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A century of language teaching

what are the distinguishing characteristics of various methods?

Grammar-Translation: Classical assumptions about education as a
"discipline”. Learning a foreign language is the mark of educated persons.
Series and Direct methods: L2 and L1 learning similarity Meaningful associations.
Audiolingual Method (ALM): Habit formation through repetition Primacy of oral
Community Language learning (CLL): Whole-person, counseling-learning model of
education Class members bond as a community inductive learning.
Suggestopedia: Relaxed states of consciousness create low anxiety power of "suggestion"
Silent Way: Discovery learning Use of mediating physical objects Problem-solving
Total physical response (TPR) and the natural approach: L1 and L2 learning are similar
comprehension-based approach, language connects with physical action.
Which of those attributes continue to be valid approaches and techniques today?
Grammar translation, audiolingual method, CLL, suggestopedia, TPR.

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