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1. Peter is very ………… and intends to be running his own company at the age of 30.
A. enthusiastic B. ambitious C. energetic D. sociable
2. In some companies it can take years to climb the …….. and reach senior management
A. career opportunity B. career plan C. career D. career break
3. Ambitious people often decide on a ……….. when they are still at school.
A. career ladder B. career move C. career plan D. career break
4. I’m in Accounting. There’s a system of ……………. in my company, which means we
work when we want, within certain limits.
A. extra time B. flexi-time C. short time D. overtime
5. Because of her health problems, my sister had to ……….. early retirement.
A. take B. do C. make D. get
6. She's too busy with her three children. Her manager advises her to take a ………………. .
A. career move B. career opportunity
C. career plan D. career break
7. I’m in …………… My job involves developing new products and new ideas.
A. Sales and Marketing B. Research and Development
C. Human Resources D. Finance
8. John works in …………… He deals with staff problems and recruitment.
A. Sales B. Production
C. Human Resources D. Finance
9. Sarah is a ……….. Her responsibility is taking care of visitors and taking messages.
A. saleswoman B. receptionist C. engineer D. accountant
10. Working for a small but rapidly growing company is one way to …………… a career move.
A. make B. take C. offer D. work
11. In order to have more time to look after her baby, she decided to work ……………… .
A. part-time B. full-time C. overtime D. extra time
12. Being a salesperson, in addition to your salary, you will earn a bonus for ……… monthly
A. missing B. making C. setting D. achieving
13. A lot of employers have taken action against staff for writing……………… comments
about the company on their social net-working page.
A. positive B. negative C. useful D. reasonable
14. It’s essential for all members to ………… the meeting which has been scheduled for 8 a.m.
A. attend B. go C. make D. visit

Unit Review 2

15. Kathy will receive a ………… for high levels of productivity each quarter.
A. profit B. bonus C. income D. wage
16. As a new employee in this company, you should ask a more……..person for some
A. hard-working B. ambitious C. charming D. experienced
17. If you are tired of your old nine-to-five……., call US to find out how we can help you.
A. job B. work C. career D. duty
18. Currently, her company is advertising a/ an ………… for an accountant in Finance
A. space B. place C. emptiness D. vacancy
19. Although the company doesn’t offer a very competitive …….., it offers a performance-
related bonus.
A. salary B. turnover C. income D. profit
20. I have lots of experience in Communications, so I am sure I am …………… for the
position of Communications Assistant.
A. responsible B. qualified C. comfortable D.
1. Can you …………… us about your previous job?
A. to tell B. tell C. tells D. telling
2. He has the ability………..things clearly and concisely.
A. to explain B. explain C. explained D. explaining
3. The applicants who ………..will be flown to the corporate office and interviewed there.
A. qualification B. qualify C. qualifies D. qualifying
4. One of my strengths is my foreign languages. I………..speak English and French fluently.
A. should B. can C. would D. will
5. I……… to speak to Tom Hank in Human Resources please.
A. could B. need C. would D. can
6. Would you mind……….these reports immediately?
A. copy B. copying C. to copy D. to copying
7. …………this month’s sales were disappointing, the management decided to hold
promotional events.
A. Due to B. In spite of C. According to D. Because
8. Will you …………go to the seminar in Moscow next week?
A. can B. could C. would D. be able to
9. Before you go for a job interview, find out as much as you ………….. about the company.
A. can B. could C. would D. will
10. During the job interview, you can ask the interviewer questions to show that you’re …….

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in the opportunity.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interestedly
11. I ……. able to win a big contract, which was my greatest achievement in my previous job.
A. am B. were C. was D. have been
12. The company’s …………… resulted in ten highly qualified new employees.
A. recruitment B. recruiter C. recruit D. recruiting
13. Five years ago, I ……… speak English well, which caused me a lot of difficulties at work.
A. can B. can’t C. couldn’t D. could
14. Your chances are better if you apply ………….. a job in spring.
A. for B. in C. with D. on
15. ……………… you mind moving our appointment to Monday?
A. Would B. Could C. Can D. Should
16. In all my years of …………., I have never seen such a motivated group.
A. trainee B. training C. trainer D. train
17. To move ahead in your career, you should evaluate your progress …………… .
A. regularly B. regular C. irregular D. irregularly
18. Would you let US know your …………. as soon as possible?
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
19. He decided to leave the company …………….. he didn’t like its working hours.
A. because B. because of C. although D. despite
20. The department can’t process your ………….until all documents have been received.
A. application B. applicant C. apply D. applying
If you don’t have a career path in mind of if you are tired of your job and want to
make a career move, you can just call us to find out how we can help you. We, Lambrois,
will work with you to understand what is really important to you. For example, are you more
interested in earning a lot of money or in having the opportunity to climb the career ladder?
Our experienced counsellors will also review your existing skills, experience and
qualifications to help guide you into a role that will be right for you. 1. What does Lambrois
specialize in?
A. Offering opportunities to earn money.
B. Finding jobs for the unemployed.
C. Giving advice on people’s careers.
D. Offering courses to improve people’s skills.
Before you go a job interview, make sure that you do your homework. Find out as much as
you can about the company, about its history, about what it does, how many people it
employs, and so on. During the interview, try to keep to the point. Give complete answers but
do not talk for longer than necessary. Finally, remember that you can ask the interviewer

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questions. This will show that you are really interested in the opportunity. 2. Which
statement is False?
A. You need to know about the product or service of the company.
B. You should ask the interviewer some questions.
C. It is necessary to prepare carefully for a job interview.
D. Giving a long answer is always a good idea.

According to new figures released by Microsoft, checks on Facebook and Twitter are now as
important in the job-selection process as a cv or interview. The survey, which questioned
human-resource managers at the top 100 companies in the UK, the US, Germany and France,
found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a candidate because of their online behavior.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Candidates’ behavior on social-networking sites can affect their job prospects.
B. Employers only care about the candidates’ CVs in the job-selection process.
C. According to the survey, only a few employers reject candidates due to their online
D. Candidates always behave badly on Facebook and Twitter.
The successful candidate is responsible for increasing sales and developing marketing
strategies. He has to coordinate the work of the sales team so that they are more motivated
and effective. He needs to carry out market research to improve customer number as well.
4. What is Not the duty of the successful candidate?
A. improving sales B. working with the sales staff
C. doing market research D. dealing with customers
What should you consider before you go to work abroad? “Think carefully about the job,”
says executive coach, Nicola Bunting. “Does it fit in with your career goals or are you being
attracted by the lifestyle? Also before you go, you need to have a re-entry plan.” Kevan Hall,
chief executive of the international people management group, Global Integration, says you
shouldn't underestimate the culture shock. “Go out there beforehand. See what you're getting
5. In Nicola Bunting’s opinion, when going to work abroad, you should:
A. make sure the overseas job suits your career goals.
B. not underestimate the culture shock.
C. go to the place beforehand to check it out.
D. change your lifestyle.
We need to start looking at recruiting some new staff members over the summer. Our
company has gotten lots of new contracts recently. We have abundant work and need to take
on two or three new employees to help with it. We should advertise the positions as entry-
level with room for promotion.

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6. Why does the company need to hire new staff members?

A. Several employees have recently been fired.
B. The company has a lot of work.
C. Several employees have been promoted.
D. The company has to negotiate new contracts.
We should advertise the positions as entry-level with room for promotion. We should choose
the candidates carefully as I don’t want to have to end up firing anyone who turns out to be a
bad match. I would like the new staff members to start work by June.
7. The word “candidates” is closest in meaning to
A. Advertisements B. descriptions
C. Recommendations D. applicants
I am writing in response to you ad in last Sunday’s newspaper. I am interested in applying for
the marketing research assistant position. 1 have the background and abilities you are looking
for. I have recently graduated from a four-year university program with a degree in
8. What kind of job is the writer looking for?
A. Office manager B. Marketing manager
C. Marketing research assistant D. Newspaper reporter
I am writing in response to you ad in last Sunday’s newspaper. I am interested in applying for
the marketing research assistant position. I have the background and abilities you are
looking for. 1 have recently graduated from a four-year university program with a degree in
9. The word “background” is closest in meaning to
A. Experience B. location
C. position D. age
All new hires are required to attend a training session that will take place on Friday, October
12 from 9.30 a.m until 3.30 P.M. The session will be conducted in Meeting Room 3, and
lunch will be provided.
10. How long will the training session last?
A. three hours B. six hours
C. nine hours D. twelve hours
1. Apple Inc. ‘s new …………in the northeast comer of Cupertino looks like a spaceship parked
ill a man-made forest.
A. headquarter B. parent company C. multinational D. corporation
2. McDonalds’ is losing ………… in China to Yum!
A. sales B. market share C. profit D. turnover
3. Rabobank reported a 10% drop in ………. for 2013 to $13l million due to its failure

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in the home market.

A. gross loss B. net profit C. staff turnover D. workforce
4. Johnson & Johnson is an American giant …………. in industry. It exports medical devices
and drug products all over the world.
A. retail B. engineering
C. pharmaceutical D. telecommunication
5. Warren Buffet is one of the ten most ………. CEOs in the world.
A. revolutionary B. affected C. influential D. financial
6. Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd, one of the largest container ship ………… in the world, has a fleet
of over 200 ships.
A. manufacturer B. maker C. provider D. operator
7. Many Vietnamese enterprises are dramatically ……….. into international markets.
A. expanding B. expecting C. exchanging D. entering
8. The price of a cup of coffee may have to ………... after the biggest increase in bean prices since 2000.
A. raise B. fall C. rise D. decrease
9. Pepsico may increase the ………….. to $1.7 bn this year to win over Coca Cola.
A. advertising budget B. launch events
C. marketing campaign D. TV commercials
10. The ………… of a company is essential to its survival. Consumers’ trust and confidence
can have a significant effect on its business.
A. committee B. reputation C. customers D. successor
11. Conti has $3 million to ……….. in his company so that it can continue its remarkable
A. spend B. focus C. invest D. develop
12. Vinamilk, the largest dairy ……….. in Vietnam, is building a milk factory in Cambodia.
A. builder B. producer C. trader D. analyst
13. Dino Conti Ice Cream Inc., based in Santa Barbara, manufactures and ……… cream to
consumers in California.
A. distributes B. exports C. imports D. provides
14. John Lewis is owned by its employees who can decide the way it is run and has a share
in its profits. Is it the way every organization should be……………?
A. operated B. jogged C. walked D. shared
15. Mr. John Buffet, the current president, is expected to ………next month. He is not interested
in managing a company anymore.
A. retire B. promote C. realize D. establish
16. Global companies prefer to …………… to India because of high quality work, low labor
cost and favorable time zone?
A. announce B. outsource C. generate D. invest

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17. I am …………. to say our parent company has continued its excellent performance.
A. disappointed B. interesting C. satisfying D. pleased
18. It can be seen that the evening language course has had a ………. effect on him. He has
improved his language skills a lot.
A. negative B. positive C. harmful D. helpful
19. The talks were meant to ……….. barriers between the two groups.
A. break up B. break into C. break down D. break out
20. African Express Airways was established in 1986. Which of the following phrases can
replace the underlined word?
A. set out B. set off C. set up D. set on
1. Its most popular product is sold ……….. the SupaKool label.
A. under B. with C. on D. for
2. Currently, the marketing team and the sales team …….. the next stage in our development and
we…………for major growth outside Europe.
A. are considering/ are preparing B. is considering/ prepare
C. consider/ are preparing D. consider/ prepare
3. The Tata Group has 100 subsidiaries which include India’s biggest ………. company, its
biggest……..…company and its biggest automotive producer.
A. steel private-sector / outsourcing information technology
B. private-sector steel/ information technology outsourcing
C. steels private-sectors/ outsourcing information technology
D. private-sector steels/ information technology outsourcing

4. The group will consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job …….. simply
choosing the most obvious successor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. though D. instead of
5. Increased production has had a positive effect on our cash flow …………… , we are able to
finance a number of new projects.
A. therefore B. but C. or D. however
6. At present, we ……….. to start full production at the recently opened Spanish subsidiary in
A. planning B. are planning C. plan D. planned
7. We have a/an ……………. of 2500 at our factory near Tay Ninh. Most of them are local
A. employer B. manager C. turnover D. workforce
8. Toyota is a highly ………… company in the Vietnamese automobiles market.
A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive

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9. So far we have launched the latest Iphone model ………………. .

A. successfully B. succeed C. successful D. successor
10. To ensure success, managers should make sure that employees are ………. with the
organization and have a clear of ………. the company’s goals.
A. engaged/ understood B. engaged/ understanding
C. engaging/understood D. engaging/ understanding
11. Nature’s Way Foods is a food-………….. company based on the south coast of England.
A. manufacture B. manufacturer C. manufacturing D. manufactured
12. Our company was founded in Venice in 1996. That’s also where we …….…. based.
A. are currently B. were currently
C. are currently being D. were currently being
13. Shiseido …………. on all the Japanese TV networks. It ………… a new variety show of
NHK station which is on TV next month.
A. advertises/ sponsor B. is advertising/ sponsor
C. advertises/ sponsoring D. advertises/ is sponsoring
14. Dino Conti mainly distributes its ice cream to supermarkets and …………stores.
A. company – own B. company-owns
C. company – owned D. company-owning
15. Dino Conti plans to spend $2m ……….…….. out its major competitors.
A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying
16. The company invests $1.2m ………….modernizing its equipment and fleet of trucks.
A. on B. for C. at D. in
17. I would like to congratulate our staff ……… their upstanding performance.
A. on B. in C. with D. to

18. Our sales were up 30 % over the past 12 months. This strong ……….. in a rather difficult
year for the economy shows the value of our service.
A. grow B. growing C. grown D. growth
19. Sofia is Marketing Manager at Kayavis Food & Wine S.A., an ………….. medium-sized
business in Thessaloniki.
A. expanding B. expanded C. expand D. expansion
20. Our company ……… Distributors in eleven countries in Europe and America, so our
Marketing Director ………… abroad frequently.
A. is having/ is travelling B. has/ travels
C. has/ is traveling D. is having/ travel
Read the text below and answer questions
A small company software company seeking to expand into the Asian market seeks experienced

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sales representatives. We are looking for an energetic self-starter with a minimum of three years;
experience in sales, preferably with computer-based products. The candidate must be able to
work independently. Must be fluent in English and have good Japanese language skills. He/she
must be familiar with most common office software packages. Job involves travel 1 to 2 weeks
per month. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. To apply, call Me. Rogers at
555 6983 between 1 and 4. Or fax resume and references to 555 6988.
1. What kind of job is advertised?
A. Computer programmer C. Salesperson
B. Software developer D. Travel agent

2. How much experience is required?

A. No more than 3 years C. 3 years or more
B. 1 to 4 years D. At least 4 years
3. The word “ involves” is closest in meaning to
A. Prohibits C. Includes
B. Prevents D. Allows
Yamitomo International continues to be a pioneer in the digital revolution. As one of the first
companies to manufacture compact discs, we continue to develop and implement the latest
techniques. At Yamitomo we manufacture compact discs, analog and digital cassettes, and
records, as well as CD-ROM, Video CD, and we are ready to deliver the next generation of
sound carriers. We have carefully built a reputation of excellence in quality and customer
service. We not only manufacture but also provide printing, packaging, shipping, marketing and
distribution service for music and media products
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Musical artists are given much freedom with Yamitomo
B. Analog cassettes were developed by Yamimoto
C. Music and media products are invented by Yamitomo
D. Yamitomo has a reputation of excellence, diversity, and innovation.
5. What kind of company is Yamitomo International?
A. An electronics manufacturer C. A music company
B. A computer distributor D. A moving company
Most European financial institutions agree that an ATM is not just a purchase. It is an
investment. That is why more than 50% of banks that have ATMs have invested in our
company’s machines, DynaBold.
At DynaBold, we have always built our ATMs to last. But since we are continually developing
new technologies, we have made them adaptable, too. Years ago, we created the industry’s first
modular ATM that could be upgraded without changing the housing. Today, these ATMs are still
producing profits for their original investors.

Unit Review 2

However, we do much more than protect your investment. With more than 100 years of security
expertise, we make sure your ATM is secure, too. Our service organization responds 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. Also, all our service engineers are trained to maintain everything from
electronic components to security features.
6. What kind of company is DyanaBold?
A. An ATM manufacturer B. An investment firm
C. A bank D. A security service
7. What did DynaBold develop?
A. Modular homes B. A chain of banks
C. New investment methods D. Upgradable ATMs
8. How does the company maintain its ATMs?
A. By upgrading them often
B. Through a 24-hour service program
C. By investing in new technologies
D. Through the Research and Development department
It’s just before opening time on bonus day at John Lewis and, boy, are we all excited. Up and
down the country, the 69 000 people who work for the nation’s favorite retailer are gathered,
impatient. A specially chosen staff member opens an envelope and reads out a number. Fifteen
9. What can be inferred from the extract?
A. Employees are choosing a staff member.
B. John Lewis is a boy
C. John Lewis is the nation’s popular retailer.
D. There is a figure on top of the envelope.
Analysts question whether Tata can create an example for corporate India of orderly transition
from family leadership to professional management. “There’s a feeling if an outsider”, especially
a foreigner, took over a group as complex as Tata, it would be disastrous”, says a banker who
knows the company. However, some critics argue that introducing professionals would help to
break down a reputation for weak management in large family-run companies.
10. Which of the following statements CAN’T be inferred?
A. Whether Tata can successfully transform from a family-owned business into a professionally
managed company is a controversial issue.
B. Large family-run companies are renowned for strong leadership.
C. There is doubt that a foreigner can effectively manage a complex Indian group like Tata.
D. Tata group will be under control of a Tata family member.

Unit Review 2

1. The most difficult sales task is asking for money, or, to use ………. term “closing”.
A. technical B. practical C. financial D. economical
2. Salesperson should practice summarizing the sales process and explaining the ………. for
the customers that the proposed solution will bring.
A. profits B. benefits C. sales D. effects
3. A …………. is another name for a “manufacturer”.
A. supplier B. distributor C. producer D. venturer
4. A retailer is a business or person that sells goods to consumer, as opposed to a
………….or a supplier, who normally sell their goods to another business.
A. wholesalers B. retailers C. makers D. manufacturers
5. The supplier promise the ……….. date will be within 28 days after the date of signing
A. dispatch B. purchase C. pursue D. exchange
6. Customers should ask for a ………… to obtain a discount on future purchase from the
same organization when they buy in bulk.
A. loyalty-card B. credit-card
C. interest-free credit D. guarantee
7. Do women ………… better salespeople than men?
A. take B. make C. get D. do
8. I’m wondering how to establish a good eBay …………. because I’m a new buyer.
A. reputation B. resolution C. repetition D. reparation
9. Customers who are not ……….. to the goods can return them within seven days.
A. satisfied B. interested C. excited D. surprised
10. Can I have the …………. date of your credit card?
A. opening B. closing C. expiry D. ending
11. Honesty, personality, integrity and good look are the four key………….required to
become a successful salesperson.
A. quantities B. qualities C. abilities D. possibilities
12. Good look is the last important factor. It comes at the ………. of the list.
A. bottom B. head C. top D. middle
13. Money is the top ………. for salesmen. Money motivates salesman most to exceed the
sales target.
A. institution B. interest C. intension D. incentive
14. You don’t have to go to the hotel to book a room. You can make ………. online.
A. communication B. reservation C. conservation D. conversation
15. Don’t forget to …………. and don’t be afraid to go away if you think the price is too
A. menu B. bargain C. receipt D. order
16. This shop is small but it has a/an of ………….. 10,000 dollars/ month.
A. turnover B. salary C. invoice D. bill
17. They guarantee that they will ………….. if we are not satisfied with their goods.
A. return B. refund C. retrain D. reduce
18. You have to work very hard to ……….. people to your site.
A. appeal B. attend C. attract D. attack
19. Don’t worry about the delivery because we always have ready goods in ………….. .
A. stock B. storage C. warehouse D. wardrobe
20. Products and services offered at a large discount are generally a/ an …………… .
A. bargain B. sale C. offer D. deal

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1. Suppliers always offer discount for the customers buy …………. bulk.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
2. In my opinion, you ………. sign that contract and take a long rest.
A. must B. have to C. should D. need
3. You ……… have a driving license if you want to drive a car.
A. must to B. have to C. should D. need
4. Thanks goodness! It’s Friday! I ……….. work tomorrow.
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. wouldn’t
5. I think the government ………. do more to reduce inflation.
A. should B. can C. need D. would
6. If you are invited to an American home, you ………. arrive earlier or exactly on time.
A. shouldn’t B. doesn’t have to C. should D. have to
7. You …….. buy a very expensive gifts, otherwise you ……….. embarrass your hosts.
A. shouldn’t/ could B. should/ couldn’t
C. must/ should not D. mustn’t/ should
8. E-commerce helps customers to compare price ……………. .
A. easier B. more easy C. easilier D. more easily
9. To be successful in …………. online business, your products must be competitive.
A. run B. to run C. running D. ran
10. I save a lot of time when buying online because I …………… queue.
A. don’t have to B. doesn’t have to C. have to D. has to
11. I can pay ………….. the house now, so I don’t have to worry about a bank loan.
A. to B. for C. on D. with
12. The practice of dual pricing is only a short-term solution, according…………..the Director.
A. on B. from C. to D. at
13. I ……….. wear a suit to work, but I usually do.
A. don’t need to B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
14. We don’t need to order more ………. we’ve still got plenty of stock in the warehouse.
A. so B. but C. because D. and
15. Money isn’t a problem for us ………….. you deliver goods on time.
A. as long as B. as much as C. while D. whereas
16. Before presentation, he always prepares materials …………… .
A. careful B. carefully C. care D. careless
17. It is necessary …………. on time when you make an appointment with a customer.
A. pay B. paying C. to pay D. paid
18. The demand of borrowing money ……………… a car has increased in recent years.
A. for B. from C. about D. with
19. If their production costs increase, they may ………….. their prices.
A. to raise B. raise C. raising D. to raising
20. The oil price is too ……………, it should be reduced.
A. high B. highly C. height D. heighten
That is the story of a real travel business as told to me by Michael Moorman, head of ZS
Associates, a Chicago-based sales and marketing consultancy. Mr. Moorman is critical of
some of the old-fashioned, amateur selling techniques that go on in many businesses that are
unsuited to today's commercial environment.
1. Which statement is UNTRUE according to the passage?
A. The story is told to the writer.
B. Michael Moorman is the Director of ZS Associates.

Unit Review 3

C. Associates is based in Chicago.

D. Mr. Moorman is proud of the old-fashioned, amateur selling techniques.
If it is a business trip and your company is paying, do you know what price you will be
charged? I did not think so. The individual customer does not have this sort of information.
The travel department in your company can handle it. But what if the travel agency that they
are buying from doesn't know the price either? Good news for your company's purchasing
department: they can get a better all-in deal. But the travel agency, through its amateur
approach to buying and selling, is throwing away a large amount of money.
2. What expression is used to refer to the organization that sells travel services?
A. Company B. Travel department
C. Travel agency D. Purchasing department
3. Which statement is TRUE in the extract?
A. Travel department is one that sells travel services.
B. The individual customers have already known the payment for their business trip.
C. Travel agency will lose a lot of money through its amateur approach.
D. The travel department in your company cannot deal with the cost of traveling.
Part one of the sales cycle is the qualification process: the sales person should listen carefully
to the customer's needs and find a solution that can be delivered quickly. The larger the order,
the more likely it is that the buyer may have to get authorization from someone higher in the
organization, perhaps even the purchasing director. This is probably someone who is only
interested in big discounts. It is a good idea to ask a possible buyer how much they are
allowed to spend. Then you can offer them products or services that they can afford.
4. Who is purchasing director?
A. member of the sales force
B. Someone whose job is to buy goods and services for a company
C. Someone who owns a company
D. The Head of Sales Department
Carat, the media buying group, expects Internet advertising worldwide to grow by 25% this
year. In developed market, growth rates are even faster. US first-quarter online advertising
growth, for example, was 38%, and there remains plenty of room for further rapid expansion.
5. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A. This year, Internet advertising is expected to increase by a quarter.
B. In some markets, the increase will be lower.
C. There was no chance for further expansion.
D. US online advertising growth was 38% in the first half of the year.
We, the management of the Big Center would like to apologize to all our guests for any
inconvenience caused by our remodeling efforts. We are sure that the greatest effort are being
made to ensure all public spaces totally clean, that all guests efforts are provided with
professionalism, and that noise is kept to a minimum. During the remodeling, we are pleased
to offer all guests 10% off your bill and 10% off your nest stay as well, when remodeling is
6. Why is the management apologizing?
A. There has been a lack of professionalism B. The public spaces are not immaculate
C. Some construction is underway D. Guests are being over billed
7. What is being offered to current guests because of the problem?
A. A discount on their stay B. Personal training
C. Free coffee D. A massage
Please do not use this Website if your payment is intended for overdue sewer charges related
to sewer certification. If you recently received a notice about unpaid sewer charges, please

Unit Review 3

follow the payment instructions on the notice. Sewer payments can be mailed to Division of
Water, P.O.Box 139012, Worthwood, NP 8926-2412. Payments must be received by Feb 16.
8. What must people with overdue sewer bills do?
A. Call the Division of Water B. Follow the instruction given
C. Search the information in the WebsitesD. No information
The first World Wide Web server and browser, created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, opened
for commercial use in 1991. Thereafter, subsequent technological innovations emerged in
1994: online banking, the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut, Netscape's SSL v2
encryption standard for secure data transfer, and Intershop's first online shopping system.
Immediately after, launched its online shopping site in 1995 and eBay was also
introduced in 1995.
9. What was the purpose of inventing the first World Wide Web?
A. to open an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut B. for online banking
C. to secure data transfer D. for commercial use.
Banking is transaction carried on by any individual or firm engaged in providing financial
services to consumers, businesses, or government enterprises. In the broadest sense, banking
consists of safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facilitating loans, guaranteeing
creditworthiness, and exchange of money.
10. What services do the banks offer to their customers?
A. after selling services B. lending services only
C. financial services D. saving services

Unit Review 3

1. A lot of people buy our product in summer. We should ………. this opportunity to launch
the new model.
A. take advantage of B. have a chance of
C. have the use of D. take care of
2. What should we do to ………. our social status?
A. increase B. raise C. rise D. grow
3. Fabtek company intends to ………. the market which was closed to it before.
A. keep B. open C. enter D. sell
4. If the company wants to offer more choice to existing customers, it'll extend its product ………. .
A. diversity B. quality C. quantity D. range
5. Every product is made to………. a need, or to satisfy customer demand.
A. meet B. respond C. please D. fill
6. We have ………. a real breakthrough in the search for peace.
A. earned B. looked C. made D. done
7. The most outstanding feature of this machine is that it can help to ………. waste during the
process of manufacture.
A. reduce B. increase C. go down D. cut out
8. A product is called a "green" one when it can satisfy some criteria for ………. the environment.
A. keeping B. conserving C. protecting D. cleaning
9. This type of shoes has such a special use that it can………. a gap in the market.
A. fulfill B. fill C. suit D. close
10. As they've produced a successful model of computers, they deserve to ………. an
award for their creativity.
A. offer B. win C. climb D. keep
1. Last month we …………. some ideas into practice, so our business …………. more
A. put / was making B. was putting / made
C. put / made D. was putting / was making
2. I was trying to look for a job when suddenly I …………. an interesting one in the newspaper.
A. was finding B. found C. founded D. was founding
3. We …………. when someone knocked at the door.
A. talked B. have talked C. were talking D. are talking
4. We …………. in the meeting room while they were making so much noise outside.
A. discussed B. have discussed C. were discussing D. had discussed
5. I'm sorry for not receiving your call at 9.30 this morning, I …………. some arrangements
for the conference tomorrow.
A. made B. had made C. have been making D. was making
6. The rent………….. by 5 percent, so we decided to close the shop.
A. increased B. have increased C. have been increasing D. was increasing
7. At that time, we …………. to overcome the crisis by reducing costs and making some staff
A. was trying B. were trying C. tried D. try
8. When we set up this company, we …………. to make it become a famous one.
A. was wanting B. had wanted C. want D. wanted
9. . …………. the other hand, some products are developed in response…………. customer
A. On / for B. In / to C. On / to D. In / for
10. They have made a breakthrough …………. having a perfect idea for recycling waste.

Unit Review 4

A. with B. in C. on D. by
Exercise 1: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
The newly redesigned Sigma Seven sedans have arrived! Come to Manny's Car Dealership
and _____ (1) them out. The Seven is available in three models. _____ (2). It comes with a
standard four-cylinder engine that maximizes fuel efficiency. For those wanting a sportier
ride, the Seven X delivers. With a powerful six-cylinder engine, it has impressive
acceleration and handles like a race car. But if you _____ (3) comfort and styling above all
else, the Seven Lux is the car for you. You get the powerful six-cylinder engine with leather
seats and other luxury features. Stop by today for a free test drive of the new Sigma Seven.
_____ (4) are sure to be _____ (5) !
1. A. check B. checks C. checking D. to check
A. You will probably want to buy them all.
B. There are lots of ways to help you decide.
C. The new model features many upgrades.
D. The Seven Eco is perfect for commuters.
3. A. prefer B. know C. present D. design
4. A. He B. You C. They D. There
5. A. impressed B. impressive C. impress D. impressing
Exercise 2: Read the text and choose the best option.
As of January 1st all new employees will be subject to a 3 month probationary period.
Medical, holiday, and flextime benefits will not apply to new staff members until the full 3
months have expired. After the three months have been completed, please contact your
employees and inform them that their probationary period has ended. The HR department
will contact you by email 2 days in advance to remind you of the date. Thank you for your
6. What is the main purpose of this memo?
A. To inform all employees of a new expiration date.
B. To put staff members on probation.
C. To introduce the HR department.
D. To inform supervisors of a change in policy.
7. When does the change come into effect?
A. Today.
B. In 2 days.
C. In 3 months.
D. On January 1st.
Working out where great ideas come from is one of the big puzzles of modern management.
Corporate research laboratories and in house product development groups are only part of the
answer. Innovative products and processes can come from start-ups, competitors, university
campuses and ordinary employees.
8. Which sentence is True?
A. Some new ideas come from new businesses.
B. Most new ideas come from in-house research.
C. No new ideas come from in-house research.
D. Most new ideas come from university campuses.
Users are often the first to develop many, and perhaps most, new industrial and commercial
products. For example, 3M, the industrial products group, has programmes in place to collect
ideas generated by key users. Von Hippel found that these products at 3M were likely to be
more innovative, enjoy higher market share, have greater potential to develop into an entire

Unit Review 4

product line.
9. Which sentence is True?
A. Users often have no idea to develop new products.
B. 3M uses consumers' ideas to create new products.
C. Von Hippel did not like consumers' ideas.
D. 3M's market share has become smaller.
Are you setting up a small business? Worried about the costs of renting office space and
employing the right people? Rebus Virtual Office World can help you. With our Basic Office
Deal, we can set up a virtual office for you practically overnight.
10. Where is the text from?
A. A message from a business to a current client
B. An advertisement for a new business service
C. An email from an employer to his employees
D. A newspaper article about a new business's success

Unit Review 4

1. In the simplest terms, _______ is a discussion between two or more disputants who are
trying to work out a solution to their problem.
A. management B. negotiation C. interview D. presentation
2. I am going to the _______ today because my front tooth hurts badly.
A. optician's B. doctor's C. scientist's D. dentist's
3. Due to the crash, a lot of cars got stuck in a _______ that lasted nearly 4 hours.
A. crowd B. traffic jam C. crisis D. trouble
4. My boss was late for the annual meeting because she had to spend hours finding a place to
_______ her car.
A. seat B. sit C. park D. put
5. Healthcare Daily is a newspaper which provides answers to questions about _______, body
weight and the role of diet in improving and maintaining your health.
A. pressure B. stress C. nutrition D. mediation
6. The most popular spa treatment is _______ which involves different types of touch,
pressure or flowing movement applied to the skin to release muscular tension and pain.
A. jacuzzi B. massage C. steam bath D. fitness
7. In order to reduce stress in the company, _______ session and yoga courses are provided
after working hours.
A. negotiation B. training C. meditate D. practice
8. What a/ an _______ colleague! He is not easy to work with.
A. easy-going B. friendly C. difficult D. interesting
9. The most common forms of stress-related _______ are heart attacks, high blood pressure
resulting from hypertension.
A. boredom B. comfort C. illness D. uneasiness
10. Stressed people always worry about making _______ during their presentations.
Errors can depress them easily.
A. difficulties B. differences C. mistakes D. troubles
11. The shop assistants often receive complaints from_______ customers.
A. satisfied B. dissatisfied C. open-minded D. boring
12. When stressed, my boss easily gets _______ with subordinates.
A. humorous B. excited C. funny D. angry
13. At Microsoft, employees can choose the time they start and finish work each day.
They work _______ .
A. flexi-time B. part time C. full time D. part of time
14. _______ is the way people choose to organize their lives.
A. Standard of life B. Life arrangement C. Lifestyle D. Living way
15. _______ is the amount of work a person is expected to do.

Unit Review 5

A. Workload B. Work sheet C. Work shop D. Work

1. Can you tell us how _______ with stress successfully at work?
A. to coping B. coping C. cope D. to cope
2. Do you think that men and women deal with stress _______?
A. different B. difference C. differently D. differentiate
3. The output has decreased considerably because five staff in the Production Department are
_______ a lot of stress.
A. under B. in C. with D. at
4. Setting _______ a counseling service can help our staff to reduce stress.
A. for B. - C. on D. up
5. At present, our managers _______ for ways to improve our employees' lives.
A. have looked B. looked C. look D. are looking
6. Before June, James _______ from stress, resulting in his two-month treatment
at the General Hospital.
A. suffered B. has suffered C. is suffering D. suffers
7. After the yoga courses, employees claimed _______ more energy.
A. have B. having C. had D. to have
8. _______ his sickness, he went on his night shift.
A. Despite B. Because C. Although D. Since
9. The manager is looking for ways of helping his employees _______ with stress.
A. dealt B. to dealing C. dealing D. deal
10. When one person is _______ sick, everyone has to work twice as hard.
A. off B. on C. for D. from
11. I was planning to visit the New York office next week, but now I have to put it off
_______ work pressure.
A. because of B. because C. despite D. although
12. They've just hired a stress counselor, _______.
A. do they B. have they C. haven't they D. are they

13. She _______ a very heavy workload last week as several colleagues were sick.
A. have B. has C. have had D. had
14. A high level of stress may _______ to poor health, bad relationship at work and
a loss of productivity.
A. led B. leading C. to lead D. lead
15. The number of people staying off work because of stress-related illnesses_______ recently.
A. increase B. increases C. increased D. has increased

Unit Review 5

Exercise 1: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Wellness in the Workplace
___________(1) health care costs remain an issue of great concern for many employers.
"People are working more hours, and at the same time, medical costs are rising, so it makes
sense to promote wellness," says Morris Hsiu, health services coordinator for Greenview
Marketing in Kelowna, British Columbia. "It costs less to build and staff a gym than it does
to pay for health care, train new staff or hire ___________(2) staff to take over when
someone becomes ill ___________(3) stress or overwork."
At Greenview, as at other companies, employees who use the gym are more relaxed and
___________(4) and spend fewer days away from work due to illness, thus saving the
company money.
Hsiu recommends that companies start with small steps to ___________(5) encourage good
health. Some suggestions from Hsiu include bringing in instructors to provide classes in
stretching or aerobics and hiring nutrition consultants for diet information.
1. (A) Increasing (B) Duplicate (C) Advancing (D) Reciprocal
2. (A) senior (B) temporary (C) term-time (D) transit
3. (A) due to (B) because (C) since (D) more than
4. (A) productive (B) productively (C) productivity (D) product
5. (A) acting (B) activity (C) actively (D) active
Exercise 2: Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of
the following questions.
I'm not happy with my work-life balance at all. I work at least 50 or 60 hours a week so I
don't have any time at all for myself or to see my children. I communicate with my wife by
leaving messages on the fridge. We have hardly ever seen each other because we work
different hours and I never have time to see my friends or keep fit.
6. What lifestyle does he have?
A. relaxing B. luxurious C. stressful D. boring
My father works more than 70 hours a week for a car company, which I think is madness.
Lots of Japanese people do the same. There's an expression in Japanese, karoshi, which
means 'dying because you work too hard'. A lot of Japanese people get ill or die because they
work too much. I think my generation is different. We don't want our lives to be ruled by
7. Which statement is False?
A. A lot of Japanese people work less than 70 hours a week.

Unit Review 5

B. 'Karoshi" means 'dying of working hard'.

C. Too much work badly influences the Japanese people's health.
D. Young generation in Japan may have a different lifestyle.
Marketing is a very stressful job as it is deadlines all the time. When someone goes off sick,
everyone in the company has to work twice as hard. Therefore, the CEO has been trying to
find ways to help his staff solve this problem.
8. Which sentence is incorrect?
A. The employees have to deal with a lot of time limits for finishing work.
B. When one person is sick; other people need to work harder.
C. The CEO knows that the staff suffer from stress.
D. The CEO doesn't try to help the staff cope with stress.
For a long while, she loved her job and there were perks- lots of travel, for instance - but it
was never what she had planned to do with her life. Like so many others, she just got
involved in a career that had started accidentally.
9. Which statement is correct?
A. She worked for a travel agent.
B. She used to love her job.
C. She had a clear plan to start her job.
D. She wanted to work for many other companies
I certainly feel under a lot of pressure. I find it difficult now to focus on my work simply
because there isn't enough space, and we have no privacy either. None of us likes to work in
an open-plan office. We are cooped up in a small area where there isn't even a window.
10. What does the author complain about?
A. heavy workloads
B. new staff members
C. space problem
D. payment

Unit Review 5

1. There are a lot of events both inside and outside that you can choose to _______ your
A. enjoy B. enlarge C. entertain D. enable
2. It's more important to retain our customers in times of economic decline than in times of
A. recession B. concession C. oppression D. boom
3. What would you like for your _______, soup or salad?
A. aperitif B. starter C. dessert D. main course
4. Can I reserve a _______ for ten for 6.30 pm next Monday?
A. table B. desk C. meal D. meat
5. My car has broken down. Can you give me a _______?
A. bus B. gift C. lift D. train
6. This dish is delicious. Can you show me the _______, please?
A. recipe B. cook-book C. cooking D. receipt
7. The restaurant is in a _______ location. It takes us only 15 minutes to walk there from the hotel.
A. difficult B. wrong C. convenient D. inconvenient
8. The company always organizes _______ events to keep its clients happy.
A. hospital B. hospitality C. host D. hostel
9. When you have a lot of knowledge and experience, people say you have _______.
A. expert B. career C. expertise D. job
10. By offering your staff a/ an harder_______, you can encourage them to work
A. money B. incentive C. salary D. amenity
11. We have to come back for the meeting so I'll ask the waiter for the _______.
A. bill B. receipt C. invoice D. price list
12. It's important to have good _______ so that no one gets into the building without permission.
A. eye B. facility C. security D. accommodation
13. RBS chose to sponsor golf because it _______ wealthy people in both the USA and Europe.
A. selects B. targets C. collects D. aims
14. The management board didn't feel that sponsoring Tiger Woods was _______ doing.
A. worth B. nice C. fine D. good
15. If someone in our department completes their tasks well, it is nice to _______ them
with a gift or bonus.
A. offer B. reward C. give D. bring
1. Producers of entertainment films are always looking _______ new ideas so that they can
attract audience.
A. forward B. for C. into D. out of

Unit Review 6

2. They took us _______to an excellent restaurant.

A. away B. out C. up D. over
3. If she criticizes you at the annual meeting, I will back you _______.
A. down B. up C. in D. out
4. I ran into Sanita in Hanoi last week and she _______ you her regards.
A. send B. is sending C. was sending D. sent
5. If you have a boss you get _______ with, it will be easier for you at work.
A. on B. into C. over D. up
6. We have worked out an action plan _______ stress in our department.
A. reduce B. to reduce C. reduced D. reducing
7. At that time, the government ______ to encourage people to start new businesses.
A. try B. tries C. is trying D. was trying
8. After several years of slow ______ , the economy is showing signs of picking up.
A. grow B. grew C. growth D. grown
9. Japanese people prefer to sing in karaoke parlors because their entertainment budgets _______.
A. cut B. being cut C. are cutting D. are cut
10. I was very angry because no one turned ______ at the airport to pick me up last night.
A. and B. up C. out D. off
11. This is the second time I ______ a foreign visitor.
A. entertain B. am entertaining C. have entertained D. entertained
12. Can I have a cup of hot tea ______ lemon and some sugar?
A. for B. of C. about D. with
13. Could you find him somewhere comfortable, ______ not too expensive?
A. and B. so C. but D. as
14. He is arriving ______ Thursday in the morning.
A. in B. at C. for D. on
15. Fashion companies have to come ______ new and exciting ideas to have better
A. on to B. in to C. up with D. back to
Exercise 1: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Dear Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to bring your (1) _______ to the upcoming
event organized by our company. It will be held on the 15th of October at the Grand Hall, and
it promises to be an (2) _______ experience for all attendees.
To ensure the success (3) _______ the event, we need everyone's participation. Please sign up
using the attached (4) _______, indicating the activities you are interested in. We are also
open to any suggestions you may have to enhance the program.
Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward (5) _______ you all at the event!
Best regards,

Unit Review 6

1. A. attention B. attendance C. articulation D. addition

2. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement
3. A. to B. in C. of D. from
4. A. leaflet B. leafy C. leave D. leaves
5. A. to see B. for seeing C. seeing D. to seeing
Exercise 2: Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of
the following questions.
In a world where corporate hospitality and staff incentives are big business, yachts are
chartered by many companies. Miriam Cain of Camper & Nicholsons, a company which
hires and sells yachts, says companies use them because they offer high levels of security and
6. According to this paragraph, which statement is true?
A. Companies like using yachts because they are secure and private.
B. In the world there are many hospitals.
C. Miriam Cain of Camper & Nicholsons makes and sells yachts.
D. High levels of security and privacy aren’t offered to Miriam Cain of Camper & Nicholsons.
Yachts are like six-star, self-contained private resorts, complete with business and conference
facilities and entertainment and relaxation amenities. Their controlled environment is a key
selling point, but at €90,000 a day they may seem too expensive for most companies.
7. According to this paragraph which statement is FALSE?
A. Yachts are similar to six-star, self-contained private resorts.
B. Yachts have business and conference facilities and entertainment and relaxation amenities.
C. Some yachts can cost up to €90,000 a week.
D. For most companies the price of €90,000 per day is somewhat too expensive.
Pharmaceutical companies are no longer allowed to offer healthcare professionals personal
gifts. Any gift offered should be relevant to office use, and its value restricted to ten euros.
8. According to this paragraph which statement is NOT TRUE?
A. Healthcare professionals at pharmaceutical companies are allowed to receive gifts.
B. Gifts offered to healthcare professionals should be suitable for office use.
C. Gifts offered to healthcare professionals should be inexpensive
D. No one at pharmaceutical companies are allowed to offer healthcare professionals
personal gifts
In the service sector, one of the aims of the company is to maintain and improve customer
service, and this is achieved partly through low staff turnover.
9. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The writer believes loyal staff will benefit the company.
B. The writer believes low-salary staff will benefit the company.
C. Because they are in the service sector, they must have some clear aims.
D. Low-salary staff is good for a company in the service sector.
My philosophy is to treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself. As soon as I took over
the business, I talked to everybody individually, and looked for ways to make sure their
particular skills benefited the company.

Unit Review 6

10. What is NOT TRUE about the writer?

A. He wanted everybody to work efficiently.
B. He treated everybody well.
C. He was just a normal employee in a low position.
D. He paid attention to everybody.
Exercise 3: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Come to the Pebble River Resort, where our three restaurants present culinary adventures for
every taste! (11) _______. Its award-winning chefs offer a classic dining experience (12)
_______ by our regional heritage. (13) _______ you prefer more casual fare, the Old Sands
Grill features seasonal dishes served on the stone terrace. Also, be sure to visit (14) _______
Sweet Shop to enjoy some handmade chocolates or pastries. (15) _______ just an hour from
busy Johannesburg, our resort is an ideal vacation destination.
11. A. The dining choices vary daily.
B. Advance reservations are strongly recommended.
C. Our most formal restaurant is the Riverbank Restaurant.
D. Favorite dishes include many dessert specialties.
12. A. influenced B. influential C. influencing D. influence
13. A. Because B. Rather C. Should D. Though
14. A. his B. our C. another D. this
15. A. locate B. located C. locative D. location

Unit Review 6
UNETI – FFL English 1

SECTION 2: READING (0.1 pt/ each correct answer)

1. Peter is very _______ and intends to be running his own company at the age of 30.
A. enthusiastic B. ambitious C. energetic D. sociable
2. In some companies it can take years to climb the _______ and reach senior management
A. career opportunity B. career plan C. career ladder D. career break
3. Apple Inc. ‘s new _______in the northeast comer of Cupertino looks like a spaceship parked
in a man-made forest.
A. headquarter B. parent company C. multinational D. corporation
4. McDonalds’ is losing _______ in China to Yum!
A. sales B. market share C. profit D. turnover
5. Honesty, personality, integrity and good look are the four key _______ required to become a
successful salesperson
A. quantities B. qualities C. abilities D. possibilities
6. Good look is the last important factor. It comes at the _______ of the list.
A. bottom B. head C. top D. middle
7. We _______ when someone knocked at the door.
A. talked B. have talked C. were talking D. are talking
8. We _______ in the meeting room while they were making so much noise outside.
A. discussed B. have discussed C. were discussing D. had discussed
9. I'm sorry for not receiving your call at 9.30 this morning, I _______ some arrangements for
the conference tomorrow.
A. made B. had made
C. have been making D. was making
10. The output has decreased considerably because five staff in the Production Department
are _______ a lot of stress.
A. under B. in C. with D. at
11. Setting _______ a counseling service can help our staff to reduce stress.
A. for B. - C. on D. up
12. At present, our managers _______ for ways to improve our employees' lives.
A. have looked B. looked C. look D. are looking
13. If she criticizes you at the annual meeting, I will back you _______.
A. down B. up C. in D. out
14. I ran into Sanita in Hanoi last week and she _______ you her regards.
A. send B. is sending C. was sending D. sent
15. If you have a boss you get _______ well with, it will be easier for you at work.
A. on B. into C. over D. up


Instruction: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Passage 1
Dear Team,

Sample test
UNETI – FFL English 1

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to bring your (1) _______ to the upcoming event
organized by our company. It will be held on the 15th of October at the Grand Hall, and it
promises to be an (2) _______ experience for all attendees.
To ensure the success (3) _______ the event, we need everyone's participation. Please sign up
using the attached (4) _______, indicating the activities you are interested in. We are also open to
any suggestions you may have to enhance the program.
Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward (5) _______ you all at the event!
Best regards,
1. A. attention B. attendance C. articulation D. addition
2. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement
3. A. to B. in C. of D. from
4. A. leaflet B. leafy C. leave D. leaves
5. A. to see B. for seeing C. seeing D. to seeing
Passage 2
Wellness in the Workplace
___________(6) health care costs remain an issue of great concern for many employers. "People
are working more hours, and at the same time, medical costs are rising, so it makes sense to
promote wellness," says Morris Hsiu, health services coordinator for Greenview Marketing in
Kelowna, British Columbia. "It costs less to build and staff a gym than it does to pay for health
care, train new staff or hire ___________(7) staff to take over when someone becomes ill
___________(8) stress or overwork."
At Greenview, as at other companies, employees who use the gym are more relaxed and
___________(9) and spend fewer days away from work due to illness, thus saving the company
Hsiu recommends that companies start with small steps to ___________(10) encourage good
health. Some suggestions from Hsiu include bringing in instructors to provide classes in
stretching or aerobics and hiring nutrition consultants for diet information.

6. A. Increasing B. Duplicate C. Advancing D. Reciprocal

7. A. senior B. temporary C. term-time D. transit
8. A. due to B. because C. since D. more than
9. A. productive B. productively C. productivity D. product
10. A. acting B. activity C. actively D. active

Passage 3
The newly redesigned Sigma Seven sedans have arrived! Come to Manny's Car Dealership and
_____ (11) them out. The Seven is available in three models. _____ (12). It comes with a
standard four-cylinder engine that maximizes fuel efficiency. For those wanting a sportier ride,
the Seven X delivers. With a powerful six-cylinder engine, it has impressive acceleration and
handles like a race car. But if you _____ (13) comfort and styling above all else, the Seven Lux
is the car for you. You get the powerful six-cylinder engine with leather seats and other luxury
features. Stop by today for a free test drive of the new Sigma Seven. _____ ( 14) are sure to be
_____ (15) !
11. A. check B. checks C. checking D. to check
12. A. You will probably want to buy them all.

Sample test
UNETI – FFL English 1

B. There are lots of ways to help you decide.

C. The new model features many upgrades.
D. The Seven Eco is perfect for commuters.
13. A. prefer B. know C. present D. design
14. A. He B. You C. They D. There
15. A. impressed B. impressive C. impress D. impressing


Instruction: Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following
Passage 1
I'm not happy with my work-life balance at all. I work at least 50 or 60 hours a week so I don't
have any time at all for myself or to see my children. I communicate with my wife by leaving
messages on the fridge. We have hardly ever seen each other because we work different hours
and I never have time to see my friends or keep fit.
1. What lifestyle does he have?
A. relaxing B. luxurious C. stressful D. boring
2. How does the author interact with his wife?
A. By text messages B. Via notes on the refrigerator
C. By calls during working hours D. By seeing each other
Passage 2
My father works more than 70 hours a week for a car company, which I think is madness. Lots
of Japanese people do the same. There's an expression in Japanese, karoshi, which means 'dying
because you work too hard'. A lot of Japanese people get ill or die because they work too much. I
think my generation is different. We don't want our lives to be ruled by work.
3. Which statement is False?
A. A lot of Japanese people work less than 70 hours a week.
B. 'Karoshi" means 'dying of working hard'.
C. Too much work badly influences the Japanese people's health.
D. Young generation in Japan may have a different lifestyle.
4. What can the word "madness" be replaced by?
A. enthusiasm
B. excitement
C. anger
D. craziness
Passage 3
Marketing is a very stressful job as it is deadlines all the time. When someone goes off sick,
everyone in the company has to work twice as hard. Therefore, the CEO has been trying to find
ways to help his staff solve this problem.

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UNETI – FFL English 1

5. Which sentence is incorrect?

A. The employees have to deal with a lot of time limits for finishing work.
B. When one person is sick; other people need to work harder.
C. The CEO knows that the staff suffer from stress.
D. The CEO doesn't try to help the staff cope with stress.
6. What is the word "solve" closest in meaning to?
A. negotiate
B. discuss
C. deal with
D. ignore
Passage 4
A small company software company seeking to expand into the Asian market seeks experienced
sales representatives. We are looking for an energetic self-starter with a minimum of three years;
experience in sales, preferably with computer-based products. The candidate must be able to work
independently. Must be fluent in English and have good Japanese language skills. He/she must be
familiar with most common office software packages. Job involves travel 1 to 2 weeks per month.
We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. To apply, call Me. Rogers at 555 6983 between
1 and 4. Or fax resume and references to 555 6988.

7. What kind of job is advertised?

A. Computer programmer C. Salesperson
B. Software developer D. Travel agent
8. How much experience is required?
A. No more than 3 years C. 3 years or more
B. 1 to 4 years D. At least 4 years
Passage 5
Yamitomo International continues to be a pioneer in the digital revolution. As one of the first
companies to manufacture compact discs, we continue to develop and implement the latest
techniques. At Yamitomo we manufacture compact discs, analog and digital cassettes, and records,
as well as CD-ROM, Video CD, and we are ready to deliver the next generation of sound carriers.
We have carefully built a reputation of excellence in quality and customer service. We not only
manufacture but also provide printing, packaging, shipping, marketing and distribution service for
music and media products
9. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Musical artists are given much freedom with Yamitomo
B. Analog cassettes were developed by Yamimoto
C. Music and media products are invented by Yamitomo
D. Yamitomo has a reputation of excellence, diversity, and innovation.
10. What kind of company is Yamitomo International?
A. An electronics manufacturer C. A music company
B. A computer distributor D. A moving company

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UNETI – FFL English 1

Passage 6
SAS has been a pioneer in the business of "analytics". This involves not just gathering
information, but also processing it and getting the value from it. Its chief executive, Jim
Goodnight. says: "When the economic downturn started I told everyone there would be no job
losses, that we might have lower profits but that was fine with me," he says. "I didn't care
because I prefer keeping everybody's jobs. I think everybody actually worked harder to save
money, to cut expenses, to try to bring in more revenue, and we actually ended up growing last
year by 2.2 per cent. I always say if you treat people like they make a difference they will make a
SAS has just been named by Fortune magazine as the best company to work for in the US. The
on-site perks and benefits at SAS headquarters are remarkable. Medical care, childcare, sports
centres, massage, food, hairdressers and a 35-hour week: these all form part of the employee
There is a downside. SAS does not pay the highest wages in its sector. But it is a
successfulbusiness with low staff turnover. Most employees seem happy with the deal, which is
designed to make working life easier. It is these software programmers who so in turn keep
SAS's clients happy.
11. In paragraph 1, the word "analytics" is closest in meaning to:
A. marketing
B. data analysis
C. surveying
D. financial planning
12. What is SAS known for?
A. Making clothes
B. Cleaning services
C. Working with data
D. Selling cars
13. What does SAS offer its employees?
A. Free lunch
B. Free healthcare
C. Free gym membership
D. All of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. SAS had a decrease in profits during the economic downturn.
B. SAS was recognized as the best company to work for in the US by Fortune magazine.
C. SAS offers unlimited vacation time to its employees.
D. SAS values job security for its employees.
15. What can be inferred about SAS's attitude to its employees?

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UNETI – FFL English 1

A. They don't care about their employees' happiness.

B. They offer many benefits to keep their employees happy.
C. They don't care if their employees leave.
D. They don't offer any benefits to their employees.
Passage 7
The days of amateur selling are over.
Don't you just love it when you come through the arrivals gate at the airport and you see a driver
there waiting for you. holding up a board with your name on it? How much is that service worth
to you? If it is a business trip and your company is paying, do you know what price you will be
I didn't think so. The individual customer doesn't have this sort of information. The travel
department in your company can handle it. But what if the travel agency that they are buying
from docsn't know the price either? Good news for your company's purchasing department: they
can get a better all-in deal. But the travel agency. through its amateur approach to buying and
selling, is throwing away a large amount of money.
That is the story of a real travel business as told to me by Michael Moorman, head of ZS
Associates, a Chicago-based sales and marketing consultancy. Mr Moorman is critical of some
of the old-fashioned, amateur selling techniques that go on in many businesses, that are unsuited
to today's commercial environment.
A new report from the UK's Cranfield School of Management has also described some of the
problems. "The average sales person is a pleasant individual who knows a lot about their
products," the report says, "but is not able to show how their products are different from the
competition, or to solve the customer's problems."
This game has changed. "Today sales people have to go in and negotiate with professional
negotiators," Mr Moorman says. "You have to be able to speak the language of finance." It is not
good enough to be a "born salesman" any more. It is the smart salesmen and women who will
keep their businesses afloat in the months ahead. The days of amateur selling are over."
16. What is the topic of the passage?
A. Airport procedures
B. Travel agency pricing
C. Sales and marketing techniques
D. Negotiating skills
17. Who is mentioned as being critical of old-fashioned selling techniques?
A. Michael Moorman
B. The Cranfield School of Management
C. The average sales person
D. The purchasing department
18. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Travel agencies are always well-informed about pricing.

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UNETI – FFL English 1

B. Salespeople now have to negotiate with professional negotiators.

C. Salespeople must speak the language of finance in today's business world.
D. The average sales person is highly skilled at solving customer problems.
19. What can be inferred about the new approach to sales in today's business environment?
A. Salespeople no longer need to negotiate.
B. Salespeople must be able to differentiate their products from competitors'.
C. Salespeople rely solely on their natural sales abilities.
D. Salespeople prioritize outdated selling techniques.
20. In paragraph 3, what is another word for "amateur"?
A. experienced
B. novice
C. professional
D. skilled

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