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Debate Attribute Evaluation Sheet

Watch the debate several times and listen carefully for instances where each
attribute is displayed, then record TWO examples of each attribute for both

Attribute Richard M. Nixon John F. Kennedy

Knowledg 1. He speaks about 1. Kennedy presents many of his

e of hydroelectric power and is statistics in a way that demonstrates his
Issues well-informed. “In these understanding of them, such as the 9
seven and a half years, we billion dollars’ worth of food and some
have produced more of it rotting, the unused 50 percent of
hydroelectric power than any steel mill capacity, and the Soviet Union
previous administration in producing twice as many scientists and
history.” engineers as the United States.

2. He discusses the national 2. He went on to say that he wanted

debt and the Soviet Union. government support for education.

Presents 1. He used terms like 1. He speaks slowly but precisely so

Issues so "deadly" to describe the that the viewer can keep up with him,
they are United States' attitude and he repeats the phrase "I'm not
Easily toward war. He was very done" so that people can keep up with
Understo transparent and where he's going.
od straightforward on how
America could address both 2. He points out that Nixon is a
internal and external issues Republican who “has rejected federal
in order to move forward. funding for education, medical care for
the elderly, creation of the Tennessee
2. During his debate valley, [and] development of our natural
addresses, he discussed resources.”
economic prosperity and
government spending.

Attribute Richard M. Nixon John F. Kennedy

Assertivene 1. When discussing the 1. Kennedy expresses his belief that

ss Truman administration, he America is not doing enough and that
said, "we find that the prices it has the potential to be a great and
you pay increased five times strong nation.
as much in the Truman
administration as they did in 2. He says, "I believe Mr. Nixon is a
the Eisenhower successful party leader, and I hope
administration." he will give me the same." The
question is which point of view and
2. He uses the phrase "we which political party we want to lead
have the code" to emphasize the United States.” He poses the
that everyone in the United question that everybody wants to
States, including himself and know.
Kennedy, is in it together.

Ability to 1. He would "piggyback" on 1. He brought up the topic of Soviet

Improvise what Kennedy had said in Premier Nikita Khrushchev during the
his previous address, saying, first round of the debate. He turned
" the areas Senator around and asked the crowd, "Are we
Kennedy has addressed doing anything we possibly can?"
2. He can be seen writing down
2. He was able to transform evidence that Nixon introduces in his
stressful situations into first round and then "piggybacking"
potentially positive ones for on them.
the future.

Appearanc 1. He wore a grey suit to the 1. He wore a blue suit and a shirt that
e televised debate, giving the made him stand out more by
impression that he was fitting reducing the glare from the cameras.
in with the set. It
demonstrated that he was
not at his best in that

Attribute Richard M. Nixon John F. Kennedy

2. He grinned a lot and 2. When speaking about a subject, he

stared more at Kennedy than faced his true audience and looked at
at the camera, as if he was the camera. He was more interactive
trying to win over his real with the audience than Nixon.

Personali 1. He smiled a lot when he 1. He is very optimistic about America's

ty said something optimistic, future as he says, "I want [other
(Warmth, such as, "I absolutely countries] at look to America to see how
Charisma subscribe to the spirit we are doing stuff." He is also very
, Wit) senator Kennedy has shared straightforward and gets his point
tonight." He didn't dismiss across on how he really wants the best
him and began his speech for the country and how we must
with humility. improve.

2. He gave a lot of smiles to 2. He spoke well of previous presidents,

the camera and to his rival, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, saying,
Kennedy. "Franklin Roosevelt was a good
neighbor to Latin America because he
was a

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