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Al Aqeedah Book Three Test


Assalamo Alaikom wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, O Student of Knowledge

May Allah make you successful as you complete your exam. Purify your niyyah and
remember the glad tidings promised for those who seek sucess in the Aakhirah as opposed
to chasing after the enjoyment of this dunya.

1. Who were the Khulafaa ar Rashideen

the 4 Khalifa abu bakr,umar,uthman,ali Ra

2. The following aayah:

...‫وهلل األسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها‬

is evidence that:
⚪ Allah has Beautiful Names and we should learn them
⚪ It is permissible to call on Allah using His Beautiful Names
⚪ One may make plates with Allah's name on them for protection
⚪ The nasheeds containing names of Allah is permissible
3. Match each caption below with the most appropriate statement
____ Experiences 1. Surah Kahf Aayah110 (‫)قل إنما انا بشر مثلكم‬
Sweetness of
____ Loving Nabi 2. Loves Allah and His Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬above all else, loves for
Muhammed ‫ﷺ‬ the sake of Allah, hating to return to disbelief after Allah
has saved you from it, disliking being thrown in the
____ Nature of Nabi 3. Is evidence of loving Allah Subhaanahu wa ta Aala

4. A Sahaabi is one who met Nabi ‫ ﷺ‬even if he accepted Islam and later renegaded (left
the deen).
⚪ True
⚪ False
5. Complete the statement, "The last part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by
_____________________ ."
⚪ Going for Hajj
⚪ Memorising the texts of Qur'an and Ahaadeeth
⚪ Learning from notable Shaykhs
⚪ What rectified the former part of it, holding onto the Qur'an and Sunnah.
6. What is the closest English meaning of the term "Tawassul" in the Shari'ah?
⚪ Using a pious person's status to get closer to Allah.
⚪ To visit the shrines and offer vows there
⚪ To try to gain closeness to Allah using the legislated means
⚪ Using all possible means to gain closeness to Allah
7. Select those statements which are true regarding the view of Ahlus Sunnah of
perpetrators of major sins
⬜ They remain believers
⬜ They are deficient in Eemaan
⬜ They are disbelievers
⬜ They have left Islam through their disobedience to Allah
⬜ Allah will never forgive them
⬜ They are under the Will of Allah
⬜ They may be oppressed on account of their sins
⬜ Allah may punish them out of His Justice or forgive them out of His Mercy
8. Briefly describe the Rights of Ahlul Bayt and bring/mention a hadeeth to support your
the prophet saw said may allah love whoever loves al husain or i think it was al hasan we must love them all of ahlul

9. Match each caption with its correct explanation

3 Advice for Allah 1. Du'a for him, love him, obey him
____ Advice for the Book of Allah 2. Recite it, Ponder on it, Act on it.
1 ____ Advice for the Muslim Leader 3. Tauheed in Ibaadah

10. Associating with evil companions is a cause for bid'ah being entered into
⚪ False
⚪ True
11. What is the basis for the belief that the perpetrators of major sins who were
muwahhidoon will be taken out of the Hellfire?
⚪ ‫فأولئك مع الذين أنعم اهلل عليهم من النبيين والصديقين‬
⚪ ‫ذلك بأن اهلل مولى الذين ءامنوا‬
⚪ ‫وال يشفعون اال لمن ارتضى‬

⚪ ‫شفاعي ألهل الكبائر من أمتي‬

12. Umar al Farooq was one of the ten given glad tidings of Jannah
⚪ True
⚪ False
13. Allah has mentioned in Qur'an the virtue of the Ansaar and the Muhaajireen.
⚪ True
⚪ False
14. Mention 3 dangers of Bid'ah
lowers ones emaan,no drinking from the haud and can lead to shirk

15. What is the ruling on Swearing at the Sahaaba

these are the worst of people but they are still muslims depending on what they say

16. Select the area in which differences are permissible in our deen
⚪ Aqeedah
⚪ Fiqh
⚪ Manhaj
⚪ The Sunnah
17. It is asserted in the chapter on Wilaayah that wilaayah is synonymous (occurs with
and is at the same level) with one's
⚪ Faith in Allah & that which it is compulsory to have faith in from the unseen
⚪ One's desire to be a walee of Allah
⚪ Good deeds
⚪ Commitment to the auliyaa
18. Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah (Select the 2 correct characteristic mentioned)
⬜ Depend on the two revealed sources
⬜ Abstain from arguments
⬜ Argue for the sake of defending the deen
⬜ Are fanatical only when it comes to matters of worship
19. Mention 3 other Sahaaba from the 10 given glad tidings of Jannah.
talha ,and sad bin abi waqqas and abdur rahman bin auf ra
20. Performing Salaah at the graves is wrong but doesn't reach the level of Shirk
⚪ True
⚪ False
21. Select the acts which are bid'ah from the following acts:
⬜ Revolting against Muslim leaders
⬜ Wearing watches instead of using sticks in the ground to tell time
⬜ Denying that people are under the mashee'ah (Divine Will) of Allah
⬜ Celibacy (Vowing to never get married or have children or abstaining from intimacy
with one's spouse)
⬜ Continuous Fasting
⬜ Driving cars instead of camels and donkeys
⬜ Using a speaker to sound the adhaan instead of someone with a loud voice
⬜ Attending circles of knowledge online instead of in person
22. What is Shafaa'ah/Intercession Shar'an?
⚪ To prevent others attacking a Muslim
⚪ To provide food and drink for someone, regardless of his faith, who is oppressed
⚪ To represent someone in court when he is accused of a transgression
⚪ To seek goodness/wellness for another believer
23. A Muslim is allowed to use the following legislated means to make tawassul to Allah
⚪ Offer money to the gatekeepers of mazaars to get in and make dua there
⚪ Have banquet lunches and feed the poor after slaughtering for a deceased saint
⚪ Meditation
⚪ Use one's own righteous deeds to make tawassul to Allah
24. Mention the evidence for the prohibition from division from Surah Aale Imraan.
Allah says o believers do not divide into sects and o muhammad you have nothing to do with those who do so
and he will inform them of what they used to do
25. Mention the merit and order of the Khulafaa at Raashideen as well as the period of
their leadership.
they were the best of sahaba abu bakr then umar then uthman then ali ra

26. Explain what is meant by "Islam is a deen of moderation and our ummah is a moderate
one, far from laxity and excesses". Use comparisons between laxity of some groups and
excesses of others to clarify.
some groups like liberals are too relaxed some like sufis are tooo extreme

and we follow the middle path

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