SBM Review

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Good morning, everyone!

I am Katrina Clarisse Tabac and together with Eden Tilap,

Dimple Petallana, John Louie Requerme, Noveiah Sabasaje, and Shekaina Plazo today
we will have our review session about The school head in school-based management.

To start of, let us define the School-based management or SBM.

So what is School-based management or SBM?

School-based management is decentralized management

Decentralized management means that the decision-making authority is distributed to the

lower levels of the management. The power of making a decision is not only sa school
head lang naka revolve but also it extends to the parents, teachers, staff, and the

With that it is a strategy to improve education. It is a strategy to improve education by

transferring significant decision-making authority from the DepEd central office, regional
offices, division offices to individual school.

So everyone has the power to make decision, therefore, if na spread ang power to make
decision mas daghan opinion ang ma open which could result to a better solution sa

SBM provides principals, teachers, students and parents greater control over the
education process by giving them responsibility for decisions about the budget, personnel
and the curriculum.

So maskin parents and teachers no, they are given the control and make decisions.
Especially with the students, we all know na daghan kaayo say ang students about
different aspects sa education, to with SBM, mahatagan silag power to make decision
about a problem to improve the education they will receive.

Through the involvement of teachers, parents, and other community members in these
key decisions, SBM can create more effective learning environment for children.

Thank you, everyone for listening! Now let us delve into our question and answer portion.

So for everybody’s information for those who want to answer Tap the raise hand button,
and the first one to tap in will have the chance to answer the question.

Important note! Just tap the raise hand button after the question kung bisayaon pa ayha
na pag raise ug hand pag mahuman na iingon ang question.


For number 1, the correct answer is letter d.

Why is letter d the centralized management does not belong to SBM?

It is because Centralized management does not align with the principles of SBM.
Centralized management involves decision-making authority being concentrated at the
central office level, with little to no input from individual schools. This approach can lead
to a lack of flexibility and responsiveness to local needs. SBM, on the other hand, aims
to decentralize management and devolve power to schools, making centralized
management contrary to its objectives.

Since, letter d is the correct answer therefore, choices

a, Decentralized management
b, Devolution of power to schools

and c School empowerment

does belong to SBM and therefore the incorrect answers for number 1.


Letter a is incorrect because decentralized management is a fundamental principle of

SBM, promoting local decision-making and control.

As well as letter b, it is incorrect since devolution of power is a key component of SBM,

transferring decision-making authority to the school level.

And for the letter c, it is incorrect because empowering schools is a primary goal of SBM,
enabling them to better meet their specific needs.

These 3 choices are the definition of SBM or school-based management and tan awon
ang question naa diha naka bold ang NOT. Meaning mamili ka asa sa upat nag dili belong
sa SBM. Therefore, since dili man belong sa SBM ang gipangita, the correct answer is
letter d.

Take note always na always be mindful unsay naa sa and gipangayo sa question.

Now let us proceed with number 2.


For the question number 2, the correct answer is letter b.

So why letter b?

First, let me explain muna why choices a, c and d is incorrect.

For letter A. To centralize decision-making processes to ensure uniformity.

It is incorrect because School-based management (SBM) is designed to decentralize

decision-making rather than centralize it. The goal is to shift authority from central offices
to individual schools, allowing them to make decisions that best meet their unique needs
and circumstances. Centralized decision-making can often lead to a one-size-fits-all
approach, which SBM aims to avoid.

For letter C. To reduce the autonomy of individual schools.

It is incorrect since SBM aims to increase, not reduce, the autonomy of individual schools.
By granting more decision-making power to schools, SBM allows school leaders,
teachers, and local stakeholders to have greater control over school operations and
policies. This autonomy enables schools to be more responsive to the specific needs of
their students and community.

For letter D. To ensure that all schools follow the same instructional methods and

It is also incorrect because SBM encourages flexibility and innovation in teaching and
learning practices. It does not aim to enforce uniformity in instructional methods and
materials across all schools. Instead, it allows schools to adopt and adapt methods and
materials that are most effective for their students, fostering a more customized and
effective educational experience.

Since done nata sa mga incorrect choices, let us know ngano B ang correct answer for
this question.
To improve educational outcomes by involving local stakeholders in school decision-

This is correct mainly because the primary objective of SBM is to enhance educational
outcomes by involving local stakeholders—such as teachers, parents, students, and
community members—in the decision-making process. This collaborative approach
ensures that decisions are made with a thorough understanding of the local context and
the specific needs of the school community. By leveraging the insights and contributions
of those directly involved with the school, SBM aims to create a more supportive and
effective educational environment, ultimately leading to improved student performance
and school success.


Choice A (It centralizes resource allocation to ensure consistency) is incorrect because

SBM decentralizes resource allocation, allowing individual schools to make decisions
rather than enforcing a centralized approach.

Choice C (It limits the flexibility of schools in resource management) is incorrect because
SBM enhances the flexibility of schools in managing their resources.

Choice D (It focuses primarily on physical infrastructure improvements) is incorrect

because SBM encompasses a wide range of school management aspects, not just
physical infrastructure.

Choice B (It allows schools to allocate resources based on their specific needs and
priorities) is correct because it aligns with the fundamental objective of SBM, which
is to empower schools to make decisions that best serve their unique contexts and
improve educational outcomes.

Choice A (Increased bureaucratic procedures) is incorrect because SBM aims to reduce

bureaucracy and streamline processes.

Choice C (Greater financial burden on the school) is incorrect because SBM seeks to
improve financial management and resource allocation, not increase financial burdens.

Choice D (Reduced involvement of teachers in decision-making) is incorrect because

SBM promotes increased involvement of teachers and other stakeholders in decision-
making processes.

Choice B (Improved student performance and school effectiveness) is correct

because the decentralization and stakeholder involvement inherent in SBM are
designed to create a more effective educational environment, leading to better student
performance and overall school effectiveness.

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