Black Lotus

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Black Lotus

Strength 10
Dexterity 15
Constitution 25
Intelligence 15
Ego 30
Prescence 20
Speed: 5
PD 2 /(3RPD)
ED 2 /(3RED)
Rec 15
END 50
Body 15
Stun 40

CP – 178

Acrobatics 14
Acting 14
Breakfall 14
Charm 14
Climbing 14
Combat Driving 14
2x CSL Handguns
2xCSL Unarmed attacks
2x MCSL all mental combat
Computer Programming 14
Defense Maneuver 3
Demolitions 14
Electronics 14
KS: Chinese History 12
KS: World Politics 14
KS: Superhumanity 14
KS: Art 14
Lang: Mandarin (Natural)
Lang: Cantonese (Comp fluent, literate)
Lang: English (Comp Fluent, literate)
Lockpicking 14
Martial arts
Killing Strike Martial Escape
Leg-sweep Nerve Strike
Martial Dodge Sacrifice Throw
Persuasion 14
Prof skill: Painting 14
Security Systems 14
Sleight of Hand 14
Stealth 14
Teamwork 14


Combat Luck
Double Jointed
Striking appearance +1/+1d6

Cost 340

Telepathy Multipower – 100p reserve

1) Burn Out – 10f

Effect: RKA 2d6, AVAD (Mental Defense), ACV (Uses OMCV VS. DMCV), Does BODY,
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: LOS
END Cost: 10
RKA 2d6, ACV (uses OMCV
against DMCV; +¼), AVAD (Mental Defense; +1),
Does BODY (+1). Total cost: 97 points

2) Vampiric Predation – 7f
Effect: Drain EGO 3d6, ACV, AVAD
plus Aid EGO 3d6
Target: One character/Self
Duration: Instant
Range: 300m/Self
END Cost: 7
Drain EGO 3d6, ACV (uses
OMCV against DMCV; +¼), AVAD (Mental
Defense; +0) (37 Active Points); Unified Power
(-¼) (total cost: 30 points), Delayed Return Rate (points fade/
return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1). plus Aid EGO 3d6
(standard effect: same roll as Drain dice), Trigger
(when character uses Drain, activating Trigger
takes no time, Trigger immediately automatically
resets; +1) (36 Active Points); Linked (-½),
Unified Power (-¼), Only Aid Self (-1) Delayed Return Rate (points fade/
return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1). total cost 54 + 20 =
74 Active Points.

3) Lotus Dreams -9f

Effect: Mental Illusions 18d6
Target: One character
Duration: Constant
Range: LOS
END Cost: 9
Game Information: Mental Illusions 18d6. Total
cost: 90 points.

4) Mental Dominion 9f
Effect: Mind Control 14d6
Target: One character
Duration: Constant
Range: LOS
END Cost: 9
Telepathic (+¼). Total
cost: 85 points.

5) Strip Bare the Thrall 8f

Effect: Telepathy 12d6
Target: One character
Duration: Constant
Range: LOS
END Cost: 8
Invisible Power Effects (effects of power are
invisible to target; +½). Total cost: 75 points.

6) Mind Hunter 7f
Effect: Mind Scan 14d6
Target: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Special
END Cost: 7 to activate
Total Cost: 70 points

7) Yama’s Chains 5f
Effect: Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED, Mental Paralysis
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: 300m
END Cost: 5
Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED,
ACV (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), Takes No
Damage From Physical Attacks (see 6E1 217; +¾),
Work Against EGO, Not STR (+¼) (67 Active
Points); Mental Defense Adds To EGO (-½) . Total
cost: 45 points.

8) Edict of Heaven 5f
Effect: Major Transform 5d6 (change
Memories, Personality and Psychological
Complications), AVAD, ACV
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: 400m
END Cost: 5
Major Transform 5d6 (alter,
remove, or add memories or Psychological
Complications, Requires power to heal from,
ACV (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), AVAD (Mental Defense; +0),
Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+¼) (75 Active Points);
Limited Target (mental “objects” in the minds of
sentient beings; -½). Total cost: 50 points.

Total Cost:160

Psychic Network
Effect: Mind Link, one specific group
Target: Up to 6 individuals of a specific group (Four sides team)
Duration: Persistent
Range: LOS
END Cost: 4
Mind Link, one specific mind.
Total cost: 40 points.

Psychic Sadist Multipower – 90 point Reserve

1) Mental Torture 9f
Mental Blast 9d6
2) Undending agony 9f
Mental Blast 6d6, Constant (+1/2)
3) Torment Field 9f
Mental Blast 4d6, area of effect (8m Radius;+ ½) Constant (+1/2)
4) Neural Balm 9f
Healing Stun 6d6, Ranged (+ 1/2)
Total Cost 125

Mental Fortification
Effect: Mental Defense (20 points)
Target: Self
Duration: Persistent
Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Mental Defense (20 points).
Total cost: 20 points.

Empath Multipower 100p reserve

1) Da Ji’s Amusement 5f
Effect: Mind Control 16d6
Target: One Character
Duration: Constant
Range: LOS
END Cost: 5
Mind Control 16d6 (80 active points); Only To alter/Inflict emotional states (-1/2)
Total Cost: 55
2) Die for Your Queen 3f
Effect: Barrier, 25 body
Duration: Instant
Target: Targets DCV
Range: Standard Range
END Cost: 3
Configurable (+¼), Cannot Englobe (-¼);
Objects of opportunity: NPC Scene Extra’s (OAF, -1)
Total Cost: 13

3) Gift Of Diyu 8f
Effect: Drain PRE 4d6
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: 300m
END Cost: 8
Drain PRE 4d6. Total cost: 80 points.

4) Grace of the Empress 2f

Effect: Boost PRE 5d6
Target: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
END Cost: 2
Boost PRE 5d6 (30 Active Points); Only Aid Self (-1),
Costs Endurance (to maintain; -½)
Total Cost: 20

5) Aspect of Terror 2f
Effect: +4 DCV
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
END Cost: 2
Game Information: +4 DCV (20 Active Points);
Costs Endurance (-½), Instant (-½), Only Versus
Designated Person’s Attacks (-1), Only Versus
Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½). Total cost:
6 points.

6) Psychometrics 3f
Effect: Retrocognition
Target: Special
Duration: Constant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 3
Game Information: Clairsentience (Mental
Group), Retrocognition (40 Active Points); No
Range (-½), Retrocognition Only (-1). Total cost: 26 points.

Total Cost: 121


Mind Over Matter

Effect: Telekinesis (30 STR), Fine Manipulation
Target: One character or object
Duration: Constant
Range: 450m
END Cost: 5
Telekinesis (30 STR), Fine Manipulation.
Total cost: 55 points

Telekine Strike Multipower 30p Reserve

1) Blunt Strike 2f
Effect: HA 6d6
Target: One Character
Duration: Instant
End Cost: 2
(30 Active Points)
Hand to Hand attack (-1/4)
Total Cost: 23 points
2) Edged Strike 3f
Effect: 2d6 HKA
Target: One Character
Duration: Instant
End Cost: 3
(30 active Points) Hand to Hand attack (-1/4);
Armour Piercing (+1/4)
Total Cost: 30 points
Real cost 34

Telekinetic Flight
Effect: Flight 24m
Target: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
END Cost: 2
light 24m. Total cost:
24 points.

Telekinetic Fortification
Damage Reduction 25%
Duration: Persistent
Target: Self Only
Range: Self
Costs END: No
Total Cost: 20
Black Lotus Uniform
20 RPD/20 RED (60 active points)
OIF (-1/2) Total Cost: 30

Red Kirin – Black Lotus Aero-cycle

Size 1 (5CP)
Strength 15
Dexterity: 15 (10CP)
Body 10
Speed 4 (20CP)
PD 10 (12 CP)
ED 10 (12 CP)
OCV 5 (10 CP)
DCV 5 (10 CP)
SPD 5 (20CP)
Ground 25m (13CP)
Flying 25m
X4 Noncombat movement (5 CP)
(Total Cost: 103)

Total Cost 1,043

25 Psychological Complication: Sociopathic (V. Common, Total)
20 Psychological Complication: Special, Feels incredibly entitled (Common, Total)
20 Psychological Complication: Sadistic (Common, Total)
20 Susceptibility: Strong Magnetism (Uncommon, per Phase, 2d6, within 8m)
15 Psychological Complication: Loyal to CCP
15 Social Complication: Subject to Orders (CCP) (Frequently, Major)
15 Social Complication: Secret Identity: Jun-Hua Liang (Frequently, Minor)
15 DNPC: Mother (Normal, Infrequently, Unaware)
10 Vulnerability: Magnetic Powers, x2 damage

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