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Kerman High School Lesson Plan

Teacher _____Millican_______ Subject ______Ag Bio_____


a. Learning Intention: Students will explore how different ecosystems interact with each other by
creating a visual model containing three different types of ecosystems.

b. Success Criteria: Students will successfully build their ecocolumns. Students will explain how
each ecocolumn chamber plays a role in their ecocolumn with 100% accuracy.
a. Standard(s):
i. HS-LS2-8. Evaluate evidence for the role of group behavior on individual and species’
chances to survive and reproduce. (NGSS)
ii. HS-LS4-6. Create or revise a simulation to test a solution to mitigate adverse impacts of
human activity on biodiversity. (NGSS)
iii. C2.0 Examine the interrelationship between agriculture and the environment. (CTE)


a. Student engagement (What will the students be doing?)
● WARMUP: Students will enter the room and complete their daily warm up task. The question to be
answered today: What is the purpose of the aquatic plant in your marine chamber?
● REVIEW: Teacher uses the warm up question to lead a brief review of the ecocolumns that the students
began yesterday (building ecocolumns).
● INSTRUCTION: Teacher will model the next few steps in the ecocolumn process- how to put together
the decomposition and terrestrial chambers.
● PRACTICE: students will be released to continue building their ecocolumns. Teacher will be moving
around the room to ensure that all students are on task and understand the directions.
○ Teacher will pause to provide extra instruction for students as needed.
○ Students will be allowed to work ahead if they are ready to do so
● WRAP UP: Once their ecocolumn is built students will begin answering the day two questions in their
lab packet to demonstrate their understanding of their ecocolumns.

b. Input/modeling (What will you be doing?)

● Welcome students at the door
● Review the previous day’s activities
● Model what students will be expected to complete today.
● Facilitate group activities by walking around the room to answer questions, provide extra
instruction, and encourage students to stay on task.
● Lead review to answer the review questions at the end of the day two in students’ lab
packets (time permitting).
c. Check for Understanding/Formative Assessment (How will you know students are getting it?)
I will know that students are getting it based on their ability to not only build their ecocolumns
but also on their ability to identify key components (biotic and abiotic factors) within their
ecocolumn and how they interact with each other.

d. Guided Practice:
Guided practice will consist of students completing the building of their ecocolumn and then
completing the review questions at the end of each day to show their understanding of how their
ecocolum works.

e. Differentiation for students with Special needs, EL students, etc.

No IEPs in this class. EL students are provided with both paper and electronic copies as well as
given the option to use their chromebooks as translators. They have been frontloaded with all
notes and slides before the activity. Extra time is also given for these students if needed.


a. Closure:
i. Teacher-led brief review of the biotic and abiotic factors that are present in the students’
ecocolumns and how those factors interact with each other.

b. Independent Practice:
i. Students who are finished early can either help other groups or work ahead in their lab

Student Examples pictured below:

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