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Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

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Airports’ managerial human capital, ownership, and efficiency

Ane Elixabete Ripoll-Zarraga a, *, Sonia Huderek-Glapska b
Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of Plymouth, PL4 8AA, Plymouth, United Kingdom
Department of Microeconomics, Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB), 61-758, Poznan, Poland


Keywords: Airport performance differences require a better understanding of the sources of efficiency and competitive
Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) advantages. Globalization drives the air transport industry into a more market-orientated business questioning
Environmental variables the relationship between managerial decisions and airport performance. Aviation management studies do not
Managerial human capital
consider managerial capabilities and skills since they are intangible exogenous factors that are difficult to assess.
Technical efficiency
In this study, a stochastic frontier analysis is performed accounting for top managers’ theoretical knowledge and
experience enclosed as exogenous drivers of airports’ efficiency. The model analyses 12 Polish airports from
2009 to 2017. The results show a diversity of airports with a different number of passengers as efficient. The top
managers’ experience, when gained in the same airport, has a positive impact on airports’ technical efficiency.
Airports having unstable management are more technically inefficient. Independently of the efficiency level,
some airports change their management after the national elections, suggesting that managers are chosen by
political interest rather than by their specialised knowledge or their prior experience in aviation management.
The results suggest that more practical knowledge improve airports’ performance. Airports with a majority of
government ownership that are the largest ones increase their efficiency significantly, suggesting that political
decisions may be discriminatory in detriment of airports managed by regional and city authorities.

1. Introduction 2016; González-Cruz et al., 2018).

Another factor driving differences in management practices is the
Managerial practices heterogeneity enhances changes in firms type of ownership, which potentially influences managerial decisions.
operating efficiency. Empirical literature confirms substantial produc­ Government-owned firms are weakly incentive overall, although market
tivity differences within a firm over time and among firms (Lieberman competition enhances better management practices along with the level
et al., 1990; Foster et al., 2008; Hsieh and Klenow, 2009). Managerial of education of both managers and no managers (Bloom et al., 2012).
strategic decisions influence the organisation’s performance (Beck and Nevertheless, in the context of airport management is not extensively
Wiersema, 2013) since the management function becomes the fourth analysed. One potential reason is that management skills and practices
productive factor (Marshall and Marshall, 1881). An effective manager are unobservable (Barros and Marques, 2010), although management
is a source of competitive advantage (Drucker, 2006). Managerial ca­ practices are a core factor in explaining productivity differences
pabilities and managerial decisions determine the acquisition, devel­ (Glaister, 2014).
opment, and deployment of the rest of the resources to create value and, Airports were traditionally considered as public utilities (govern­
therefore, leading to the organisation’s growth (Hambrick and Brandon ment-owned), with the government as the provider of infrastructure.
1988; Castanias and Helfat 1991; Camisón, 2004; Helfat and Martin Nevertheless, the aviation industry is changing, and so the airports.
2015). The investment and utilisation of technology, along with other Airports are transforming themselves into complex enterprises that
expenditures, are practices controlled by the management (Nallari and require a wide range of business competencies and skills (Graham,
Bayraktar, 2010). There are studies of the significance of managerial 2013). Managerial skills and expertise are an internal core source of
human capital to the company’s operation and development in various airport competitiveness (Bednarczyk and Grabińska, 2015). Managers’
industries (Manevska-Tasevska, 2013; Khadka et al., 2014; Drewik et al., characteristics such as age, sex, educational background, and industry

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga),, (S. Huderek-
Received 1 June 2020; Received in revised form 9 December 2020; Accepted 26 January 2021
Available online 11 February 2021
0969-6997/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

experience understood as knowledge, skills, and competences for strat­ internal procedures becomes essential. The accessibility and type of
egy management drive airports’ development (Nowak and information are core factors for the relevant decisions in the short-term
Huderek-Glapska, 2019). and the long-term (strategy). Consequently, the approach to control and
To the best of our knowledge, there are no empirical studies the type of human capital are determinants of technical efficiency
regarding human capital and airport competitiveness, performance, and (Puig-Junoy and Argiles, 2004); such as managers’ knowledge (Gal­
efficiency. Although more diverse ownership forms co-exist, the degree anopoulos et al., 2006; Manevska-Tasevska, 2013) and the integration
of the independence of management is questionable. Some airports with and effectiveness of internal control procedures through budgeting and
mixed ownership forms may prioritise political interests rather than control (Trip et al., 2002; Manevska-Tasevska and Hansson, 2011).
airports’ performance and efficiency. Some evidence shows appointing Bezerra and Gomes (2018) provide a review of studies related to
managers without enough experience in the field rather than an inde­ airport performance indicators and practices (airport efficiency and
pendent professional with skills and relevant industry experience. productivity, benchmarking studies, service quality, safety and security
Market-driven airports require specialist knowledge, experience, com­ issues, economic-financial aspects, and environmental issues). Pacag­
petences, and capabilities. The objectives of managers and owners may nella et al. (2021) review airports’ studies evaluating operational effi­
differ, which presents the typical agency and principal problem. ciency drivers of large airports from aircraft movement and
Therefore, the impact of managerial capabilities in airports’ perfor­ infrastructure sharing to baggage tracking. Humphreys and Francis
mance should be evaluated carefully, taking into account their business (2002) discuss the requirement of reflection on the performance mea­
environment, including the role of Government or group management. surement of airports in response to changing organizational contexts.
The study aims to analyse if managerial human capital, namely Again, the literature on air transport management evaluates other as­
airport top managers’ knowledge, and experience, and different degrees pects rather than managerial capabilities (e.g., transport management,
of non-privatise airports’ ownership forms (state, regional, and local services provided, air traffic, airline crews, industrial policies, mainte­
authorities) affect the airports’ technical efficiency. The term knowledge nance, programs, engineering, and flight schedules).
addresses the academic-theoretical aspect, and the term experience Airports’ efficiency studies are usually based on non-parametric
empirical knowledge. It is expected that the more years that a manager approaches such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) or Total Factor
has managed an airport, the more efficient the airport becomes. productivity (TFP) rather than parametric techniques such as Stochastic
Following Battese and Coelli (1995), we perform a stochastic frontier Frontier Analysis (SFA). The choice among them depends usually on
analysis for 12 Polish airports and panel data (2009–2017), which al­ data availability. TFP represents the relation between one output and
lows the enclosing of external factors potentially affecting efficiency. one input. When having multi-input output cases, weights must be
The environmental variables understood as exogenous drivers of effi­ specified that are usually based on non-available price information. TFP
ciency are related to management and airports’ infrastructure. decomposition into technical change (technical and scale changes) or
The structure of the paper follows. Section two provides a literature allocative efficiency requires the estimation of production or cost fron­
background on human capital and companies’ performance and effi­ tiers. DEA has been applied to more than several studies in airport
ciency. Section three describes the Polish airport network. Section four benchmarking (for example, Gillen and Lall 1997, Parker, 1999; Sarkis,
describes the theoretical-methodological approach. The data and vari­ 2000; Pels et al., 2003) compared to TFP (e.g. Oum and Yu, 2004;
ables are presented in Section five. Section six presents the results. The Yoshida, 2004). The main reason is that it does not require a functional
final section summarizes the final remarks, limitations, and further form or distributional assumptions such as SFA. DEA, however, does not
research. allow testing the theoretical assumptions for production and cost fron­
tiers, and the efficiency score may be biased by the noise of uncontrol­
2. Literature review: managerial human capital and airports’ lable factors. The inclusion of external factors implies having to use
efficiency two-second stage analysis using techniques such as bootstrapping to
truncated regression (Simar and Wilson 2007) since the efficient units
Managerial human capital refers to the knowledge and experience are correlated with the errors (e.g. Huynh et al., 2020; Chaouk et al.,
(Griffin, 2000; Helfat and Martin 2015). Coleman (2007) defines the 2020; Ngo et al., 2020). Previous studies to 2007 used ordinary least
term human capital as education, employment or industry, and other squares (OLS), Tobit regression or truncated regression without boot­
types of experience. Acquired knowledge is the result of a continuous strapping. Overall DEA and TFP do not help to identify sources of in­
learning process and investment in education, which improves through efficiency and to provide, consequently, policy-makers and managerial
post-graduate and specialist studies. Nevertheless, theoretical knowl­ recommendations (Ripoll-Zarraga and Mar-Molinero, 2020). Less con­
edge requires professional practice to gain experience. Some managers ventional DEA models have been developed to overcome the main DEA
working in the same company acquire firm-specific skills and progress to limitations (Dyson et al., 2001). Most of the studies in airports’ effi­
higher positions. Managers working in different sectors broaden their ciency analysis use similar inputs and outputs and, some of them
skills and competences. The different approaches generate generic, exogenous factors (non-controlled by the management). Table 1 shows a
related-industry, industry-specific, and firm-specific skills (Castanias representative sample of the inputs and outputs considered in different
and Helfat, 2001). Adner and Helfat (2003) argue that only generic skills studies, including undesirable outputs as well as methodologies.
can be fully transferable to other positions and companies. However, Barros and Marques (2010) enclosed a variable attempting to cap­
industry-specific skills are positively correlated with company perfor­ ture airports’ managerial abilities, which is unobserved. Therefore,
mance (Bailey and Helfat, 2003). equivalent to a firm-fixed effect (Greene, 2003) that imposes heteroge­
Indeed, the literature evidences the relation between managerial neity across the sample and time-invariant characteristics of the variable
capabilities and companies’ performance across sectors: industrial (unobserved heterogeneity), which may not be the case. In this regard,
technology-based firms (González-Cruz et al., 2018), agriculture com­ managerial practices enclosed as a fixed effect may explain part of the
panies (Puig-Junoy and Argiles, 2004; Galanopoulos et al., 2006; Man­ inefficiency, but not necessarily. The results showed a negative impact
evska-Tasevska, 2013), logistic and supply (Derwik et al., 2016), small of management practices in the operating costs, similarly to regulation,
and medium manufacturers (Ismail et al., 2014) and hospitals (Khadka and ownership, addressing the requirement of confirming these results.
et al., 2014). The managerial capabilities are a strategic resource to Accordingly, there is a need for investigating the relation of managerial
achieve competitive advantage and explain the heterogeneity among skills and abilities influencing airports’ efficiency as exogenous factors.
companies that use a different mix of resources (Camisón, 2005). Airports require higher quality and efficiency (Fry et al., 2005;
Other studies consider a link between the personal characteristics of Greenfield, 2014). Although managers are appointed accordingly to
a manager and the decision-making process, where information about their skills and capabilities, managerial-decisions are implicitly beyond

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

Table 1
Airports efficiency studies.
Reference Methodology Inputs Outputs Exogenous Variables

Gillen and Lall DEA Number of employees, boarding gates, Passengers, cargo None
(1997) baggage belts, public parking slots, and
runways, terminal area
Number of employees, and runways, Aircraft movements, commuter None
airport and runway areas movements
Sarkis (2000) DEA Number of employees, boarding gates, Passengers, cargo, aircraft None
and runways, operating costs movements, general aviation
movements, operating revenues
Abbot and Wu DEA and TFP- Number of employees, runway length, Passengers, cargo Aircraft standing area, rate of return, capital labour
(2002) Malmquist Index capital stock ratio, total asset growth rate, type ownership, year
Pels et al. (2003) DEA and SFA- Airport size, number of aircraft parking Passengers, aircraft movements Slot coordinated, time restrictions, airlines’ load
Production function places (at the terminal and remote), and factor, time
Yu (2004) DEA-Window Terminal, apron and runway areas, Passengers, aircraft movements Population (county)
analysis number of connections with other Aircraft noise (undesirable
domestic airports output)
Barros and Dieke DEA Labour costs, capital invested, Passengers, cargo, aeronautical Work load units (WLU)a, rotation of capital, privatised
(2007) operating costs revenues, handling revenues, airport
commercial revenues, number of
Oum et al. (2008) SFA-Cost function Number of employees, labour costs, Passengers, aircraft movements, Ownership forms
operating costs, terminal size, number non-aeronautical revenues
of runways
Barros and SFA-Cost function Labour costs (unitary), operating costs, Passengers, aircraft movements Ownership forms, hub, rate of return, regulation
Marques (2010) terminal size incentive
Managerial abilities(fixed effect)
Scotti et al. (2012) SFA-Production Terminal area, number of check-in Aircraft movements, work load Ownership forms, competition x% of available seats
function desks, baggage claims, and not units (WLU)
handling employees, runway capacity,
aircraft parking positions.
Lozano et al. Network-DEA Number of boarding gates, apron Aircraft movements (stage one) None
(2013) capacity, runway area (stage one)
Number of check-in desks and baggage Passengers, cargo (stage two)
claims (stage two)
Number of delayed flights,
accumulated delayed flights
(undesirable outputs)
Chaouk et al. DEA and Truncated Number of employees, boarding gates, Passengers, aircraft movements, Air transport sector performance, macroeconomic
(2020) regression and runways, terminal area cargo, and non-aeronautical environment, safety and security stability, quality of
revenues public/private institutions, and the standards of living
dimensions of the population (health, education)
Huynh et al. DEA-SBM and Tobit Terminal and apron areas, runway Passengers, aircraft movements, Decentralised management, competition, number of
(2020) regression length cargo airlines using the airport as their Hub
Ngo et al. (2020) DEA-SBM and Labour costs, operating costs, runway Aircraft movements, cargo, Number of establishments, arrivals, number of
Window and Tobit length aeronautical and non- international and domestic destinations, GDP per
regression aeronautical revenues capita, period 2008/9, period 2011 (earthquake), LCC
operating, privatised airport
Ripoll-Zarraga and SFA-Production Labour costs, operating costs, Passengers, aircraft movements, Number of hotels and campsites, tourists expenditure,
Raya (2020) function and depreciation of airside assets and cargo, and commercial revenues length of stay, arrivals, tourism employees, index
Regression landside assets price
Airports special features (fixed effect)
One Work Load Unit (WLU) is equivalent to one passenger or 100 kg of cargo.

the airports’ ownership control (i.e., in comparison to a traditional 3. The network of polish airports
definition of input and output). Managers with specific skills related to
an airport (or the aviation industry) are expected to make adequate Poland is the biggest among Central and Eastern European countries
decisions. Managerial strategic decisions implicate the firm’s financial, that entered in 2004 the European Union. All countries implemented all
technical, and operational efficiency. Finally, the effectiveness of the relevant European Union (EU) rules, thus liberalised the air transport
managerial decision-making process depends upon the autonomy be­ market. This change generated a dynamic traffic growth as a response to
tween ownership and management. The involvement of the ownership the expansion of the Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs), revealing the stifled
in management often happens in government-owned airports or airports potential of regional airports. In the latest years, the competition be­
with mixed forms but with a majority of government. Government au­ tween airports to attract airlines and passengers has intensified.
thorities appoint the managers. The subsequent changes in the Board The network of Polish airports consists of 14 regional airports and
happen after changes in the power of political parties at national and one central airport located in Warsaw. Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW) is
regional levels. Managers are often chosen for their political preferences the hub for the flag carrier LOT Polish Airlines. During the 15 years of air
and affinities rather than their relevant knowledge and experience. transport market liberalisation there is a diverse airports’ development
Consequently, managers are dismissed independently of the effective­ in terms of the number of passengers and cargo handled (Fig. 1.)
ness of their management and airports’ performance. Polish airports have diversified ownership in the central government
(state), regional and local authorities (Table 2). The ownership, struc­
tural, and capital transformation of Polish airports began after 1989

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

Fig. 1. Passengers at the Polish airports 2004–2018. (Source: Polish Civil Aviation Authority).

Table 2
Ownership forms of Polish airports 2019 (Source: Airports websites).
Airport Legal form Ownership structure Year of CEO’s appointment

State-owned enterprise Regional City authorities Others

(PPL) authorities

Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW) State-owned Enterprise 100% – – – 2016

Krakow Airport (KRK) Limited Liability Enterprise 76% 23% – 1% 2016
Gdansk Airport (GDN) Limited Liability Enterprise 29% 33% 34% 4% 2010
Katowice Airport (KTW) Join Stock Company 17% 35% 5% 43% 2006
Warsaw Modlin Airport (WMI) Limited Liability Enterprise 29% 34% – 33% 2016
Wroclaw Airport (WRO) Join Stock Company 20% 31% 49% – 2007
Poznan Airport (POZ) Limited Liability Enterprise 39% 24% 37% – 2006
Rzeszow Airport (RZE) Limited Liability Enterprise 55% 45% – – 2016
Szczecin Airport (SZZ) Limited Liability Enterprise 43% 20% 34% 3% 2011
Bydgoszcz Airport (BZG) Join Stock Company 5% 71% 23% 1% 2010
Lodz Airport (LCJ) Limited Liability Enterprise – – 96% 4% 2012
Lublin Airport (LUZ) Join Stock Company – 34% 60% 6% 2017

with the collapse of the communist system. In the 90s, the airports were parametric methods such as Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Many
commercialized and transformed into commercial law companies, in studies have examined airports’ performance using different method­
which the state-owned enterprise ‘Polish Airports’ (PPL), and the ologies based on efficiency and productivity analysis. The analysis of
regional and local authorities were shareholders. Up-to-date, the state- production in multi-output industries is difficult since behavioural as­
owned enterprise (PPL) has the majority of shares at the Warsaw Cho­ sumptions such as cost minimisation or profit maximisation are unlikely
pin Airport (WAW), Krakow Airport (KRK), and Rzeszow Airport (RZE). to be applicable (Coelli and Perelman, 2000). Hence, the vast majority of
In these airports, the politicians entitle to recommend specific managers studies on airports’ benchmarking, and more specifically, in efficiency,
for a chief executive officer (CEO) position. The control over manage­ use non-parametric approaches such as Data Envelopment Analysis
ment at other airports depends on the strength of the political power of (DEA) rather than SFA. Distance functions, on the other hand, become a
regional and local authorities. The political control prioritises political relevant tool to analyse the production in these types of industries.
interests rather than airports’ performance. Airports with infrastructure Airports are multi-input output business and, stochastic distance func­
provided by the government will prioritise public policy objectives. tions provide the appropriate framework to estimate technical effi­
Consequently, the managerial decision-making process may be con­ ciencies (Coelli and Perelman, 1999, 2000; Kumbhakar and Lovell,
strained. Changes in the political background lead to changes in the 2000). One main advantage of the distance function is that it does not
management and, essentially, in the airport strategy. Changes in the require price data or explicit behavioural assumptions since obtaining
airport’s management may happen even though the airport being cost reliable measures and price data is difficult (Farsi and Filippini,
efficient. 2009). Additionally, by imposing linear homogeneity restrictions
(Lovell et al. 1994), the distance function can be transformed into an
4. Methodology estimable regression model. Furthermore, the stochastic frontier anal­
ysis allows the incorporation of exogenous variables that are neither
The methodological approaches to measure technical, allocative and inputs nor outputs, but influence producers’ performance (Kumbhakar
cost efficiency as well as other models of goal attainment such as reve­ and Lovell, 2000). Examples of SFA in airports efficiency analysis follow
nue and profit, are commonly known as frontier approaches, classified for cost functions (Assaf, 2010b; Barros, 2008b and 2009; Oum et al.,
as non-parametric such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and 2008; Martin-Cejas, 2002), and for production functions (Scotti et al.,

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

2012; Ripoll-Zarraga and Raya, 2020). The restrictions required for homogeneity degree+1 for the outputs
The stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) fits within the parametric, also follow (Coelli and Perelman, 2000),
known as econometric methods. The first stochastic models were

m ∑
m ∑
developed by Aigner et al. (1977) and Meeusen and Van den Broeck αl = 1, αll′ = 0, l = 1, 2, …, m; ρjl = 0j = 1, 2, …k (4)
(1977) decomposition the error in two components, the statistical l=1 ′
l =1 l=1

random noise and inefficiency effect.

By using linear homogeneity, the translog distance function,
The canonical formulation that serves as the foundation for other
lnD0 (X, Y) can be transformed into an estimable regression model
extensions of their model follows,
(Coelli and Perelman, 2000; Brümmer et al., 2002, 2006; Coelli et al.,
y = βx + v − u (1) 2005).The homogeneity constraint is imposed following Lovell et al.
(1994) who noted the following property, D0 (X, ωY) = ωD0 (X, Y) for any
Where y is the observed outcome (goal attainment), βx + v is the optimal ω > 0. Hence choosing arbitrarily one of the outputs, such as the μ − th
( )
or frontier goal (e.g., maximal production output or minimum cost)
output, and setting ω = y1μit , D0 X, yYμit = D0 (X, Y)/yμit
pursued by the individual, β* x is the deterministic part of the frontier
and v ∼ N(0, σ 2v ) is the stochastic part representing factors generating For the translog distance function (4) this provides the m -1 outputs
irrelevant noise in the data. Both parts constitute the stochastic frontier. to be normalised by ω,
The stochastic efficient frontier assumes that the production outputs are
subject to random shocks that are not under control of firms. The where y*lit = yyμlitit is the normalised output distance function by one of the
amount that the individual observations fails to reach the frontier is u ∼ outputs, which in this regard is yμit , to impose linear homogeneity
N(0, σ2u ) understood as (stochastic) inefficiency. property. All the logs involving the μ − th output used for normalising
The translog form is a frequently used production function formu­ will be zero since ylit = yμit . Therefore, the summations related to the
lation that allows examination of production, cost and efficiency. The outputs are not over m outputs.
translog function represents a flexible functional form of the production The first-order elasticities (αl , βj ) represent the output and input
function allowing partial elasticities of inputs-substitution to vary since elasticities contribution to the production of the output yμ used for
it is a second order flexible functional form that is linear in the param­ normalising purposes. The second-order elasticities (αll′ , βjj′ ) represent
eters (Coelli et al., 2005). One of the main advantages is that, unlike the
output complementary or substitution effects (bias) of the inputs or the
Cobb-Douglas production function, it does not assume perfect substi­
outputs in the overall production. The first-order input elasticity
tution between production factors or perfect competition on the pro­
(Exj yμ = βj ) is interpreted as an indicator of positive or negative returns of

m− 1
( ) 1∑m− 1 ∑
m− 1
( ) ( ) ∑ k
( ) 1∑ k ∑k
( ) ( ) ∑ k ∑m− 1
( ) ( )
ln(D0i / yμit ) = β0 + αl ln y*lit + αll′ ln y*lit ln y*l′ it + βj ln xjit + βjj′ ln xjit ln xj′ it + ρjl ln xjit ln y*lit (5)
2 l=1 ′ j=1
2 j=1 ′ j=1 l=1
l =1 j

duction factors (Klacek et al., 2007). Additionally, allows using linear the input’s contribution (xj ) to the production of yμ . The first-order
and non-linear input-output relationship. However, the great number of output elasticity (Eyl yμ = αl ) implies a shadow share/contribution of yl
parameters to estimate the more difficult to obtain feasibility. The se­ to yμ in the overall production. For the second order elasticities of the
lection of inputs and outputs must be done according to the number of inputs (cross-effects), a negative elasticity implies input substitution
factors that are really necessary for the behaviour of the output. effects between the inputs, and a positive elasticity complementary ef­
A generalised translog distance function with one output and k inputs fects (Exj xj ′ yμ = βjj′ ). The cross effect of the outputs (Eyl yl ′ yμ = αll′ ) repre­
for the i-th firm in a period t follows,
sent overall the contribution of a change into yl to the productivity or

( ) 1 ∑
k ∑
( ) ( ) shadow valuation of yl relative to its impact on the overall production
ln(D0i ) = β0 + βj ln xj + βjj′ ln xj ln xj′ (2) weighted by share or contribution of the production of yμ .
The reciprocal of the distance function D0 , has been proposed as a
j=1 j=1 ′

As double log form model (where both dependent and explanatory coefficient of resource use of Debreu (1959) and as a measure of Farell
variables are in natural logs), the estimated coefficients show elasticities (1957) output-oriented technical efficiency: D0 (X, Y) = 1/TE i.e.
between the dependent and explanatory variable, relaxing the re­ D0 (X, Y) ≤ 1 and TE0 ≥ 1 where taking the natural log in both sides is
strictions on demand elasticities and elasticities on substitution. Note equivalent to,
that to obtain the frontier surface (i.e., the transformation function) one
would set D0i = 1, which implies the left hand side of equation (2) is ∑ 1∑
m− 1 m− 1
( )
− ln(yμit ) = β0 + αl ln y*lit +
equal to zero. l=1
2 l=1
For m outputs and k inputs (2) follows, ∑
m− 1
( ) ( ) ∑ k
( ) 1∑ k

∑ × αll′ ln y*lit ln y*l′ it + βj ln xjit +

1∑ m
′ j=1
2 j=1
ln(D0i ) = β0 + αl ln(ylit ) + l =1
2 l=1 ∑
l=1 k
( ) ( ) ∑k ∑
m− 1
( ) ( )

m ∑
( ) 1∑ k ∑ k
( ) ( ) × βjj′ ln xjit ln xj′ it + ρjl ln xjit ln y*lit + (vit − uit ) (6)
× αll′ ln(ylit )ln(yl′ it ) + βj ln xjit + β ′ ln xjit ln xj′ it j
′ j=1 l=1
′ j=1
2 j=1 ′ =1 jj
l =1 j
( )
1 1
∑ Where − ln(yμit ) = ln(yμit )− = ln , therefore the negative sign can
k ∑
( )
+ ρjl ln xjit ln(ylit ) yμit
j=1 l=1
be omitted for interpretations purposes,
Symmetry restrictions are imposed, βjj′ = βj′ j ; αll′ = αl′ l

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

) ∑
m− 1
( ) 1∑ m− 1 military base, started operating as civilian airports in 2012, Radom
ln = β0 + αl ln y*lit + (RDO) from 2015 and Olsztyn (SZY) from January 2016. Additionally,
yμit 2 l=1
there are missing financial information data for Warsaw Modlin (WMI)

m− 1 ∑
( ) 1∑ k
( ) ( )
αll′ ln y*lit ln y*l′ it + βj ln xjit + in 2017, for Szczecin (SZZ) in 2012 and 2017, and for Lodz (LCJ) in

l =1 j=1
2 j=1 2016, and the overall period for Zielona (IEG), Radom (RDO) and

( ) ( ) k ∑
∑ m− 1
( ) ( ) Olsztyn (SZY). The final sample refers to 12 airports by removing these
× βjj′ ln xjit ln xj′ it + ρjl ln xjit ln y*lit + (vit − uit ) (7) latest three airports (IEG, RDO, and SZY) without financial statements
′ j=1 l=1 publicly shared or published.
Although LUZ and WMI are not operating until 2012, financial in­
The technical efficiency for each decision making unit i and period t
formation from 2009 is released (e.g. regarding infrastructure and
is defined as a ratio of the observed output (yit ) to the maximum feasible
operational costs). The traffic variables related to these airports from
output (Ýit ) established by the specific consumption of inputs (Battese
2009 to 2011 (i.e., the number of passengers and movements) are
and Coelli, 1988),
enclosed using 0.001 in the normalisation (ω = y1μit ), in which the value
TEit =
yit exp(βxit + vit − uit )
= = exp(− uit ) (8) of the standardized outputs is equal to zero. It is of interest to observe the
Ýit exp(βxit + vit ) relation between the investment made by the Government and the
The uit represent airport specific fixed effects or time invariant traffic developed by 2017. The three airports with missing financial
technical inefficiency and vit as previously discussed is a normally information for specific years are also enclosed in the study (LCJ for
distributed random error term and is uncorrelated with the explanatory 2016; SZZ, 2012 and 2017; WMI for 2017). Rather than removing them
variables. The value of uit is positive (nonnegative random variable) and from the sample, zero values have been substituted by unitary values.
decreases the efficiency, therefore in the formula − uit is used. Maximum Regarding cargo, airports show a variance in the amount handled per
feasible output is defined for each airport with inefficiency equal to zero year, and some airports do not have cargo at all. Again, unitary values
(vit =0). are used instead.
Following Battese and Coelli (1995) the inefficiency term uit in (7) Fig. 2 shows the geographical location of the airports enclosed in the
and, therefore, the technical efficiency is estimated as follows, final sample. The three airports removed are located in three out of four
empty regions: Zielona Góra Airport (IEG) located in the west, Radom
(RDO) in the south-east and Olsztyn (SZY) in the north.

uit = zoit δz + ωit (9)
5.1. Input and output variables
Where zoit represent the environmental (explanatory) factors associated
with the technical inefficiency effects not controlled by the manage­ The frontier analysis allows determining common characteristics,
ment, at least in the short-term; δz are unknown parameters to be esti­ and practices associated with the efficiency levels, and their influence on
mated; ωit are unobservable random variables independently distributed the performance of the units of assessment. Nevertheless, unlike using
with zero mean and unknown variance σ 2u assuring that uit is non- the traditional inputs (land, labour, and capital), managerial skills and
negative. Following this specification, the inefficiency effects may be capabilities are not directly observable. These relate to different com­
different for each firm, but the variances are assumed to be the same. petencies and skills, which are intangible assets. Except for two of the
The exogenous explanatory variables could include functions of firm and inputs, all the variables are used in the literature (see Table 1). On the
management characteristics as well as the period of observation (Battese outputs side: the number of passengers per year, movements, cargo and
and Coelli, 1995) other operating profits as a proxy of non-aeronautical income. The in­
Due to investments made in some airports in detriment of others, puts are labour costs, the depreciation of the assets, operating costs and
capital investments are accounted for as neutral technical change.
Neutral technical change assumes that potential shifts in the frontier for
different firms do not depend on the levels of inputs consumed. Alter­
natively, Huang and Liu (1994) proposal can be considered with the
inclusion of iterations between the environmental factors and inputs.
Maximum likelihood techniques are used to estimate the frontier and
the inefficiency. Lambda measures the variability of two sources of error
( )
λ = σu2 . The statistical significance of lambda obtained from the ML

estimates indicates the existence of a stochastic frontier function

(Schmidt and Lin, 1984). If λ is statistically different from zero, implies
that the difference between the observed and the frontier production is
dominated by technical inefficiency. In other words, the variation in
actual production comes from differences in industries management
practice rather than random variability. If it is not significant, then any
difference in the production is attributed solely to symmetric random
errors or disturbances, but firms are receiving maximum output
response for combinations of the inputs used. Therefore, when lambda is
significant indicates that the use of the frontier production function is
appropriate. In this case, lambda is significant and high, showing that
one side of the error u, has more power compared to the random noise.

5. Data description

Initially, the sample consisted of 15 airports and data were gathered

for nine years (2009–2017). Lublin (LUZ) and Warsaw Modlin (WMI), a
Fig. 2. Geographical location (Airports analysed).

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

non-operating costs related to non-aeronautical activities. The labour 5.2. Environmental variables
costs (excluding air traffic control and cargo services), as well as assets’
depreciation, are a significant part of the overall airports’ costs since The environmental variables represent airports’ ownership forms
these are fixed costs. The lack of information regarding passengers and (Ownership), infrastructure and location: the number of passenger ter­
cargo terminal areas implies searching for alternative capacity mea­ minals (Terminal PAX), the number of runways, the number of com­
sures. Operational costs are expenses incurred as a consequence of the petitors within 150 km understood as the catchment area (Catchment)
airports’ main operational activity. Two additional inputs are consid­ (Ripoll-Zarraga et al., 2017; Ripoll-Zarraga and Mar-Molinero, 2020),
ered: the value of the land and the equity shares. Land assets are no and the existence of railway facilities into the airport (Train) introduced
depreciated hence there is no risk of double-counting. Airports are as a dummy. An additional variable is has been tested (Type of Airport),
usually located in remote areas for noise and air traffic constraints. The that captures if the airport diversifies the operational activity (civil­
value of the land should reflect the airports’ surface premises as a proxy ian/military) or is fully civilian (case). The idea is to confirm if trading
of capacity: the more valuable the land the more extensive the area. off activities rather than specialising in one single type of transport may
However one need to take into account the land value differences may affect efficiency. The variable ownership captures if the airport is mainly
occur as consequence of the geographical location. The airports located government-owned (i.e., if higher than 50%). The rest of the ownership
near the city centre may have higher land value than those located is distributed among regional authorities, city councils, and other local
outside the city boundaries. Following the international financial authorities (see Table 2). The variable takes the unitary value if the
reporting standards, the land value reflected in the balance sheet is at airport is mainly owned by the government and zero otherwise. Two
cost unless the fair value is lower.1 airports have a majority of government ownership: WAW (100%) and
In the same way, the more shares issued by the regional authority KRK (76%). RZE distributes its ownership between the government
managing the airport the more financing long-term resources to invest in (55%) and the regional authority (45%). The rest of airports are owned
infrastructure. Note that there is no information regarding the type of by the regional authority (BZG, 71%), and city authorities (LUZ, 60%;
assets and the nominal value of shares. Hence it is not possible to LCJ, 96%), or a mix of them (for example, GDN 33% regional and 34%
differentiate between airside and landside assets (Ashford, 1996; Gillen city authorities; WRO 31% and 49% respectively; POZ 24% and 37%;
and Lall, 1997; Pels et al., 2001; Ripoll-Zarraga, 2018; Ripoll-Zarraga SZZ 20% and 34%)
and Lozano, 2019; Ripoll-Zarraga and Mar-Molinero, 2020). Regarding the environmental variables measuring managerial ca­
There is divergence regarding cargo data. Some airports do not have pabilities, these are the knowledge related to air transport, i.e., trans­
cargo at all and other different values from year to year. We are aware portation or management, (Qualifications) and the managers’ experience
that cargo explains differences in efficiency (Ripoll-Zarraga and Lozano, at a specific airport analysed. The authors made every effort to ensure
2019), unfortunately, the models including cargo have not converged. that the data are as accurately as possible. Initially, surveys were sent to
The final model refers to passengers and movements as outputs and airport managers to gain insights regarding knowledge, skills and ca­
proxy of aeronautical revenues. pabilities. Nevertheless, the response rate was significantly low. There­
An overall measure of traffic could be discussed to be used as a single fore, secondary data was sought (e.g., airport websites and articles in
output. Nevertheless, airports are different in terms of size. Conse­ media). Due to the difficulties to obtain solid information about the
quently, one airport may be less efficient because of the mix of products airport managers, the CEO background regarding knowledge and
in terms of specialisation (i.e. cargo versus passengers) and not because experience is a proxy used as the managerial human capital of the
of resource misused. With this regard, the model provides individual airport. A CEO implicitly means that he (she) has enough knowledge to
effects of outputs and inputs in inefficiency rather than using an overall make relevant decisions. The CEO decisions involve all the airport’s
measure of traffic (i.e., passengers, movements, and cargo) and inputs to employees’ categories and functions. Therefore, the decisions of man­
estimate efficiency scores and ranking the airports accordingly, as DEA agement affect how the airport performs overall. With this regard, this is
does. the first time that these variables are used in SFA analysing airport ef­
The data in monetary values have been deflated by the GDP deflator ficiency. Further studies will consider a more nuanced version of
and expressed in thousands of euros (base Poland 2010). All the data are managerial capabilities such as operating procedures at the airports and
standardised by the geomean. In this way the first-order coefficients are decision-making process as well as the effectiveness of internal controls.
interpreted as distance elasticities (partial elasticities) evaluated at The manager’s knowledge may be defined as the level of education
sample means. (Ansoff, 1979), while the experience may be defined as the number of
Time variant model is assumed since the length of the panel is large, years in a managerial position, training, international career and expe­
although the number of airports is small, and during the different pe­ rience in previous work places (Camisón, 2004). In this study, it is
riods investments have been performed in some airports. It is expected assumed that if airport manager has knowledge related to air transport
to find the time trend capturing productivity change with that capturing (field of study), transport or management then the manager has quali­
efficiency change. fications to manage the airport. In this case the variable (Qualifications)
Table 3 gives summary statistics for the inputs and outputs used in takes value ‘1’ or zero otherwise. Airports managed by CEOs with more
the model. The data is extracted from airports’ financial statements and and specialist knowledge are expected to be more efficient. To test the
from the statistics published by the Civil Aviation Authority in Poland. impact of different scales managerial experience is accounted in two
Note that Lublin (LUZ) and Warsaw Modlin (WMI) do not have traffic ways: the number of years that a manager has been working at the
data until 2012. Therefore, there are 102 observations regarding pas­ specific airport (Experience), independently if the person worked in
sengers and air traffic movements. The rest of missing is financial data other industries or other airports. Although managerial experience gain
for Szczecin (SZZ) in 2012 and 2017, Warsaw Modlin (WMI) in 2017 and through the years is transferrable (Adner and Helfat, 2003), this variable
Lodz (LCJ) in 2016. As previously discussed, instead of removing them is accounting for the impact of management stability. And the specific
from the sample, these are replaced by unitary values (see Table 4). year when a new manager is appointed (ChangeinCEO). The stability of
the airport authorities is indicated as essential factor for the imple­
mentation of the adopted development strategy. Therefore airports with
fewer changes in management are expected to be more efficient. The
first years become a learning process. New managers must be familiar
with internal control procedures, departments, internal regulation, ac­
IAS 16 International Accounting Standards counting systems, etc. before to have enough experience for adequate
standards/ias/ias16. decision-making. The second way of measuring the stability of the

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

Table 3
Summary Statistics. Input and Output variables (Source: Airports’ Financial Statements, 2009–2017).
Variable Observations Mean Standard Dev. Minimum Maximum

Passengers 102 2,238,245 2,959,325.93 5,697 15,730,330

Air Traffic Movements 102 22,777 33,516.49 42 157,044
Cargo (kgs) 102 6,928,330 16,931,559.87 1 84,389,442
Non-Aeronautical Income (k €) 104 2,264 2,635.14 0.79 15,426
Labour Costs (k €) 104 9,513 18,401.35 256 115,621
Depreciation Assets (k €) 104 5,370 6,832.60 6.75 29,825
Operating Costs (k €) 104 9,882 10,680.12 339 42,027
Non-Operating Costs (k €) 104 1,840 7,556.61 2.32 74,593
Land (k €) 104 82,939 72,069.55 6,102 340,921
Equity Shares (k €) 104 48,624 26,941.79 1.02 111,036

the acquisition of the airport by the State Enterprise ‘Polish Airports’.

Table 4
Finally, a time variable (t) was enclosed in one of the tests to account
Summary Statistics. Environmental variables (Source: Authors, 2009–2017).
for technical change effects, linear and quadratic (e.g., Wilson et al.,
Variable Observations Mean Standard Minimum Maximum 2001) as well as a variable per year (Battese and Broca, 1997), dummies
representing a year to capture fixed effects (Scotti et al., 2012) or season
Terminal PAX 108 1.40 0.55 1 3 (Ogundari and Brümmer, 2011). Finally, due to issues of convergence
Number of 108 1.46 0.87 1 4
time has been disregarded.
Catchment 108 1.32 0.96 0 3
The airport with more stability in management is Rzeszow (RZE)
Train 108 0.34 0.48 0 1 with same manager for 13 years until 2015. Note that the minimum
Ownership 108 0.25 0.44 0 1 value of experience refers to a new manager appointed in a specific
Qualifications 105 0.71 0.45 0 1 airport in a year. Other airports with management stability are Katowice
Experience 102 4.74 3.39 0 13
(KTW) with the same manager for 12 years by 2017, Poznan (POZ) 11
Change in CEO 102 0.12 0.32 0 1
years and Wroclaw (WRO) 10 years. On the other hand Lodz (LCJ)
changes manager three times during the period of analysis, in 2009,
airport’s management is with a dummy accounting the specific moment 2011 and 2017 and Warsaw Chopin (WAW) two times, in 2015 and
when a change happens. This variable has unitary value if the airport has 2016. The airport with four runways is Bydgoszcz (BZG), the main being
changed CEO during a specific year, or zero otherwise. In practice, both of 2,500m length and made from asphalt/concrete, and three grass
variables Experience and ChangeinCEO capture the changes in manage­ runways. Apart from Warsaw Airport, which has two cross-section
ment in a specific airport. Therefore, they cannot be used simulta­ runways, all the Polish airports have one main runway built by con­
neously. Two sets of results have been obtained to confirm the impact of crete, asphalt or a combination of both.
both variables as proxies of managerial capabilities, but measure
differently (i.e., quantitative discrete and categorical as a dummy). A 6. Analysis and results
potential endogeneity between airports’ inefficiencies and the changes
in the management is debatable. Nevertheless, in the case of Polish The results are presented in Table 5. With few exceptions the elas­
airports, the vast majority of appointees respond to political interests. ticities have the expected signs at the geometric mean overall. There­
With this regard, the government aims will prevalence over airports’ fore, the estimated translog fulfils the property of monotonicity (i.e.,
profitability and efficiency. Airports’ inefficiency (efficiency) does not non-decreasing in outputs and decreasing in inputs). The first-order ef­
necessarily imply dismissing (keeping) the CEO. The CEO is likely to be fects are all significant, except for land. The first order coefficients are
appointed if aligned with the policy party representing the majority on the partial elasticities of production for the sample mean. The results
the Board rather than the CEO’s professional experience and managerial show a significant impact of aircraft movements (0.90) as well as non-
skills. In the same way, some CEOs may be unfairly dismissed even aeronautical income (0.49) generating traffic (passengers).
though the airport is improving efficiency. With this regard, these var­ The results initially show that overall airports with more movements
iables attempt to capture if changes in CEOs are or are not related to (0.90), non-aeronautical revenues (0.48), as well as, equity (0.35) have
airports’ efficiency improvements. more passengers. On the other hand, a higher depreciation (− 0.75),
Except for the CEO of the Lodz (LCJ), all the CEOs are men. All CEOs operating (− 0.51), and non-operating costs (− 0.19) do not imply
are university graduates, three of them also hold an MBA diploma and handling more passengers. Aircraft movements are the most relevant
the CEO of the Lodz Airport holds a Ph.D. in economics. Few airport output to increase passengers (0.90; 2.13). Labour costs have a signifi­
managers have specialised studies in aviation, transport, or manage­ cant and positive impact (0.43), highlighting a potential relationship
ment. Only the CEOs of GDN and LCJ were promoted within the same between the number of employees working at the airport and the
airports. The CEO of the Gdansk airport (GDN) worked for the airport number of passengers handled. Nevertheless, in a translog function, the
since the 90s before appointed as the CEO. More than several changes first-order coefficients are not conclusive since they do not provide in­
happened during these years. These include Poland’s accession to the formation about the change in passengers regarding specific inputs
European Union, the consequent liberalisation of the aviation market, as individually or interacting with other inputs and other outputs. For
well as the organization of the European Football Championship EURO example, the depreciation is the input with a more negative impact on
2012. These changes required the appropriate airport infrastructure for the number of passengers (− 0.75). From the airport capacity perspec­
the expected and actual increased traffic and aircraft parking. The CEOs tive, more investments in infrastructure do not necessarily imply higher
of Katowice (KTW), Wroclaw (WRO), and Poznan (POZ) airports have traffic compared to, for example, small airports. With this regard, the
more years of experience in aviation management. Warsaw Chopin positive effect of the use of capacity will depend upon the iteration and
(WAW), Krakow (KRK), and Rzeszow (RZE) changed their CEOs in 2016. mix effects with other variables. Indeed, the iteration between operating
These airports are mostly government-owned, and the changes in their costs and depreciation is relevant, and with a positive sign (1.15). Air­
management happened after a different ruling party gains the elections ports with large infrastructure and not under-used as reflected by
at the end of 2015. A new CEO at Radom (RDO) happened in 2018 after incurring in higher operating costs, will have a higher number of

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

Table 5
Results Stochastic Frontier Analysis (*Significant at 5%). The same model is used regarding the production function, but including Experience rather than ChangeinCEO.
None of the models tested have converged.
Variable Parameter Coefficient Std. Error z Prob > |z|*

Stochastic Frontier
Constant α₀ − 0.1993 0.0700 − 2.85 0.004
LnATM α₁ 0.9036 0.3273 2.76 0.006
LnNon-Aeronautical Income α₂ 0.4853 0.0495 9.8 0.000
LnWages β₁ 0.4290 0.2082 2.06 0.039
LnDepreciation β₂ − 0.7522 0.2024 − 3.72 0.000
LnOperating Costs β₃ − 0.5066 0.1162 − 4.36 0.000
LnNon-Operating Costs β₄ − 0.1883 0.0275 − 6.84 0.000
LnLand β₅ 0.0151 0.1405 0.11 0.914
LnEquity Shares β₆ 0.3541 0.1160 3.05 0.002
½LnATM2 α₁₁ 2.1264 1.1109 1.91 0.056
½ LnNon-Aeronautical Income2 α₂₂ 0.0776 0.0326 2.38 0.017
½LnWages2 β₁₁ 0.4086 0.1711 2.39 0.017
½LnDepreciation2 β₂₂ − 0.4516 0.2163 − 2.09 0.037
½LnOperating Costs2 β₃₃ − 0.0975 0.1075 − 0.91 0.364
½LnNon-Operating Costs2 β₄₄ 0.0286 0.0171 1.67 0.095
½LnLand2 β₅₅ − 0.0274 0.2137 − 0.13 0.898
½LnEquity Shares 2 β₆₆ − 0.1667 0.0565 − 2.95 0.003
½LnATMLnNon-Aeronautical Income α₁₂ 0.5429 0.3028 1.79 0.073
½LnWagesLnDepreciation β₁₂ − 1.1368 0.5826 − 1.95 0.051
½LnWagesLnOperating β₁₃ − 0.8694 0.3354 − 2.59 0.010
½LnWagesLnNon-Operating β₁₄ − 0.1413 0.0940 − 1.5 0.133
½LnWagesLnLand β₁₅ 1.9555 0.5377 3.64 0.000
½LnWagesLnEquity β₁₆ − 1.4821 0.3752 − 3.95 0.000
½LnDepreciationLnOperating β₂₃ 1.1533 0.3802 3.03 0.002
½LnDepreciationLnNon-Operating β₂₄ 0.4593 0.1088 4.22 0.000
½LnDepreciationLnLand β₂₅ − 0.2827 0.3178 − 0.89 0.374
½LnDepreciationLnEquity β₂₆ − 0.6007 0.3881 − 1.55 0.122
½LnOperatingLnNon-Operating β₃₄ 0.0528 0.0778 0.68 0.498
½LnOperatingLnLand β₃₅ − 0.3103 0.3150 − 0.99 0.324
½LnOperatingLnEquity β₃₆ 0.5017 0.2374 2.11 0.035
½LnNon-OperatingLnLand β₄₅ − 0.3631 0.0909 − 4.00 0.000
½LnNon-OperatingLnEquity β₄₆ 0.0951 0.0605 1.57 0.116
½LnLandLnEquity β₅₆ 0.9573 0.3334 2.87 0.004
LnATMLnWages α₁β₁ 1.8280 0.4295 4.26 0.000
LnATMLnDepreciation α₁β₂ − 0.9589 0.5503 − 1.74 0.081
LnATMLnOperating α₁β₃ 0.4979 0.2411 2.07 0.039
LnATMLnNon-Operating α₁β₄ − 0.3337 0.0698 − 4.78 0.000
LnATMLnLand α₁β₅ 0.1511 0.3335 0.45 0.650
LnATMLnEquity α₁β₆ − 1.2059 0.3096 − 3.89 0.000
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomeLnWages α₂β₁ − 0.0194 0.0778 − 0.25 0.803
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomeLnDepreciation α₂β₂ − 0.1711 0.0946 − 1.81 0.071
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomelLnOperating α₂β₃ − 0.1971 0.0575 − 3.43 0.001
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomeLnNon-Operating α₂β₄ 0.0526 0.0180 2.93 0.003
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomelLnLand α₂β₅ 0.2490 0.0539 4.62 0.000
LnNon-Aeronautical IncomeLnEquity α₂β₆ − 0.0940 0.0429 − 2.19 0.028
Inefficiency Model
Constant δ₀ 6.3552 2.6418 2.41 0.016
Qualifications δ₁ 0.8130 0.3571 2.28 0.023
Change in CEO δ₂ 0.7483 0.3080 2.43 0.015
Number of Runways δ₃ − 0.5159 0.3995 − 1.29 0.197
Catchment Area δ₄ 1.2581 0.4826 2.61 0.009
Train δ₅ 2.3417 1.0852 2.16 0.031
Type of Airport δ₆ − 3.5293 1.8375 − 1.92 0.055
Terminal PAX δ₇ − 5.8419 2.2135 − 2.64 0.008
Ownership δ8 − 5.4689 2.4815 − 2.20 0.028
Variance Parameters
Sigma-U Ōᵤ 0.3970 0.0803 4.94 0.000
Sigma-V Ōᵥ 0.0414 0.0061 6.78 0.000
Lambda λ 9.5931 0.0829 115.75 0.000
Log Likelihood 86.31

passengers per year. On the other hand, airports with overcapacity re­ is a clear relationship between the value of the land and the efficient use
flected through high depreciation and low activity (i.e., low operating of airport capacity, in this case, reflected through the cost of employees
costs) will have fewer passengers. Doubling the depreciation (i.e., due to (1.95) rather than depreciation (− 1.14).2 This is also confirmed by the
an increase of capacity) does not imply an increase in traffic (− 0.45). iteration effects between aircraft movements and labour costs (1.82).
This result suggests that some airports do not have a clear relation be­ The first-order effects are positive for equity (0.35) and negative for
tween infrastructure and traffic (i.e., passengers). operating costs (− 0.51). Through the direct effect, equity affects directly
Land’s value is not significantly different from zero, suggesting that
not always higher land value is correlated to higher capacity as it was
initially expected. Landside assets seem not that important unless there 2
A significant iteration effect with positive sign indicates that the inputs or
outputs are complementary.

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

and positively traffic, and through the indirect effect, equity changes the governance forms as well as the peculiarities of the national regulatory
effect of the operating costs on traffic (0.50). Operating costs are a framework (Ripoll-Zarraga 2018).
reflection of the aeronautical activity of the airports (variable costs). On The number of runways does not affect inefficiency. Indeed, small
the other hand, increasing the equity shares, the production will be airports such as Lublin (430,000 passengers in 2017), Bydgoszcz
decreased (− 0.17). Airports can increase their traffic until a certain level (331,000), and Lodz (192,000) have more than one runway. Neverthe­
where having decreasing returns to scale as confirmed by the scale less, only the main runway is made by asphalt and the secondary ones
elasticities (Table 7). The significant accounting value of equity without with grass, potentially not used on a current basis, but for emergencies.
the corresponding investment in capacity may end in underused re­ Warsaw Chopin (15,752,000 passengers in 2017) is the only airport with
sources to attract traffic in the long run (− 1.48 iteration with labour two asphalt runways. Following (Pels et al., 2001), the number of run­
costs; − 1.20 with ATM). The efficient use of companies’ resources ways has been enclosed in the model as semi-fixed input. Nevertheless,
means to invest in capital assets to enhance traffic. Nevertheless, some none of the models converge.
entities may use these resources in the short-term financing incurred The results show a significant impact of having competitors making
expenses for the period. airports more inefficient (1.26). Nevertheless, except for Warsaw Chopin
Regarding the inefficiency model, all the variables have a significant (WAW) and Warsaw Modlin (WMI), there is no clear relation between
effect except for the number of runways and, slightly significant, the the number of airports in the same catchment area and airports’ in­
type of airport.3 Managers with qualifications related to air trans­ efficiency. Airports with more competitors no necessarily are more
portation, transport, or management do not assure airports’ efficiency inefficient, it depends on their specialisation rather than the number of
(81%). A potential explanation is that the airport business is highly passengers. For example, Warsaw Chopin (WAW) is the largest airport in
regulated with procedures that are standardized and formalized, which passengers and is highly efficient and so is Lodz (LCJ) with only 192,000
hinder the decision-making process of airport’s managers. This result passengers. Both airports have a large airport in their catchment area at
may change in other countries or airports with diverse ownership and 49 and 152 km respectively (Warsaw Modlin with 2,392,000 passen­
management forms. At the same time, airports with changes in man­ gers). On the other hand, Warsaw Modlin (WMI) having Warsaw Chopin
agement increase their inefficiency (75%). These results suggest that and two small airports nearby (Lodz and Olsztyn with 105,000 passen­
stability in managerial positions (within the same firm) allows learning gers) is highly inefficient (38%). One reason could be that the airport
from the internal procedures and the market to make the most adequate starts operating in 2012. Poznan is highly efficient (70%) with three
decisions. It seems that it is preferably keeping the same manager even airports in its catchment area (Wroclaw 2,855,000; Bydgoszcz 331,000;
though not having qualifications (or specialised studies) in the field than and Zielona Góra 18,000). Overall all the airports have other airports
having a new manager. Previous results in farming studies argue that the located between 106 and 152 km. In this sense, airports with only one
difference in performance is due to variation in management (Kay and large airport nearby are overall highly efficient (for example, Warsaw
Edwards, 1994). The level of education was found no significant in Chopin or Lodz achieving an overall 98%). Whereas the presence of
previous studies in farming (Wilson et al., 2001) along with age and medium and small airports, even though having a large airport within
family size (Ogundari and Brümmer, 2011). Managers with more the same catchment area, increases inefficiency (for example, Warsaw
experience and some further education are slightly less inefficient Modlin 38% or Poznan 70%), partly, because they compete for the same
(Wilson et al., 2001). Knowledge acquired by practice with the academic type of passenger.
and theoretical background may improve airports’ performance. Further Having more passenger terminals decreases inefficiency (− 5.8).
research is required. Most of the highly efficient airports have more than one terminal (for
Having more than 50% of government ownership decreases airports’ example, in 2017, GDN had two terminals, KTW three, and WAW two).
inefficiency significantly (− 5.4) as well as the type of airport (− 3.5). This result is not conclusive since it may involve endogeneity, and re­
Most of the highly efficient airports are government-owned, suggesting quires further research. In the same way, it is not clear the fact of having
that political governmental decisions are in favour of these airports and train infrastructure to access the airport and efficiency (− 3.5). Airports
detriment of airports owned by regional and city authorities (WAW 98% with no railway are also highly efficient (e.g., WRO 91%, RZE 98%, LCJ
technically efficient with 100% government-owned; KRK with 89% and 98%, KTW 98%).
76% respectively or RZE 98% and 55%). When airports have a majority The technical efficiency level for each airport and year are presented
of government ownership, the political parties with more power in in Table 5. Unfortunately, the model generated missing estimates for
government will tend to change the airports’ management, and inde­ Poznan (POZ) from 2009 to 2012, potentially influencing the low effi­
pendently of the efficiency level (i.e., WAW 98.28% efficient in 2015; ciency for 2013 (see Table 6).
KRK 93.03%; and RZE 99.34% changed their CEO after the national The model shown in Table 5 is used to estimate the individual
elections). Consequently, the potential manager’s qualifications may not technical efficiency scores (Table 6). Overall there are diverse efficiency
be essential to be appointed as the airport’s manager, but the CEO’s scores across the years, being LUZ and POZ medium efficient. WMI is the
affinities to the political party in power without assuring airports’ effi­ airport with the lowest efficiency in Poland across the years since 2014,
ciency (0.81). Overall at airports with significant government owner­ potentially due to having WAW in the same catchment area and perhaps
ship, the political background will drive changes in CEO and not due to specialization in handling only one air carrier (Ryanair).
necessarily to enhance lower efficiency. Airports with no state owner­ Regarding the efficiency scores linked to changes in management, most
ship and diverse property between regional and city authorities and of airports which experienced changes, decrease their respective tech­
others show different levels of efficiency (for example, LCJ without nical efficiency. For example, in 2016 KRK drops its efficiency from 93%
government ownership, achieves 98% of efficiency; GDN 29% gover­ to 69%. The previous year, after the national elections, a new CEO with
ment-33% regional authority and 91% of efficiency; WRO 20%–31% no experience in aviation is appointed. In 2009 BZG had 95% of effi­
regional authority with 91% of efficiency; KTW 17%–35% and 98% of ciency. A new CEO is employed with limited aviation knowledge, but
efficiency). Most airports are fully civilian and achieve high-efficiency holding qualifications. In 2010 the efficiency drops to 57% being
scores. Although previous international benchmark studies may show persistent until the end of 2012 when it increases again (93%), poten­
the larges airports, such as WAW, technically inefficient (e.g., Chaouk tially due to insights gain of the internal procedures of the airports and
et al., 2020), these may not control for the impact of ownership and the market. On the other hand, some of the highly efficient airports do
not reduce their efficiency after changes in management. These airports
may have more resources to hire a more experienced manager in avia­
Three airports are joint civilian-military used (BZG, KRK, and WAW), tion. For example, RZE and WAW change the management after the
whereas the rest are fully civilian. elections in 2015. The efficiency drops slightly after the change

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

Table 6
Airports’ technical efficiency.
Airports 2009–2017 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

BZG 78.34% 94.77% 56.70% 61.50% 57.87% 92.62% 92.70% 96.07% 66.40% 86.41%
GDN 90.93% 68.62% 69.31% 94.83% 97.89% 97.86% 96.03% 97.91% 98.43% 97.53%
KRK 89.41% 95.18% 94.55% 96.85% 90.08% 69.77% 97.29% 93.03% 69.06% 98.91%
KTW 98.00% 98.78% 98.44% 97.16% 95.94% 98.74% 96.88% 98.27% 99.03% 98.71%
LCJ 97.99% 98.56% 98.63% 98.06% 98.24% 97.52% 96.55% 97.57% 97.93% 98.85%
LUZ 57.44% 22.02% 88.91% 93.52% 53.14% 40.04% 47.03%
POZ 70.51% (missing) (missing) (missing) (missing) 56.35% 67.47% 93.92% 71.26% 60.23%
RZE 98.54% 98.11% 98.92% 96.67% 98.93% 98.66% 98.99% 99.34% 98.22%
SZZ 64.26% 95.00% 94.88% 72.32% 95.64% 34.83% 28.49% 27.84% 38.45%
WAW 98.08% 97.99% 98.81% 98.75% 98.30% 98.12% 97.90% 98.28% 98.02%
WMI 38.67% 40.83% 87.82% 25.25% 15.32% 17.71%
WRO 91.23% 84.09% 74.96% 96.60% 92.22% 95.24% 98.45% 94.75% 89.89%

Table 7
Scale Elasticity (Returns to scale) and biases of inputs Ey1 + Ey2 + Ey3 = 1
y1 y1
Variables Elasticities (first-order) Cross-term Effects (second-order)

Ex2 xj ′ y1 Ex3 xj ′ y1 Ex4 xj ′ y1 Ex5 xj ′ y1 Ex6 xj ′ y1

Passengers 0.3888
Aircraft Movements y2 − 0.9036*
Non-Aeronautical Income y3 − 0.4853*
Wages x1 − 0.4290* − 1.1368 − 0.8694* − 0.1413 1.9555* − 1.4821*
Depreciation x2 0.7522* 1.1533* 0.4593* − 0.2827 − 0.6007
Operating Costs x3 0.5066* 0.0528 − 0.3103 0.5017*
Non-Operating Costs x4 0.1883* − 0.3631* 0.0951
Land x5 − 0.0151 0.9573*
Equity Shares x6 − 0.3541*
SEjt 0.6489

(− 1.12% and − 0.26% respectively), nevertheless, both continue being years (KTW, RZE, and WAW). Airports with more instability are BZG
highly efficient. KRK is also influenced by the political background and (from 2010 to 2012, and 2016) and SZZ (from 2013 to 2014). LUZ, POZ,
dropped its efficiency significantly (− 23.97%). Other airports without and WMI also show certain variability although LUZ and WMI airports
the pressure of the political background are able to hire the right pro­ start their activity in 2012, and WMI experienced a technical problem
fessional to manage the airport, improve their respective technical ef­ with the runway in the first half of 2013. With the exception of SZZ, most
ficiency. For example, GDN in 2009 appoints a new CEO, and the airports are highly efficient in 2013. SZZ is one of the airports with the
efficiency increases overall from 69% to 97%. LCJ with changes in 2008, lowest years of experience of its management for 2013 (two years) the
2010 and 2016 is highly efficient in all the years (98%). same as LCJ, one year for LUZ, and three years of managerial experience
These results suggest that the political power will prevalence to hire for BZG and GDN). These results confirm that the management’s expe­
a CEO who may not be familiar and experienced in the sector, but rience within the same airport affects its efficiency. Although managers
coming from other specialization ending with a negative impact on may have the previous airport managerial experience, airports are
traffic (efficiency). business, with specific corporate governance, procedures, and internal
Fig. 3 shows that the most efficient airports show stability across the controls that may differ from one to other. Even the new manager having

Fig. 3. Airports’ technical efficiency.

A.E. Ripoll-Zarraga and S. Huderek-Glapska Journal of Air Transport Management 92 (2021) 102035

significant experience in the field and relevant qualifications, every appointments based on wide experience and knowledge rather than
airport is different from each other and will require a learning process of political interests appointees, and the effect on airports’ technical
accounting systems, approach to controlling, and internal procedures in efficiency.
the sense of implantation of audit internal control. Future research will include other factors affecting the airports’
As previously highlighted in a translog function, the first-order co­ performance and the decision-making process, along with the knowl­
efficients are not conclusive. With this regard, the output elasticity edge, capabilities, and experience of the managers. For example, to
concerning the inputs is estimated (scale elasticity). Table 7 presents the analyse the impact of the composition of the Board, internal control
summary of the returns to scale and the cross effects of inputs. Input procedures and accounting systems, as well as the management deci­
complementary effects are significant between employees’ salaries and sional factors such as the strategic plans for airports’ development,
the value of the land (1.9555*), depreciation, and operating costs negotiation with airlines and new routes, implementation, and control.
(1.1533*) as well as with non-operating costs (0.4593*), between land Additionally, a benchmark with European airports and different
and equity (0.9573*), and between operating costs and equity ownership forms should provide further insights into the managerial
(0.5017*). Complementary effects mean that the joint effects of these experience and the impact on airports’ technical efficiency. More spe­
variables contribute to the development of traffic (passengers). The first cifically, further studies could enclose Central and Eastern European
two indicate that higher airport capacity will increase traffic if used in Countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
the operational activity (i.e., not having infrastructure under-use). Evi­ Lithuania, and also Poland) where airports are converging into market-
dence of input substitution effects are between salaries and equity shares orientated businesses and may share similar practices.
(− 1.4821*), salaries and operating (− 0.8694*), and land and non-
operating costs (− 0.3631*). Airports are operating at decreasing Acknowledgements
returns to scale (SEjt <1) or close to constant returns to scale, indicating
that a 1% joint increase of the inputs does not increase the production This publication is based upon work from COST Action ATARD
proportionally but in 0.65%. With this regard, some inputs may become TU1408, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and
potentially a burden. Technology).
This study was partially supported by the National Science Centre
7. Conclusions Poland (2015/17/D/HS4/00363).

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