Summer Assignment (XII)

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Project work on writing skills
Select any one of the following topics
(a) Write a tourist brochure describing a place that is worth visiting. Your essay must include the
following points.
Name of the tourist place and its location_______________ accessibility ( the methods by which you
can reach there) _____________importance of the place ___________________famous spots of
attraction or historic monuments _____________________lodging and local transport available
there to move about ___________________food _________________people and their
lifestyle__________________ any other point you want to include.
(b) Narrate your personal experience of any ill treatment you had to face inside or outside your home.
Describe briefly how you handled the situation without losing your dignity and reputation.
(c) Describe the main features of an electronic gadget you have purchased at home or you have seen.
Describe the operating system of the features available in the system. [Column description
downloaded will not be accepted]
(d) Describe one of the sport events you have witnessed. Include the following points.
History and importance of the event ______________ the total teams in the tournament
_____________the teams that played the particular match _______________elaborate description
of the match ______________ winners ___________________ prize distribution _________man/
woman of the match ____________any other point you want to include
How to write
(a) Cover page
The cover page must be designed with the following details
(i) Name of the student
(ii) Class
(iii) Role number
(iv) Name of the topic neatly written (outline/points attached to certain questions are not
(b) Introduction
Introduction must be written on a separate page. In the introduction you have to write about the
topic and the reason you have chosen this topic
(c) Main body
Main body must consist 500 words minimum
Main body must have subheadings (subheadings are compulsory)
(d) Conclusion
Conclusion also must be written on separate page. Conclusion says about your feeling and

1. Matrix and Determinants
a. Define matrix
b. Define different types of matrices
c. Operations on Matrices
d. Determinants
e. Explain how to find the value of a determinant of ordered 1,2 and 3. Explain with example

f. Explain minors and cofactors and adjoint of a matrix
a Explain the method of finding the inverse of a matrix using formula. Explain it with
example of matrix of order 3
g. Explain Matrix method ( Martin’s rule) with example of linear equation in 3 variables
h. How to verify the consistency of the system of linear equations of three variables and verify
it with an example.
Define vectors
Explain direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector
Sum and difference of vectors, scalar multiplication of vectors
Components of a vector
Vector in two and three dimensions
Explain scalar (dot) product of vectors
Angle between two vectors
Define cross product and its applications
• Explain lines of regression of Y on X and X on Y
• Explain the method of least squares
• For a data find the regression equations
• How to find angle between regression lines
• Explain the properties of regression lines.

Topic for physics project is divided & listed in accordance with your class roll numbers as follows:
Roll Numbers Topics
01 - 05 Transformers
06 - 10 AC Generator
11 - 15 Moving coil Galvanometer
16 - 20 Nuclear fission reactor
21 - 25 Junction diode
26 - 30 Magnetic classification of substances
31 - 35 Zener diode
35 - 40 Telescope
41 - 45 Atomic Spectra
45 - 50 Comparative study on Electrical light sources
Optional Any working model or Investigatory project (by
performing an experiment under supervision of a teacher)

General guidelines
● Students are advised to write & submit their project on A4 size sheets enclosed by a spiral file
● Students must only use blue or black ink to write their projects, while other colours (not green or
yellow) can be used for writing titles & sub titles, front page of the project & for boarders.
● All the written contents must only be on the right-hand side of the project file.
● All diagrams, pictures, sketches & graphs associated must only be on the left-hand side of the project
● All diagrams must be titled & relevant parts must be labelled.
● Students are advised to make sure that the diagram & its descriptions are in side by side with each
other as much as possible.
● The project file must contain the following titles in the order they are specified:
Front page, Acknowledgement, Introduction, Index, Content pages, Conclusion, Bibliography.
● No student must change his/her project topic without consulting prior with your physics teacher on
or before 14/05/2024
● All pages must be hand written except for the front page which can be either computer print or hand
● Students opting for Working model or Investigatory project type must inform the details related to
the topic prior with your physics teacher & get it approved on or before 14/05/2024

Front page
This can either be computer print or hand designed. It must contain the topic of the project in the biggest
font; Submitted by: name, class, roll number & a space is to be left to enter student unique ID & student’s
signature; Submitted to: name of the teacher & a space must be left for signature; a separate space titled
External examiner should be left blank for his/ her signature.
Submitted by:
Name: ______________________
Class: ______________________
Roll No: ______________________
Unique ID: ______________________
Signature: ______________________
Submitted to:
Name: ______________________
Signature: ______________________

External Examiner: ______________________

Content pages
Content pages should minimum be of 15 & a maximum of 18 in number. Students are advised to include the
following topics in these pages: a brief history in the development & studies of the material/device;
Descriptions on the devices/material, it’s properties & characteristics; Working principle if any, explanation
with diagrams; Lists of applications or uses & explain any two uses in details; Merits & Demerits, if any;
Possible future of the technology, if any.

Other Titled pages

Students are advised to make titled pages of minimum 1 page each & can be extended as its content
Working Model & Investigatory project
Students interested in making any working model or Investigatory project must consult with your Physics
Teacher on or before 14/05/2024 for finalising the project topic. Students are to prepare a technical report
including title, abstract, some theoretical discussion, experimental setup, observations with tables of data
collected, graph/chart (if any), analysis & discussion of results, deductions, conclusion, etc. The teacher
should approve the draft, before it is finalised. For students doing these projects need to write content
pages with a minimum of 8 pages & a maximum of 15. Topics related to the content pages will be informed
to you based on the project.
Sachin Xavier

I. Electron Displacement in a Covalent Bond

+ I effect and - I effect with examples
+ I groups and - I groups with examples
+E effect and -E effect with examples
+M effect – Explanation with examples. Phenol, aniline, chlorobenzene.
-M effect – Explanation with examples. Nitrobenzene, benzoic acid,
+M groups and -M groups with examples
II. Types of organic reactions.
1. Substitution Reactions.
a. Nucleophilic substitution reactions – Definition , examples, SN1 and SN2 reactions – definition , examples
and mechanism.
b. Electrophilic substitution reactions. - Definition, examples and mechanism.(Halogenation, Nitration,
sulphonation, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation.
c. Free Radical substitution reactions -Definition, example and mechanism.
2. Addition Reactions.
a. Electrophilic addition reactions – Definition , examples and mechanism. Markownikoffs rule
b. Free Radical Addition reactions. Definition examples and mechanism. Peroxide Effect
c. Nucleophilic addition Reactions. Definition and examples.
3. Elimination reactions.
E1 and E2 reactions – definition , examples and mechanism. Saytzeffs Rule.
1. Write on A4 sheets
2. Write only on one side of the sheets
3. The following should be present in the project;
a) Index
b) Introduction
c) Contents (Max: 25 pages)
d) Bibliography
4. Draw diagrams or use pictures or photographs wherever they are helpful.
5. Pictures or photographs should be pasted on the blank/left page.
6. Use colour pens or sketch pens to write headings or subheadings
7. Avoid too much decorations.
8. Draw border on each page before you start writing.
9. The cover page should include; project topic and year, name of student, class, division and index number.
10). Cover page can be handmade or computer designed.
11). Arrange all the pages in order in a transparent plastic file and submit it on 1st July 2024.

Students are requested to choose any one from the topics given below and to explain briefly the
introduction, architecture, and components with example.

1. JAVA AWT Graphics

- Introduction, Why AWT?, Components of AWT, Layout Manager, Containers, Jbutton, Jlabel,
JTextField, IPasswordField, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, Jlist, JOptionPane, Jmenu.


- Introduction, Why Android Studio?, Android Architecture, Core Building Blocks, Emulator, Android
Manifest, Android Widgets-Button, TextView, EditText, ImageView, CheckBox, RadioButton, Toast, Intent.

3. ROBOTICS-ARDUINO + C language

- Introduction, Why Arduino IDE, Arduino Kit, Arduino Programming, Arduino Coding Basics, Arduino
Components, Input Components(Sensors), Output Components and motors.

1. Human genome project (Roll No. 1 - 5)
2. Gene therapy (Roll No. 6 - 10)
3. Bio-piracy (from Roll No. 11 - 15)
4. Human population (Roll No. 16 - 21)
5. Cancer (Roll No. 22 – last)

Format of the Project: A4 size punch papers (one side ruled and one side blank) arranged in a file.
Page 1: preferably printout carrying following information:
should have school name, academic session 2024-25, subject, students name, class, section, roll number,
students sign and teachers sign
Page 2: Preface
Page 3: Acknowledgement
Page 4: Index with page numbers
Page 5 and continued…:
(i) Introduction
(ii) Content with presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper cuttings, diagrams, photographs, statistical
analysis if relevant)
(iii) Conclusion/ Summary
(iv) Bibliography


ननदे श-
1. रॊफे औय ऩतरे यजिस्टय का प्रमोग कयें ।
2. अऩना नाभ, वगग, अनब
ु ाग, अनक्र
ु भाॊक, ववषम एवॊ ददनाॊक इत्मादद अवश्म लरखें ।
3. अऩना हस्ताऺय अवश्म कयें ।
ु भणिका(INDEX), प्रस्तावना(PREFACE/INTRODUCTION),अलबस्वीकृनत(ACKNOWLEDGMENT), ग्रॊथ सच
ू ी मा
सॊदबग ऩस्
ु तकों के नाभ(BIBLIOGRAPHY) लरखें ।
5. लरखने के लरए ऩष्ृ ठ के केवर एक तयप का उऩमोग कयें एवॊ दस
ू यी तयप सॊफधॊ धत धचत्रों को धचऩकाने के लरए इस्तेभार
कयें ।
6. साप - सपाई ऩय ववशेष ध्मान दीजिए ।
7. आऩके उत्तय भौलरक औय यचनात्भक होने चादहए ।
8. दस
ू यों के नोट की नकर से फचें । कॉऩी ककए गए असाइनभें ट के कोई अॊक नहीॊ ददए िाएॉगे ।
प्रश्न.1. ननम्नलरणखत ववषमों भें से ककसी एक ववषम ऩय रगबग 800 शब्दों भें ननफॊध लरणखए-
(क)आऩके िीवन का उद्देश्म क्मा है ? आि से दस वषग फाद की कल्ऩना कीजिए औय फताइए आऩ स्वमॊ को कहाॉ एवॊ ककस
रूऩ भें दे खना चाहते हैं ?
(ख)आि दे श को ककन-ककन सभस्माओॊ से िूझना ऩड़ यहा है ?उनको सर
ु झाने भें आऩ क्मा मोगदान दे सकते हैं ?
प्रश्न. 2. ननम्नलरणखत प्रश्नों भें से ककन्ही दो प्रश्नों के उत्तय रगबग 400 शब्दों भें लरणखए-
(क) 'क्मा ननयाश हुआ िाए' ऩाठ के आधाय ऩय रेखक की फस मात्रा की घटना का विगन कीजिए औय फताइए इससे हभें
क्मा लशऺा लभरती है ?
(ख) तर
ु सीदास िी का िीवन ऩरयचम दे ते हुए उनके कृनतत्त्व ऩय प्रकाश डालरए तथा ऩदों का बावाथग अऩने शब्दों भें
लरणखए । कववता भें कवव ने याभ की ककस ववशेषता को भदहभा भॊडडत ककमा है ?

(ग)-'आषाढ़ का एक ददन' नाटक के आधाय ऩय कालरदास की भख्
ु म बलू भका ऩय प्रकाश डालरए तथा उनका
चरयत्र - धचत्रि कीजिए ।

List of suggested Projects is given below:
1. Compare marketing strategies adopted by two different companies of the same industry (FMCG/
Telecommunication / media / education the following: industry etc.) keeping in mind
Product mix
Price Mix
Place Mix
Promotion Mix
2. Collect newspaper/magazine clippings of five cases filed by consumers in the Consumer Court. Find out
the rights violated, and the redressal mechanism used. What was the outcome of each case?
3. Visit a commercial Bank. Find out the procedure to open a savings account.
Find out the details of various Agency & General utility services provided by the bank.
4. Compare the interest rates offered by five different commercial banks on fixed deposits under various
categories (general and senior citizens) and various time durations.
Find out the procedure and formalities for opening a fixed deposit account.
What is the procedure for closing the account on maturity and before maturity period?
5. Select five different companies across varying industries such as L.T., textiles, FMCG, Health Care, etc.,
included in the SENSEX. Keeping a hypothetical base money of Rupees One Lakh, invest in the shares of the
selected companies. The movement of share prices selected by you should be monitored over a period of
one month on a daily basis. A uniform / standard practice of either using the opening price or the closing
price on a particular day of the week should be used by all students in the class.
At the end of the month, analyse your investment in a spread sheet and give reasons for your choice of
6. Find out the names of companies under various sectors (FMCG, Pharma, automobile, etc) included in the
NIFTY and the SENSEX. Make a chart of the same and track its movements over a period of one week.
(a) Study the sources of recruitment and steps involved in the selection procedure adopted by two
companies of the same industry.
(b) Compare and evaluate the sources of recruitment and the selection process adopted by the selected
8. Formulate a capital plan for a hypothetical business organization. Justify your formulated plan.
9. Choose two companies of the same industry. Study their organizational structure. Also give information
with regard to:
(i) Hierarchy
(ii) Centralization and delegation of authority
(iii) Flow of information (scalar chain)
(iv) Span of control
(v) Channel of communication.
10. Select any business undertaking. Study the selected business in terms of ownership, capital and
Make a S.W.O.T. analysis and present it in a tabular form.

Students will be expected to have completed two projects from any topic covered in economic theory. Mark
allocation for each project (10 marks)
Suggested topic for your project
1) Study consumer awareness amongst household through designing a questionnaire and collection of
primary data.

2) Prepare a report on productivity awareness among enterprises through use of statistical data from
statistical table published in newspapers/ RBI bulletin/ budget /census report/ economy survey etc.
3) Make a study of two cooperative institutions (example milk cooperative) with a view to compare the
organisation and financial structure of the organisations, production capacity and output, marketing
strategies, sales, market share, etc
4) Study in detail the South Asian association for regional corporation (SAARC) and its impact on Indian
5) Prepare a report on the various poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes started in
India with special focus on MANREGA.
6) Compare the status of women of your state with that at the national level for the last 10 years on the
basis of educational level, employment etc.
7) Prepare a report on the forest cover in India highlighting the following aspect:
a) 5 states / union territories having higher and lower forest cover and compare the extent of forest
b) Causes for decrease in forest cover in the country.
c) Measures adopted by the central / state government to increase the forest cover.

Roll No. 01 – 20 Project Question 1
Roll No. 21 onwards Project Question 2



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