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CUSTOMER NAME Eye of Africa Golf Estate


The initial troubleshooting pointed out three major issues namely 1) stop failure, 2) under frequency
(42.5Hz) and 3) under-voltage (335.8 volts – phase to phase). Fault 1 was due to a stop command from
the display unit which failed to communicate with the Intelligent Control Unit which is supposed to give
the DC 24 volt signal to the stop solenoid in turn, in order to stop the generating set. The remedy for this
was to replace the display unit.

Faults 2 & 3 both emanated from a faulty AVR which would not respond to any adjustments and
calibrations due to blown internal components. The remedy to this was AVR replacement.

So, replacement of the above components would’ve been your option 1 according to the submitted
quotations. This would have been a very easy exercise of replacing the OEM components, programming,
calibration, snags and sign off; hence the labour hours were very low. The only challenge was that the
spares were not available locally and the lead time to import from China was too long.

Owing to the above, the need for option 2 arose, which was modifying the whole control system and
circuitry in order to “localise” your generator by using locally available components to minimise your
downtime and increase your uptime, even in future. You opted for option 2.

We installed a new local controller, control relays, AVR, redid the entire control wiring inside the
generator and inside the AMF panel, since the old wiring was designed to work only with the old system
and was not compatible with the new system. In the process, we also learnt that the old stop solenoid
was a motorised one, which only worked with the old Intelligent Control Unit; hence it also had to be
replaced as a variance. The snags were too many and made the commissioning process a nightmare,
though eventually successful. This whole explains why the hours were so many though we only charged
you for only a 3rd of them. The old system components had to be removed since they were not reusable
in the new design, due to compatibility issues.

We hope this report gives clarity on the work done. Many thanks!

Kind Regards


Chief Technologist
TSA – The Solutions Architects
Cell: 082 935 8170
Facebook Page Link: TSA FACEBOOK
Address: 173 Moritz Avenue|Halfwayhouse 1685|Midrand

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

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