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Solutions AACC International Method 70-60.

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Preparation and Standardization of Silver Nitrate Solution

First approval October 6, 1993; Reapproval November 3, 1999

This method describes a procedure for the preparation and standardization of
silver nitrate solutions.

1. Drying oven capable of operating at 110°.
2. Muffle furnace capable of operating at 500°.
1. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) standard solution. Dissolve slightly more than
theoretical weight of AgNO3 (equivalent weight, 169.87) in halogen-free water
and dilute to volume. Use thoroughly cleaned glassware; avoid contact with
dust; and keep prepared solution in amber glass-stoppered bottles away from
2. Potassium chloride (KCl). Recrystallize KCl three times from water; dry at
110°; then heat at approximately 500° to constant weight. Equivalent weight of
KCl = 74.555. (Or, preferably, use National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy standard reference material 999.)
3. Potassium chromate (K2CrO4) solution. Mix 5% solution of K2CrO4 in

1. Accurately weigh enough KCl to yield titration of approximately 40 ml
(approximately 0.3 g for 0.1N solution), and transfer to 250-ml glass-stoppered
Erlenmeyer flask with 40 ml water.
2. Add 1 ml K2CrO4 solution and titrate with AgNO3 solution until first
perceptible pale red-brown appears.
3. From titration volume, subtract ml of AgNO3 solution required to produce
end-point color in 75 ml water containing 1 ml K2CrO4 solution. From net vol-
ume of AgNO3, calculate normality.

Normality = (g of KCl × 1000) / (ml of AgNO3 × 74.555)

AOAC International. 1995. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 16th ed. Method
941.18; Appendix A, p. 6. The Association, Arlington, VA.

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