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- Introduction
- My Story
- Module 1 - Embrace & Heal Your Past
- Module 1.1 - Connect to Your Inner Boy
- Module 1.2 - Your Shadow
- Module 1.3 - Emotional Regulation
- Module 1.4 - Identifying That You Lied To Yourself
- Module 1.5 - Re-Wiring Your Brain
- Module 1.6 - The Pyramid of Low Self-Esteem
- Summary of Module 1
- Module 2 - Realign With Your Masculine Self
- Module 2.1 - The Baseline of Masculinity
- Module 2.1.1 - Boost Your Testosterone
- Module 2.1.2 - Get Rid of Your Porn Addiction
- Module 2.1.3 - Healing You From The Inside
- Summary of Module 2.1
- Module 2.2 - What it Means to Be a Man
- Module 2.2.1 This Game is Never Over
- Module 2.2.2 Values - Finding Your Roots
- Module 2.2.3 Purpose – Define your own life
- Module 2.2.4 Goals and Plans
- Module 2.2.5 Ego is Your Enemy
- Module 2.2.6 Building the Ideal Diary
- Summary of Module 2
- Module 3 - Unleash Natural Confidence and Live Life on Your Terms
- Module 3.1 - Improve Your Decision-Making
- Module 3.2 - Reclaim the Wild Man Within You
- Module 3.3 - Heart Connection
- Module 3.4 - Overcoming Your Fear
- Module 3.5 - Fuck Regrets
- Module 3.6 - Becoming Leonardo Di Caprio
- Summary of Module 3
- Next Steps


Congratulations, my friend, for choosing to pick up the Hercules Path book. Your
decision to make a change in your life is respected, and I'm genuinely happy for
you. It suggests that there's some part of your life you're not happy with and you
want to transform it. By investing in yourself and taking this step, you're already
much closer to achieving your goals my man. In fact, you've just joined the top
10% of men simply by picking up this book and starting to read. So congrats on
taking this step.

You're showing real determination, and I hope you continue with the reading and
challenges in the book. It's a three-part series that will guide you step by step
from where you are now to where you want to be – becoming the strong,
respected man that others look up to and women want to be with. So you can
become the strong respected leader, husband, and father you want to be.

Let's see what each module has to offer:

In Module One, we'll explore how you can embrace your past and heal that shit
you carry from a young age. We'll work on those little fucking voices in your mind
that prevent you from achieving your dreams.

Module Two is all about masculinity. We'll cover what being masculine truly
means and outline the practices you should practice to build up your masculinity.
(By the way, you'll probably really enjoy this part!)

Lastly, in the third module, we'll add the finishing touch to your masculinity. We'll
focus on decision-making skills to help you become a leader, connecting with
your inner strength, and conquering your fears and regrets.

Each module is packed with valuable insights and challenges. These challenges
are like the building blocks of your growth, legend. I encourage you to have a
journal ready and consistently complete the exercises I provide. These exercises
are the most critical parts that will seriously boost your progress.

Before I let you dive into the book, I want to share my own story with you. Who
am I, the person behind this book? What life experiences have shaped me? So,
let's jump right into that without delay.


My man, the truth is I wasn’t always the stoic ‘Hercules’ you see today… In fact, I
used to be one of the biggest ‘’nice guys’’ ever… And I had to go through a lot of
hardship to get to where I am today.

Everything started when I was only 7 days old and my life got turned upside
down… You see, the burden and responsibility of raising a child was
overwhelming for my parents… So they handed me over to my grandma who
happily took me under her wing and raised me like I was her own son. Agnes
was her name, and although I’m eternally grateful that she raised me, not
everything was sunshine and rainbows…

Being a young boy without a father figure is hard, you have no male influence to
guide you in the right direction and teach you how to be a man… And as if that

wasn’t enough, Agnes had a lot of trauma of her own… As a child of war, she got
raped. During her marriage, she got cheated on and physically abused before
she left him… As you can imagine, this caused a lot of pain, shame, and trauma
– that got passed on to me. Agnes loved me with all her heart and didn’t want me
to get hurt, so she was incredibly overprotective. She raised me by 5

● Never take any risk

● Never stand out
● Never offend anyone
● Never be loud
● Make sure everyone likes you

Basically the opposite of being a boy… I became shy, socially awkward, and
insecure. When I was 15 my life got turned upside down again… I felt like my
whole world crumbled… The emotional pain I felt was so strong that even my
body reacted to it… I developed an autoimmune disease where my skin got
covered in rashes.

So what happened?

I found out the real reason my grandmother raised me…It was because my
parents almost gave me up for adoption – but Agnes stepped in. When I found
out, I snapped… This realization made me act out and I went from a shy ‘’nice
guy’’ to a macho, sociopathic jerk overnight. I suddenly possessed ALL the traits
girls are drawn to… I was mysterious, and arrogant, and gave them an emotional
rollercoaster… But it was all a facade, deep down I was still the same insecure
little boy. I kept up with this act for as long as I could because I didn’t want to
change. It was too painful.

My wake-up call came with Sarah, the first love of my life… But maybe not in the
way you’d imagine… I was with Sarah for about 5 years before she finally had
enough of all the cheating and left. When she broke up with me I realised it was
time to change. It made me take a look at the parts of myself that I didn’t want to
acknowledge. I lacked self-worth, always felt like I wasn’t good enough, and was
intimidated by big groups, especially MEN. In an attempt to prove everyone

wrong, I pursued a career in finance, got into 100k of debt, and went to a top 1%
business school in London.


Because I thought that if I had a finance degree and a fancy job that would
somehow heal the wounds inside me, that it would make me feel like I was finally
enough. But it didn’t heal me, it made me worse… The environment was too toxic
and I hated every second of it, so I quit. My skin condition came back, and this
time it got so bad that it covered almost my entire body. At this point, my health
hit rock bottom.

You’d think I learned my lessons by now, right?

Nope, I dove headfirst into a cutthroat financial job that I got offered. The pay was
great so I didn’t want to pass it up. I’ll handle it, I thought to myself… As it turns
out I did NOT handle it, quite the opposite… I wasn’t ready for it, my past
insecurities being around high-achieving men came back again. All my wounds
ripped right open. I was fired 3 months later, and rightfully so. The only problem
was, I just signed a lease on a fancy penthouse in London, and I failed the
security check…

So there I was, backed up into a corner, basically homeless within a few days,
with nowhere to turn… When I finally hit a stroke of good luck. Me and my
ex-girlfriend found a private landlord who stuck his neck out for us and got us an
apartment. The place was a dump but at least we had a roof over our heads.
After I bounced back I got a job at a tech startup and it was an amazing
experience. I went from Junior sales rep to Managing Director in 2 years.
FINALLY, things were looking up, but as they say, everything that goes up must
eventually come down.

While my career was taking off, my love life was still in shambles… Don’t get me
wrong, attraction was not a problem at all, but treating women with respect and
authenticity was… All my relationships were still the same old rollercoaster of
emotions where I constantly shifted between being the ‘’nice guy’’ and the ‘’jerk’’.
I couldn’t find a way to create a DEEP emotional connection with women,

something I secretly longed for… But I buried that longing with drugs and alcohol,
which sadly were a part of the finance/tech space in London.

I spiraled out of control until finally one day I had enough. I looked in the mirror
one morning after a night out, and I hated the man I saw staring back at me. I
realized that I had been trying to mask my pain and emotional trauma with drugs,
alcohol, and even self-help (surprise, surprise) Self-help can be great if used
correctly. But I concluded that affirmations and stuff like that are mostly BS,
because they only focus on the conscious mind. To truly heal you have to focus
on your subconscious as well, that’s where 95% of the work has to be done.

Up until this point in my life, I never took responsibility for my actions, I didn’t
have the balls to break up with my girlfriends so I pushed them to their breaking
point… But not this time, I grabbed the bull by the horns and broke up with my
girlfriend. Went complete monk mode for 15 months. 72-hour water fasting, zero
sugar, no drugs/alcohol. I dedicated ALL of my free time to healing. And I came
out as an entirely new man.


Today I live in Montenegro, I run a 6-figure coaching business, and I have met
the most loyal and feminine woman in my life. Most importantly I’m an integrated

man. I am fulfilled. I live life on my terms, I am DEEPLY connected to my
authentic masculine self and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

My story is the result of what happens when you don't integrate your dark
masculinity. You either become a passive-aggressive ‘’nice guy’’ that everyone
walks all over… Or a manipulative ‘’jerk’’ that tries to ‘’get back’’ at women as a
way to mask your insecurities… It’s 20 years of pain that could’ve been avoided if
I just had the right knowledge and someone showed me the way to heal. And I
want you to heal as well.

My vision is to break the global masculinity trauma. It is more than about you and
me. It is about fighting what’s wrong with society.

● Fight child trafficking.

● Fight pedophilia.
● Fight the elite.

And now my friend, I want to share all my wisdom with you. I want you to become
as fulfilled and happy as I am. Let’s do this journey together. This is why the
Hercules Path came to alive. And now you have the possibility to read it all for
you below.



Wassup my Legend, welcome to Module One.

In this module, we're diving into the world of trauma. You know, those moments
and experiences that can sometimes feel like a weight on your shoulders?
Something like a big bag of shit that you carry? We're going to learn how to not
just deal with that, but actually embrace, overcome, and heal from them. But
before we take that jump, let's clear up a big misconception about the word

Believe it or not, trauma is simply a way of describing a rough patch from your
past. It's like a memory that left its mark and might still be affecting you from
maximizing your present and future life. It might sound a bit heavy, but I'm using
this term to make things straightforward for you. Sometimes, we need to simplify
complex things so it just makes enough sense that you can grasp what we are
talking about.

Now, hold on because this module is a game-changer. It's like a book within a
book, packed with knowledge that'll reshape your perspective about life and most
importantly yourself. Let's face it, healing is like the missing puzzle piece that a
lot of us men like to ignore, only to realize later how crucial it truly is. And how do
I know this is true? I know it because most of my clients come to me crying for
help accepting that something is off, and they couldn’t just “forget” the trauma
they faced - that’s how. Anyways, I want to let you know this isn't a journey you
can half-ass, my friend – it's a life-changing one. So, get ready because the
transformation that awaits you in this module is no joke.

But before you dive right in, let's set the stage with some key principles. These
are like your secret weapons for navigating the Hercules Path that I need you to
slowly read, digest, and embrace.

1. I won't beat myself up over past actions.

2. I'm not pointing fingers at those who caused my trauma. My emotions
are my task and my responsibility to manage.

3. Others' emotions aren’t my responsibility. I focus on what I CAN

change, and that’s me and ME only!

4. Regret won't hold me back anymore. I'm moving forward from the
past and vision the future that's still left.

5. I'll own my past without using it as an excuse or blame-source for my


6. Trauma's just a word, not a curse. It is used for simplicity.

7. Most men are stuck in frustration because they’re afraid to FEEL. So,
I’m not going to suppress my emotions ever again. I’m a full-grown
man and I’m not afraid to feel those firing emotions.

These seven principles? They're your guiding lights through the pages ahead.
Take a moment to let them sink in, read them again a few times, and then begin
your journey. It's time to launch on the Hercules Path toward becoming the man
you've always envisioned, starting right here with this submodule:


Let's start off by talking about something really interesting – how our childhood
shapes the way we see the world, especially when it comes to how we deal with
women and ourselves. This is a really important lesson because it’ll shed light on
history, and how it affects generational trauma in men.

Picture this: when we're born, our parents are like superheroes. Everything they
do seems totally normal, and anything different seems off. We sort of close our
eyes to the stuff we don't want to see.

Now, here's a wild thought: Ever thought about how big events like World War I
and II might've changed how men think about being men? So many people
suffered and lots of feelings got suppressed. The guys who made it through had
to suck up their emotions, and that unspoken pain got passed on like a virus. My
grandma (whom I grew up with) never really talked about the war. And that’s
crazy because I lived with her for 15 years. And not a single memory I have that
she ever would’ve shared some stories of the war. Crazy right? Feelings were
kind of left unsaid.

The ripple effect of this on the macro level?

Parents who didn't show much emotion raised kids who thought getting
emotional was a bad idea. Dads who struggled with their own stuff sometimes
used bad habits to cope. Moms who tried their best to keep everything under
control, maybe a bit too tightly. And what did we get? A bunch of guys who
missed out on a real emotional connection growing up.

Fast forward to the hippy 1960s – love and peace everywhere! Sounds
awesome, right? But guess what? People weren't holding themselves
accountable because everything turned into “peace and love.” So, some kids
grew up missing out on really understanding their feelings. Dads could be
missing in action or not acting like traditional dads, and moms sometimes tried to
control everything. Not the best recipe for learning how to handle emotions.

Now, let's zoom into today. Many guys struggle to believe that someone could
truly love them for who they are. It's like they swing between being super “nice”
or completely shutting down, kind of like a pattern they learned when they were
younger. So they become “nice guys” that share everything with everyone and
then get walked over. Or, they become jerks that never share anything with loved
ones and struggle to connect on a deeper level. Seems familiar, right?

Do you ever hear these thoughts in your head?

"If I talk to her, I'll just annoy her."

"Setting boundaries will scare her off as my parents left me."

These ideas make men act in ways that either try too hard to please (nice guys)
or totally push people away (macho jerks) – not exactly a great plan.

But don't sweat it, future Hercules. We're here to give you tools to figure this out.
And so you start off strong I want you to do the challenge from below.


Start a timer now for 15 minutes. Think and FEEL your past. The reason
you remember those memories is because they are imprinted into your
subconscious through emotions. So the only way to access and resolve
this is to FEEL it again and become comfortable with it.

Now think about your upbringing and notice the patterns you grew up
with. Think about what was the dynamic in your parent's relationship. Or
hell, if you didn’t even know your parents or lost them at a young age
reflect on the figures you looked up to in your childhood. How was the
environment and what were the values you picked up at a young age?

This challenge will be hard. But trust me my friend you need to go

through these moments to prevent you from the hardships that will come
if you don't resolve these emotions now in not-so-good ways. Your inner
self will probably resist this challenge, but buckle up, start the timer, and
reflect on those moments.

How was the challenge, my friend? Struggled with the 15 minutes, right? Thought
so. And that’s a completely normal sign. EVERYONE struggles with this
challenge. But if you made it through you are a Legend. And if you didn’t don’t
sweat it. Take a walk and try to finish the challenge next time.

Now, let’s transition to the next submodules ahead. W'll show you how to spot
your emotions and how to handle them like a grown, grounded man should. And
without bouncing between the “macho jerk” and the “nice guy” persona.

Get ready to dig deep, uncover some shit you carry, and get in touch with that
man inside you who is strong and confident but still needs some love and
passion. It's like getting to know a new and improved version of yourself. So, roll
up your sleeves – we're diving right in!

Module 1.2 - YOUR SHADOW

Ever wondered why you keep falling into the same old patterns or somehow
manage to attract the wrong partner always? Well, my friend, that's where your
shadow comes into play. Your shadow is like a secret vault – it holds those
thoughts and feelings you'd rather keep hidden from others, and even from
yourself. It's the emotional closet where you put all your shit in. Stuff like anger,
jealousy, and fear. You know, the not-so-great emotions that you'd rather not deal
with. So, you just push them away, right?

The wise Carl Jung once said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will
direct your life, and you will call it fate." This whole shadow thing? It can pop up
in some pretty unexpected ways. Like when you get seriously triggered because
of some dumb shit. Your friend's getting all the attention in your friend's group
when you’re going out – that's your shadow of jealousy sneaking out. Or when
you want to be perfect at everything, yet deep down, there's this feeling of you’re
not good enough – that's your shadow of self-doubt doing its thing.

The thing is, your shadow comes from the experiences you've been through and
the messages you've soaked up along the way. You know how society
sometimes tells men to be tough, never cry, or always have everything under
control? Well, here's the deal – it's alright to feel vulnerable (when it's safe) or to
have doubts. Embracing your shadow is all about saying "Hey, I see you," to
those hidden emotions.

Facing your shadow takes bravery, no doubt about it my man. But here's the
kicker – it's like unlocking a superpower for becoming a genuine and grounded
man. Embracing your shadow doesn't mean giving in to those negative emotions;
it means acknowledging them, understanding where they come from, and giving
them a bit of a nod.

By doing this, you'll not only become more compassionate with yourself but also
with others. It's like lighting up a path to understanding people better, just like that
Carl Jung guy meant when he said, "Knowing your own darkness is the best
method for dealing with the darkness of other people."

Oh, and here's a little reminder from Alfred Adler, another wise dude: "The only
normal people are the ones you don't know very well." So, don't stress about
being a picture-perfect hero. Embrace your shadow, and watch how it turns you
into a more transformed and awesome version of yourself.

So, you're probably wondering, "Okay, how do I actually do this Gene?" Well,
here's a couple of cool challenges to help you get started:


Part one - Shadow Visualization (10-20 minutes)

Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and imagine meeting your shadow self
as if it's a separate person. Have a chat, ask questions, and spill your
fears or worries, triggers. Talk to him about the emotions that often come
up in your head and you never face them and just push them to the side
(this might be fear of being cheated on, anger of not getting the attention
of others, fear of not being good enough, etc.)

Take note of how your shadow responds. This visualization can uncover
some juicy insights into your secret desires, fears, and motivations.

Now once you complete the challenge from above read the second part
of the challenge.

Part two - Write a Letter to Your Shadow Self (10-20 minutes)

Pour your heart out in a letter, expressing all those thoughts and feelings
you've been keeping tucked away and talked about with your shadow self
in the part one of this challenge. Get real, get raw – like you're having a
conversation with that hidden part of you.

This exercise can help you bring even more suppressed emotions to the
surface and start the process of integrating them. By writing it out your
brain removes a layer of resistance, because your writing is slower than
your brain you’ll be able to compact your conversation with your shadow

Alright, my friend, time to roll up your sleeves and cover what we’ve learned
before. We went over what caused generational trauma by going over a quick
history lesson and giving you a profound challenge to think about your
upbringing. Now we peeled back one more layer, you read about your shadow
and how we men suppress the shit we carry.

Now, your shadow isn't something to be afraid of – it's like a puzzle piece that
completes the picture of who you are. Give these exercises a shot if you skipped
them (yeah you, I know who you are) and you'll be well on your way to embracing
your shadow and taking those powerful steps towards healing.


What are emotions first - you might ask….

They're like these powerful forces within you that can't be erased – only
transformed. Energy in motion to simplify. Back in the day, emotions were like
survival tools. Your brain was always on the lookout for danger. But here's the
thing: nowadays, most of our fears, like 99% of them, are made up in our minds.
It's like the time I was about to go skydiving – I had a million different ways I
could die flashing through my mind the night before. But guess what? After I took
that dive, I realized that fear was just something I created myself. It was my ego
freaking out. And let me tell you, my ego did a little death dance that day. Why?
Because I understood I'd crafted that fear. So when you worry about rejection, it's
like a joke, really. We're not in the caveman days anymore – you won't drop dead
if the whole world doesn't give you a thumbs-up. So, dude, go ahead and
approach anyone you damn well want. Give yourself the green light!

Now, back to emotions. Lots of guys who come to me are carrying around bags
of emotions they've been stuffing away. And let me tell you, some of the heaviest
ones are shame, guilt, anger, and fear. Instead of letting that negative energy out,
they keep it inside and start pointing the finger at themselves. They're mad at the
man they've become, resenting the traumas they've been through. Sound

This often turns into more judgment, more self-loathing, and a never-ending cycle
of frustration. How many times have you caught yourself saying stuff like, "Why
was I so dumb?" or "Why did I let this happen?"

But here's a switch: instead of asking "Why," let's start with "What" and "How"
questions. Next time you mess something up, ask yourself, "What can I learn
from this?" or "How can I stop this from happening again?" These questions open
doors to insights, not self-criticism.

Picture this as a decision tree (graphic below) – it's like shifting gears from
judgment mode to a more analytical mindset.

And you know what's even more badass? Being kinder to yourself. Imagine this:
"Okay, that happened, it is what it is. Let's move on." Now here's the kicker –
zoom out a bit and think, "Alright, the universe is handing me a lesson." This way,
you're putting less "blame" on yourself and seeing it as part of a bigger plan. It's
like letting go becomes way easier.

Now I’m gonna blow your mind. We often get triggered by small things.

Some people freak out when andrew Tate releases a new video.
Others get triggered by radical feminists.
And some can't handle Donald Trump's honesty.

But here's the thing – triggers aren't bad. They're like signals, messages from
your emotions. What you do with these triggers is what counts. So, let's break it
down in the form of a system I use.

It’s called T.E.A.R.S. and it’s about helping you move on to how you deal with
tough emotions in the heat of the moment.

T - Teach and Learn: Feel the emotion, even if it stings.

E - Express It: Be real with yourself. Find a safe spot to let it out, like with a
buddy who's got your back.

A - Accept and Befriend: Don't fight your feelings – make friends with them.

R - Reframe: Switch up your perspective. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from

S - Social Support: Seek out a brotherhood or men's group to share your


Got a journal? Awesome, use it to write down your emotions. This was the
identification of a trigger. And here comes the healing part:

Example: I know it can seem hard at first but let’s break it down with a
common example - You got angry because your woman didn’t text you back after
she went home from work.


T - Teach and Learn - You’re angry. Instead of going to watch porn and rub a
quick one out to “calm” yourself sit in a place and listen to your thoughts.
E - Express yourself. Write out your thoughts or call up a friend you trust and tell
him what happened.
A - Accept the emotions that come up. Don’t fight them and don’t blame yourself.
R - Reframe - What can I learn from this scenario?
S - Find support and ask a man’s group and friends you ABSOLUTELY trust
about the scenario.

Now here’s another powerful way to manage your emotions on the go:


Calm your system down, do NOT react emotionally, then get your mind in gear.

Interpretation: How do you interpret an event and what meaning do you give to

Identification: How do you react to those thoughts? Do you go into overdrive?

Repetition: How often do you get caught in the same mental loop?

Example: Let’s look at the examples below from my course the

H.E.R.C.U.L.E.S. Blueprint

On the left, you can see the situation, aka Facts. On the right, you see your

Let me put it this way. Your perception of reality is skewed depending on the
glasses (biases and stories) you see it with. You don’t see with your eyes. You
see with your brain.

Let’s stick with the example of her not texting you immediately.

Interpretation: Does this mean she doesn’t love and respect you? No, she might
just be busy.

Identification: How do you react to those thoughts? Do you go into overdrive?

How much do you identify with your negative thoughts? The guys before my
coaching get stuck in a catastrophizing mindset.

Repetition: How often do you get caught in the same mental loop?


To reframe those thoughts first we need to identify the emotions. Because

thoughts without emotions/feelings are just thoughts and will not change
your subconscious. Grab your journal and answer these in the next 15

Write down an emotion or two that you're carrying right now. Is it an

emotion of hate/anger? Where do you feel that sensation in your body?
Which emotion would make the biggest positive impact if you could toss it
out from your life? Which emotions hold you back most from changing
your life? What beliefs would you need to switch up to make this happen?

And here's your daily power move: Every morning, write down five things you're
proud of in your life. It's like a mini-celebration to kick-start your day. And then
Smile. Smile, smile smile the fuck out of these achievements.

You've got this, legend. Ride your emotions like a boss, and watch how it
transforms your journey toward healing.

We talked about the childhood experience that shaped your life. We talked about
your shadow and the bag of trauma you carry. We talked about how to catch your
emotions on the fly. But now let’s rewind a bit…

When you popped into this world the question "Yo, what kind of man do I want to
be?" wasn't exactly at the top of your baby thoughts I reckon. You were more into
basic survival – like food, attention, and not pooping everywhere. But then,
somewhere around 4 years old, you're like, "How can I best find my place in this

Hold up, that's when things get kinda twisted. See, we carry these survival
strategies from childhood that helped us get by, but now, as grown-ups, they're
holding us back big time.

Remember that time you were a fearless little savage? You saw chubby Uncle
Kevin and straight up said, "Why are you so chunky, uncle Kevin?" No filters, no
problem. But then Mummy or Daddy rushes to the scene and shut down little
Patrick with: “Patrick, only bad boys say this. Don’t be so toxic”

Bam, just like that, Patrick feels like crap. He's learning to "fit in," to blend, to be
all nice and neat. Why? Well, Patrick's built a mental equation:

Truth = Bad Boy

Bad Boy = Trouble
Trouble = Survival at Risk

And come on, Patrick ain't about to risk it all. No way. So, he starts pleasing,
appeasing, holding back – all survival mode stuff.

Parents, society – they've got this skill for telling kids to be "nice and quiet." It's
like, "Hey, you're only worthy of love if you're Mr. Nice Guy." The thing is, this
grows into a man's core, his genuine self. And guess what? This blends into
relationships too when he grows up. Patrick's thinking, "I can't have it all, I
messed up in the past" or "My feelings don't matter, so whatever." Or he goes
full-on and believes, "Emotions make me weak."

But emotions ain't weak. Feelings are expressed one way or another. You either
express them externally through words or journaling. Or, as most men, you ACT
them out In a passive-aggressive way.

Look, I'm not saying become a jerk, but being the opposite of a jerk doesn't mean
you're a doormat. And this is why men are stuck in this inner war. They wanna
masculine and have status to their name, but the system whispers, "Hey if you
get too manly, you're toxic." So, they try to stand out, do something wild, or just fit
in. Being "different"? The system hates it. And because most guys are in this
passive mode, not fitting in feels like a death sentence.

So, they cook up some twisted beliefs: "If I give everything up, she'll love me" or
"I gotta do everything she wants, then I'll be a winner." But guess what? The
harder you try, the more you struggle. And that, my friend, makes you feel like
you’re inferior.

Here are the two ways men deal with inferiority.

Coping & Fixing: Trying to solve other things that aren’t the real problems.
These men make millions and then suffer with everything else next to their

Ego Guarding: Running off to porn, hiding, sabotaging themselves – all just to
save their ego from crushing.

But guess what? Neither of these is a long-term fix. That's why even
super-successful men sometimes are unsuccessful at relationships. They're still
carrying around that "I'm not good enough" belief.

Now, listen up: Who you are today is determined by events in the past BUT it is
not the only factor as I mentioned above. You are a result of your current goals. If
the past would be the sole determinator no trauma patient would ever recover.
But the greatest stories are told by men who have overcome their trauma and
used it as their fuel. Look at David Goggins, Mel Gibson, and many other men.

For example, Goggins was 300+ pounds and grew up in an abusive family.
Constant beatings, feelings of unworthiness, and everything. But he didn’t use
those traumas and emotions to let loose and become a victim, he gave them the
interpretation of being able to use those to fuel his workout. And so become a
navy seal, become an elite athlete, ran 100-mile races left right, and center, and
did every crazy shit you can imagine.


Count those "Yes" Moments (for 10-20 minutes). How many times have
you said "Yes" when you really wanted to say "Hell no!"

And count how many times you felt guilt for doing something you actually

Do you see now how lying to yourself altered the man you became and
the feelings you hold from saying a simple yes or no? How all this ties
back to not being authentic to yourself that came from social
programming. Look around and be conscious about the answers you give
out to others. Be conscious of your triggers, and your emotions. Slow
down and feel life, the heaviness of words, and the decisions you make.

NOTE: Remember the 7 principles from the start of this module. You said
you won't ever blame anything or anyone you don’t have control over.
So… Do not do it now!

Ready to break those chains, my man from here on forward? Forget lying to
yourself just to “fit” in. This is your life so do NOT give a fuck about what others
push on you. You can heal those patterns and by the end of the next module
rewrite them all.

What’s up future Hercules? Buckle up because we're diving into Module 1.5, and
it's all about rewiring your brain for massive transformation. Now, before you start
rolling your eyes, hear me out. I promise you, this isn't some woo-woo stuff or
mind games. We're diving deep into the science-backed power of rewiring your
brain and healing your negative patterns. So read this chapter with an open

So, you might be wondering, why would I even care about rewiring my brain?
Well, my friend, your brain is like the center of your reality. It shapes how you
perceive the world, how you react to situations, and ultimately, how you show up
in life. And the good thing is that YOU have the power to rewrite it.

Let's start with a mind-blowing fact: Have you ever noticed how just a thought
can trigger a physical response? Think about that time you remembered a painful
breakup or a death of a loved one. Your heart races and your palms get sweaty –
all from a thought. Because your brain cannot tell the difference between fiction
and reality.

This is why never reached your maximum. You sit on massive potential yet you
are limiting yourself with your thoughts which in turn, limit your habits. Because of
that, you never reach your full potential.

Now, here's where the magic comes in - The placebo effect.

We're talking about how your thoughts can literally change your body's
physiology. And this isn't some woo-woo shit my friend. Scientists from places
like Harvard have been exploring this phenomenon.

But how does it work, you ask? Let's break it down. Your brain's got this
incredible ability called neuroplasticity. It's like your brain's way of being
adaptable, of changing and evolving. And get this – when you create a mental
image of doing something, like acing that job interview or conquering your fear of
heights, your brain lights up in ways that are almost identical to actually
experiencing those things.

That's where affirmations come in. Turns out, they're not just fluff. They're like
mental workouts that shape your brain. When you repeat positive affirmations
about yourself, your brain starts to take them as facts. It's like giving yourself
permission to be awesome.

Let's put it in action. Imagine you're battling those negative thoughts that say, "I'm
no good with women," or "I'm not smart enough." Swap those out with
empowering affirmations like, “I am a great guy. I’ve got plenty to offer and she’ll
be gutted if she misses out on me.” See the shift? Your brain starts rewiring itself
to match your new beliefs. It’s because you give disproportionate meaning to
thoughts. A Kevin will catastrophize the shit out of any thought.

“She hasn’t texted me back, she’s cheating”

“I can’t start my business because I will fail”

Hercules will say:

“This business is gonna change the world”

The thing is affirmations need an emotional charge, unless they work as just fluff
you say out loud. Ever noticed how thinking about your ex can send shivers
down your spine? That's because emotions give thoughts power. The more you
feel it, the more your brain rewires itself to align with that thought.

Now, let's get practical. You're bombarded with thousands of thoughts every day,
and a bunch of them are negative. It's like a survival instinct gone haywire. So in
this challenge, we gonna reprogram that.


Write down 2-5 things you're proud of or grateful for. Your wins, big or
small. Read them out loud five times, taking a deep, intentional breath
after each round. Inhale for 5 counts, exhale for 5 counts. Close your
eyes, and sink into the feelings of pride and gratitude. Take another deep
breath in, and read your list out loud one more time. Close your eyes
again, and flash a genuine smile for at least 30 seconds.

Think of this routine as a mental gym session. You're flexing those

positive emotion muscles, building resilience, and rewiring your brain for

Now, here's the deal, my friend. This isn't about shouting off nice words like a
robot. It's about infusing those words with emotion, belief, and power. This isn't

some woo-woo shit; it's about using your brain's incredible ability to shape your

So, commit to this routine. Make it a part of your daily ritual. Embrace the power
of affirmations with emotion, and watch as your brain transforms, unlocking doors
to a new level of success, confidence, and fulfillment.


One of the biggest challenges I see in men nowadays is the inability to stand up
for themselves. They are ashamed of being a man. They lack confidence, are
afraid of rejection, or worse, have little to no self-esteem. They are stuck in their
head 24/7.

“What will she think of me?”

“What if she leaves me?”
“Will I look like a fool?”

My man, I’ve been there myself. When I was a Nice-Guy I was concerned with
how I was perceived, how people would judge me so I was paralyzed in simple
situations. I was terrified of taking action. I only unleashed my true self when I
was drunk. When I was sober, I couldn’t talk to girls. When I was drunk, I was
pulling 7/8s easily and not because I was handsome but because I didn’t give a
fuck. I was known to be the crazy guy. My worst dates were when I was sober
because I was afraid to escalate. I couldn’t even approach women in the open.

Now, that has changed. I can get numbers from women in coffee shops or pull
women when I’m sober. I don’t need alcohol to be MYSELF. Now you wanna
know how I did it, right? Well, don’t worry bro, I will teach you now.

What I will tell you isn’t some cheap strategy this requires work on the
subconscious. Because your inability to talk to women/strangers or set
boundaries in a relationship is a sign of unhealed trauma (hence why this
submodule is in module one of healing and embracing your trauma). This could
stem from your childhood through an emotionally unavailable parent, an absent
father, a controlling mother, or anything that we touched on prior to this chapter.

The truth is we men take things personally and it fucks with our ego. Our ego is
the biggest enemy because it is a self-protection mechanism. Unless you
address these wounds and heal them, you’ll always be afraid to approach her,
you’ll be afraid to set boundaries and you’ll forever remain in the cycle of toxic
relationships, be it avoidant, anxious, or disorganized attachment styles.

Ever asked yourself why you are the funniest cunt around your friends but can’t
talk to women, like you are about to shit your pants? Unless when she’s fat, aka
you aren’t attracted to her. It’s because you believe a rejection will shatter you.
It’s a feeling you are running away from her because there’s no physical threat.
Here’s a two-step approach:

1. You need to become comfortable with doing uncomfortable things to get

over low self-esteem. I’ve invented a fear scale. The first approach is to
map out your fear and rank it from 1-10 (10 being shitting your pants)

Ask yourself:

What’s my biggest fear? Rate that with a 10/10. Then do the same for Fears like
9,8,7 and work your way down to 1. Now how often do you do tasks that are in
the 8-10 zone? Most often once/twice a year. But then why do you wonder if you
are still afraid?

You haven’t trained the mind muscle. But you cannot just jump from 5 to 10. You
need to baby-step your way into it. If you can talk to strangers and it’s a 5 but not
to pretty girls start with this:

Map out activities that are 6/7/8/9.

2nd step is: Slowly work your way up. Saying Hi to a pretty girl without stopping
is a 6. Do this a couple of times. Talking to a girl and asking her for directions is a
7, do this. Do you see? You break it down into mini-goals and work your way up.
It’s like the gym. You don’t sign up for the gym and expect to benchpress 250bls
on your first day. Over time, what used to be an 8 on the fear scale will become a


Break down your own scale and make a plan to overcome that low
self-esteem that got stuck fin your head. Follow the steps I outlined and
come up with your own plan. What do you need to face to move forward?

Grab your journal and do it now!


Hercules, we've already completed one-third of the book. You've just learned
about the generational trauma resulting from past war, and we gave a powerful
exercise for you to reflect on your upbringing and recognize patterns that might
have held you back as you grew up.

We then discussed the concept of your "shadow" and explored why we tend to
repeat the same negative behaviors even when they lead to bad outcomes.
Afterward, we shifted our focus to delve into challenging emotions. We offered a
couple of reasons to help you understand and uncover the triggers behind these
emotions, along with techniques to manage them on the go.

In Submodule 1.4, we recognized instances where you may have deceived

yourself to fit in, followed by empowering challenges to contemplate the life you
truly desire. Submodule 1.5 introduced you to the brain's ability to rewire itself,
along with techniques to interpret your emotions, among other interesting

Finally, in the last submodule, we explored the reasons behind feelings of

worthlessness and provided strategies to boat self-esteem by pushing the
boundaries of your comfort zone.

Wasn't it an enjoyable journey? You've gained valuable knowledge and, most

importantly, put it into practice via the challenges. Now that I'm here and you're
reading this, allow me to highlight the importance of implementation my man.
This book goes beyond mere mental masturbation – it's a resource you should
reagulary read to pick experience amazing results.

However, if you feel like you want to have immediate results and don’t really love
reading and thinking about what to do… the HERCULES Blueprint is for you. I
made the blueprint for the ones who not only are dedicated to upleveling as a
man, but want to build amazing relationships with women. The course is filled
with hors of material and is a life changer if you looking for the next steps. You
can purchusa it by clicking HERE.


What’s up Hercules, welcome to module 2.

In this module, we’ll cover everything you need to know about finding that REAL
YOU. The authentic masculine version of yourself that you were ashamed of
showing all up to this time. And in this module, we are gonna change that, no
matter how deep life, mainstream BS media, feminists, and your family
convinced you about toxic masculinity. No matter how big of a nice guy you are,
no matter how many times you had bad experiences with women and yourself.
This is the module to completely change that.

We’ll focus in this module on mainly two parts. Submodule one is all about
tangible practices and principles you need to follow in your life to get closer to
your core masculine energy. In this submodule you’ll learn how can a man live
life to its fullest, meaning live up to the moments and be fulfilled, feel strong in
body and mind. This is the 80% and the foundation of masculinity. Simple
methods, a simple lifestyle.

Submodule two is however all about the theoretical things you have to get in
place to get your hands on the rest of the 100% that will get you from a strong
man in body and mind to a purposeful, genuine, masculine character that knows
his worth and is directed into the right direction. Your purpose will reveal itself
and you’ll get your hands on the plan to achieve all your goals throughout life.

So with that being said I’ll let you jump right into submodule one:


Hercules, in this submodule we are going to unpack the basics of masculinity.

These will be the “meat and potatoes” of your success. But with great reward
comes great responsibility. You have to know what I’m about to unpack in this
submodule is gonna be all tangible practices and lifestyle changes you need to
put into work to see results. Meaning you can NOT half-ass these (if you
truthfully want to become that masculine man that everyone respects and women
are drawn into).

For instance, I want to start at the beginning. And that is answering the question
“What makes a man Fulfilled?”

You might think it’s all about women, family, children, or something else. When in
reality it goes even deeper than that. It goes back to energies. It goes back to
masculine and feminine energies.

Every person has both of these energies. So you being a man possess both
masculine and feminine energies, just in different proportions. Some men have
high feminine energies because they’ve grown into these “backbone-less”
societies where everyone tells them that passion and peace are the Nr.1 trait a
man should have. So once you increase your feminine energy by social
programming you decrease your masculine energy. And when you decrease your
masculine energy you get further away from the natural baseline you have, which
is masculine. Thus making you not align with your core energy and feel like
something is off in your life.

The thing is men should pursue growing their masculine energy and not focus on
external goals, such as sleeping with women, becoming rich, etc. That’s when
you will feel purposeful when you can step into the energy you are naturally wired
to be in. This will give you fulfillment.

Studies show that happiness levels in men are correlated to their testosterone
level, which is the primary male hormone (more on this later). Which means the

higher your testosterone level, the more you are in your masculine energy, and
the happiest you are. Hmmm, interesting right?

Now, this submodule is dedicated to unleashing that masculine energy from the
inside. Making you close to that baseline with daily practices and some lifestyle
changes. We’ll focus on transforming you into a modern caveman-style Hercules.
Full of energy, power, and dedication.

With that being said let’s jump into the foundation of masculine energy,
Testosterone. And more importantly, how to boost it naturally.


Another module, another important and foundational lesson. This one is about
Testosterone. Yep, I know you probably heard about it and know already the
importance of it in the male body - as the most important hormone - but wanted
to make sure to double down on it. That’s how important it is.

Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for your mental health,

muscle-building capabilities, sex energy, and many many more things. It is your
foundation to being the masculine man other men want to be and women want to
be with it. So I thought it would be super important to mention it in my book just
on the foundational level.

So below I’ll share with you the most important steps to boosting your
testosterone levels naturally.

Optimizing Your Sleep

Aim for 7-8 hours of deep sleep every night without interruptions. I know you're
busy, but good sleep is important. It can boost your energy and performance by
doubling your testosterone levels. Now, let's see how you can sleep better:

Reduce Screen Time Before Bed:

Avoid screens like phones and TVs for an hour before sleeping. This helps your
sleep by cutting out the bright light that can keep you awake. Try not to use social
media, answer work emails, or watch the news during this time. It's okay to watch
a movie sometimes but limit screen use before bed.

Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule:

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This helps your body
get used to a routine. For example, aim to sleep by 11 PM and wake up at 7 AM.
Fit this sleep routine into your day and stick to it.

Watch out for Alcohol and Coffee:

Don't drink alcohol before bed. If you're using alcohol to cope with emotions, it's
better to deal with those first. Coffee has caffeine that can keep you awake. Try
to drink coffee at least 10 hours before sleeping, so it doesn't affect your rest.

These are the easiest and best ways to improve your sleep schedule my man.
And optimizing that sleep is the nr.1 booster of your testosterone levels. Let’s see
what the second one is on the list…

Optimize Your Diet

Here's a little secret that most guys don't know about. It's a puzzle piece that can
make a big difference in your life, how you think, and your T levels. Do you know
the saying "Listen to your gut"? Well, it turns out there's a strong connection
between your gut and your brainpower.

Imagine this: Almost all the nerves in your body are in your gut. Think of these
nerves like messengers sending important info to your brain. Now, think about
what happens when you fill your gut with bad stuff like toxins all the time. It's not
good news.

The kind of food you choose affects not just your belly but also your brain. Your
gut health can make you think sharper or feel all foggy. You've probably had
those moments when you can't think clearly like your brain is on pause – that's
brain fog.

Imagine missing a chance to shine, crack a joke, or make a quick decision. It's
like trying to do something important when you're not feeling your best. Just like
you wouldn't want to take a test with a hangover, why settle for a foggy mind
every day?

When your mind isn't clear, it's like you're sailing without a map, just going
wherever. And this directly correlates with your masculine energy too. Which we
all know is the essence we try to grab more of. Because when you aren’t sharp
that means in the caveman days that you are distracted and not ready for war.
Which lowers your Testosterone. Does it make sense?

But guess what? You can change that. You can make your mind sharp and
focused by fixing what you eat. And here's the deal without getting all fancy with
the words:

Bad stuff in your gut can lead to serious problems like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
Your ability to think straight goes wonky, and you end up with brain fog making
you more stressed and lowering your T levels. And that's what we want to avoid,

Nowadays, a lot of the food we eat is quick and easy, but it's not always good for
us. Many diets are packed with carbs and sugar, and they're missing the good
stuff like protein and healthy fats. It's like eating candy instead of real food.

Even though some cunts say being vegan is super healthy, it might not be all it's
cracked up to be. People who go vegan often need lots of extra supplements and
drugs just to be alive. So I think that debunks the idea of all the “veganism is
healthy” argument.

Enough talk, let's get to the good stuff. I'll show you some simple ideas that'll help
your brain work better on the side of boosting your Testosterone levels. You'll be
thinking clearer and getting closer to your big goals. It's time to take charge of
your brain, body, and T levels.

Consume more animal-based products and high-quality fat:

Now, let's talk about the good stuff you should be putting on your plate. Think of
your meals as brain fuel. It's like giving your mind power and body a boost. Here
are a few simple tips:

Eat more meat and all-around fatty things like eggs, salmon, cheese, etc.
Avocados, nuts, and olive oil are your friends. These fats are like brain
superheroes. Beef should be your primary source of protein and meat. It's a
superfood I reckon. (I’ll touch on more foods you can enjoy later)

Intermittent Fasting

This is a huge one for optimizing that diet, boosting T levels, and improving
overall gut health. Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it's a pattern of eating. Which
means you put food in your mouth only in a certain window of time and “program”
your gut to be prepared for it and cleanse itself in the hours when you don't eat.

A redpill I have to share with you in this lesson that’s pretty hard to swallow is this
one: Breakfast is not real. Read it again. And here’s why. Breakfast wasn't a thing
even 100 years ago. It comes from a marketing campaign in America. The
objective of the campaign was to sell more bacon and eggs and orange juice
because those products were lacking from the sales of meat and other products
such as cheese and sausages. So they wanted to sell more of those and thus,
put out the magic campaign that fucked up the whole world in no time. It goes
like this: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Heard that saying,
right? It’s ALL BS.

This was the beginning of breakfast. Bet you didn’t know that. Breakfast wasn't a
thing caveman knew about. It’s a new marketing campaign that made money for
the government and skyrocketed the obesity percentages. Thats it.

Now back to your gut health, T levels, and intermitted fasting.The healthier your
gut, the healthier your brain. Intermittent Fasting gives your gut time to cleanse
itself while also regenerating cells. Intermittent fasting has helped me to reduce
inflammation and get shredded. I did Intermittent Fasting for 3 years and it’s been
life-changing. In simple terms, it’s a way of scheduling your meals so that you get
the most out of them. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat, it
changes when you eat.

I often hear people saying: “If I don’t eat, I’ll die.”

Bro, you can go without food for 30 days. I’m not saying you should but it is
possible. Your human body is more capable than you think. Listen, cavemen
went without food for days because they didn’t find prey. Yet you struggle to not
eat for 16 hours (in which 8 of those you sleep anyways)?

You and I both know that this isn’t true. You’ll be fine. The first step might seem
daunting but once you start this journey, you’ll never revert. In fact, fasting from
time to time is more natural than always eating 3–4 (or more) meals per day.

How does intermittent fasting work?

When you fast, several things happen in your body on the cellular and molecular
levels. For example, your body adjusts hormone levels to make stored body fat
more accessible. Your cells also initiate important repair processes and change
the expression of genes.

The greatest experience I ever had was when I did a prolonged fast of 68 hours. I
had an out-of-body experience where I saw myself sitting in the room on the
wooden floor. Anyways, here’s a routine that has worked for most of my coaching

16/8 Intermittent Fasting window:

While there are variations of Intermittent Fasting, the best way to start is with the
16:8 concept. This means you go without food for 16 hours and are allowed to
eat in that remaining 8-hour window.

Here’s how I started: I simply skipped breakfast. If your last meal is at 8 pm, you
can break your fast at 12 pm lunchtime. Ideally, you break it with fruits like
blueberries, blackberries, or watermelon. 1 hour after that you can have lunch.
Try avoiding mixing fats with sugars in the same meal.

These are a list of foods you can enjoy (amazing for both gut health and T
● All types of red meat (excludes Pork). Ideally beef but if this is against your
ethical beliefs, any red meat is fine
● Chicken
● Fish, ideally fatty fish like salmon
● Cucumber
● Lettuce
● Mushrooms (Shitaki)
● Sweet Potato
● Zucchini
● Turmeric lemonade
● Eggs
● Spinach

● Kale
● Asparagus
● Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Mango
● Any other fruit that grows locally
● Rice

Generally, your diet should contain some of the following elements for optimal gut
health and higher T levels:

Omega-3 fats: These fats are found in oily fish and also in high quantities in the
human brain. Studies in humans and animals show that omega-3s can increase
good bacteria in the gut and reduce the risk of brain disorders.

Fermented foods: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and goat cheese all contain healthy
microbes such as lactic acid bacteria. Fermented foods have been shown to alter
brain activity

High-fiber foods: Whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables all contain
prebiotic fibers that are good for your gut bacteria. Prebiotics can reduce stress
hormones in humans

Polyphenol-rich foods: Cocoa, green tea, olive oil, and coffee all contain
polyphenols, which are plant chemicals that are digested by your gut bacteria.
Polyphenols increase healthy gut bacteria and may improve cognition

Tryptophan-rich foods: Tryptophan is an amino acid that is converted into the

neurotransmitter serotonin. Foods that are high in tryptophan include turkey,
eggs, and cheese

What matters most is that you avoid any processed food, such as fast food, and
also sugar (other than fructose which you can get from fruits) This means, no
Soda, etc. Only water, coffee (without milk), or tea.

Once you get used to 16:8 you can extend it to 18:6 or 20:4 even. After a couple
of weeks of intermitted fasting, you’ll feel the changes. Such as more energy, less
food come, better gut health, and a higher sex drive too.

Although intermitted fasting is a super good thing to do I know some of you
reading this will struggle not to eat when your home is full of goodies. And I know
this is true because I struggled with it too. So I come up with a strategy I call “Out
of sight, out of mind.”

I am someone who, once I start snacking, I don’t stop. It’s fucking mad. So, I do
my best to create an environment that helps me avoid this scenario. I use so
much brainpower for my business, I don’t want to waste that energy to resist

Notice how much energy it requires for you to say no to a cold beer during
summer or a delicious mouth-watering cheesecake after dinner. Takes a fucking
lot of effort, right? So, why would you expose yourself daily to these kinds of
things at home?

Here’s my tip for you. Simple, yet powerful. I’m human and I fucking love food.
People call me a man of extremes. I am very disciplined when I eat out etc. I can
easily resist it. At home? Different story. I’ve had days where I’ve destroyed half a
cake or eaten 16 croissants because they were in reach. (Who buys 16
croissants in the first place..?)

Anyways. When you are on a strict diet, limit your exposure to the temptations.
It’s already an effort to resist in the local store, don’t make it harder by having the
food in your home. Only buy the items that are aligned with your diet. Nothing
else. If you’ve got stuff that doesn’t match this style, give them to someone else
or throw them away (last resort)

With this one, we closed the intermitted fasting hacks to boost those T levels
while also improving your gut health and giving you more energy and clearer
thoughts. Now let’s jump into the exercise routine.


Lifting heavy things, doing sports, and moving more are directly correlated to
man’s Testosterone levels. This means the more you move, lift, and work out the
more you’ll feel that T level rise, thus, get closer to the baseline of masculine
energy. I really shouldn’t mention this one in this book but it's a must. Work out


Hercules, you are a MAN, which means you should be able to endure some
physical “punishment” so get in the fucking gym. How can you call yourself a
man if you get gassed from playing with your children or walking a couple of
miles? That's unreasonable, go become a machine. My sweet spot for going to
the gym is 5 times a week. The other 2 days are for Cardio and stretching only.
But If you aren’t familiar with working out I would advise 3/week. Get the gym
membership NOW.

Manage your stress levels

Mental clarity and emotional regulation are super important for high testosterone
levels. Meditate, take long walks, and learn deep breathing. Ground yourself
through barefoot walks in the grass or swimming in the ocean. It helps release
Electromagnetic radiation that you and I are exposed to every day (phone, WIFI,
etc). The truth is you’ll struggle with these activities. I did too. You’ll feel like you
aren't doing anything but in reality, 10 minutes of listening to the right
soundwaves does wonders. Do it man, you’ll feel it doing magic. You’ll feel so
much calmer and clear in your head which will skyrocket your T levels,
confidence, and charisma.

Avoid endocrine disruptors

Plastics, shampoos, gasoline, and pesticides. Avoid plastics at all costs because
it destroys your Testosterone levels thus your masculine energy. If you take your
food to work in those little plastic boxes upgrade as soon as you can. Get the
glass boxes, get a glass for your water, and don’t be greedy about spending
money on these items. It has the power to change your life.


Yes, as you might guess, we'll do a challenge. Not because I want to put
you on some pedestal and see if you measure up. Not at all. Instead, I try
to push you into taking that action. Because of course, reading is good
and it can do wonders but let me tell you, my friend, without
implementation, it doesn’t do jack shit. 95% of your success is about if
you actually do what I ask you to do.

So in this challenge, I want you to do a guided breathwork session. It’s 10

minutes. Just listen to it and follow the instructions. It might seem like you
aren't doing so much but in reality, breathwork should be a priority on
your task list. Go ahead and do it now!

So These were my top 5 Testosterone booster tips. Optimize sleep and diet,
exercise, manage stress levels, and avoid plastics. Super easy but these are
alone powerful enough to skyrocket your feelings of fulfillment, and your T levels,
improve your health, and change your life for the better.

Now as I said although these are already enough for any man to feel so much
better - in body and mind - I want to share with you a few more basics of
masculinity next to the importance of boosting your Testosterone levels.

Here’s the first:

Module 2.1.2 - Get Rid of Your Porn Addiction

This book wouldn’t be complete without a guide to overcoming porn addiction.

And this is one of the basics of masculinity too. Because I know that most of you
are currently watching porn and have been addicted to it for a long time. I was
there too. From the age of 15 up to my late 20s I was addicted to porn. You ask
how much?

I was beating my meat until my 8/10 girl was cooking me dinner in the kitchen.
That much.

Anyways here’s the thing. You might feel a bit ashamed that you watch it but I
want you to drop that shame now regardless of your age and circumstances. It’s
completely normal and you are able to heal this addiction. Porn is the evil it does
not have any pros but has MANY cons that not only destroy your testosterone
levels which makes you depressed, negative, and less productive but get you to
separate from your masculine energy because it gives you false validation. And
this is exactly the opposite of what we are trying to achieve in this module - to get
you closer to the masculine core.

But hear me out on this one my man. Porn is not the ACTUAL problem. (Before
you hit the keyboard “gEnE pOr iS bAd - obviously captain obvious but porn is a
symptom of A problem). Porn is a symptom of A DEEPER problem you have. A
problem NO ONE addresses. Instead, everyone makes the problem worse. Most
solutions sound like this:

● Use Porn Blocker

● Use this app to count your days
● Do 20 pushups or a cold shower

Yes, they stop you from abusing the symptom; PORN. But often you break after
like 30 days in because your urges overcome you. Or you flock to another
symptom like:

● Binge eating
● Doom scrolling

● Vaping
● Alcohol

You get the point, right? But what if there’s a different solution? A solution that
solves it FOR GOOD?

“Gene, this is BS”

Man, listen, I watched porn ever since I was 16 (18 years ago for reference), and
watching porn back then wasn’t as easy as today. It required patience because
the download speed was 56KB/second. It took fucking AGES to even
DOWNLOAD a picture. Anyways, fast forward 10 years and I was beating my
meat hard while my 8/10 girl was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

That’s how addicted I was. It messed me and my relationship up. It destroyed my


“If I don’t last 30 minutes I’m not a man”

“If I don’t fuck her like a savage, I’m not a man”
“If I don’t have a Penis of 16 Inches I’m not a man”

You see it distorted my image of sex and myself massively. I tried the usual
self-help mainstream advice I mentioned previously. Never lasted long (pun
intended). It was also around that time my ex introduced me to energy, healing,
and all this. That’s when the magic happened. My breakthrough! After some
digging, I realized that Porn was a way of numbing my father wound. I tried filling
the void left by my absent father with Porn, Coke, and alcohol.


Look, a father wound (created by an absent father) creates emotional pain. And
what most men don’t understand is that this emotional pain NEVER goes away
until it is released. So, the self-sabotage and self-destruction that you engage in
is simply your subconscious crying for help. But, instead of healing this wound
with subconscious work, you treat it with porn. So, what’s the solution?

Healing man, healing.

Now we engaged in explaining healing in module one and you should have found
already the deeper wounds already that you cope with porn. But I want to make
sure that you can overcome the addiction so I’ll touch on healing from addiction
here too. It’s not easy and you might experience some more challenging
situations but believe in yourself and your success. This is not going to happen
from one day to another, but if you put in constant work you’ll feel change fast.

So I had a major breakthrough when I did the following things:

Acknowledged that watching porn is a way I coped with a trauma or an emotional

state I couldn’t digest. So instead of beating myself up I just accepted myself for
it. Forgave me for watching it in the past, dropped the shame around watching it,
and pursued something meaningful (my purpose - you’ll find yours later) and
replaced it.

So whenever I looked for the validation that porn offered me I remembered that I
simply have shit to do and dreams to conquer. This is what's missing from your
life right now and this is why you might feel clueless about what to do - so you
turn toward porn.


Now we covered the foundation for testosterone boosting and healing that stinky
porn addiction. So what did remain to complete the baseline of the masculinity
submodule? Healing from inside my man.

Imagine you could cure 99% of health problems with a simple solution without
having to see a doctor. Don’t believe me? Well, you are in for a surprise. Thanks
to the brilliant madman Wim Hof, we finally can treat mental health problems,
auto-immune diseases, and many more complications.

Because of my childhood trauma, an auto-immune disease got activated. It’s

called Psoriasis. Don’t google it, it’s nasty. At peak, 80% of my skin was covered.
I healed. Thanks to a clean diet and the technique Wim Hof invented. And guess
what. It’s FREE. Believe me, my friend, you already do it, every day but simply
wrong. It’s how you breathe. 99% of the time, you are unaware of your breath,
which is completely normal. One of the reasons you don’t even notice it anymore
is that our breath is very shallow.

However, if you breathe more consciously, you can heal your body from the
inside. First things first though…Who is Wim Hof? Wim Hof is a Dutch
philosophist, an adventurer, and a life-changer. Hof has the ability to endure cold
temperatures in extreme circumstances. Now approaching his 60s, Hof has run
marathons barefoot and shirtless above the Arctic Circle, dove under the ice at
the North Pole, and languished in ice baths for north of 90 minutes — all feats
that he attributes to a special kind of breathing practice.

He developed this ability through extensive training that allows him to control his
breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation. Hof believes that ordinary people can
control their bodies to accomplish difficult feats.

Wim Hof has stunned hundreds of scientists with this technique. He holds
several world records for cold exposure (3 hours of ice baths, etc) while also
being able to defeat viruses and diseases that he’s been injected with. He’s
developed a unique breathing technique that will help you improve your life

significantly. It has helped me with my auto-immune disease called psoriasis as
well as simply becoming much clearer.

How does it work?

As I said, your breathing rate and pattern is a process within the autonomic
nervous system that you can control to some extent to achieve different results.
You may not be aware of your breath all of the time, but through practice, you
can gain a greater awareness of your breath and learn how to manipulate it to
your advantage.

The Wim Hof Method breathing techniques allow you to accomplish incredible
feats by developing command over your body through the use of specific
breathing techniques. This is said to help you improve your productivity,
performance, and overall well-being. Hof believes that learning to develop
mastery over your nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems will help you be
happier, stronger, and healthier.

Here are some of the benefits:

● boosting your immune system

● improving concentration
● improving your mental well-being
● increasing willpower
● increasing your energy
● managing some fibromyalgia symptoms
● relieving some symptoms of depression
● relieving stress
● improving sleep

These all tie back to the two other parts we already mentioned. Boosting your
Testosterone levels and getting rid of the porn addiction. See where are we going
with this?

Here’s how the routine works:


While sitting in a comfortable place, take 30 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through
your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take a deep breath and
exhale; hold until you need to breathe in. Inhale again, as deep as you can, and
hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this 2 more times.

After that, slowly get up and start your day! Alternatively you can follow the
Wim-Hof breathing method from the previous module

Summary of Module 2.1 - THE BASELINE OF

Man you’re already halfway into module two. You just finished module 2.1 in
which we covered the baseline of masculinity. We talked about the meat and
potatoes of becoming the masculine version of yourself that you can be proud of.
Talked about tangible practices and lifestyle changes that you should pursue
from here on out to become the best version of yourself.

We also touched on boosting your testosterone levels, regulating your sleep and
diet, getting rid of porn and other substances from your life, and healing your
problems with the power of breath.

These were the most important principles that will get you from feeling stuck and
unhappy to feeling tuned in with your energy which will be the stepping stone to

Now as we closed off this submodule we are opening another one. This one is
called “What it Means to be a Man”. In this submodule, you are going to get your
hands on the rest missing 20% of the information to live life to its fullest.

So with further ado, let’s jump into it now:


Welcome to Module 2.2 my man. We’ll cover what it means to be a man,

purpose, goals, values, and many more. You’ll start off by reading about the
mental frames you need to engrain in your brain to become a fulfilled man. Then,
you’ll find out who you really are, and what is your purpose and build a life plan
that you can follow for the rest of your life. So let’s get straight into the first


Oftentimes I hear men vining about life, how hard it is, how many things they
need to be good at etc. And these people hope to once retire, or forget

Most men make the mistake of believing that one day, life will be complete. Tell
me, young friend, do you dream of enjoying drinks on a sunny beach and doing
nothing when you retire or have become rich? Let me tell you, that will get boring
VERY quickly. Men are born to build and create. 99% of people dream of
retirement so that they can FINALLY live. What a sad life.

Life will never be complete. I’m not going to lie to you. There will be hard and
tough days, filled with sadness and emptiness. Embrace them because those are
the days that should fuel your hunger for more meaning.

You won't ever feel completely satisfied, relaxed, and that you “made it.” You’ll
feel some sort of resistance and hesitation from within. ALWAYS. There will be
moments when you’ll hope you fail but listen, being a Hercules isn’t for anyone
either. You got the chance to choose… Will you battle with the problems that
occur in your life or battle with the man in your head you could’ve become? I
would rather choose the first thanks, and keep my integrity.

Just like men can have several lovers throughout their lives, you will also have
several purposes. Don’t think that you are done once you’ve achieved ONE
purpose. The next one is just awaiting you. Because of that it is so important to
spend at least 1 hour every day dedicated exclusively to your purpose (more on
this later). No distractions, just you and your purpose.

What I’m going to say is one of the most important pieces of advice you can take
away from this book. Protect your purpose at all costs. No woman, no friend,
nothing should come before it. You are disrespecting yourself and them if you put
them before your purpose.

Many men even think that entrepreneurship or building your own business is
glamorous, let me tell you something. You must be willing to take risks. You must

be willing to make sacrifices. Your friends are partying? Good for them. You can’t.
Your friends want to play FIFA. Unfortunately, without you. Your friends threaten
to leave you? Well, if they don’t support your cause, are they really your friends?

As we discovered already, your purpose will eventually require you to take risks
and make huge changes in your life. That’s great. The greater the risk, the
greater the potential reward. Not in monetary returns but in fulfillment. If it makes
you rich, that’s just a side-effect but not the ultimate goal. You’ll lose friends and
people along the way. This is completely normal. I’ve missed out on huge parties
and believe me, I used to party hard. It requires discipline but I know that parties
won’t get me closer to my goal.


Sit down with your journal and think about the life you want to live.
Where, with who and in what conditions? Now think about what sacrifices
are you down to take in your CURRENT life to live your DREAM life in the

Are you willing to give up those nights in the pub with the boys just to
pursue a side hustle?
Are you willing to break up that toxic connection with someone to build
one that's meaningful?
Are you willing to give up snacking BS to get that body you are proud of?

List out now 15 things you are willing to give up now to reap the rewards

Why is it so important that you put your mission above everything else?

The masculine core requires it. Once you betray your core, you betray yourself.
Women, friends, and everyone around you will sense it. You weaken yourself and
you’ll lose respect. And this directly correlates back to ho[ing to complete the
game. It’s never over, the battle never ends Hercules


“When the root is deep, there’s no reason to fear the wind”

Values are one, if not THE most important foundations of your life. They are the
principles you live your life by. You base your decisions on your values. Ever
been in a situation where you had a funny feeling in your gut? Like when you met
a person for the first time. This funny feeling comes from your values. They are
RED FLAG detectors. They help you read people and navigate through life.

Everyone has values. Unfortunately, the majority of people have the wrong set of
values. This leads them to make poor decisions without realizing what they are
doing to themselves.Here is an example of mine:

A few years ago, when I was still working in finance, I mostly cared about money,
prestige, and status. Based on these values, I organized my life. Long hours, am
absolutely obsessed with my career, buying materialistic, expensive items like
Ralph Lauren Coats or Burberry Suits, and splashing the cash on 5-star resorts
in Malta or South Africa. At that time in my life, I THOUGHT I was living life to the
fullest. Now, that I look back, I can only say: “What a fool” Why is that?

Well, because my values have changed. Don’t get me wrong. I still enjoy the fine
things in life but they aren’t my primary goal. While I was chasing external
validation, I now seek happiness from within. I have a completely different set of
values. How did I get there? Well, here my friend, lies the crucial part. Through
years of self-development and critical reflection on my life.

Now, unlike me, you don’t have to spend years of this journey. I’m here to teach
you how to find your values and improve your life – in an instant. It is that easy!
Below are some questions you should answer, truthfully! Answer them and then
look back at them. A good starting point to discover your basic values is to
understand what value actually means.

“A value is a way of being or believing that we hold important.”

Ask yourself these questions:

● What traits and characteristics do you value in your friends?

● What is important to you?
● Which values are your deal breaker values and why?
● What qualities do you feel make strong, healthy relationships?

This can seem very difficult and overwhelming since there are hundreds of
values out there.If you struggle to think of values, take a look at the table below
(next page) where I’ve listed the most common values (by Rene Brown).

Accountabili Courage Generosity Justice Optimism Self-respect

ty Creativity Giving back Kindness Order Serenity
Achievement Curiosity Grace Knowledge Parenting Service
Adaptability Dignity Gratitude Leadership Patience Simplicity
Adventure Diversity Growth Learning Patriotism Spirituality
Altruism Environmen Harmony Legacy Peace Sportsmanshi
Ambition t Efficiency Health Leisure Perseverance p
Authenticity Equality Home Love Personal Stewardship
Balance Ethics Honesty Loyalty fulfillment Success
Beauty Being Excellence Hope Making a Power Pride Teamwork
the best Fairness Humility difference Recognition Thrift Time
Belonging Faith Humor Nature Reliability Tradition
Career Family Inclusion Openness Resourcefulne Travel Trust
Collaboratio Financial Independenc ss Truth
n stability e Initiative Respect Understandin
Commitment Forgiveness Integrity Responsibility g Uniqueness
Community Freedom Intuition Risk -taking Usefulness
Compassion Friendship Job security Safety Vision
Competence Fun Joy Security Vulnerability
Confidence Future Self-discipline Wealth
Connection generations Self-expressio Well-being
Contentment n Wholehearte
Contribution dness
Cooperation Wisdom

Once you have identified the Top 5, connect them. What do they have in
common? How are they connected and are they mutually exclusive? When you
look at the 5 values, ask yourself:

Does this value truly reflect who I am?

Then. This one is more difficult. When you write down your values, give
examples. Here’s an example:

Courage – I’ll speak openly and assertively to defend my views and step in when
everyone else is scared. Courage to me means doing the things that represent
my values.

Now, do this for all 5 of YOUR values. Here’s a structure to help you:

● What are 3 behaviors that support your value?

● When was the last time when you lived this value?

Here are some additional remarks friends:

● Leading a “good” or fulfilling life means different things to different people.

There is no one size fits all policy.
● You should constantly question and critique your own belief systems. Why
do you believe what you believe? No, but really, where does that belief
come from?
● Be aware of people who speak in absolutes. There are very few absolutes
in this world.
● Your values will come from reading and your own thoughts, not from
governments or media (mainstream media, social media, etc).
● You do not need to spend time exclusively with people who share your
belief system. I would advise against this. You must however spend time
who respect your views and how they may be different.
● Have frequent open discussions with friends about your belief system. This
will only serve to strengthen your thought processes and refine your
● Read Philosophy. This will help you understand what it means to be
“good”. A strong understanding and foundation in classical philosophy will
help you to start engaging with this idea. Aristotle, Kant, and JS Mill are all
good places to start.

Now you should have your 5 values. And I'm not talking about values you hold
dear to your heart, I'm talking about values you should be up to DIE by. That's

when you’ll truly feel powerful when testosterone will pump in your veins, and
others will respect the determination you possess.


Sit down with your journal and write out the 5 values you would die by.

The next step on your journey will be discovering your purpose.

Before heading straight into this lesson I want to start off with a story from the
Nazis I hold close to my heart (not because of my German background lol). This
one helped me find and understand the importance of having a purpose in a
man's life. So I hope it’ll help you too.

“A man can endure anyhow as long as he has a why.”

The concentration camps the Nazis created and maintained are amongst the
biggest crimes humanity has ever seen. Yet, some of the fates of survivors serve
as a great lesson for a lot of men. Amongst the survivors was psychologist Viktor
Frankel who observed the following:

“While everyone was going through the same grueling and cruel experiences,
some coped better than others.


Most of the men that made it out alive saw a purpose in their suffering. They had
a dream to hold onto, like finishing a book once they are freed or reuniting with
their loved ones. Here’s a piece of Viktor's observation:

“The ones that had completely surrendered their hopes…you could see it in their
eyes….Their soul had left the physical body. They usually lasted only a few days
until the physical body surrendered too and they died.”

What is the point I’m trying to make here?

Finding your purpose is a matter of life and death!


Especially in today’s age of distraction where 90% of people get lost in their busy
lives, having something meaningful to work towards is rare. The majority of men
get lost in tasks and duties, or even worse, in virtual reality (video games, porn,
etc). You however are different I hope. That’s why you picked this book up. You
want to be the Man that focuses on what is important to him, and not others. If
you were to die tomorrow you would die happier knowing you have followed your
purpose as opposed to menial tasks and duties.

It is part of becoming a man. A man without a purpose is like a sailor without a
compass. He’s moving but not progressing. Finding your purpose also means
connecting to your masculine core and overall masculinity.

This is why there's a thing called a midlife crisis. Plenty of men in their 50s
experience a drop off in their overall fulfillment levels. And you might relate
because you have been there. Man picking up dangerous hobbies, doing
outrageous things, and turning every stone trying to find meaning in it. But let me
tell you my man, this “midlife crisis” is nothing more than a purposeless

Why is this?

Because you’ve been living a life that society has told them “is the right life to
live.“ But if society’s way would be the correct path we wouldn’t see so many
miserable men. This is why suicidal rates are through the roof for men.

Part of masculine energy is being able to change everything in your life. To

pursue your purpose at the expense of comfort. What happens if you lose
everything, you hit rock bottom. What would you do? Would you be afraid?
Through developing yourself you develop an immunity to the pain of change.
Instead, you embrace it.

Often people enjoy the result of success, like money, fame, and wealth. Yet, 95%
don’t enjoy the suffering along the way. Don’t get me wrong, I like money as well.
But I don’t define myself with the status it brings. Money isn’t a goal but a means
to something bigger.

Enough of talk, how can you find YOUR purpose, my friend? Let’s take a closer

There are 3 ways of finding purpose for men:

1. Through doing work or a deed

2. Through experiences
3. Through love

Before continuing, you, my friend, have to understand that you have to stop
seeking the completion of anything. Remember right what you earned in the last
module? This game is never over. “The masculine error is to think that things will
eventually be different in some fundamental way. They won’t”

Let’s discover your purpose!


Take your time to respond to these questions. It might take only a few
seconds, it might take days. Take as long as you need. These questions
are designed to inspire you:

All the money and time in the world? What would you do?
List all the things that you absolutely love doing, that give you joy.
What does a happy day look like?
What kind of man do you want to become? And how are you compared to
that (and not to someone else!!!)?
What experiences and activities make your heart sing?

List all the answers out in your journal (or if you are a lover of technology
click here and download a template for this challenge)

You might think these are surface-level questions or that your purpose is
something that you can only find in a Monk Temple, filling out complicated
equations. But in reality it's nothing more than what you witnessed. So go back
and again look deeper into those questions and think about them for HOURS and
even DAYS. Dont half ass this part, you’ll regret it later.

Ok, now that you’ve discovered what you truly want, ask yourself:

How much time per day do you dedicate to it?

Are you able to dedicate every day to it? How many hours? If you cannot afford
to quit your current job or are too afraid, then you’ll have to hustle after work.
Ensure you dedicate at least 1 hour per day to your purpose. Whatever that be,
do it regardless.

Understand that every purpose needs to be lived fully. Only then can you find
true meaning. When you are on your purpose, there are no distractions. Be in
your zone. Watch when you start doing what you love. The work that initially
drained you of energy is now giving you plenty of energy. The core of your life is
your purpose. Everything from your diet to your career must be aligned with your
purpose if you are to act with coherence and integrity!

Here’s a little bonus for you:


Identify where you are now regarding your purpose…This will help you
later down in other submodules create your plan to achieve the goals
you’ll set. Take the time and fill in the gap below by giving at least 10 - 10
answers in each column:

Masculinity- Gap Analysis

What kind of character do What does your current

you want to be? (Future) character look like?

….. …..

Now, how big is the gap between the man you want to become and the
man you are now? The bigger the gap the more work you gotta do. Which
is great because there’s so much fucking potential in you bro. Don’t
bother planning now, we’ll do that together in the next submodule.

This is it. You just discovered your purpose. You don't need any more
information, that’s it, this simple. Now before I let you finally pursue that purpose
you’ll have to come up with the goals you want to achieve within that purpose
and the plan to do it so.

Module 2.2.4 - GOALS AND PLANS
Now you got your purpose, which is only half of the equation. Truth is no matter
how much you are reading and thinking about your purpose or any other thing,
fundamental change doesn’t happen without action. You can read all the
motivational slogans in the world, idolize celebrities, and watch inspiring youtube
clips. If you don’t put in the effort, you won’t get anywhere. And if you don’t know
where you are going, you’ll get lost.

Every journey starts with a goal in mind. Yet, without a compass, you might never
reach your destination. I’m here to help you build a bulletproof plan so that you
can achieve your goal!


Because only 10% of people follow through on their ambitions. There are two
main reasons for it in my view.

First of all, people don’t link their goals to their purpose. Why are you doing what
you are doing and how is it aligned with your overall BIG, FAT purpose of life?
Remember that everything in your life has to support your purpose, otherwise, it
is a waste of your time and energy. Because of that, setting the right goal is

Secondly, people don’t have a plan. They set a goal and just go for it. While I’m a
big advocate of action over planning, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Some sort of
plan, even vaguely, is helpful to determine a strategy and roadmap.

Let's get into your Goals:


Answer each question as truthfully as possible. First, you start with your
overall goal and what you want to achieve. Each question after is
supposed to challenge you so that you understand what you are TRULY

Questions Answers
What kind of lifestyle do you want to live?
Why do you want to achieve this goal?
What would success look like?
What impact will achieving this goal have
on your life?
How is this goal linked and aligned to your
overall purpose?
What would you like your financial situation
to look like?
How would you like to feel?
What are you willing to sacrifice for this

Now that we have identified your big goal, let’s develop a system so that
you don’t fall through.

I’ve asked you to establish your goals earlier. That was the theoretical
part. Now comes the execution. Remember. Execution trumps everything.
For you to pursue your big, fat goal, it is crucial that you break it down
into smaller milestones. Why? It keeps you motivated and also makes the
big, fat goal seem less intimidating and more attainable.

Let’s break down your fat goal into 5 smaller subgoals:

My first subgoal is to _____

I believe I can achieve this goal because ________
To achieve this subgoal I will ________

This will be achieved by the following date _______
My reward for achieving that goal is ______

Let’s connect your goal to your purpose.

Why do you want to achieve this goal?

What are the 3 benefits of achieving this goal?

Now, let’s go one step further.

When you hear about successes, you don’t hear about the challenges
and hardships these people had to go through to reach that goal. The
long nights, monk-like lifestyle saying no to friends, and tired days. How
did they push through? They knew that this was part of the journey and
they enjoyed it. They were prepared. Fuck, they even embraced it.

List down 5 challenges you’ll come across. This will prepare you mentally
for this journey. You’ll quickly understand if you are REALLY willing to
make the sacrifices along the journey or if you only like the goal.

Decide. Commit. Act. Fail. Get up. Act. Succeed. Repeat.

Purpose is a huge topic amongs men. And because I know what it means to
get frustrated by not knowing how to really find it I made sure that never
happens for my clients ever again.

Although this book already covers what purpose is, how to find it etc. in my
HERCULES Blueprint program I dedicated a whole module of video to
purpose. If you find yourself still clueless about whats your just hit the button
below and upgrade to the video course version.

Module 2.2.5 - EGO IS YOUR ENEMY

Ego is the big, fat enemy that stands in our way of achieving our goals, going
after our purpose, etc. You know what ego is, right? It's that pesky belief that
we're super important, better than everyone else, and entitled to everything.

If you look at the world today, everyone believes they are entitled to
SOMETHING. But no one is really putting in the work. Then the Rainbow crew
demanded my respect only because they were brave enough to change their
pronouns. Like, bro, you earn my respect, you don’t demand it. The same goes
for the Redpillers. “I’m aLpHa, I deserve women” Bro, you deserve a slap to the

The ego is a survival mechanism. 80% of the guys in my coaching get hijacked
by their egos 1-2 months into my program. It is by design. They send me a text
and want to drop out. Why? Because of their inner Kevin, their ego realizes that
my client and I delivering jab after jab and it’s on its last legs. It’s the ego’s final
attempt to survive. That’s when I call them and comfort them. My program is
designed that way. This is the ONLY way.

I always jump on a call with these guys and when they realize it’s their ego
holding them back, they thank me for taking them on and being there when
needed most.

Don’t get me wrong. You need an ego, but a healthy one. Otherwise, you end up
like Napoleon. He was a smart short baguette, but his ego got the best of him.
During his reign, he got all power-hungry, thinking he was invincible. But guess
what? Fucked him and a few thousand Frenchies big time. His overconfidence
made him underestimate his enemies, and boom! He lost big time at the Battle of

What’s your Waterloo? Here's the deal: Ego can be your biggest enemy or the
biggest growth accelerator. Here are the 3 main phases:

First, we've got the aspiring phase. Ego makes us dream big, which is cool, but if
we let it take over, we become impatient and ignore the valuable lessons along
the way. We end up stuck in our own fantasy land, not growing one bit.

Next comes the success phase. Ah, the moment we feel like kings and queens of
the world! Ego makes us think we've made it, but guess what? That's when we
start slacking off and lose our edge. Complacency is a slippery slope.

Then, uh-oh, here comes the failure phase. Ego messes us up big time! When
things go south, ego makes us blame everyone else, never taking responsibility
for our own mess-ups. That's a recipe for disaster!

But hey, there's a better way! Humility is the secret sauce to success. Stay
down-to-earth and open-minded. Learn from failures and be cool with feedback.
Humility doesn’t mean you aren’t proud of your accomplishments. It means you
don’t have to fucking tell everyone about it. But you internalize them and walk
with your head up and shoulders back.

Here’s an amazing exercise for you to do every morning. An exercise most men
struggle with.


The Gratitude Journal: This exercise is all about cultivating gratitude and
appreciating the positive aspects of life. Each day, take a few minutes to
write down three things you're grateful for. It can be anything, big or
small, like a sunny day, a kind gesture, or a delicious meal. This practice
helps shift your focus away from ego-driven desires and comparisons,
making you more content and appreciative of the present moment. Smile
whenever you read it (30 seconds at least) and ideally, you wanna look at
it every morning after you wake up (immediately because that’s when
your subconscious is still receptive to reprogramming.

“Every day may not be good but there’s something good in every day.”

One of the easiest and most impactful ways of improving your life is to keep a
journal and dedicate time to follow up on your progress by noting things down.
Journaling helps to structure your thoughts, structure your day and also get rid of
any negative emotions in your system. Even better, it helps to manifest gratitude
and a more positive mindset.

Life’s tough, no need to make it even tougher with the wrong mindset. Journaling
helps you to start viewing the glass half full, instead of half empty.

Let’s keep it straightforward. Below is a template you should use. I suggest you
buy a notebook to take notes every day. Feel free to adapt it to your needs as
each day is unique. The template leverages some of the previous chapters. You
see how everything fits together.

Hercules Questions Your Answers

What is the ONE thing that I CHOOSE to achieve today that

brings me closer to my weekly goal?

What am I proud of that I have achieved? (This can be

something from the previous day or your life)

What triggered me?

How did I respond to adverse life situations?

What tasks did I procrastinate on?

What tasks did I accomplish?

How can I show up as my best friend today?

What are my top 3 principles that I live by daily?

What actions did I do yesterday that were driven by


What are my top 3 goals?


Hercules, two-thirds of the book is completed. Let's review once again what
you've learned in this module. Discovering your masculine energy stands as the
most crucial task on your to-do list. Boost your testosterone, eat good, sleep
good, practice meditation, and journal. These are the minimum requirements to
become a strong and fulfilled man.

Following that, we covered porn addiction and finding your purpose. We also
developed a plan that will guide you from your current position towards
accomplishing your goals. Remarkable progress has been achieved.

You've transitioned from a shy nice guy into an emotionally, physically, and
mentally string man, ready to pursue your goals. Which means attracting women
and facing situations involving them will become natural. Thus, you must possess
the knowledge to effectively navigate these scenarios. This is precisely why I've
created my video course, the HERCULES Blueprint, which covers all aspects
related to women. It covers knowing how to respond to challenges, and leading
scenarios beyond the initial attraction, and everything else you need to form a
healthy relationship with any woman on earth. If you're interested in purchasing
the course, you can do so by clicking the link below:


Wassup man, welcome to Module 3 of the Hercules Path!

Now we're diving into the cool stuff – confidence. In the past modules, we talked
about how to deal with tough stuff like healing from past trauma and finding your
real self by tapping into your masculine energy. But here's the real deal: Step 3
on your journey to becoming a Hercules-like man, the kind of guy others look up
to and women are attracted to, is all about unleashing your natural confidence.
This is the secret sauce that turns you into a leader, a trustworthy guy people can
depend on, and helps you switch from living by others' rules to living life on your
own terms.

Hold up though! Before we jump in, remember that the things you learned in
modules 1 and 2 are the building blocks. Without that solid foundation, the value
of this module might not hit home as hard. Think of this chapter like the icing on
the cake. But without the implementation of the other things you learned and
setting the foundation, the icing on the cake doesn’t mean shit.

So, no more chit-chat, let's get to the good stuff. First up, what is confidence?

Confidence is basically when you totally believe in yourself and others can trust
you. It's like being the go-to person that others know won't let them down.

Here's where some “alpha males” get mixed up: they think acting all loud and
saying stuff like "I'm the man" makes them confident. Well, guess what? That's
not the real deal. Confidence isn't something you can fake with words. It's more
like a character upgrade that happens as you get better at other skills and
become competent in things.

Real confidence comes from being someone others can rely on in any situation.
And being reliable comes from being good at things, like being a leader or fixing
things when they go out of control.

Now, I'm not here to spill some magic beans and give you a secret phrase that
makes you Mr. Confident in an instant. Nope, that's not how it works. I'm gonna
show you the ropes on how to actually get good at things and build that genuine
confidence. Because when you're skilled and you know it, you'll feel trustworthy,
and that's what we're aiming for in the submodules coming up.

No more talks, let's dive into a super important skill for building competence:
making smart decisions.

Being confident and competent in any situation boils down to being someone
who can be relied on to make decisions. Think of it this way: masculine energy
naturally involves being a leader and being able to make choices with conviction.
The more of this masculine energy you embrace, the more you'll come across as
the kind of guy who takes charge. That means you'll find yourself dealing with
more challenges, needing to solve problems, and being the one to call the shots
– whether it's within your family, relationships, or any other part of life. And here's
the cool part: the better your decisions, the more respect you'll earn. And as that
respect grows, your confidence follows – it's like a snowball effect.

But, let's keep it real – this is easier said than done. So, let's dive into how you
can actually start making better decisions in your life...

First off, we gotta accept that life is full of uncertainties. There's no way you'll
ever gather ALL the info out there before making a decision. So, waiting around
to gather more info is basically just procrastinating. Believe it or not, your brain is
usually more right than wrong with the info it already has. That means, about
60% of your decisions will be on point, no matter how much data you've had.

Oh, and here's an eye-opener: studies show that you shouldn't spend more than
30 minutes making a decision. Yep, you read that right – not days, just half an
hour! Going beyond that can seriously mess with your brain's ability to make the
right choice. If something takes you over an hour to decide, your odds of getting
it right drop below 50%.

Just a quick heads-up, this doesn't mean you should rush into super-important
decisions. But I've got your back with some great techniques and frameworks
that can make your decision-making process smoother. Let's check those out.

The O.O.D.A. Loop:

● Observe
● Orient
● Decide
● Act


When an army general arrives on the battlefield they don’t rush into action. They
wait, watch, listen, and observe. You must do the same. Look around, pause, and
observe the problem. Your woman is acting up - first, observe her body language,
her period, and everything before replying to her.

Gather information and do some research before you move on to choose what
you’ll respond making sure you do not just react on impulse... Let’s apply it to
finding your purpose.

● What do you enjoy doing?

● Are the areas I’m focusing on adding value to my life?
● What is the cost of these things?
● Which future will I kill with this decision, the future with abundance or


Once you have information, you have to make sense of it.

● What impact will this decision have?

● What is the potential return?
● What are the risks?
● What are the big projects everyone wants done, but no one has been able
to execute?


Imperfection today is better than perfection tomorrow. An 80% good answer is

better than a 100% good answer in 10 days. You must live and die by this sword.
Don’t wait for 100% accuracy. Hell, don’t even wait for 70%! You must act on the
information you have available and figure the rest out on the way. The direction of
your decisions is more important than the decision themselves. It’s not about
‘being right’. It’s about ‘getting to right’ which matters. Focus is everything. Cut
the noise. Cancel projects. Get laser-focused on what moves the needle and
decide on that.


This part is simple. Execute. Get the job done.

Another simple framework that you can use is the 10/10/10 rule:

What impact will my decision have on my life in:

In 10 days
In 10 weeks
In 10 years

You can replace the timeframes with the ones that are more appropriate to your
time horizon. This method will help you measure up the pros, cons, and
everything you need to make a responsive decision.


Now you got your hand on these powerful tools, let’s practice using them.
Lay out two decisions you need to make in the upcoming month (or if you
don’t have a any two decisions you made in the past month). Now take
those and analyze them via the OODA Loop and the 10/10/10 rule.

The one thing modern society did amazingly is suppress men's deep desires.
They suppressed the Warrior, the King inside of us. We have integrated the
feminine at the expense of our masculine. This creates an imbalance which
needs to be restored.

Read this quote below. This is the reason this submodule came to alive:

“Never give a man a sword if he can’t even hold a knife”

The uncaged man sees his masculinity as something not to be feared or

shunned, but as something to be celebrated. He understands that women have
been suppressed by a male-dominated culture for too long, but he also sees the
fallacy in trying to act like one gender must be elevated above another. He knows
that patriarchal society hasn’t just suppressed women, but also put men in a box,
a place where they are expected to be like unemotional automatons. By
reclaiming his wildness, he has reclaimed his ability to feel full, to be in tune with
and embrace the full spectrum of emotion.

What I am about to share with you is not to be abused. I will give you these in the
form of bullet points:

- Women love it rough with the right man. Don’t be scared to choke her
gently or slap her on the bum when you fuck her from behind
- Talk dirty to her
- Go into the forest and scream out loud
- Sign up for boxing classes with the aim to spar
- Watch Action Movies like Braveheart or Rocky/Rambo
- Express yourself truthfully in the open
- Do things that make you look stupid. Not to be a clown but to get used to
being uncomfortable


Women aren't seeking just a provider; they're looking for a partner who connects
with them on a deeper level. The redpill community is often fueled by men who've
been hurt, teaching a skewed perspective that "she's never yours, it's only your
turn." They promote ideas that women are disloyal, cheaters, or after money,
advocating for solutions like making more money, driving flashy cars, building
more muscle, and adopting a cold "alpha" persona. While self-improvement is
vital, the redpill tends to focus excessively on external factors.

Let's get real – women do have a subconscious desire for a strong option,
especially in the modern dating landscape influenced by apps and social media.
However, it's a mistake to extrapolate that women lack love and loyalty.

What most men miss is that becoming a partner is far more crucial than being
solely a provider. What women genuinely desire is a man who has his life
together, a definition that encompasses:

● Healing from insecurities and trauma

● Mastery over emotions
● An appetite for life
● Living with integrity and principles
● Physical fitness
● The ability to understand her deeply

Notice how I'm not throwing around phrases like "fast cars," "money," or "big
mansions"? Sure, those things can be appealing, but they're the icing on the
cake. The foundation is your character.

External possessions won't create the emotional bond needed for a meaningful
connection. Among the things women require, emotional connection stands
tallest. To reach her heart, you must first connect with your own. You need to tap
into your lover and magician energies – aspects many men have been taught to
suppress. Here's how to blend these archetypes and craft an intense heart
connection with yourself and then with her:

Let's start with three exercises to help you connect with your heart:

Embrace Emotional Expression: The Lover archetype embodies emotions,

passion, and a deep heart connection. Engage in regular emotional expression
exercises – journaling, creative outlets like painting or poetry, or simply allowing
emotions to flow without judgment. This isn't about adopting femininity; it's about
shedding shame around emotions and embracing genuine masculinity.

Meditation and Introspection: The Magician archetype symbolizes inner

wisdom, intuition, and self-awareness. Practice daily meditation and
introspection. Reflect on your emotions each morning, analyzing triggers and

Active Imagination: Engage in a conversation with yourself. It might feel odd at

first, but it's a powerful tool for self-connection. Normalize talking to yourself – it's
a step toward self-acceptance.

You must be comfortable with who you are before you can establish a connection
with her. If you can't feel yourself, you'll never truly feel her. My personal strength
lies in reading women like a book, a skill rooted in immediately connecting with
their hearts. Sandra my girlfriend, for instance, is always amazed by my ability to
predict her actions or sense when something's off. This isn't magic; it's a
connection built on genuine understanding.

You probably know my story by now, legend. I grew up mostly under the care of
my grandma and other women in the neighborhood. They had my safety at heart,
but their protection turned me into a nervous nice guy. I was scared of everything,
almost like a walking hypochondriac.

A girl hugged me? I turned to stone.

Talking to strangers? Nightmare.
Ordering a pizza on the phone? Panic attack

I was painfully shy and couldn't do much without breaking a sweat. But then,
when I had a drink, I transformed into a whole different person. I became a wild
party animal, the life of the party. I pulled off crazy jokes, entertained everyone,
and was pulling baddies, 8s, and 9s on the regular.

Unfortunately, the moment sobriety hit, I went back to being that shy guy. It was
all because of low self-esteem, overthinking, and wounds from my mother and
father. I felt unworthy. But when I was drunk, I was truly myself. They call alcohol
the "courage liquor" for a reason, right?

Ever drink just to boost your confidence for dancing, cracking jokes, or talking to
girls? Yeah, thought so. I was right there too. But I hated it. Around 27, I began
getting my act together. I learned to challenge myself. And then, I stumbled upon
a quote that shifted my universe:

“What you fear most is where you must go.”

As I dug into the subconscious, the shadow, and the power of thoughts, I realized
something big: I'm the only one listening to my thoughts. For instance, while
you're driving like a psycho speeding at 200km/h, your girl might be gripping the
seat in horror – different experiences from the same situation. This
understanding, once it truly sank in, transformed my life.

Here's what I did:

I sat down one day and listed down activities I feared but would hugely benefit
me if I conquered them. I wasn't blindly going off the deep end; I had a
systematic approach to self-discovery.

"Which activities scare me but would provide long-term benefits?"

Think cardio – there are tons of ways to do it. What works for me might not work
for you. Anything you do has to connect to your big "why" to have real impact.
That's why most guys give up on approaching women; they're doing it for the
wrong reasons. Laying it out as "Not letting fear hold me back" makes a world of
difference. It aligns with my values. So, here's some of what I did:

Gymnastics: I despised it in school. I was far from flexible – a real gymnastic

hater. But two years ago, I challenged myself: What could I do that would
impress me and be enjoyable? Handstands. I hired a coach, conquered my fears
of looking silly or hurting myself, and got started.

Muay Thai: I wanted to tap into my warrior energy, so I joined a Muay Thai class.
It was terrifying. I didn't even spar, just held pads and took some hits. But it made
me more confident, proving to myself that I'm my harshest critic and biggest

Skydiving: This was the real test. In Dubai, I kept delaying it for the 'gram until it
was too late. What a coward. But in 2021, living in Cape Town, I said, "Now or
never, you legend." The closer it got, the more terrified I became. Night before?
Sleepless, dreaming of 69 ways to die. But the next day, at the private airport, I
faced it all.

These experiences altered my beliefs, but why? I remembered a quote from a

favorite psychologist, something I considered at Clifton Beach, not in the shower.
"The last of one's freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given
circumstance." It clicked. I broke through limits.


My grandma always reassured me that things would be okay. But her protective
nature meant I never got a chance to put that mindset to use. Until that moment
at Clifton Beach, when I coined a concept that changed my life:

You. Will. Figure. It. Out.

If 99% of fears are ego-driven, made up in our minds, we can let them pass
through and trust ourselves. Feeling this, I took action. That's the real
game-changer. This mindset fueled my business launch. I've come this far, so I'll
go further. And guess what? I'm a top-tier coach. In my first year, I made
$100,000 – a feat most coaches take three years to achieve.

Why? Because I can. Because I'm damn good. Fuck fear. Fuck limiting beliefs.
Fuck mediocrity. A man that goes against his fear is irresistible to women. I
always felt comfortable at home, then blinked and I left London. Just like that, I
moved from one place to another – Montenegro to Spain. Not huge goals, just
intention. And Sandra followed, because she knows I've got her back. I don't shy
from tough choices or fear. That makes her feel safe with me, and that's where
the magic blooms.


Write out 5+ things you are afraid of doing but deeply know that if you did
it your life would be soo much better. Now list them out and do them.
Don’t think.

Afraid of talking to the barista? - Do it.

Currently not going to the gym? - Go!
Afraid of leaving a toxic relationship? - Break up.

Now it’s your turn.

Module 3.5 - FUCK REGRETS
When I was living in London I did a thing called: “Ask the elderly”. Every time I
saw an old man, I asked him what his biggest regrets were. The moment I asked
that question, you could FEEL them tear up inside. Their voice cracked
immediately. Here are some of their biggest regrets:

“Playing it safe”
“Sacrificing my dreams for my ex-partner”
“Letting her get away with too much”
“Spending too much time in my job and not with family”

There’s this concept of the Time billionaire coined by Graham Duncan. It means
someone with at least a billion seconds to live, provided they live until 79 years
(the average human life).

The average age of my followers is around 32 so that means you’ve almost lived
half of your life up. Scary eh? Now, read the next sentence very, very carefully.
Imagine that one day, you’ll close your eyes…and you’ll NEVER open them
again. Fucking sucks, right? Woop, you are gone. And you won’t know if anyone
ever really gave a fuck.

So, with this in mind, let me introduce you to the concept of PAIN, also known as
bravery regret.
That’s a pain of regret you experience when you fail to take a risk that matters to
you, bro. These are almost always regrets of things not being done. Missed
opportunities. Not approaching that girl in the coffee shop. Not setting
boundaries. Not quitting your job.

Those moments when you wish you had made different choices or taken a bolder
action. It will haunt YOU forever bro. Like, that opportunity might be gone forever.
Just like the Ten minutes you wasted on Insta. Once gone, it’s gone for good.
Don’t get me wrong. I spend every day watching some dumb stuff on Insta. But
that’s because I CONSCIOUSLY make the choice. I AM in CONTROL. I
CHOOSE to spend this time like this.

“The real measure of any time management technique is whether or not it helps
you neglect the right things”.

So, if your life is finite on this fucking spinning rock that’s so fucking beautiful,
what are you gonna do with it? Play the game right. Solve the finite time with an

infinite game approach. I am stealing this concept from Simon Sinek who
invented the infinite game for business. The overall objective is to keep playing.
It’s not like football (it’s not called soccer bloody hell) where you define success
by who scored the most goals at the end of the game. No bro. The infinite game
is to play FOREVER. To stay in the game.

So, while you cannot live forever in life, how can you show up every day to make
the most of it? How can you show up to constantly evolve and act in line with
your principles? What kind of man do you choose to become to keep your
relationship from never stopping? I introduced this concept into every aspect of
my life. That’s why I’m not fussed about anything. I play to keep playing. I am
kind, I am humble. I don’t squeeze every penny out of my business at the
expense of relationships. I don’t act like a dictator in life or relationships. It’s
unsustainable. I tip well, I love well, and I live well.

So here’s my Challenge for you:


Ask yourself this question and journal about it for 15 minutes:

"What small step can I take every day to become a better version of

Write down what you feel you should be doing right now that you would
regret not doing on your deathbed. 10+ things legend

Most men want feminine and attractive women but lack any social game
whatsoever. They study lines or put on fake personas to get laid. Rarely works.
Why? Because simply rehearsing lines fails to acknowledge that life cannot be
predicted. Conversations are based on flow. Attraction is based on flow. If lines
would be the solution, everyone would just show up with a fucking teleprompter.

So, how can you become more charismatic in social settings?

Many know it as “Game.” My journey started with “The Game” by pickup artist
Neill Strauss. My roommate treated it like his bible and he taught me a few
things. And it helped me a lot with overcoming my shyness and insecurities - up
to a certain point. It was good for opening conversations but, the moment the
conversation started flowing I got STUCK. If a girl was throwing a shit-test my
way which diverted from the script, I was fucked. I lacked the confidence at that
time and most girls saw through me.

One day, my flatmate and I had a girl over for viewing a room. We ended up
partying with her. She loved our attention. And she was into BOTH of us. Philipp
and I openly told it to her face and she just said “Yes.” Unfortunately, I was still in
my shy days, so I gave Philipp the go and focused on another girl with less

He ended up banging her for a couple of weeks (talking about missed

opportunities btw from the previous module). So, anyways, Philipp taught me one
thing. He was fucking good at vibing and just making shit up. I idolized him at that
time. He inspired me. I’m usually not someone who’s keen on tricks but since we
started building a solid foundation throughout the book it is now a good time to
start using some conversation tricks:

First, understand that a conversation is a collaboration. It requires at least two

partners. And you can’t read each other's minds. So you are both under
pressure. But you have the same goal. You wanna keep the convo flowing just as
if it were an infinite game. You play to keep playing. I want you to internalize this
concept. Every conversation is about keeping it “on”. View conversations as a
game. Everyone is a player on the pitch and you are on the SAME team.

This is important. Why?

Sometimes the other player needs support and you have to step in. Fuck your
ego and help him/her out. This is essentially helpful for approaching girls or on
dates. It is your job as a man to keep the convo flowing in the beginning. So, you
have to chip in more than her. The same applies to Networking. There cannot be
any ego involved. What you need now is flexibility and adaptability. How can you
develop this?

Exercise #1
Look in your room, pick a random item, and then, come up with as many
associations as possible to that item. “Plant” See how many associations you can
come up with in 60 seconds. This will teach you to think on your feet.

Now, I almost forgot the most important part. Drop your thoughts. Don’t think
like: ”Uh, I must say this yadi yadi ya” You’ll get stuck and won’t listen. My mentor
always used to say: Switch from Flight attendant to pilot listening. When flight
attendants make a safety announcement no one gives a fuck. When the captain
speaks everyone listens.

With this mindset, off you go into the #2 exercise

Agree and amplify Here’s an example: “Coffee is good” Don’t say: “yeah I agree”

Say this:

Yeah man, coffee is awesome, especially when I just had like 3 redbull before.”
The other person will be like “WTF”. You see, just play around with it.

Especially in dating and relationships, amplifying and teasing are THE best skills
to build and keep attraction high.


That's it, Legend Module 3 is all done, and that means we've finished the whole
book. But let's quickly go back over what we've learned.

In the first module, we talked about you – understanding yourself, dealing with
trauma, and learning how to control your feelings. Then, we moved on to Module
2. Here, we discussed things like being strong in masculine energy,
testosterone-boosting tips, the effects of watching too much adult content, and
ways to heal by using your breath. We also explored finding your purpose, what
your values are, your goals, and writing in a diary every day.

Now, in this last part, we covered decision-making, self-esteem, fears, regrets,

connecting to your heart, etc. And guess what? With all this knowledge and a
plan, you're ready to be a man that people respect and women are attracted to.
You've got everything you need. The only thing left to do is follow the steps I
talked about. If you do that, you're on your way to a better life.

That’s it my man, I know it sucks to finish this book because that means what’s
left is to implement all it into your life. Now you got your hands on all the
information you’d ever need to become Hercules. Women will be fighting for your
attention, and if you already have a woman by your side she’ll feel the difference.
Your whole persona will change.

You’ll become a different version of yourself. More power, dedication, and push.
You’ll go over a transformation. And the best way I found my coaching clients
change is by the strong support of a men’s group. Where everyone there has
already done the work and are on the way up. Support comes from your peers,
but if your friends in life are bums, let me tell you my friend it’s hard to change.

If you ever want to join a strong group, we have one called the Hercules
Brotherhood… Filled with killers pursuing their dreams. We have weekly calls,
discuss different topics, share our shit with each other and become better by the
day. To join this Hercules Brotherhood clcik here:

And as a last moment, I want to thank you for picking up this book and reading it
again. I hope you liked reading it and It would mean a lot if you could tell me what
you thought about it by sending me an email or a direct message here:




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