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A. Key concept of literature review

A literature review is a report of information found in various resources which are related to certain
topics. The literature review also provides an overview of these certain topics or issues by
summarizing and explaining the most significant sources. In a literature review, the sources are
integrated into paragraphs based on the relevance.

B. Description of assignment
You are required to read four – six research articles relevant on your chosen topic. Your topic areas
should cover second language acquisition. In order to keep you on the right track, you must have a
research question. After reading the articles, you are supposed to write an approximately 2000 words
essay which is aimed to answer your research question. In the end the essay, write a reference list.
The essay containing the reviews of articles should adhere to APA6th format.

C. Aim of the assignment:

Students are expected to be able to:

 Build critical thinking by reading articles and observing phenomenon around them that relate
to Language Learning Acquisition (LLA).
 Collect data and information through research articles or journals.
 Share and build critical thinking towards the LLA topic areas through essay report.
D. Procedures:
 Choose a topic you are interested in relation to the second language learning. (Your topic
might be very general to start off, but your goal is to create a specific and testable research
 Choose and read four - six relevant articles on your topic of interest.
 Create a clear, specific, answerable research question. Make sure your question is relevant
to the second language learning.
 Find the answers of your research question by reading these four - six articles.
 What have similar studies found in the articles? Explain why these articles are important to
find out your research question.
 How do the findings in the articles inform you about how to write your essay?
 If you have done a very thorough search, you can discuss any gaps that you found. In other
words, what is currently missing from the body of research on this topic?
 Start writing the essay. The essay which explains your research question and the answers of
the question consists of around 2000 words (approximately 1800 – 2200 words) and contains
three parts:
(i) an introductory part which introduces your topic/ subject(s), research question, and
your rationale of why you are interested in the topic (approximately 500 words);
(ii) a body part which contains your literature review part. In this part you discuss the
summary of the research articles containing the answers of your research question
(approximately 1000 - 1200 words). Use appropriate citation of in the body of your
(iii) A conclusion part containing information related to the aim of the essay and a brief
summary of the literature review.
E. Grading: 25% (Hard skill =20% + Soft skill=5%)

Rating Score
5 4 3 2

Articles Information is gathered Information is Information is Information is

from multiple, gathered from gathered from a gathered from a
research-based sources. multiple sources. limited number single source.
of sources.
Theme Well organized, Well organized, Weakly No organization,
demonstrates logical but demonstrates organized with sequencing, or
sequencing and illogical no logical structure.
structure. sequencing or sequencing or
structure. structure.
Background/Foundation Detailed conclusions Conclusions are There is some No conclusions
are reached from the reached from the indication of are made from the
evidence offered. evidence offered. conclusions evidence offered.
from the
Research Question Research question is Research question Research Research question
formed through the is formed through question is not is not formed and
literature review and the literature formed through is not apparent
clearly stated. review. the literature from the literature
review. review.
Reference Sheet Information is cited Information is Information is Information is not
properly and in APA cited properly. cited, but has cited or is cited
format. errors. incorrectly.

Length Adheres to Does not meet Does not meet Does not meet
approximately 2000 approximately approximately approximately
words 2000 words, only 2000 words, 2000 words, only
1500 words only around around 500 words
1000 words
Format Font, spacing, and Font and spacing, Font, spacing, Font, spacing,
APA format are font and APA, or or APA format and APA format
correct. spacing and APA is correct. are incorrect.
are correct.
Grammar There are 10 % or less There are 20% There are 30% There are 50% or
grammatical error. grammatical grammatical more grammatical
errors. errors. errors.
Total Score

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