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A 17-year-old girl in high school struggles to stay on top of her grades and focus in class.

She feels the pressure of her mother and her school and she is at a loss on what to do. Often she
is invisible, but one day, someone makes an effort to talk to her. This person sees her struggle
and offers to help her, however, their help entails something that in the long run, isn’t very
helpful. Drugs. Pills to be specific. Hesitantly, the teenage girl tries them in the hope they can
help her focus and get her work done. Unfortunately, the once and a while pill popping resulted
in an addiction.

The girl remained invisible to the world and her school work and grades only ever got
worse. It got to the point where she stopped trying to do any work in the first place and only
came to school to be marked present and pop pills in the bathroom. Eventually, she stopped
going to school altogether, and that is when her mother noticed something was off and checked
her grades. Without acknowledging the real problem, which was her mental health and drug
abuse problem, her mother expressed her concerns about her grades and made sure to let the
Teenage Girl know how very disappointed in her she was. This forces the Teenage Girl to sober
up momentarily and face her reality. Which was that in the process of trying to do better to make
her Mother proud, she only worsened the situation and got too far gone. The Teenage Girl,
hopelessly, decides to take more pills than she ever had and down them with as much alcohol as
she can consume in the hope she will end her life.

The Teenage Girl wakes up the next morning and realizes what she has done. It is at that
moment she realizes she needs help. She decided to turn to the only place she believed could
help her, church. At church, she received words of encouragement from her pastor, and when she
went home, she felt inspired to make the change in her life she knew she needed. Throws away
the pills and alcohol and says goodbye to anything and everything that has held her back.

Some time goes by, and the Teenage Girl is seen writing in her diary with a completely
different mindset. Rather than clinging to substances, she is now clinging to God.

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