MCQ - Unit V

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Which of the following Verilog statements is not synthesizable?

a. The primitive logic gates “and”, “or”, “not”.
b. “if” construct.
c. “initial” construct.
d. “always” construct

HINT: (If options a, b and c are all false, select option d as the answer.)
Correct Answer: a, b

Which of the following Verilog constructs is synthesizable?

a. “force…release” constructs.
b. “time” construct.
c. “initial” construct.
d. “always” construct

Which of the following statements is true about the Verilog module as shown?
module guess (f, x, y, z);
input x, y, z;
output reg f;
always @(x)
if (x) f = y;
else f = z;
a. A MUX will be inferred on synthesis.
b. A flip-flop will be inferred for variable “f” on synthesis.
c. A latch will be inferred for variable “f” on synthesis.
d. None of these.

HINT: (If options a, b and c are all false, select option d as the answer.)
Correct Answer: c

What is Verilog synthesis?

● A. Simulation of Verilog code
● B. Conversion of Verilog code to netlists
● C. Optimization of Verilog code
● D. Debugging Verilog modules
B. Conversion of Verilog code to netlists
Which phase of Verilog synthesis involves translating the RTL code into a gate-level
● A. Simulation
● B. Elaboration
● C. Synthesis
● D. Optimization
C. Synthesis
What is the purpose of the "elaboration" phase in Verilog synthesis?
● A. Generating simulation waveforms
● B. Checking syntax errors
● C. Creating an intermediate representation of the design
● D. Optimizing the RTL code
C. Creating an intermediate representation of the design
What is the output of the synthesis process in Verilog?
● A. Testbench
● B. Gate-level netlist
● C. Behavioral simulation
● D. RTL code
Gate-level netlist
What does the term "technology mapping" refer to in Verilog synthesis?
● A. Assigning technology nodes to gates
● B. Mapping FPGA resources to Verilog code
● C. Mapping RTL constructs to standard cells
● D. Mapping Verilog code to VHDL
Mapping RTL constructs to standard cells

8. **What is the primary goal of logic synthesis in Verilog?**

- A. Reducing simulation time
- B. Improving code readability
- C. Optimizing the design for area, power, and timing
- D. Debugging RTL code

**Answer: C. Optimizing the design for area, power, and timing**

9. **What is the significance of the "flatten" step in Verilog synthesis?**

- A. Reducing power consumption
- B. Flattening the design hierarchy
- C. Improving simulation performance
- D. Minimizing area utilization

**Answer: B. Flattening the design hierarchy**

10. **In Verilog synthesis, what does the term "netlist" refer to?**
- A. A list of input/output ports
- B. A list of synthesizable constructs
- C. A hierarchical representation of the design
- D. A list of interconnected gates and flip-flops

**Answer: D. A list of interconnected gates and flip-flops**

11. **What role does the Technology Library play in Verilog synthesis?**
- A. Defining design constraints
- B. Specifying simulation parameters
- C. Providing information about available gates and their characteristics
- D. Verifying code syntax

**Answer: C. Providing information about available gates and their characteristics**

12. **What is the purpose of the "mapping" phase in Verilog synthesis?**

- A. Assigning resources to FPGA elements
- B. Mapping design constraints to the RTL code
- C. Mapping RTL constructs to standard cells
- D. Generating simulation waveforms

**Answer: C. Mapping RTL constructs to standard cells**

13. **Which statement best describes the significance of timing constraints in Verilog
- A. Ensuring code readability
- B. Achieving optimal performance in terms of clock frequency
- C. Reducing power consumption
- D. Simplifying simulation

**Answer: B. Achieving optimal performance in terms of clock frequency**

14. **What is the primary purpose of the "place and route" stage in Verilog synthesis?**
- A. Assigning FPGA resources to design elements
- B. Checking syntax errors
- C. Generating simulation scripts
- D. Flattening the design hierarchy

**Answer: A. Assigning FPGA resources to design elements**

16. **In Verilog synthesis, what does the acronym "RTL" stand for?**
- A. Register Transfer Level
- B. Resistor-Transistor Logic
- C. Real-Time Logic
- D. Routing and Timing Logic

**Answer: A. Register Transfer Level**

17. **What is the purpose of the "optimization" phase in Verilog synthesis?**

- A. Reducing power consumption
- B. Enhancing code readability
- C. Improving simulation performance
- D. Improving the efficiency of the synthesized design

**Answer: D. Improving the efficiency of the synthesized design**

18. **What does the term "gate-level simulation" refer to in the context of Verilog
- A. Simulating the design using high-level abstractions
- B. Simulating the design using gate-level netlists
- C. Simulating the design without considering timing constraints
- D. Simulating the design with minimized power consumption

**Answer: B. Simulating the design using gate-level netlists**

19. **Which synthesis constraint is associated with ensuring that signals arrive at their
destinations at the correct time?**
- A. Power constraint
- B. Timing constraint
- C. Area constraint
- D. Hierarchical constraint

**Answer: B. Timing constraint**

20. **What is the significance of the "black box" in Verilog synthesis?**

- A. Representing unoptimized code
- B. Representing a module with unknown internal details
- C. Representing a module with high power consumption
- D. Representing a module with minimal area utilization
**Answer: B. Representing a module with unknown internal details**
modeling tips for Verilog logic synthesis

1. **What is a key consideration when modeling combinational logic for Verilog

- A. Using blocking assignments
- B. Minimizing the use of continuous assignments
- C. Ensuring proper sensitivity list in always blocks
- D. Allowing race conditions

**Answer: C. Ensuring proper sensitivity list in always blocks**

2. **What is the significance of using non-blocking assignments (`<=`) in sequential

logic modeling for Verilog synthesis?**
- A. Avoiding race conditions
- B. Improving simulation performance
- C. Minimizing power consumption
- D. Enabling parallel execution of statements

**Answer: A. Avoiding race conditions**

3. **When modeling state machines in Verilog, what is a good practice for representing
state variables?**
- A. Using `reg` type for all state variables
- B. Using blocking assignments for state updates
- C. Encoding states with minimal bits
- D. Allowing asynchronous state transitions

**Answer: C. Encoding states with minimal bits**

4. **Why is it important to avoid inferring latches in Verilog synthesis?**

- A. Latches consume excessive power
- B. Latches introduce clock domain issues
- C. Latches may result in incomplete case analysis
- D. Latches violate design hierarchy

**Answer: C. Latches may result in incomplete case analysis**

5. **Which Verilog construct is recommended for inferring multiplexers during
- A. `if-else` statements
- B. `case` statements
- C. Conditional operator `? :`
- D. `for` loops

**Answer: C. Conditional operator `? :`**

5. **What does the term "combinational always block" imply in Verilog modeling for
- A. An always block with non-blocking assignments
- B. An always block without any sensitivity list
- C. An always block with blocking assignments
- D. An always block for sequential logic

**Answer: A. An always block with non-blocking assignments**

7. **When modeling asynchronous resets in Verilog, what is a good practice to prevent

race conditions?**
- A. Using an asynchronous reset directly in the sequential logic
- B. Synchronizing the asynchronous reset to the clock domain
- C. Avoiding the use of resets in Verilog
- D. Using non-blocking assignments for reset logic

**Answer: B. Synchronizing the asynchronous reset to the clock domain**

8. **What does the term "fan-out" refer to in the context of Verilog synthesis?**
- A. The number of inputs to a logic gate
- B. The propagation delay of a signal
- C. The number of outputs driven by a single signal
- D. The number of clocks in a design

**Answer: C. The number of outputs driven by a single signal**

Certainly! Here are 12 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to modeling tips for
Verilog logic synthesis, along with their answers:

9. **What is a good practice for designing synthesizable Verilog code?**

- A. Maximizing the use of blocking assignments
- B. Using `initial` blocks for sequential logic
- C. Using non-blocking assignments for sequential logic
- D. Ignoring module hierarchy

**Answer: C. Using non-blocking assignments for sequential logic**

10. **What is the purpose of the "always_ff" and "always_comb" constructs in Verilog?**
- A. Specifying simulation delays
- B. Describing asynchronous logic
- C. Indicating sequential and combinational logic, respectively
- D. Controlling clock edges in simulation

**Answer: C. Indicating sequential and combinational logic, respectively**

11. **What is the purpose of the "always_latch" construct in Verilog?**

- A. Describing latch-based designs
- B. Indicating sequential logic
- C. Specifying combinational logic
- D. Controlling clock edges in simulation

**Answer: A. Describing latch-based designs**

12. **What does the term "sensitivity list" refer to in Verilog modeling?**
- A. A list of modules used in the design
- B. A list of signals to which a process is sensitive
- C. A list of simulation events
- D. A list of reserved keywords

**Answer: B. A list of signals to which a process is sensitive**

13. **What is the purpose of the "always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)" construct in
- A. Describing combinational logic
- B. Implementing clock edge sensitivity
- C. Modeling asynchronous resets
- D. Indicating latch-based designs
**Answer: B. Implementing clock edge sensitivity**

14. **Why is it important to follow coding guidelines provided by FPGA or ASIC vendors
during Verilog modeling?**
- A. To make code more complex
- B. To ensure compatibility with specific synthesis tools
- C. To decrease simulation time
- D. To simplify code debugging

**Answer: B. To ensure compatibility with specific synthesis tools**

Certainly! Here are 15 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on design partitioning

techniques in Verilog logic synthesis, along with their answers:

1. **What is design partitioning in Verilog logic synthesis?**

- A. Assigning tasks to different team members
- B. Dividing the design into smaller manageable blocks
- C. Defining input and output ports
- D. Creating simulation models

**Answer: B. Dividing the design into smaller manageable blocks**

2. **Which design partitioning technique involves dividing the design based on

functional blocks or modules?**
- A. Horizontal partitioning
- B. Vertical partitioning
- C. Hierarchical partitioning
- D. Incremental partitioning

**Answer: C. Hierarchical partitioning**

3. **What is the purpose of hierarchical partitioning in Verilog design?**

- A. Simplifying simulation
- B. Enhancing code readability
- C. Enabling teamwork in design
- D. Reducing synthesis time
**Answer: C. Enabling teamwork in design**

4. **Which keyword is commonly used in Verilog for specifying module boundaries

during hierarchical partitioning?**
- A. `module`
- B. `interface`
- C. `endmodule`
- D. `partition`

**Answer: C. `endmodule`**

5. **In the context of design partitioning, what is incremental synthesis?**

- A. Synthesizing the entire design at once
- B. Synthesizing each module independently
- C. Re-synthesizing the design after optimization
- D. Merging all modules into a single design

**Answer: B. Synthesizing each module independently**

6. **Which design partitioning technique focuses on dividing the design based on

specific functions or tasks, rather than modules?**
- A. Horizontal partitioning
- B. Vertical partitioning
- C. Incremental partitioning
- D. Functional partitioning

**Answer: A. Horizontal partitioning**

7. **What is the advantage of using vertical partitioning in Verilog design?**

- A. Improving simulation speed
- B. Enhancing code readability
- C. Reducing inter-module communication
- D. Enabling parallel synthesis

**Answer: C. Reducing inter-module communication**

8. **Which statement is true regarding the partitioning of clock domains in Verilog

- A. Clock domains should always be combined for simplicity
- B. Clock domains must always be isolated for proper functionality
- C. Clock domain partitioning is irrelevant in Verilog design
- D. Clock domain partitioning depends on specific design requirements

**Answer: D. Clock domain partitioning depends on specific design requirements**

9. **What is the purpose of a "top-level" module in hierarchical design partitioning?**

- A. It contains the entire design
- B. It is the smallest functional block
- C. It is used for simulation purposes only
- D. It defines the boundaries of the design

**Answer: A. It contains the entire design**

10. **In hierarchical partitioning, what is the significance of the "black box" approach?**
- A. Ignoring module boundaries for simplicity
- B. Concealing internal details of a module
- C. Using a dark theme for code readability
- D. Combining all modules into a single entity

**Answer: B. Concealing internal details of a module**

11. **Why is functional partitioning important in Verilog design?**

- A. It enhances code readability
- B. It simplifies simulation
- C. It enables parallel synthesis of independent functions
- D. It reduces the number of modules in a design

**Answer: C. It enables parallel synthesis of independent functions**

12. **What role does the `interface` keyword play in hierarchical design partitioning?**
- A. Specifying module boundaries
- B. Defining a communication interface between modules
- C. Marking the end of a module
- D. Indicating the beginning of a clock domain

**Answer: B. Defining a communication interface between modules**

13. **Which partitioning technique is commonly used to isolate sections of a design

with high-speed requirements?**
- A. Clock domain partitioning
- B. Horizontal partitioning
- C. Vertical partitioning
- D. Functional partitioning

**Answer: A. Clock domain partitioning**

14. **What is the primary goal of incremental partitioning in Verilog design?**

- A. Minimizing code complexity
- B. Achieving optimal performance
- C. Reducing synthesis time for incremental changes
- D. Improving code readability

**Answer: C. Reducing synthesis time for incremental changes**

15. **Which statement is true regarding the reusability of modules in hierarchical

- A. Modules should never be reused for simplicity
- B. Reusing modules leads to increased design complexity
- C. Reusable modules facilitate efficient design and maintenance
- D. Reusing modules is irrelevant in Verilog design

**Answer: C. Reusable modules facilitate efficient design and maintenance**

Given the Verilog code for a hardware module, identify the synthesized hardware
module name.
1. **Question 1:**

module m1(input [3:0] A, B, output [3:0] Sum);
assign Sum = A + B;

A. `and_gate`
B. `nor_gate`
C. `full_adder`
D. `mux`

**Answer: C. `full_adder`**

2. **Question 2:**

module m2(input [2:0] A, B, output [5:0] Prod);
assign Prod = A * B;

A. `shift_register`
B. `mux`
C. `divider`
D. `multiplier`

**Answer: D. `multiplier`**

3. **Question 3:**

module m3(input [3:0] A, B, output Greater);
assign Greater = (A > B);

A. `adder`
B. `comparator`
C. `decoder`
D. `flip_flop`

**Answer: B. `comparator`**

4. **Question 4:**
module m4(input clk, reset, output reg [2:0] Count);
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset)
if (!reset)
Count <= 3'b000;
Count <= Count + 1;

A. `counter`
B. `shift_register`
C. `multiplexer`
D. `divider`

**Answer: A. `counter`**

5. **Question 5:**

module m5(input [3:0] A, output [3:0] Shifted);
assign Shifted = A << 1;

A. `decoder`
B. `shift_right`
C. `mux`
D. `shift_left`

**Answer: D. `shift_left`**

6. **Question 6:**

module m6(input clk, rst, input D, output reg Q);
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (!rst)
Q <= 1'b0;
Q <= D;

A. `mux`
B. `flip_flop`
C. `comparator`
D. `decoder`

**Answer: B. `flip_flop`**

7. **Question 7:**

module m7(input [3:0] A, output [2:0] Y);
assign Y = A == 4'b0001 ? 3'b000 : A;

A. `and_gate`
B. `or_gate`
C. `priority_encoder`
D. `decoder`

**Answer: C. `priority_encoder`**

8. **Question 8:**

module m8(input [1:0] A, B, S, output Y);
assign Y = (S == 1'b0) ? A : B;

A. `counter`
B. `mux2to1`
C. `flip_flop`
D. `divider`

**Answer: B. `mux2to1`**

9. **Question 9:**

module m9(input [2:0] A, output [7:0] Decoded);
assign Decoded = (A == 3'b000) ? 8'b00000001 : (A == 3'b001) ? 8'b00000010 :

A. `decoder`
B. `mux`
C. `adder`
D. `flip_flop`

**Answer: A. `decoder`**

10. **Question 10:**

module full_adder(input A, B, Cin, output Sum, Cout);
assign {Cout, Sum} = A + B + Cin;

A. `full_adder`
B. `mux`
C. `decoder`
D. `counter`

**Answer: A. `full_adder`**
11. module example_seq(input clk, rst, input [7:0] data, output reg [7:0] result);
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (!rst)
result <= 8'b00000000;
result <= result + data;

A. Counter
B. Adder
C. Multiplier

D. Decoder

Answer: B. Adder

12. module example_comb2(input [1:0] A, B, output Y);

assign Y = (A == 2'b10) ? B : ~B;

A. Comparator
B. Multiplexer
C. Full Adder

D. XOR Gate

Answer: B. Multiplexer

module example_seq3(input clk, rst, input [3:0] data, output reg [3:0] result);
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (!rst)
result <= 4'b0000;
result <= (data[1]) ? (result << 1) : (result >> 1);

A. Shift Register
B. Counter
C. Decoder

D. Multiplier

Answer: A. Shift Register

module example_seq5(input clk, rst, input [3:0] data, output reg [3:0] result);
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if (!rst)
result <= 4'b0000;
result <= (data[1]) ? (result + 4'b0001) : result;

A. Counter
B. Multiplier
C. Shift Register
D. Decoder
Answer: A. Counter

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