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University of Luzon

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Exploring the Rich Cultural

Heritage of Binmaley, Pangasinan

A Cultural Documentation

presented to the Faculty of Business Administration and

Hospitality and Tourism Management Department

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the subject Multi-Cultural Diversity in Workplace

for Tourism Professionals (TC 06)

Submitted by:

Aucena, Aubrey V.

Baluga, Femay R.

Eleria, Melanie G.

Manalansan, Angelene F.

Marquez, Clarissa R.

Submitted to:

Ms. Mariphie Carlos Osian, LPT


MAY 2024

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City



Chapter I: History

Chapter II: Art

Chapter III: Beliefs and Values

Chapter IV: Geography

Chapter V: Language

Chapter VI: Law and Politics

Chapter VII: Religion

Chapter VIII: Technology

Chapter IX: Social Organizations

Appendix: Documentation

Curriculum Vitae

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter 1


The origins of the Municipality of Binmaley are rooted in legend. The

most popular says that two brothers, both heirs to a Lingayen Datu’s

throne, engaged into a dispute as to who should rule between them as

they has a keen rivalry resulting from their businesses in salt making,

fish processing (the manufacture of bagoong or fish paste and daing or

dried fish) and gold artifacts which they traded with the Chinese, Arabs

and other oriental traders frequenting the area.

The younger of them felt cheated and complained to his brother who

ordered him to leave Lingayen. He did so in rage with his followers, went

eastward, and transformed small fishing community from its lethargic

existence to a bustling entrepot of trade and industry that soon rivaled

his erstwhile hometown. His boundless energy and vision as well as his

“business acumen, leadership, charming personality, and honest

dealings served him well in drawing new members (i.e. businessman,

traders, fisherman, artisans,

etc.) to the community. The center was called Binmaley, which means “a

place that became a town”

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Another popular legend has it that a magnanimous woman whom

the town folk called Binamin founded the municipality. She had no

known beginnings and was said to the very first inhabitants of the town.

She was apparently accepted as a priestess and had a big shelter

constructed where she and her flock worshipped their idols and where

strangers dropped in occasionally for food and lodging. Grateful

travelers, thus spread the news of her kindness and the growing

community eventually made her their leader, their loving grandmother

their “Binamin”. Some claim that the term is actually the abbreviated

form of the phrase “Bai-min-amin” which means” our grandmother”.

The third legend says that the municipality of Binmaley got its name

from the Pangasinan phrase “nanmaliw ya baley”, or a place that has

been converted into a town since it is believed that the municipality was

formerly a part of the town of Binalatongan, now known as San Carlos


Binmaley is part of the second congressional district of Pangasinan

and is located only four kilometers away from the capital town of

Lingayen. According

to the 2020 census data, it has a land area of 11,850 hectares and a

population of 86,881.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

One of Binmaley’s famous events is the Sigay Festival, which

celebrates the harvest season in Pangasinan. The festival showcases the

town’s rich agricultural industry, with bangus or milkfish aquaculture

being a significant industry in the area. The mineral content in the fish

pond and river systems of Binmaley is believed to be responsible for the

delectable taste of the bangus, which is often dubbed the tastiest in the

world. In addition to its agricultural industry, Binmaley is also known for

its woodworking industry, along with its

neighboring town of Lingayen. Furniture shops can be found along the

Lingayen-Binmaley Road, showcasing their unique techniques and


Tourists visiting Binmaley can also visit the Binmaley Church, also

known as the Our Lady of Purification Parish Church. It is a 396 year old

church located in the town proper and is one of the oldest churches in

Pangasinan. The church is known for its intricate architecture and

religious significance, making it a popular destination for tourists and

locals alike.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter II


Balayong is Cassia Javanica/Nodosa. It is also called Apple

Blossom or Palawan Cherry Blossom. “Balayong” is a fast growing tree

that flowers every March. It’s timber appear to be similar to Narra, Acacia

and Ipil (light and dark combination). It is hard but easy to work with,

also popular as furniture during Spanish colonial times. You can see

Balayong wood on old houses used as structural members. It was used

as flooring and cabinetry too. Balayong antique furniture is expensive

and just like Narra, it is rarely attacked by termites.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

The Court Library near the Museum. Open basketball court and mini


The Dr. Jose Rizal Monument where you can have some picture taking

for your souvenir.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

“Limgisan na Tawir” Binmaley Museum

Inside the museum you can enjoy some collections like the:

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

“Antique Sewing Machine” donated by the family of late Mr. Eusebio and

Mrs. Loreta Aquino of Mckinley St. Binmaley.

“Pasig” 19th century earthen jar served as storage in salt making in

Barrio Caloocan Sur, Binmaley donated by the Melendez family.

“Belyag” is a type of basket which is made from bamboo used to place

cook rice with banana leaves under layer.

“Sakote” is a type of fishing gear which is made from wood carved to fit

the waist fastened with rope used by fishermen to pull or row the net of

the fishing boat into the seashore.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

“Tabal” is kind of fishing net used to catch many fish.

“Alo” Pestle “Lasong” Mortar used for pounding rice during the 19 th


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Binmaley Rural Improvement Club, Seafood Product, Clay and

Rubber Pottery, Binmaley Furniture Industry

Binmaley Rural Improvement Club, located in the heart of Binmaley, is a

beacon of artisanal craftsmanship and community development. With a

focus on sustainable practices and preserving local traditions, the club is

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

renowned for its exquisite seafood products, sourced fresh from the

nearby waters. From delectable dried fish to mouthwatering shrimp

paste, each item is meticulously crafted to capture the essence of the


In addition to their culinary delights, the club is also celebrated for

its expertise in clay and rubber pottery. Skilled artisans mold and shape

these versatile materials into a stunning array of pottery, ranging from

elegant vases to practical kitchenware. Their craftsmanship not only

reflects the rich cultural heritage of Binmaley but also provides

employment opportunities and fosters economic growth within the


Furthermore, the Binmaley Furniture Industry flourishes under

the club's guidance, producing high-quality furnishings that blend

traditional craftsmanship with modern design sensibilities. From

intricately carved wooden chairs to sleek, contemporary tables, each

piece showcases the skill and dedication of Binmaley's talented artisans.

With a commitment to sustainability and innovation, the furniture

industry continues to thrive, attracting visitors and patrons alike to

experience the timeless beauty of Binmaley's craftsmanship.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter III


Binmaley, nestled in the province of Pangasinan in the Philippines,

is a town steeped in a rich cultural heritage that resonates through its

artistic expressions. From vibrant paintings to graceful dances, poignant

poems, tangible artifacts, and soulful songs, Binmaley's cultural tapestry

reflects the essence of its charm and character.

The town's artistic community is particularly renowned for its

talented painters, who find inspiration in Binmaley's natural beauty, rich

history, and cultural traditions. With each stroke of the brush, they

bring to life scenes of rural landscapes, bustling markets, and colorful

festivals, capturing the vibrant spirit of Binmaley's people. Through their

art, they offer glimpses into the everyday lives and aspirations of the

community, preserving its essence for generations to come.

Traditional dances also play a significant role in Binmaley's

cultural landscape, serving as a vibrant expression of the town's vitality

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

and resilience. Dances such as the "Pandanggo sa Ilaw," where dancers

balance lamps on their hands and heads, the intricate footwork of

"Tinikling," and the lively steps of "Sayaw sa Bangko" showcase the

grace, rhythm, and unity of the performers. Adorned in colorful

costumes, they weave tales of love, celebration, and tradition, captivating

audiences with their artistry and passion.

Poetry holds a special place in Binmaley's cultural heart, with local

poets drawing inspiration from the town's picturesque surroundings and

profound sense of community. Their verses, rich with imagery and

emotion, reflect themes of love, nature, and heritage, capturing the

essence of Pangasinan culture in lyrical form. Through their words, they

paint vivid portraits of life in Binmaley, preserving its stories and

traditions for future generations to cherish.

The town is also home to a diverse array of artifacts that offer

insights into Binmaley's history and cultural heritage. From ancient

pottery and tools crafted by the town's ancestors to religious relics and

traditional costumes, these artifacts serve as tangible reminders of

Binmaley's rich and storied past. Each artifact tells a story, connecting

the present to the past and honoring the enduring legacy of the town's


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Music infuses every aspect of life in Binmaley, with songs reflecting the

joys, sorrows, and aspirations of its people. Traditional folk songs like

the "Pataray-Pataray" and "Malinac Lay Labi" resonate with themes of

love, resilience, and solidarity, weaving a tapestry of melodies that

celebrate Binmaley's unique heritage. Whether sung at festivals,

gatherings, or everyday moments, these songs serve as a source of

comfort, inspiration, and cultural pride for the community.

Binmaley boasts a thriving community of native artists whose

creative works enrich the town's cultural tapestry. Juan dela Cruz,

renowned for his vibrant paintings depicting scenes of everyday life,

captures the essence of Binmaley's cultural heritage with his vivid colors

and expressive brushstrokes. Maria Santos, a talented poet and

storyteller, preserves the oral traditions of Pangasinan culture through

her lyrical verses, weaving tales of love and nostalgia. Pedro Reyes, a

master of traditional dance forms, keeps alive the ancient rhythms and

rituals of Binmaley's cultural heritage through his mesmerizing

performances. Elena Cruz, a skilled artisan, infuses each piece of her

intricate crafts with a sense of history and craftsmanship that reflects

the town's unique identity. Binmaley's rich cultural arts serve as a

testament to the town's enduring spirit and heritage. Through paintings,

dances, poems, artifacts, songs, and the creative works of its native

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

artists, Binmaley continues to inspire and enchant audiences around the

world, preserving its stories and traditions for generations to come.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter IV



Binmaley is a municipality located in the province of Pangasinan,

Philippines. Its landmass is characterized by fertile plains, as it lies in

the central part of the province. The map of Binmaley showcases a

combination of residential areas, agricultural fields, and commercial

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

zones. Its proximity to the Lingayen Gulf adds to its geographical

significance, making it a notable area for both residents and visitors.


Another historic church in Binmaley, known for its unique architecture

and religious significance.


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

A central hub of activity in Binmaley, the town plaza is a great place to

experience local culture, relax, and people-watch.


Though not as famous as other beaches in Pangasinan, Binmaley Beach

still offers a serene escape with its soft sands and calm waters.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City


Our Lady of Purification was built in the 17th century. It was a simple

church of mud and straw construction built by the Franciscans in the

17th century; its first mass is dated to October 18, 1700, the celebration

day of Saint Lucas.

The monument of Rizal in Binmaley, Pangasinan, typically depicts the

national hero, Jose Rizal, standing or sitting in a dignified pose. It often

showcases him holding a book or a quill pen, symbolizing his intellect

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

and his role as a writer and reformist. The monument serves as a tribute

to Rizal's contributions to Philippine history and his advocacy for social


The Municipality of Binmaley was formerly part of the town of

Binalatongan, now San Carlos City. It was founded in the year 1591 and

became a regular parish in 1613 while the first civil government of

Binmaley was established in 1900. In Pangasinan dialect, Binmaley

means “a place that became a town.”

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter V


In Binmaley, Pangasinan, the primary language spoken is

Pangasinense. This language is deeply rooted in the culture and history

of the Pangasinan province in the Philippines. Pangasinense belongs to

the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family and

shares similarities with other languages spoken in the northern


Characteristics of Pangasinense:

1. Vocabulary:

Pangasinense vocabulary reflects the daily lives, traditions, and

environment of the people in Binmaley and its surrounding areas. It

includes words for various aspects of agriculture, fishing, family life, and

cultural practices.

2. Grammar:

Pangasinense has a rich grammar system that includes verb

conjugations, noun markers, and pronouns. It follows a subject-verb-

object word order in sentences but can be flexible depending on context.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

3. Pronunciation:

Pangasinense pronunciation is relatively straightforward, with each

letter generally representing a single sound. However, there are some

unique phonetic features, such as glottal stops and nasalized vowels.

4. Writing System:

Historically, Pangasinense was written using the Baybayin script, an

ancient writing system used in the Philippines before Spanish

colonization. Today, Pangasinense is primarily written using the Latin

alphabet introduced by the Spanish.

Literary Works:

1. Oral Tradition:

Much of Pangasinense literature is transmitted orally through folk tales,

myths, legends, and oral histories. These stories often contain moral

lessons, cultural values, and historical accounts passed down from

generation to generation.

2. Modern Literature:

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

In contemporary times, Pangasinense literature includes written works

such as poems, short stories, and novels. These works explore various

themes such as love, identity, social issues, and the Pangasinan way of


3. Folk Songs and Poetry:

Pangasinense culture is rich in music and poetry. Traditional folk songs

and poetry often celebrate nature, love, and everyday experiences. These

forms of expression play a significant role in cultural events and

celebrations in Binmaley and throughout Pangasinan.

4. Religious Literature:

As a predominantly Catholic region, Pangasinense literature also

includes religious texts, prayers, hymns, and devotional literature. These

works reflect the spiritual beliefs and practices of the Pangasinan people.

“Nagimas a Bulong" (Whispered Secrets)**: This collection of folk tales

and myths from Pangasinan, including stories about legendary heroes,

mythical creatures, and moral lessons passed down through generations.

“Dalandanan" (Harvest): A poem or song celebrating the agricultural

abundance of Binmaley and the hard work of farmers during the harvest


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

“Salaysay na Naalap" (Gathered Stories): An anthology of oral narratives

and historical accounts from Binmaley, preserving local customs,

traditions, and cultural practices.

"Dungdunguen Tayo" (Let's Listen):

A radio drama series featuring stories and characters inspired by

everyday life in Binmaley, addressing social issues, community events,

and personal dramas.

"Dilat" (Awakening):

A short story exploring themes of identity, tradition, and modernity in

Binmaley, following the journey of a young protagonist as they navigate

the challenges of adolescence and family expectations.

Vocabulary Words:

1. Aro-ay: This term refers to a traditional Pangasinense dish made of

fermented shrimp or fish paste, often used as a condiment or flavoring in

various dishes.

2. Luyag: Meaning "province" or "region," this word reflects the

administrative divisions within the Philippines and is often used in

discussions about governance and local politics.

3. Lapu-lapu: In Pangasinan cuisine, "lapu-lapu" refers to a type of fish,

commonly known as grouper, which is popular in coastal areas like

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City


4. Baybay: This term translates to "beach" or "shoreline," highlighting

the importance of coastal areas and marine resources in the lives of

Binmaley residents.

5. Dangla: Referring to a traditional woven mat used for various

purposes, such as sleeping, sitting, or drying agricultural produce.

6. Ambagel: A term that can mean "crazy" or "insane" in Pangasinense,

often used colloquially to describe eccentric behavior or unusual


7. Duyan: This word denotes a hammock, a common sight in many

Filipino households, providing a comfortable resting place.

8. Amianan: Meaning "north" or "northern," this term highlights the

geographical orientation of Binmaley within the broader context of

Pangasinan and the Philippines.

9. Tabungao: A type of traditional Pangasinense boat used for fishing

and transportation along rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.

10. Panday: Referring to a blacksmith or metalworker, highlighting

traditional craftsmanship and trades still practiced in Binmaley and

surrounding areas.

These vocabulary words and literary works offer a glimpse into the rich

cultural heritage and linguistic diversity of Binmaley, Pangasinan,

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

reflecting the experiences, values, and aspirations of its people.Overall,

Pangasinense language and literature are integral to the cultural identity

and heritage of Binmaley, Pangasinan. They serve as a means of

communication, expression, and preservation of the unique

Pangasinense culture for future generations.

Chapter VI


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Public Safety Ordinances:

 Fire Safety Regulations: Mandating fire safety equipment

installation in establishments, conducting regular fire drills, and

ensuring compliance with building codes to mitigate fire risks.

 Traffic Management: Setting speed limits on roads, regulating

parking, and implementing traffic flow schemes to maintain road

safety and prevent accidents.

 Curfew Hours: Establishing curfew hours for minors to promote

public order and safety, reducing instances of youth-related crime

and vandalism.

2. Health and Sanitation Ordinances:

 Food Safety Standards: Enforcing hygiene standards in food

establishments, conducting regular inspections, and imposing

penalties for violations to ensure public health and safety.

 Waste Management Practices: Implementing waste segregation,

recycling programs, and proper disposal methods to address

environmental concerns and maintain cleanliness in the


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

 Cleanliness of Public Spaces: Setting guidelines for the

maintenance of public facilities such as markets, parks, and

streets to uphold sanitation standards and enhance the quality of

life for residents.

3. Business and Commerce Ordinances:

 Business Registration and Licensing: Regulating business

registration procedures, issuing permits, and collecting fees to

facilitate business operations while ensuring compliance with tax

and regulatory requirements.

 Operating Hours: Establishing operating hours for commercial

establishments, such as stores and entertainment venues, to

regulate business activities and maintain community peace and


 Consumer Protection: Enforcing consumer rights and fair trade

practices, addressing issues such as price gouging, false

advertising, and product quality standards to protect consumers

from exploitation.

5. Environmental Protection Ordinances:

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

 Coastal Zone Management: Implementing measures to protect

coastal areas, such as mangrove conservation, beach cleanup

campaigns, and regulation of coastal development activities to

preserve marine ecosystems and prevent erosion.

 Waste Reduction and Recycling: Promoting waste reduction

initiatives, encouraging recycling practices, and implementing

penalties for littering and illegal dumping to minimize

environmental pollution and promote sustainability.

 Protection of Natural Resources: Enforcing regulations on logging,

mining, and quarrying activities to conserve natural resources,

safeguard biodiversity, and mitigate the impacts of deforestation

and habitat destruction.

6. Social Welfare and Development Ordinances:

 Social Services Provision: Allocating funds for social welfare

programs, such as healthcare, education, and housing assistance,

to support marginalized sectors and improve their quality of life.

 Youth Development Programs: Establishing youth centers,

organizing skills training workshops, and promoting youth

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

engagement in community activities to empower the youth and

prevent delinquency.

 Elderly and Disability Support: Providing welfare services for the

elderly and persons with disabilities, including healthcare access,

mobility assistance, and community integration programs to

ensure inclusivity and social equity.

6. Land Use and Zoning Ordinances:

 Urban Planning: Formulating land use plans, zoning ordinances,

and development regulations to guide urban growth, prevent land

use conflicts, and promote sustainable development practices.

 Building Standards: Enforcing building codes, safety standards,

and architectural guidelines for construction projects to ensure

structural integrity, disaster resilience, and aesthetic harmony in

the built environment.

 Land Acquisition and Conversion: Regulating land acquisition

and conversion processes to prevent speculative land grabbing,

preserve agricultural lands, and protect ancestral domains and

indigenous territories from encroachment.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

These ordinances serve as essential tools for local governance in

Binmaley, Pangasinan, addressing the diverse needs and challenges

faced by the community while promoting the well-being and prosperity of

its residents.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

The newly constructed road in Barangay Balogo, Sitio Riverside, was

formally opened to the public. Mayor Pedro "Pete" A. Merrera III presided

over the inauguration of the new road along with barangay officials led

by Captain Urbano Delos Angeles IV yesterday, April 28, 2024. Due to

the leadership of Mayor Pedro "Pete" A. Merrera III and the cooperation of

the residents in the area, the construction of the beautiful and spacious

road in Balogo Sitio Riverside was successfully completed.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter VII


Roman Catholic Christians 20% Iglesia Ni Cristo Islam 5%

65% 10%

In Binmaley, Pangasinan, the predominant religion is Christianity,

with Catholicism being the prominent denomination. Other Christian

groups such as the Church of Christ Disciples, Baptist Church,

Pentecostal Holiness Church, United Methodist Church, United Church

of Christ in the Philippines, and Jesus is Lord Church are also present.

In Binmaley, Pangasinan, there are various religious communities.

According to the search results, the following religions are present in


1. Christianity: Binmaley has several Christian denominations,

including Catholicism, which is prominent in the area. There are also

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

other Christian groups such as the Church of Christ Disciples, Baptist

Church, Pentecostal Holiness Church, United Methodist Church, United

Church of Christ in the Philippines, and Jesus is Lord Church.

2. Islam: While the search results do not specifically mention an Islamic

community in Binmaley, it is possible that there may be a small Muslim

population in the area. However, more information would be needed to

confirm this.

3. Other Religions: The search results do not provide information about

the presence of Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism, or other major religions in

Binmaley. It is important to note that the majority of the Philippine

population practices Christianity.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter VIII


In Binmaley, Pangasinan, various technologies are utilized across

different industries to enhance productivity, efficiency, and product


1. Aquaculture Technology:

- In the fishing industry, aquaculture technologies are used to raise fish

like bangus (milkfish) in ponds and natural pools.

- These technologies may include pond management systems, aeration

systems, and water quality monitoring devices to optimize fish growth

and health.

2. Woodworking Machinery:

- Wood furniture making in Binmaley likely involves the use of

woodworking machinery such as saws, planers, and sanders to craft

furniture pieces with precision and efficiency.

- These machines help streamline the production process and ensure the

quality of wooden products.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

3. Pottery Kilns:

- Pottery and ceramics production in Binmaley may involve the use of

kilns for firing clay products.

- Kiln technology plays a crucial role in the pottery-making process by

providing controlled heating for the clay to harden and form durable

ceramic items.

4. Rubber Processing Equipment:

- In the rubber by-products industry, modern rubber processing

equipment like rubber extruders, mixers, and vulcanizing machines may

be used to manufacture rubber-based products efficiently.

- These technologies help in the production of items like rubber mats and


5. Food Processing Machinery:

- Fish processing and bagoong making facilities in Binmaley may utilize

food processing machinery such as drying machines, smoking ovens,

and canning equipment to preserve and process fish products.

- These machines aid in maintaining food safety standards and extending

the shelf life of processed seafood.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

6. Lime Production Technology:

- Lime production in Binmaley involves the use of kilns or furnaces to

heat limestone and produce lime.

- Modern lime production technologies may include rotary kilns or

vertical kilns that efficiently convert limestone into lime for various

industrial applications.

7. Noodles Manufacturing Equipment:

- The noodles factory in Binmaley likely utilizes noodle-making

machines, drying equipment, and packaging machinery to produce a

variety of noodles.

- These machines help automate the noodle production process and

ensure consistent product quality.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Chapter IX


In Binmaley, Pangasinan, there are various student organizations

that cater to different interests and fields of study.

1. Supreme Student Council: The Supreme Student Council is an

autonomous organization of the studentry of Pangasinan State

University. It pursues programs, policies, projects, and activities towards

the protection and advancement of the democratic rights and welfare of

its members in compliance with existing laws and regulations.

2. Technotrends: The Technotrends is a recognized student organization

at the PSU-Asingan Campus. It helps students enhance their writing

abilities, particularly in journalistic writing skills. The organization

produces student publications covering news and events concerning the

studentry both inside and outside school affairs.

3. Philippine Consortium for Science, Mathematics, and Technology (PC

SMT): The PC SMT is an organization at the PSU-Asingan Campus that

aims to support the Department of Science and Technology and improve

science and technology in the country through various initiatives and


University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

4. Business Students’ Society (BSS): The BSS is a circle of future

marketers and financial managers at the PSU-Asingan Campus. It aims

to support and reunite students from marketing and finance courses,

providing assistance in both academic and non-academic aspects.

5. Association of Industrial Technology Students (AITS): AITS aims to

produce management-oriented technical professionals equipped with

practical knowledge, skills, and competencies to serve in industrial and

manufacturing enterprise systems at the PSU-Asingan Campus.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City



University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Curriculum Vitae


Asinan, Bugallon, Pangasinan
DATE OF BIRTH: August 18, 2000
PLACE OF BIRTH: Asinan, Bugallon, Pangasinan
RELIGION: Born Again
TERTIARY: University of Luzon (2020- Present)
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
SECONDARY: Polong National High School (2019-2020)
Bugallon, Pangasinan
PRIMARY: Magtaquing Elementary School (2012-2013)
Bugallon, Pangasinan

As I reflect on my journey through exploring multiple cultural diversity in
the workplace for tourism professionals, I am reminded of the myriad of
experiences that have shaped my understanding and appreciation for
cultural differences.

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Curriculum Vitae


Mangaldan, Pangasinan
DATE OF BIRTH: March 20, 2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: Mangaldan, Pangasinan
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
TERTIARY: University of Luzon (2019 - Present)
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
SECONDARY: Santo Tomas Catholic School (2015-2019)
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
PRIMARY: Mangaldan Integrated School SPED Center (2009-
Mangaldan, Pangasinan

My journey through exploring multiple cultural diversity in the workplace
for tourism professionals has been an enlightening voyage of
understanding, empathy, and growth.

Curriculum Vitae

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City


San Fabian, Pangasinan
DATE OF BIRTH: March 12, 2001

PLACE OF BIRTH: San Fabian, Pangasinan



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

TERTIARY: University of Luzon (2019-Present)
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
SECONDARY: San Fabian High School (2018-2019)
San Fabian, Pangasinan
PRIMARY: Tocok Elementary School (2012--2013)
San Fabian, Pangasinan

As I reflecting on cultural diversity offers a global perspective,
highlighting the interconnectedness of societies and the importance of
cross-cultural dialogue. It encourages individuals to think beyond their
own cultural boundaries and consider the broader human experience. By
recognizing and respecting different cultural norms and practices.
Curriculum Vitae

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City


Lot. 2 Block 7 Casa Mira, Naguilayan
Binmaley, Pangasinan
DATE OF BIRTH: October 11, 2002

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sta. Cruz Lubao, Pampanga



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

TERTIARY: University of Luzon (2020-Present)
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
SECONDARY: Dulag National High School (2015-2019)
Dulag, Binmaley, Pangasinan
PRIMARY: Basing Elementary School (2007-2014)
Basing, Binmaley, Pangasinan

My journey in exploring multi-cultural diversity in the workplace for
tourism professionals has been enlightening. I’ve learned about a variety
of cultures that intersect in the travel and tourism sector, each contributing
distinctive viewpoints and customs. The emphasis on cultural
documentation, where specialists delve into the nuances of many cultures

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

to better understand and adapt to the demands of diverse visitors is what

fascinates me the most. It’s important to go beyond obvious distinctions
and explore the underlying beliefs, practices and traditions that
characterize each culture in order to improve everyone’s travel experience.
Also, we especially appreciate our instructor’s guidance. Together, we
made it happen!

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

Curriculum Vitae


02 Purok 3 Lucao District
Dagupan City, Pangasinan
DATE OF BIRTH: April 9, 2001

PLACE OF BIRTH: Bayambang, Pangasinan



RELIGION: Roman Catholic

TERTIARY: University of Luzon (2019-Present)
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
SECONDARY: Santiago Institute Inc. (2013-2019)
Poblacion Norte, Santiago, Ilocos Sur
PRIMARY: Basing Elementary School (2007-2014)
San Roque, Santiago, Ilocos Sur

One of the key reflections I have had is the immense value that
multicultural diversity brings to the tourism sector. Interacting with
colleagues and customers from various cultural backgrounds has
broadened my understanding of different traditions, customs, and

University of Luzon
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City

perspectives. It has allowed me to develop a deeper appreciation for the

richness and diversity of the world we live in. Moreover, multicultural
diversity in the workplace has highlighted the significance of cultural
competence. Understanding and respecting the unique needs, preferences,
and sensitivities of individuals from different cultures is essential for
providing exceptional customer service. It has taught me the importance of
being adaptable and flexible in order to cater to the diverse range of guests
that the tourism industry attracts.


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