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REG NO;CBS5/63190/23


1. Differences in functionalities between RAM and Hard drive of a computer system.

 Volatility: RAM is volatile and loses data when the computer is switched off, while
hard drive is non-volatile and retains data even when the computer is switched off.
 Function: RAM is used to store programs and data that the CPU needs in real time,
while hard drive is used to store user-specific data and operating system files.
 Structure: RAM consists of memory chips that can be read from and written to by the
processor and other devices, while hard drive consists of one or more circular platters
that use magnetic particles to store data.
 Speed: RAM is faster than hard drive, as it does not have any mechanical parts, while
hard drive has moving parts that slow down the data access.

2. Safari land limited is in the process of computerizing the operations of its firm.
Explain three general considerations that the management would prefer when
purchasing computer software.

 Identify the challenges the computer soft ware will solve

 The cost of the software
 Capability

3. School intends to set up an e-learning system. List three problems that are likely to be

 Lack of resources
 Lack of digital literacy skills
 Expensive internet data
 Unavailability of network

4. Soft ware can be classified into two major categories .State and explain these

 Application software-it’s a soft ware that fulfils a specific need or perform task
 System software –it is designed to run computer computer hardware and provides a
platform for the applications to run on top of it.
 Explain the Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a
 Workstation: A powerful, single-user computer.
 Minicomputer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users
 Mainframe: A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or
thousands of users simultaneously.
 Supercomputer: The fastest, largest, and most expensive type of computer that exists
5. Small and large-scale organizers are turning to the use of the in house developed
software for processing activities rather than use of standard software discuss the
advantages of in house program.

 In-house software is available to you as soon as it is done. You don’t have to

wait for it to be put on the market.
 In-house software can be put to use before it is “done”, if partial functionality
adds any value to your organization.
 In-house software is customized to your exact requirements, while purchased
software may need to be force-fit if it cannot be customized, and customization
adds to the cost.
 Building custom software in-house is less expensive than contracting for the
same software, because you don’t have to pay the contractor’s profit.
5. Explain what footer in word document is. Briefly detail the procedure of inserting
footer in a word document

 A footer contains a custom text, page numbers ,dates and logs

 Go to insert >headers or footer
 Choose the style you want to use
 Add or change text for the footer
 Insert footer to the text

6. Explain the importance’s of password in computing and possible ways of keeping

your password safe.

 To data and files from unauthorized access of online accounts ,devices and files
 Strong passwords protects data from bad actors and malicious software
 Prevent break-ins and loss of valuable emails, employee information, documents and
financial records.
 Safeguards information sharing cycle.

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