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Writing an essay is a process that involves several stages, from planning to final review.

Here is a
step-by-step guide to write an effective essay:

1. Selection of the Topic

Choose a topic that is of interest to you and relevant to your audience. Make sure it is specific
enough to cover in the rehearsal space.

2. Research

Research your topic thoroughly. Use reliable sources such as books, academic articles and
recognized websites. Take notes of the main ideas and important data.

3. Preparation of the Thesis

The thesis is the central idea of your essay. It must be clear and specific, and is usually presented
at the end of the introduction. For example: "Air pollution in large cities is a growing problem that
requires immediate solutions."

4. Structure of the Essay

A typical essay has three main parts: introduction, development and conclusion.


- *Hook*: Start with a phrase or question that captures the reader's attention.

- *Context*: Provides basic information on the subject.

- *Thesis*: Present your thesis and briefly mention the main points you

will address.

Each paragraph of the development must address a point or argument that supports your thesis.

1*: Presents the first point with evidence and examples.

2*: Develop the second point in a similar way.

3*: Addresses the third point, if applicable.

Make sure that each paragraph has a thematic sentence that clarifies the main point of the
paragraph and that the paragraphs are logically connected.


- *Summary*: Briefly summarizes the main points of the essay.

- *Reflection*: It offers a final reflection or a call to action.

- *Revisited Thesis*: Repeat your thesis in a way that reflects what you have discussed.

5. Drafting

Write a first draft following your outline. Don't worry too much about perfection at this stage;
focus on translating your ideas on paper.

6. Review and Editing

Check your essay to correct grammatical and style errors. Make sure that each part flows logically
and that all your statements are well-founded.

7. Format

Make sure that your essay follows the required format (APA, MLA, etc.), including the correct
citation of the sources.

Additional Advice
- *Clarity and Conciseness*: Write clearly and concisely. Avoid the use of jargon or unnecessary
complicated language.

- *Transitions*: Use transitions between paragraphs to maintain consistency.

- *Peer Review*: If possible, ask someone else to read your essay and give you feedback.

### Introduction Example

*Hook*: "Every year, millions of people around the world suffer the consequences of air pollution,
a problem that affects both public health and the environment."

*Context*: "Urbanization and industrialization have increased pollution levels, especially in large

*Thesis*: "Air pollution in large cities is a growing problem that requires immediate solutions,
including the implementation of strict environmental policies and the promotion of renewable

By following these steps and tips, you will be able to write a well-structured and convincing essay.

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