Block Development Officer (Bdo) - Cc14

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Q. Discuss the composition and function of Block Development Officer.


A Block (administrative division) is a sub-division within a district, usually created for planning and developing a
particular area. For planning purpose district is divided into four levels :

 Tehsils

 Blocks

 Gram Panchayats

 Villages

A tehsil may consist of one or more number of blocks. Blocks are normally Planning & Development units of district
in addition to tehsils. Block would represent a compact area for which effective plans will be prepared &
implemented through Gram Panchayats.

The Block Development Officer is the secretary and officer-in-charge of the Block/ Panchayat Samiti. The BDO
monitor the implementation and execution of multiple projects and programs related to planning and socio-
economic development of the rural population. Coordination of development and implementation of plans in all
blocks of district is provided by a Chief Development Officer (CDO). BDO office is the main operation wing of the
government for both development and regulatory administration.

Duties of BDO

Block Development officer has to perform various duties which include:

BDO as a chief executive officer

a) Block Development Officer is to see that the plans and programmes approved by the appropriate authorities
are executed efficiently.
b) He signs contracts and authenticates all letters and documents for and on behalf of the Panchayat Samiti
subject to the prior approval of the appropriate authority
c) He draws and disburses money out of the Panchayat Samiti Fund.
d) He takes steps to remove any irregularity pointed out by the auditors about Panchayat Samiti accounts.
e) He examines the financial standing of the Panchayats on behalf of the Panchayat Samiti, paying particular
attention to the collection of taxes, loan repayment, and maintenance of regular accounting.
f) He helps Panchayats to draw up plans and see that they conform to the plans and priorities of the Panchayat
Samiti. He also sees that the construction programmes undertaken by the Panchayat conform to the
standards laid down and completed within the scheduled time.

BDO as a head of the Block Office

a) BDO exercises supervision and control over the extension officers and other employees of the Panchayat
Samiti and the staff borne on transferred schemes. He can censure a Panchayat Samiti employee under him,
subject to the right of appeal of the latter to the standing committee on taxation, finance and
b) He formulates annual budget and places it before the Panchayat Samiti, prepares the annual administrative
report and quarterly progress reports for the consideration of the Panchayat Samiti and transmits the same
to Zila Parishad and the State Govern-ment.
c) He reports without delay all cases of fraud, embezzlement, theft or loss of money or other property of the
Panchayat Samiti.
d) BDO plays a very significant role in the implementation of Disaster management operations like
Preparedness, prevention and mitigation.

BDO as a secretary

a) He issues notices for the meetings of the Panchayat Samiti and standing committees under instructions from
the Pradhan and Chairman of the respective committees.
b) He attends all such meetings himself or authorizes a senior officer subordinate to him to attend such
meetings. However, he does not exercise right to vote while attending such meetings.
c) He causes minutes to be recorded and circulated.

Functions of BDO

BDO is in-charge of about ten to twelve villages and performs multi-purpose functions. As a multiple- purpose
functionary, he has to serve as common agency of all the development departments and educate the people to
adopt the programmes of technical and financial assistance. Thus, BDO has to perform following functions:

a) Agricultural, Education, Store and Distribution of Agricultural Supplies and other amenities: It was an
important function in the initial stages. However, with the emergence of cooperative stores, the distribution
function has been taken away from him. Through camps, individual talks, group meetings and
demonstration, he imparts agricultural education which means making the villagers aware of fertilizers,
improved seeds and use of insecticides. The BDO works towards improving access to basic amenities such as
drinking water, healthcare, and sanitation facilities in rural areas. They also work towards creating
employment opportunities for the rural population and promoting entrepreneurship.
b) Social education: Formerly he explained to the people, the philosophy of the commu-nity development
programme and the opportunities available under it. Now, this responsibility mostly devolves upon Gram
Sabha and Samitis. However, he has to do a lot of explaining in Gram Sabhas and Panchayats. The BDO acts
as a bridge between the government and the rural community. It ensures that the rural population knows
the various development programs available and helps them access them.
c) Attending work: In the initial stages, he persuaded the villagers to make contribution to the work
programmes, organised ‘Sram dan’, secured the assistance of overseer, maintained record of works
and secured grants from the government for executing the programme. This function is claiming
comparatively less attention now. But even now, BDO is responsible for maintaining records and data
related to the development activities in their block. This helps keep track of development programs’
progress and ensures their transparency and accountability. works closely with the rural community,
encouraging their participation in the development process.
d) House Keeping: He sends reports and returns and maintains records. He attends staff meetings at the
Block Headquarters and attends to supervisors and visitors who call upon him when he is on official tour.
e) Attending Panchayat Samiti and Gram Sabha Meetings: He is required to attend Panchayat and Gram Sabha
Meetings in his circle. These meetings are convened on an average about five per month and take nearly five
and a half days.
f) Miscellaneous Jobs: Besides the functions already enumerated, he has been entrusted some miscellaneous
functions as supplying medical first-aid, taking surveys, participation in small saving campaigns and other
functions of emergent nature.

Challenges faced by BDO

Despite the critical role played by the BDO in rural development, they face several challenges that hinder their ability
to carry out their functions effectively. Some of the vital challenges faced by the BDO include the following:

a) Limited resources: The BDO often lacks the necessary financial and human resources to carry out its
functions effectively. This makes it difficult for them to implement development programs
b) Lack of coordination: There is often a lack of coordination between the BDO and other government
departments, leading to confusion and duplication of efforts.
c) Corruption: Corruption remains a significant challenge for the BDO, with officials sometimes misusing their
position for personal gain.
d) Political influence : Political influence often affects the functioning of the BDO, with officials getting
influenced by local politicians and neglecting their duties. This undermines the effectiveness of the BDO


The Block Development Officer plays a critical role in rural development in India, serving as the link
between the government and the rural community. Despite facing several challenges, the BDO has the
potential to make a significant impact on the lives of people living in rural areas. The government must
provide the necessary resources and support to the BDO, enabling them to effectively carry out their
functions and contribute to the development of rural areas.

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