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Proposed Titles: Tech Tribe

1. Creation of an Innovative Online Advance Order System for Restaurants: A Catalyst for
Sustainable Development Goal 9
2. Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing: Design and Implementation of Nail Prototype Maker
3. Harnessing Digital Platforms for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: A Case Study of a
Customizable Flower Ordering App
4. Virtual Wardrobe: Designing and Evaluating an Interactive Website and Mobile Application for
{Clothing Brand}, Featuring Virtual Try-On Functionality and Customization Options
5. Optimizing Parking Management Systems: Assessing Availability and Accessibility of Rental
Parking Slots through Website and Mobile Application
6. Urban Connect: A Mobile Application and Website Transportation and Commuting Guide in
Metro Manila
7. Web and Mobile App for Streamlining Workforce Attendance and Productivity Management
8. A Web and Mobile Logistics Tracking Platform for Sustainable and Efficient Operations
9. Rev-Up: Enhancing Car Workshop Experience through Digital Booking and Customization
Options in the Philippines
10. Enhancing barangay blotter records management with data analytics for effective decision
11. Designing of system data records to small business holders
12. Implementing boarding house management system
13. Empowering Digital Collaboration: Developing and Implementing a Web and Mobile Platform to
Facilitate Collaboration between Content Creators and Sponsors for Promotion
14. InternConnect: Bridging Students and Client Partners for Internship Opportunities
15. Facilitating Collaboration: A Web-Based Thesis Project Management Platform for Programmer-
Client Interaction

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