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The Law Enforcement Officers
Protection Acti outlawed armor
piercing ammunition in an effort to
protect law enforcement officers.
Specific handgun ammunition made
from metals including steel and brass
that was originally designed to pierce
body armor was banned from being
manufactured or imported.
Despite media sensationalism,
there is no evidence that an officer
has ever been killed by “armor
piercing” ammunition penetrating
a bullet-proof vest that was shot
from a handgun. And while bullet
proof vests aren’t designed to • Armor Piercing Ammunition is illegal, and has never killed a
block ammunition shot from higher- law enforcement officer by being shot through a handgun and
powered rifles, FBI crime data penetrating a bullet-proof vest.
show these firearms are rarely the • The Obama Administration sought to use existing regulations as a
weapons of choice for criminals.ii broader ban on rifle ammunition that may be used in a handgun.
• This runs counter to legislative intent and holds serious
REGULATORY OVERREACH consequences for manufacturers.
Under former President Obama,
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives (ATF) had used in specific cartridges. DEFINING A HANDGUN
sought to use the armor piercing Handguns that could be loaded Another difficulty with attempting
ammunition ban to outlaw any rifle with rifle ammunition existed when to read the law as banning any
ammunition that could be loaded the law was enacted, and as we know ammunition that may be loaded into
into a handgun. That represented from the extensive legislative historyiv, a handgun lies with the definition
a deliberate misread of the law and this test deliberately does not take of handgun. A handgun is defined
runs counter to congressional intent. into account how the ammunition by law as “designed to be held and
As part of the definition of armor is actually used or principally used fired by the use of a single hand.” v
piercing ammunition, the statute – rather what the ammunition is the There are large single shot pistols in
provides one test for exemption - primary intended for. the market that may be chambered
whether the projectile is “primarily Barring an actual change in the with rifle ammunition. However, these
intended to be used for a sporting law, there should be no question of are not “handguns” under the law as
purpose.”iii This narrowly-written test the test used for a sporting purpose they are designed to be fired by the
does not state that the exemption exemption. Furthermore, once the use of two
is dependent on what types of test is applied to a type of projectile,
handguns exist in the marketplace. there should not be a change in the
It is also not related to whether the application if new handguns that can
ammunition is suitable for target chamber rifle ammunition enter the
shooting with rifles or whether it is market.
LEAD CONCERNS environmental concerns.vii However, the unintended consequences
Some manufacturers have some of these alternative materials, of the statute and potential
been looking at new and innovative e.g. brass, cause the ammunition misinterpretation by ATF are steep,
materials to replace traditional lead to fail the composition test and particularly considering the fortunate
components in markets such as therefore are considered armor lack of instances of officers killed by
areas of California, where the use of piercing ammunition. armor piercing ammunition shot from
traditional ammunition for hunting has While the goal of protecting law a handgun through body armor.
been banned by law due to perceived enforcement officers is laudable,

i P.L. 99-408
ii FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, various years
iii 18 USC 921 (17) (C)
iv Armor-Piercing Ammunition: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Law, Senate Judiciary Committee, 98th Cong., 2nd Sess., at 8. (1985)
v 18 U.S.C. § 921 (29) (A)
vi Rep. Biaggi acknowledged as much during a House committee hearing on the law stating, “my bill clearly defines the term handgun to mean a firearm ‘originally’ designed to be
fired by the use of single hand.”
vii California Department of Fish and Wildlife, “Nonlead Ammunition in California,” (last accessed on Aug. 29, 2017).

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