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Assessment on the passenger’s preference on pick-up and drop of location of

jeepneys in Porac, Pampanga

2. GIS-Based Proximity analysis of No Loading and unloading turnout in Porac,

Pampanga : of

Statement of the Problem

1. Is there any Signage of No Loading and Unloading Turnouts in Porac?

3. GIS-Based Proximity Analysis on Waiting Sheds : A case study on Porac,


Process :
- locate all the waiting sheds built in porac
- need ba ng POPULATION?
- using geotagging, record ung pagbaba and pag sakay ng passengers
- Using buffer, 100 m ang pagitan according to the Jeepney Terminal and Stops
Acts( Legislative status - Pending in the Committee (5/20/2015)) RED FLAG??

Land suit

4. GIS-Based Suitability Ana

GIS-based gas station proximity analysis with a focus on health and safety aspects
in a residential neighborhood

can provide insights into potential risks and vulnerabilities. Here's how you could
approach it:
1 data collection – geotag ung mga gas station
- Hospitals , healthcare, schools (100 m) residential (50)

Data Collection:
Gather data on gas station locations, residential neighborhood boundaries,
and relevant health and safety indicators. These indicators may include data
on air quality, traffic accidents, crime rates, and emergency response
Acquire demographic data for the residential neighborhood, including age
distribution, socioeconomic status, and health-related factors.
GIS Software Setup:
Utilize GIS software such as ArcGIS, QGIS, or Google Earth Engine.
Import the datasets on gas station locations, residential neighborhood
boundaries, and health and safety indicators into the GIS software.
Proximity Analysis:
Conduct a proximity analysis to determine the distance from each residential
unit or neighborhood centroid to the nearest gas station.
Overlay the gas station proximity data with datasets on health and safety
indicators to assess potential correlations or spatial patterns.
Risk Assessment:
Identify areas within the residential neighborhood that are in close proximity
to gas stations and also exhibit elevated levels of health or safety risks.
Analyze factors such as air pollution levels, traffic accident hotspots, crime
density, and access to emergency services in these areas.
Vulnerability Mapping:
Create vulnerability maps that highlight areas within the neighborhood that
are simultaneously exposed to gas station emissions and vulnerable to health
or safety risks.
Consider demographic characteristics such as the presence of vulnerable
populations (e.g., children, elderly, low-income households) and their
potential susceptibility to health impacts.
Spatial Analysis:
Perform spatial statistical analysis to identify any significant associations
between gas station proximity and health or safety outcomes. Use techniques
such as spatial autocorrelation analysis, hotspot analysis, or regression
Explore potential confounding factors and control for them in the analysis to
isolate the relationship between gas station proximity and health or safety
Mitigation Strategies:
-Develop recommendations for mitigating health and safety risks associated
with gas station proximity in the residential neighborhood.
-Consider measures such as improving air quality through vegetation
buffers, implementing traffic calming measures, enhancing lighting and
surveillance in high-risk areas, and promoting community awareness and
emergency preparedness.
Community Engagement:
Engage with local residents, community organizations, and stakeholders to
communicate the findings of the analysis and solicit input on potential
mitigation strategies.
-Foster collaboration between public health agencies, urban planners, law
enforcement, and other relevant stakeholders to implement targeted
interventions and monitor their effectiveness.
By conducting a comprehensive GIS-based gas station proximity analysis with a
focus on health and safety considerations, you can identify potential risks and
vulnerabilities in a residential neighborhood and develop evidence-based strategies
to address them.

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