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The use of televison cameras in supreme court has got limitations and delimitations for all the
parties:the defendant,the petitioner and the court itself.The paragraphs below lists the advantages and
disadvantages of television in court rooms.

One benefit or a positive note on the use of television in supreme court is that it strengthens public
confidence in the judicial sysytem.This one means that the public create some trust towards the courts
they attend day in day out because of the things they go through in their day to day lives that needs the
intervention of courts.Through the trust that the public will have towards the court,they will have the
confidence of taking their issues and cases to court because they know it shall be dealt with in a very
realistic way.

Evidences is another benefit of camera use in court because it serves as a reference to the court
personnel and the judges.Evidence is very important because it gives a room to show how a certain case
was carried in court and even how the judgement was pronounced.Again it shows that the hearing and
judgement was done and at what time of the year in instances where there is doubt on whether a
certain case was heard by the judges.

Television camera use in supreme court allows the public to see how the heraing and judgement is
carried out.In instances where the public has got cases in court,they are able to relate how their
judgement is carried out in relation to other previous cases.It gives people some knowledge and law
education on how court matters or cases are handled in the favour of either the plaintiff or the

On the other hand television cameras have delimitations while used in courts like:they inherently focus
on court participants and as a result ,targets them for possible community pressure,threats and
abuse.This one is much evident when one is a witness of a case like land grabbing,a witness of murder
and robbery with violence where one is followed and monitored for a punishment and many are even
murdered after witnessing at court.So cameras put them at a risk of being known by many people who
would not have seen or known them in the absence of television cameras.

Lawyers would be tempted to play to the television cameras rather than focusing on the basic elements
of the case at hand.This means that the lawyers and judges would be so much on checking how the
previous judgments were carried out.This would be an inconvinience to one of the parties,the case
participants,because it would be ruled in favour of one party rather than being on both sides the plaintiff
and the defendant.The parties may lose trust to the courts if the judgement is not ruled in their favour
which is a loss to them.Hence to a point the television cameras are discouraged to be used in the
supreme court.

The essay above explains the advantages and disadvantages of using television cameras in supreme
court where they are well elaborated.In comparison the advantages of having the cameras at the courts
surpasses the disadvantages of it and majority propose it to be used during hearing and judgement of
different cases.

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