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The proposed proposal is to implement the e-commerce website for flower house which can
easily handle its data storage problems and records problems of their customers and members of
the organization. The system is a web based platform which manually solves the problems of
those customers who need the flower from flower house without walking to flower house in their
busy schedule. This system provides a safe platform for user to get their orders in time. It will
contain the whole details and information about the flowers with suitable prices. User can easily
search for the flower that they need. In terms of customer happiness the system will make happy
for admins also for data management and selling of the flowers to customers easily.

The EverGreen Nursery is the organization who is selling their flowers to their customers at the
shop. It is located in Greenland, Tokha and was founded in 2019. They are providing dependable
and good flowers. They have different types of flowers which makes the beauty of the
environment. They sells a high quality flowers for their customers. Flower is the only reason of
the beauty for the environment and the house so, they serve a excellent flowers for the

2. Problem Statement

The conventional method is manual based. Besides that, purchasing is also made through the
phone by inquiring. These methods are time consuming and tedious. At times, people cannot find
time between their busy work schedule to drop by the shop due to time constraint. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop an online system that will easily enable the customers to choose the type of
bouquets they would like to purchase. The admins also not need use traditional method which is
using paper to write the records of customers’ orders and their details.

3. Objectives

• To provide detail information of new and old flowers.

• To store and view data of employee and customers.
• Provide online platform to buy flowers.

• To give better response for customer.

4. Requirement Identification

Understanding the particular demands and objectives is our major service when developing an
information system for the flower house. This identifies the functional and technical things for
proper inventory management. The main objectives are customer’s support and personnel
management. Improving user satisfaction, operational optimization and efficiency.

4.1.1 Literature Review

The existing system is a manual system. The proposed system tries to simplify the difficulties
encountered in a manually handling the information about flowers and stocks. In this case the
details of these are stored in one or more registers. The existing system needs number of staff
and a lot of time consumption for the process.

Florist shop online system is a web based application to sell their flower to their customers
through online platform in one touch. It is based through J2EE on design and implementation of
the program. It provides a features requiring all the needs for the customers with showing all the
products that they contain, can search and filter and inventory management. It gives all the
required functions for the users to experience and use it for buying product and looking product
management inventory. It helps in the all functionality that is used in e-commerce sites (Rui
Zhai, 2013).

Consumer personality, situational factors, product characteristics, previous online shopping

experiences and the trust are external factors in online shopping. Situational factors will also lead
a consumer to have the intention to shop in the internet such as time pressure, lack of mobility,
geographical distance, need for special items and attractiveness of alternatives (Monsuwe,
Delleart and Ruyter, 2004). Time pressure can be the insufficient time for consumers to shop in
traditional stores because of their lifestyle. Consumers are able to shop any time of the day or
night in the comfort of their home. Especially for consumers who have little amount of free time
because of extended working hours (Wolfinbarger, et, al,. 2001). For consumers that lack of
mobility might be caused by their inability to reach the traditional store. Geographical distance is

referred to as the far distance between the consumer’s residential area and the shopping mall.
Need to special items could be the consumer’s needs of customized products to suit their demand
(Monsuwe, Delleart and Ruyter, 2004).

Product characteristic is also another factor that will influence the consumer’s intention to
purchase in the internet. Product characteristic can be tangible or intangible; standardized or
customized. In an online context, lower tangibility of a product is caused by the lack of physical
contact and assistance in the shopping process; consumer’s intention to shop on the internet will
be low when there is a need to seek advice from a salesperson regarding the considered product
(Monsuwe, et. al., 2004). Products such as car, computers, perfume, perfume or lotion has the
lower potential to be purchased by the consumer because it requires more personal knowledge
and experience (Elliot, et. al., 2000).

With providing all the factors to the clients or users, we can manage our sales of our product
with any disturbances in a competitive market. We can improve our operations and sales. These
factors play an impact role in enhancing customer experiences and getting a success on business
in a modern and technology market.

4.1.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements includes all the functions of project which includes sign in and
registration for customers, staffs and admins too. Inside it, user can make sales and purchase of
the flower. User can search and filter the flowers and view the product. Also can make multiple
purchase by adding recent flower to the cart and make payments. It contains personal
information management functions with the detailed information. It includes the function
including product shopping, evaluation and also can cancel the order.

4.1.3 Non-functional Requirements

The performance of the system should contain availability, maintainability, reliability, safety and
security. The security for data must be strong in system
a) Performance
The flower house must efficiently handle different client requests, providing a better
response without any problems or system crashes.
b) Security
This system must prioritize the security of customer and business data. It must ensure
confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. A secure security system should
added to prevent unauthorized access to the data, ensuring only authorized person can
access specific functions.
c) Reliability
The system must be reliable, operate the meet of demands from customers and staffs.
Failure mechanisms should be implemented to ensure continuous available in the event of
hardware or software failures.
d) Scalability
The flower house should be scalable to accommodate growth in data and high user. It
should handle efficiently on increasing high number of orders with customer records and
services must be provided at exact time without compromising performance.

5. Use case Diagram

Fig: Usecase diagram for The EverGreen Nursery

6. Research Methodology

Research methodology for the flower house includes a direct conversation conducted
with their questionnaires and interviews to collect the real data from customers,
employees and managers related to organization.

6.1 Data collection

To identify the sources of data, we can have both primary and secondary sources which can help
to collect the data from organization.

6.1.1 Primary sources

To gather the data through the primary sources, we can have surveys, interviews and should be in
touch the experts and top level members of the organization.

6.1.2 Secondary sources

We should collect the data from the old reports, databases that is with organization and such data
releated sources in records can help in collecting data from secondary sources.

7. High Level Design of System (Proposed Implementation Model)

We plan to use Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for developing this project. MVC
(Model-View-Controller) architecture is a design pattern commonly used in web development.

Fig: MVC architecture

8. Propose Design

 User interface should be clean and intuitive design with focus on showcasing beautiful
flower arrangements and high quality of flowers arrangement.
 User experience term as a simple registration and login process or allow users to
checkout as guests.
 Product management as adding new products, stock updates, and updating prices and
should categorize products by type, occasion, price range, etc.
 Secure methods of payments should be used.
 Communicating with customers in social media for collecting feedback and take reviews
and ratings from them.

9. Tools and Technology

 For the well-labelled development of website, use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
 For database MYSQL for storing product information, user data and orders is use.
 HTTPS protocol should use for secure communication.
 Integrate live chat or chatbox for providing real time assistance to users.
 Discount codes, promotional offers and referral program to attract and retain customers.
 Integrate with social medias marketing platforms like facebook, instragram and tiktok.
 Implement features for managing product inventory, stock levels, and alerts for low stock

10. Expected Outcomes

 Increased sales and revenue of the organization.

 Helps customers to utilize the online flower system where it makes them to spend less
time and easier way to purchase the products.
 To provide a good delivery services to customers and easier for their comfort.
 Helps admin to produce computer-managed system where it can help to handle all
 Can save a lot of information or data in database and reduce the use of paper.
 Enhanced customer satisfaction and loyality.

11. Working Schedule

The working schedule is used as a guideline to be implemented for the advancement of the
proposed project.

12. References


Lucas van den Houten (2013), “studocu”

Rue Jacques Ibert (1987), “universal Flower”

Rui Zhai 04, “The design and implementation of Florist’s shop online system” 2013


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