
because you could visualize the story in your mind while
you read!

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