Dreamland Chronicles

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Dreamland Chronicles

There has always been a realm beyond the waking world. A realm shaped by the unconscious thoughts
and desires of the young race of Man. They walked through its dimensionless spaces, itself an imperfect
reflection of them. It offered succor and in turn fed off and built itself around the emotive subconscious
to craft its existence. Since the dawn of the Unconscious of Man we have walked with, upon and
through them. These are the infinite and varied Dreamlands.

The Dreamlands have always been a bounteous and verdant lands; as fertile as the imagination of Man.
But where the minds of Man have their hidden depths and dark corners so too do the Dreamlands.
Shadowed and Darkling reflections of their creators minds infected with such as Insanity, Dementia,
Depression, Apathy, Hate, and Fear. These dark infected realms are a poison, spreading through the
Dreamlands and turning them first lifeless and grey, and then dark and menacing. These Nightmares
feed on the humans that trespass upon their manifested grounds in a much more malevolent and
insidious fashion than the Dreamlands themselves. Nightmares pull source and sustenance from the
negative emotions of Man seeking to inflict these emotions until the dreamer is forced to awaken,
drawing the energy released from the psyche when a lucid connection is broken.

As a player you are a Lucid Dreamer, an individual capable of exerting your will through the Dreamlands.
An individual chosen and granted this ability by the Dream and in return charging them with the defense
of the Dreamlands against the Nightmare. Whether you’re a young child full of imagination and wonder,
a teenager struggling with a burgeoning identity and physical development, an adult suffering through
the daily grind and monotony of life, or an elder patient and wise with all the years of your life have
tested you with, you have the power to hold back the Nightmare and save the Dream and all of those
within it. Yourselves included.

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