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科目代碼:02 二年 班 座號: 姓名:

高雄市立陽明國中 108 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科試題

PART A 辨識句意:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片 5%(每題 1 分)

1. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)

PART B 基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應。10%(每題 2 分)
6. (A) They are two thousand dollars in total.
(B) The bands are cheaper than the watches.
(C) In fact, they are much more expensive now.
7. (A) I’ll get the CD player. It’s lighter.
(B) Can I join it? The activity sounds great.
(C) The strawberry milk. Many people come for it.
8. (A) We can send them an e-mail. It’s fast.
(B) We can go by bus. It’s the cheapest.
(C) We can hide under the sofa. He won’t find us.
9. (A) I usually play the flute in my free time.
(B) I don’t usually eat anything for dinner.
(C) I usually have papayas for breakfast.
10.(A) You sound like an old teacher.
(B) It’s not easy to find a place to hide eggs.
(C) Why not send chocolate bunnies to the poor kids with me?

第 1 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】
PART C 言談理解:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案 10%(每題 2 分)
11. (A) It’s bigger and easy to set up.
(B) It’s thinner.
(C) It’s cheaper.
12. (A) Take a helicopter.
(B) Borrow a camera.
(C) Upload some pictures.
13. (A) She’ll take a trip.
(B) She won a contest.
(C) She found a new job.
14. (A) Yes, she feels happy.
(B) No, she feels tired and sick.
(C) Yes, and the man will drive her home.
15. (A) Sally got a better grade on the history test than Peter.
(B) Peter fell asleep when he had the history test.
(C) Sally stayed up late for the test.


A. 單選題:20%(每題 2 分)
16. What is drink in your shop?
(A) the most popular (B) more popular (C) so popular (D) the more popular
17. The guavas are than yesterday.
(A) very expensive (B) even expensive (C) most expensive (D) more expensive
18. The dress is too big for me. Do you have a smaller ?
(A) it (B) one (C) other (D) ones
19. Mary happy on the phone now.
(A) listens (B) sounds (C) hears (D) is sounding
20. The weather today is becoming . It is not as as the other day.
(A) hottest ; cold (B) hotter ; colder (C) hotter ; cold (D) hot ; colder
21. Man : How much is the gray MP3 player?
Woman : You’re lucky today ; . It’s five hundred dollars cheaper. It’s NT$2,100.
(A) it’s having a sale (B) it's not that cheap (C) it’s on sale (D) it’s free
22. Amy : Is that your new smartphone ? I guess it’s more than thirty thousand dollars.
Jim : Yes , . Please don’t tell Dad and you can have all my comics.
Amy : It’s a deal.
(A) The more , the better. (B) It’s no big deal. (C) It sounds like a good idea. (D) It cost me a lot .
(A) Lisa’s mother and Lisa look more like sisters than mother and daughter.
(B) Taipei is bigger than all the cities in Taiwan.
(C) It looks like old. Let’s try something new.
(D) Of all the tomatoes, the yellow ones are sweeter.
(A) The buns taste not delicious.
(B) I don’t need to spend time color eggs for the egg hunt.
(C) The price of masks is getting higher in many countries because of COVID-19.
(D) Beside chatting , they can also send and receive e-mails on it .

第 2 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】
(A) February has less days than March or May.
(B) Alex: Where did you hide the Easter eggs ? Bill: I hid them inside the basket.
(C) Joe: How was your vacation in China?
Max: It couldn’t be worse. I don’t even want to talk about it.
(D) Man : How would you like to pay ? Woman: In cash.
B、克漏字:12%(每題 2 分)
Ken : (26) tonight ?
Mia : Sure. Why do you ask?
Ken : How about going to the night market near the park?
Mia : I'm not into it. There are always too many people there.
Also , most of the food stands (27) .
Ken : But I found a famous stinky tofu stand there. I feel like eating its stinky tofu.
Will you come with me and try some ?
Mia : Not in a million years ! (28) of all the snacks !
 stinky tofu 臭豆腐

26. (A) Do you have the time (B) Are you ready
(C) May I help you (D) Are you free
27. (A) don’t look very clean (B) are not expensive
(C) have something for everyone (D) sell yummy buns
28. (A) It looks the prettiest (B) It tastes the most wonderful
(C) It feels the best (D) It smells the worst


The grizzly bear is the star of our little town in the mountains. Many people visit here for this kind of
strong large brown bear. When a grizzly bear grows up, it may become as heavy as 680 kg. (29)
In fact, a grizzly bear can run as fast as 55 km an hour. (30) So on summer nights, they enjoy
catching them in the rivers as a big meal. People usually come watching grizzly bears in this season.
Though grizzly bears look big and strong, (31) This is because people still keep hunting them.
If we don’t take action to help them, our children won’t be able to see this lovely animal in the future.
 gigantic 巨大的 Though 雖然 if 假如 action 行動

29. (A) But this gigantic animal moves slowly.

(B) But this gigantic animal can never move fast .
(C) But never think this gigantic animal can hurt people.
(D) But never think this gigantic animal moves slowly.
30. (A) Grizzly bears eat a lot of chicken.
(B) Watching fish dancing is grizzly bears’ favorite activity.
(C) Fish are grizzly bears’ favorite food.
(D) Grizzly bears don’t eat meat.
31. (A) the number of grizzly bears is getting bigger these days.
(B) luckily there are fewer and fewer grizzly bears these days.
(C) the number of grizzly bears is dropping these days.
(D) there are more and more grizzly bears these days.

第 3 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】
C 題組題: 18%(每題 2 分)


Wise Wally's Top Tips for Using Your Money Well

Hello, readers ! We all know that money doesn't grow on trees, so here are some
things you can do to make your dollars last longer.
1. Pay a little more.
Don't be afraid to pay little extra for high-quality. Cheap goods often wear out or
break quickly. Pay a little more, and you'll save money at last.
2. Wait for sales.
Do you really need that new summer dress right now ? Wait until the fall and you'll
get it for half the price. You can always wear it next summer.
3. Buy secondhand.
You can pick up some great items in secondhand shops and markets these days---
---books for school , clothes , DVDs , everything. You'll be surprised you can find lots
of amazing things !
4. ? _
 wise 有智慧的 blog 部落格 tip 秘訣 last 持久 extra 額外的 goods 商品 save 節省 item 品項

32. What is the main idea of the reading ?  main 主要的

(A) To help people grow plants. (B) To give people tips.
(C) To report the news. (D) To make money.
33. What can we learn from the reading?
(A) Never buy secondhand goods. (B) Paying a little more can save you money.
(C) Cheap items last for a long time. (D) Never wait to buy an item you like.
34. What does the writer mean by " money doesn't grow on trees" ?
(A) Money isn't healthy. (B) Money isn't useful.
(C) Money isn't easy to get. (D) Money isn't a fruit.
35. What might be number 4. ? on Wally's list ?  list 列出的清單
(A) Buy a car. (B) Find a difficult task.
(C) Take a vacation. (D) Eat at home.

第 4 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】

"What is the most dangerous thing in your refrigerator? Ice is." That was a joke. The fun comes from
"Ice is." It sounds like ISIS. We call this a pun. A pun is a play on words. With it, your article will look
funnier and more interesting. However, you should be careful using it because puns are not very formal. So,
how do we make a pun?
There are many ways. One way is to play with sounds in words, like the joke "Ice is" and "ISIS." You
can also play on a word's meaning to make a pun. To do so, just pick a word with two different meanings
and use it in a sentence. These two meanings have to make sense in that sentence, like "How do famous
singers stay cool? They have many fans!" Can you find the pun? It's the word "fan." It can mean a machine
to cool people down or a singer's follower.
Now you know some rules to make a pun. Why don't you give it a try? It can be a lot of fun!
dangerous 危險的 joke 笑話 ISIS 恐怖組織 article 文章 formal 正式的 meaning 意義 make sense 有意義

36. Which "It (it)" in the reading refer to the same thing as" it " in line 2 ?  refer to 指 same 相同的
(A) It sounds like ISIS.
(B) It can mean a machine to cool people down or a singer's follower.
(C) You should be careful using it because puns are not very formal.
(D) Just pick a word with two different meanings and use it in a sentence.
37.Which pun is playing on the words' sounds?
(A) I'm friends with 25 letters. I don't know why.  letters 字母
(B) Amy lost her left arm and leg. She is all right now.
(C) Leo's job is to sleep eight hours every day. It's a dream job.
(D) I didn't buy the clock today because it wasn't the right time.
Here is a new shopping center’s market report.
Our busiest time is weekend afternoons, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. We do about half the
business of the week then. So it would be better if we move the activity--Weekend’s Best Buy from
Saturday evening to Saturday afternoon. There will be more shoppers during the sale at that time. We
should also think about having more free buses during the weekend because 75% of the shoppers in the
interview said two buses an hour are just not enough.
Weekend evenings are second busiest, though it is not as good as last season. An interesting fact is
that business is better on weekday evenings, usually one hour before closing, than on weekend mornings.
Most of the shoppers then are people living nearby or working parents.They come
here to do their last-minute shopping.They together make up almost 60% of the
business on weekday evenings. It can bring in more business if we open half an
hour longer during weekdays, until 10:30 p.m.

 shopping center 購物中心 if 假如 though 雖然 make up 構成;組成

38.What does the report NOT suggest?  suggest 建議

(A) Having more free buses for shoppers.
(B) Changing the opening hours on weekdays.
(C) Making plans to help weekday morning business.
(D) Changing the time of the special sale on weekends.

第 5 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】
39.What does the report say about the shopping center?
(A) Its business on weekdays is not as good as last season.
(B) It has a special sale one hour before closing every day.
(C) Most of the shoppers take the free buses to the shopping center.
(D) Most of its shoppers on weekday evenings are people living nearby or working parents.

40.Which picture can we most likely use in the report ?  likely 可能

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

三、寫作測驗: 25%

A.文意字彙:10%(一題 1 分)
1. We usually put meat and fruit in refrigerators to keep them f h.
2. People c e Moon Festival by getting together with family or friends.
3. When making coffee, you have to b l water first and pour it into ground coffee beans.
4. Josh met Elsa at a party, and he was c y in love with her.
5. We used a t er r to play or record songs, but now we can download one from the Internet.
6. Say something straight from your heart. Don’t try to hide anything from friends. Just be h t.
7. During the spring break, I visited a small town, and had a great e e of the country life.
8.The child’s parent works as a desk c k in the department store.
9. When bad things keep happening, we will say, “It never rains but it p rs.”
10. I’m running out of money. I’m as poor as a c h mouse.

B.依提示作答 6% (每題 2 分,錯一字扣 1 分)

1. Unit One doesn’t have as many new words as Unit Two.(用 Unit Two... than... 改寫)
2 . No other student in the class is taller than Tony.(用Tony is…..最高級改寫)
3. The T-shirt smells terrible. (造原問句)

C.翻譯 9%(每題 3 分,分段給分)

2. Glen 在一個盆裡種這些種子並每天替他們澆水,但什麼事都沒發生。(用過去式作答)

第 6 頁,共 6 頁【二年級英語科】
二 年 班 座號: 姓名:

高雄市立陽明國中 108 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科答案卷

1.本答案卷之班級、座號、姓名等資料不完全者,本科扣 5 分。
2.本答案卷限用黑色墨水原子筆作答,違反以上規定者,本卷扣 20 分,若本答案卷總分未達 20 分,則以 0 分

總分 電腦閱卷分數 訂正後分數 訂正教師簽名 讀寫閱卷分數

A、文意字彙:10%(一題 1 分)

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

B、依題示作答:6%(每題 2 分,錯一字扣1分)

C、翻譯:9%(每題 3 分,分段給分)

高雄市立陽明國中 108 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級英語科解答
一、聽力測驗:25% (1-5 一題 1 分,6-15 一題 2 分)
11-15 C C A B B
二、綜合測驗:50% (一題 2 分)
16-25 A D B B C CDACA
26-35 D A D D C CBBCD
36-40 C A C D B
三、寫作測驗: 25%

A.文意字彙 10% (一題 1 分)

1. fresh 2. celebrate 3. boil 4. crazy 5. tape recorder

6. honest 7. experience 8. clerk 9. pours 10. church
B.依提示作答 6% (一題 2 分,錯一字扣 1 分)

1. Unit Two has more new words than Unit One.

2. Tony is the tallest student in the class.

3. How does the T-shirt smell ?

C.翻譯 9%(一題 3 分,分段給分)

1. In fact, it is lower than the picture quality of my old camera.

2. Glen planted (grew)the(these) seeds in a pot and watered them every day,

but nothing happened.

3. Inside the(these) eggs, there are prizes or candy. Everyone looks excited.

(There are prizes or candy inside the eggs .)( Inside the eggs are prizes or candy.)
高雄市立陽明國中 108 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次段考二年級聽力測驗腳本

PART A 辨識句意:請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片 5%(每題念 2 遍)
1. I like to eat peaches, not pears.
2. The man is boiling some dumplings.
3. Jackson has green fingers.
4.The refrigerator is more expensive than the washing machine.
5. For Jack, the math test is the easiest of the three.

PART B 基本問答:請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應。5%(每題念 2 遍)
6. How much are the smartwatches and the bands?
7. Which is the most popular drink in your shop?
8. How can we spend the least money to get to that place?
9. What fruit do you usually eat for breakfast?
10. Easter is coming soon, but I want to try something different this year.

PART C 言談理解:請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案 10%(每題念 2 遍)

11. M: Which smartphone is better, the white one or the gray one?
W: The white one is bigger, and it can take higher quality pictures.
But it’s a little heavier. The gray one is thinner, and it is easy to set up.
Also, its price is lower.
M: OK. I’ll pay for that gray one because of the price.
Q: Why does the man decide to buy the gray smartphone?
12. M: Jessica, how was your weekend?
W: Wonderful. I rode in a helicopter for the first time!
M: Really? That sounds exciting. Did you take photos up there?
W: Sure. I’ll upload them later!
Q: What will Jessica do?
13.W: Becky sounds excited on the phone.
M: Really? Did she win a prize in the karaoke contest?
W: No, she didn’t. She’s happy because she’s flying to Germany on holiday.
Q: What is Becky excited about?
14. M: Are you OK? You look bad.
W: Not really. I feel a little cold and tired.
M: You must be sick. Would you like to go home? I can drive you back.
W: Thanks. It’s so nice of you.
Q: Is the woman OK?
15. G: What happened to you, Peter? You don’t look so good.
B: Oh, Sally. I didn’t do well on the history test this time.
G: Why not? You always get the best grades in history.
B: I stayed up late for many days, and I fell asleep when I had the history test.
G: Poor you. What did you get on the test?
B: I only got 92.
G: What? You slept during the test, but your grade is even better than mine. I can’t believe it!
Q: Which is right?

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