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Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456


1. Which element of group-14 is important component of ceramics, glass and cement?

(1) Silicon (2) Germanium

(3) Tin (4) Lead

2. Compare the electronegativity of Group 13 and Group-14 elements.

(1) EN of Group 13 > Group 14 (2) EN of Group 13 < Group 14

(3) EN of Group 13 = Group 14 (4) Cannot be compared.

3. Which elements has highest melting point among Group -14?

(1) C (2) Si

(3) Ge (4) Sn

4. Why tendency of show +2 oxidation state increase down the group?

(1) Electropositivity increases

(2) Ionisation enthalpy decreases

(3) Inability of ns2 electrons of valance shell to participate in bonding

(4) Covalency decreases

5. Why carbon tetrachloride cannot act as electron acceptor or electron donor?

(1) Octet of central atom is complete

(2) 4 chlorine atom make it electron deficient

(3) Carbon cannot exceed its covalence more than 4

(4) It has spherically symmetric structure

6. Among Dioxides of group-14 elements which elements show amphoteric character?

(1) SnO2 and GeO2 (2) SnO2 and PbO2

(3) CO2 and SiO2 (4) SiO2 and GeO2

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [1]
Group-14 Practice Sheet-2

7. Comparing the stability of GeX4 and GeX2, PbX4 and PbX2. Find the correct order.

(i) GeX4 > GeX2 (ii) GeX4 < GeX2

(iii) PbX4 > PbX2 (iv) PbX4 < PbX2

(1) (i) and (iii) (2) (ii) and (iii)

(3) (i) and (iv) (4) (ii) and (iv)

Why SiF6  exists but SiCl6  does not?

2 2

(i) Interaction of Chloride ions and Si4+ ion is not very strong

(ii) Six large chloride ions cannot be accommodated around Si4+ due to limitation of its size

(iii) Si cannot expand its octet with Cl

(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(3) (i) and (iii) (4) (ii) and (iii)

9. Carbon monoxide is used in the extraction of many metals from their oxides ores because

(1) Powerful oxidising agent (2) Powerful reducing agent

(3) Highly reactive (4) Forms coordination compounds with metals

10. By which among the following methods, carbon dioxide is produced in laboratory?

(1) Heating limestone

(2) CaCO3 + conc. HCl

(3) CaCO3 + dil. HCl

(4) Burning Hydrocarbons in presence of air

11. CO2 is used as fire – extinguisher because:-

(1) Lighter gas and supporter of combustion

(2) Heavier gas and supporter of combustion

(3) Heavier gas and non-supporter of combustion

(4) Lighter gas and non-supporter of combustion

12. Which of the following is not the resonating structure of CO2.

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [2]
Group-14 Practice Sheet-2

13. What is the repeating unit of organosilicon polymer?

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

14. What is the starting material used for the manufacturing of silicones?

(1) Aryl or alkyl substituted silicon chlorides

(2) Silicon chlorides

(3) Alkyl halides

(4) Silicon hydroxides

15. What is the basic structural unit of silicates?

(1) SiO34 (2) SiO34 

(3) SiO24 (4) SiO44 

 

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456 [3]

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