9-1 Writing Reports in The Digital Age

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9-1 Writing Reports in the Digital Age

9-1a Basic Report Functions

Informational Reports. Informational reports present data without analysis or
recommendations. For such reports, writers collect and organize facts, but they do not analyze
the facts for readers.
Analytical Reports. In addition to reporting data and findings, analytical reports provide
analysis and conclusions. If requested, writers also supply recommendations. Analytical
reports may intend to persuade readers to act or change their beliefs.
9-1b Organizational Strategies
Direct Strategy. When you place the purpose for writing close to the beginning of a report,
the organizational strategy is direct. Informational reports are usually arranged directly. They
open with an introduction, which is followed by the facts and a summary.
Indirect Strategy. The organizational strategy is indirect when the conclusions and
recommendations, if requested, appear at the end of the report. Such reports usually begin
with an introduction or description of the problem, followed by facts and explanations. They
end with conclusions and recommendations.
- This strategy is helpful when readers are unfamiliar with the problem or when they
must be persuaded. When readers may be disappointed in or hostile toward the
report’s findings, an indirect strategy works best.
9-1c Informal and Formal Writing Styles
- An informal writing style is conversational. It is appropriate for familiar audiences and
noncontroversial topics. Characterized by a friendly tone, first-person pronouns, and
shorter sentences, an informal writing style is often used for short internal business
- A formal writing style is characterized by objectivity, authority, and impartiality. It is
appropriate for proposals and long research reports.
- Formal reports writers today increasingly use contractions and active-voice verbs.
They try to avoid awkward third- person references to themselves as the researchers or
the authors because it sounds stilted and outdated.
9-2 Formats and Heading Levels
9-2a Typical Report Formats
Digital Formats and PDF Files. Writers routinely save and distribute reports as
portable document format (PDF) files. This file type, invented by Adobe,
condenses documents while preserving the formatting and graphics. A report
created with Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint can easily be saved as a
PDF file.
- A PDF report might include links to external websites, a nice advantage
over printed reports. Web-based reports may feature engaging multimedia
effects, such as interactive charts and video.
Digital Slide Decks. Many business writers deliver their report information in a
digital slideshow, also called a slide deck. These slides can be sent by e-mail,
posted on the Web, or accessed on a company intranet.
- Photographs, tables, charts, and other visuals make slide decks more
inviting to read than print pages of dense report text.
- Not surprisingly, communicators in marketing, technology, media,
entertainment, and consulting are fond of using slide deck reports to
summarize their statistics and other findings.
Infographics. Infographics, short for information graphics, are visual
representations of data or information. They can display complex information
quickly and clearly, and they are easier to understand than written text.
Infographics are also affordable and effortlessly shared on social media
- Infographics can tell compelling stories that help all types of businesses
attract and inform consumers.
E-Mail and Memo Formats. Many reports are attached to e-mails, posted
online, or, if short, embedded in the body of e-mails. For short informal reports
that stay within organizations, the memo format may still be appropriate. Memo
reports begin with essential background information, using standard headings:
Date, To, From, and Subject.
- Memo reports differ from regular memos in length, use of headings, and
deliberate organization. Today, memo reports are rarely distributed in
hard copy; more likely they are shared electronically as PDF files.
Forms and Templates. Office workers use digital forms that are usually made
available on the company intranet or the Internet. Such electronic templates are
suitable for repetitive data, such as monthly sales reports, performance
appraisals, merchandise inventories, and personnel and financial reports.
- Using standardized formats and headings saves a writer time and ensures
that all necessary information is included.
Letter Format. The letter format for short informal reports (usually eight or
fewer pages) addressed outside an organization can still be found in government
agencies, real estate, and accounting firms. Prepared on office stationery, a letter
report contains a date, inside address, salutation, and complimentary close.
- Although they may carry information similar to that found in
correspondence, letter reports usually are longer and show more careful
organization than typical letters. They also may include headings to guide
the reader through the content and may come with attachments. Like
memo reports, letter reports are also likely to be sent to clients as PDF
Manuscript Format. For longer, more formal reports, use the manuscript
format. These reports are usually printed on plain paper without letterhead or
memo header.
They begin with a title followed by systematically displayed headings and
9-2b Effective Report Headings
Functional headings are one- or two-word labels that show the outline of a
report but provide little insight about the contents. Functional headings are
useful for routine reports. By keeping the headings general, experienced writers
hope to minimize reader opposition or reaction to controversial subjects.
Talking headings provide more information and spark interest. Unless carefully
written, however, talking headings can fail to reveal the organization of a report.

- To create the most effective report headings, follow a few basic guidelines:
■ Use logical heading levels.
■ Capitalize and emphasize carefully.
■ Balance headings within levels.
■ For short reports use one or two heading levels.
■ Include at least one heading per report page, but don’t end the page with
stand-alone heading.
■ Apply punctuation correctly.
■ Keep headings short but clear.
9-3 Analyzing the Problem, Defining the Purpose, and Collecting Data
9-3a Determine the Problem and Purpose
- The first step in writing a report is clearly understanding the problem or
assignment. Preparing a written problem statement helps clarify the
- A statement of purpose further defines the report’s purpose and scope.
To begin, develop questions that help clarify the. Preparing a written
purpose statement is a good idea because it defines the focusof a report
and provides a standard that keeps the project on target. In writing useful
purpose statements, choose action verbs telling what you intend to do:
analyze, choose, investigate, compare, justify, evaluate, explain, establish,
determine, and so on.
9-3b Collect Information From Secondary and Primary Sources
- Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation. Secondary
data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and
- Typical sources of both primary and secondary factual information for
informal reports are (a) company records, (b) printed material, (c)
electronic resources, (d) observation, (e) surveys and questionnaires, and
(f) interviews.

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