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Background of the Study

Lack of student engagement at school is a serious concern for educator and policy
makers because disengaged students are more likely to struggle academically to drop out
of school, and to have problem behaviors. Researchers and educators have emphasized
the significant influence of school student engagement and academic performance.
Student engaged in multifaceted concept. Researchers have identified several components
of students’ engagement like behavioral, emotional, cognitive and academic (Appleton
2008 ). In this context, “behavioral, emotional, cognitive and academic” are identified as
key aspects of students engagement. Behavioral engagement refers to a student’s
participation in learning activities, emotional engagement relates to their feelings and
attitudes toward learning, cognitive engagement involves their mental efforts and
strategies, and academic engagement pertains to their involvement in academic tasks and
goals. Understanding and fostering these components can enhance overall student
engagement and academic achievements. Although there is no consensus on which of
these components is important, understanding and fostering these components can
enhance overall student engagement and learning achievements.

Supportive teacher-student relationships are a critical aspect of the interpersonal

climate in schools. Relevant concepts in the literature include teacher support, social
capital in school as a Community, and responsiveness of the school. Although different
terms were used, studies found positive effects of supportive teacher-student relationship
on various student outcomes. A supportive teacher-student relationship was positively
related to social self-concept, school adjustment and grade, internalized symptoms, and
school dropout ( Baker 2006, Breuster and Brower ).

The Research by Baker (2006), Breuster, and Brower underscores the profound
impact that supportive teacher-student relationships can have on students overall well-
being and academic success. Their findings highlight the multifaceted benefits of such
relationships, demonstrating positive associations with various aspects of student’s lives,

Notably, the correlation between supportive teacher-student relationships, and enhanced
social self-concept implies that when students feel valued and respected by their teachers,
they are more likely to develop a positive perception of themselves in social contexts. By
providing a supportive and nurturing environment, teachers can empower students to
reach their full potential academically. The findings regarding internalized symptoms and
lower school dropout rates highlight the preventive role of these relationships in
addressing mental health issues and promoting school retention.

The relationship that is built between teacher and student is a strong predictor for
that students engagement and classroom satisfaction. A student who puts a strong
personal connection to her teacher, talks with her teacher frequently, and receives more
constructive guidance and praise rather than just criticism from her teacher; the student is
likely to trust her teacher more, show more engagement in learning, behave better in class
and achieve higher levels academically. Studies have shown that students who perceive
their teacher as supportive and caring are more likely to attend classes regularly complete
assignments on time, and participate actively in classroom discussions. In addition, when
students perceive their teachers as effective in various aspects such as classroom
teaching, mentorship talks, discipline, and social interactions, they tend to achieve higher
academic outcomes.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine a significant relationship between teacher-student

relationship towards the students academic achievements.

Specifically sought to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent do factors such as teacher-student communication, trust, and

mutual respect contribute to academic success?
2. What specific practices or approaches can educators adopt to strengthen teacher
student relationships to improve academic achievements?
3. How do students perceive the impact of teacher-student relationships on their
academic progress and overall well-being?


There is a significant effect of teacher-student relationships on students academic

Conceptual Framework

The Positive Correlation Effect of Teacher-Student Relationships Towards

Academic Achievements

Considered various influencing these relationships, such as teacher’s communication skills, their ability
to show empathy, and overall classroom environment they foster. I also took into account the students
perceptions and levels of engagement, as they play a significant role in forming meaningful


To understand the depth of these relationships, I conducted survey, interviews, and classroo
observation. I examined the different ways teachers and students interact, noting the specific practice
that contribute to a supportive and engaging classroom, I then analyzed the collected data to identif
patterns and draw conclusions about the correlation between these relationships and academic outcomes


The results of my study indicated a clear positive correlation between teacher-students relationships and
academic achievement. I found that when teachers are supportive, communicative, and foster a positive
classroom environment, students tend to perform better academically. Based on these findings, I offered
recommendations for educators and schools on strategies to strengthen these relationships, ultimately
aiming to improve overall academic success.

In my research study titled “The Positive Correlation Effect of Teacher-Student
Relationship Towards Academic Achievement,” I explored the dynamic between the way
teachers interact with their students and the resulting impact on academic success.

Scope and Delimitation

The study explores how teacher-student relationships impact the academic

achievements of Grade 11 STEM students at JE Mondejar Computer College, with define
limitations on time, location and participation demographics.

Significance of the Study

Educators: Teachers can gain insights into how to build positive relationships with their
students, leading to better learning experiences and outcomes. They san adopt their
leading approaches to foster supportive environment that promote achievement.

Students: Students many experience improved academic performance improved

academic performance, engagement, and motivation as a result of positive relationships
with their teachers. This can lead to enhanced learning experiences and overall well-

School Administrators: School administrators can use the findings to develop policies
and programs that support teacher-student relationships ultimately contributing to a
positive school climate and student success.

Parents: Parents can gain awareness of the importance of teacher-student relationships

and may become more involved in fostering these relationships to support their children’s
academic growth..

Definition of Terms

Effective Teachers: Effective teachers are able to teacher their students and keep them
engaged and excited learn more.

Behavioral Engagement: Are the inability to express oneself without negative emotions
or behaviors.

Teacher-student Relationships: Are the relationships between a teacher and his or her
students that provide emotional and academic support.

Multifaceted Engagement: means involving students in a variety of activities to support

their overall development, not just academically.


Review of Related Literature

Teacher-student relationships have the power to impact a students emotions,

behaviors, and academic achievement in school, Each day, teachers are presented with
opportunities to impact the emotional behavioral, and academic growth through
interactions with each of their students. These interactions determine whether the
relationships between teachers and students will be positive or negative, so it is crucial
for teachers to be aware of how they interact with each students so as not to gender
development of a positive relationship with each of theme with every teacher.

Student Relationship comes barner that complicate the connection between

teachers and their students. Some barners includes student background between teachers
experience in the field, students relationships with peers, and overall student motivation
to learn and participate in the class. These barners male it difficult for teachers to build
positive relationships with students. They can ever negatively impact teachers inter
nations with students, leading to negative relationships being built, therefore interfering
with the academic achievement of the student’ involved in the relationship. A sequence
by Split, Hughes, Wu, and kwak (2012) emphasized the effects of negative teacher-
student relationship. Students academic achievement was lindered or nonexistent, due to
conflict in their relationship with teachers, The motivational model, by connel, and
wellbern, Deci and Ryan (2009), helps explain strategies for teachers to build positive
relationships with students. It provides suggestions of ways that teachers can connect
with students and interact positively, Understanding each student on personal level so as
not to be offended by negative behavior or other forms of disrespect Furrier et al (2014)

also offers suggestions that teachers can create a welcoming classroom to help students
feel accepted and, in turn, open to participating in class activities and discussions. An
uplifting and enjoyable classroom environment is emphasized as a necessary factor in
the teacher’s building of relationships with students. Furthermore an investigation
completed by cook et al (2018) revealed that strong teacher-student relationships are part
of the foundation of students positive experience in school. Negative relationship at
home, and lack of involvement by parents guardians or outside caregivers, all affect
student’s success in school. It is the teacher’s responsibility to understand students and
learn about them on a personal level so they can help every students and learn about
them on a personal level so they can help every student be successful in school. Students
are more successful in school. Students are more successful in school when they feel that
they are learn and supported by their teachers, according to Homre and Pianta (2005).

Many teachers are strong instructor in the classroom. They take pride in their
ability to help students understand the material they are teaching them, However when it
comes to resolving conflicts with students or getting them back on track in the lesson,
they may have difficulty knowing what to do. Whom teachers understand Teacher-student
relationships, they will be able to build positive relationships with students and maintain
these relationship throughout the school year (funeretal, 2014). It is important for
teachers to cultivate positive relationships with their students and make a conscious effort
to incorporate that relationship in their teaching (Pigford,2011). In a study completed by
lui and Meng (2009), it was concluded that students appreciate whose their teachers are
able to teach effectively understand what they are teaching and the belt ways to teach it,
and the positive relationships that their teachers have with students that help them feel
accepted and important in the classroom.

Review of Related Study

Teachers need to concerned about the relationship they have with their students.
Being part of teacher-student relationships can help students interact positively with

teachers and other students feel important to handle difficult situations and help students
feel important to their teachers and others in school ( Bagwell, Newcomb, & Dekausti,
1998). Teachers are the driving force of classroom culture and the establishment of norms

for the students in the classroom, (Former et al, 2011). A teacher’s body language around
students can impact students peer preference affecting student to students relationships in
the classroom.

In order to develop effective teacher-student relationships, teachers need to first

understand the importance of their relationships with their students before they can
strategize ways to make those relationships a reality for themselves and their students
(pigford, 200). Teachers need to be above of the choice their make in order to influence
their relationships with their students and support them. A later study was conducted by
cook et al , (2018) to understand the impact of a method to strengthen teacher-student
relationships. This method known as the information gathered it was conducted that
strong teacher student relationships provide the ground work for students experiences and
learning in school (Cook et al, 2008). It provided stronger teacher-student relationships
and showed that positive teacher-student relationship can have an effect an student
behaviors in school (Cook et al, 2018). These relationships jump started by teacher’s
interactions with their students. They can encourage student growth and development of
deeper engagement in academic due to a lesson pear of risk failure in the classroom
(Meehan, Hughes, & Cael, Versche-hen & komen, 2012). Through the analysis of
conceptualization of teacher-student relationships and their advancement over the years,
Cook et al (2018) discovered that relationships are tied directly to the well-being of
people. These relationships are the foundation of students development, responsible for
student development. (Flanta, Homere,& stuhlman, 2003). If there relationship are
positive and healthy for both the teachers and the students development of emotional and
behavioral well-being (Pianta et, al 2003).

As stated , student-teacher relationships are highly essential in an effective

classroom. Specifically, student-teacher relationships are important for students in their
short term and long term education. Student-teacher relationships are important in the
short term because it creates a thriving classroom environment, helps students develop
self worth and improves student mental health (Buffet, 2019). In the same manner, these
positive relationships may decrease behavioral problems and promote academic success,
likewise, a positive student-teacher relationship is very important in the long term

because it gives student confidence as well as ensuring that they know that their ideas are
valuable, in tum this allows students to carry this confidence throughout their future years
pursuing academics.



Research Design

This study utilized the quantitative descriptive correlational design to determine

the Effect of teacher student relationship towards their academic achievement

Research Locale

The study taker place at JE Mondejar Computer College. The researchers chose
this place to prove if teacher student relationship is associated with the academic
performance of the students

Research Respondents

The study’s respondents are the Grade Il STEM students in JE Mondejar

Computer College. The respondents answered the questionnaire the researchers gave
them, which supplied the information needed

Research Instruments

A survey questionnaire was used as the principal instrument for data gathering.
The questionnaire was arranged by variables with responses using 5 Liker scale, 1=
strongly disagree 2= disagree, 3= neutral, 4 agree, and 5=strongly agree.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Following procedures were observed in the gathering of data:

1. Asking for Permission to Conduct the study. The researcher with a letter asking
permission from the school principal of JE Mondejar Computer College to
conduct the study.
2. Validation of the Questionnaires. The researchers presented the questionnaire to
the subject teacher for validation and approval.
3. Conducting the survey. The researchers manually distributed the survey
questionnaires to the Grace II STEM students Retrieval of Survey Questionnaires.
After the survey was conducted the researchers Collected the questionnaires from
the students.
4. Tabulation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data. The data collected were collated
and tabulated. It was presented in tables and figures with a textual explanation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The 1-5 Scale Facilitates a quick and accessible method for both scanning and
analyzing data. Each response on the scale corresponds to a numerical values after data
collection, we researchers assign based on participants responses.

This was done using the following method:

Number of student who answered specific answer x 100 = Percentage

Total number of respondents

Number of respondents : 15

Number of respondents who answered an specific answer (Strongly agree, Agree,

Neutral, Strongly Disagree,)


Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Questions Agree e Disagree

1.The teacher demonstrate
care and concern students 26.6% 60% 13%
2.The teacher provides
timely and Constructive 20% 80%
feedback on Students work.
3.The teacher fosters in
inclusive And supportive 20% 46.6% 33%
classroom Environment.
4.The teacher effectively
Communicate expectation 26.7% 33% 40%
and Objectives.
5.The teacher respects
students Opinions and 46.7% 20% 33%
encourages Open
6.The teacher shows
enthusiasm 20% 53% 26.7%
For the subjects matter
7.The teacher establish clear
Boundaries and maintain 13% 26.7% 40%
And abilities.
8.The teacher recognizes
and Accommodates 26.7% 33% 40%
different learning Styles and
9.The teacher demonstrates
Fairness and impartiality 33% 46.7 13% 6
with Subjects . % %

10.The teacher encourages
Students to set and achieve 26.7% 53% 20%
Academic goals.



Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree
1.The quality of my
relationship 13% 60% 6% 20%
With my teachers
Influences my academic
2.I feel comfortable
Approaching My teachers 13% 66.7% 20%
with questions or
Concerns the course
3.My teachers provide
interest in my academic 13% 46.7% 33% 6%

4.Positively interactions 26.7% 46.7% 26.7%
with my teachers motivate
to be proper better
5.My teachers provide 16% 26.7% 8%
helpful feedback on my
academic work.
6.I feel respected by my 26.7% 60% 13% 6%
teachers on he classroom.
7.The atmosphere in my 20% 26.7% 46.7% 6%
Classroom is conclusive
to learning longely due to
the teacher student
8.My teacher demonstrate 13% 33% 53% 6%
Empathy towards their
statement challenges and
9.The rapport between me 20% 53% 26.7%
and my teachers fosters a
supportive learning
10.My teachers actively 40% 46% 13%
Encourage and support
my academic goals and

The survey data reflects a mixed perception of teacher-student dynamics and their

influence. On academic experiences. While a significant portion of respondents

acknowledges the positive impact of teacher-student relationships on academic

performance (73% agreement), there’s also a notable proportion (20%) who express

disagreement with this notion. Similarly see while a majority (66.7%) feel comfortable

approaching teachers with questions or concerns, a considerable percentage (20%)

remains neutral on this aspect. Furthermore, although there’s recognition of teachers’

genuine interest in academic success (60.7% agreement), there’s also a significant portion

(39.3%) who are either neutral or disagree. Positive interactions with teachers are seen as

motivating by a substantial proportion (73.1%), yet there’s also a notable number (26.7%)

who remain neutral. The provision of helpful feedback is appreciated by a majority

(73.7%), but again, a sizable percentage (26.7%) remains neutral. Respect from teachers

is felt by most (86.7%), yet a minority (6%) express disagreement. The inclusive

atmosphere in classrooms due to teacher-student relationships is acknowledged by a

significant portion (46.7%), but there’s also a notable percentage (26.7%) who remain

neutral. Empathy from teachers towards students’ challenges is recognized by some

(46%), while a considerable portion (53%) remain neutral. The rapport fostering a

supportive learning environment is acknowledged by a majority (73.7%), yet a notable

percentage (26.7%) remain neutral. Active encouragement and support for academic

goals by teachers are appreciated by many (86%), but there’s also a significant portion

(13%) who remain neutral. Demonstrations of care for students’ well-being are perceived

positively by most (86.6%), yet some (13%) remain neutral. Timely and constructive

feedback provided by teachers is valued by a majority (80%), but there’s also a

percentage (20%) who remain neutral. The fostering of an inclusive and supportive

classroom environment is recognized by many (66.6%), yet there’s also a significant

percentage (33.4%) who remain neutral. Effective communication of course expectations

and objectives is appreciated by a portion (60.7%), but there’s also a notable percentage

(40%) who remain neutral. Respect for students’ opinions and encouragement of open

discussion are acknowledged by some (66.7%), yet a considerable percentage (33.3%)

remain neutral. Enthusiasm from teachers for the subject matter is seen as motivating by

many (73.4%), but there’s also a notable percentage (26.7%) who remain neutral. The

establishment of clear boundaries and maintenance of professionalism by teachers are

acknowledged by some (40%), yet a significant portion (46.7%) remain neutral.

Recognition and accommodation of different learning styles and abilities are appreciated

by a portion (60%), but there’s also a notable percentage (40%) who remain neutral.

Demonstrations of fairness and impartiality in interactions with students are recognized

by many (79.7%), but there’s also a notable percentage (19%) who remain neutral.

Encouragement for students to set and achieve academic goals is appreciated by many

(79.7%), but there’s also a considerable percentage (20%) who remain neutral. Overall,

the data suggests varying perceptions and emphasizes the importance of further

exploration and understanding of teacher-student dynamics in academic settings.


This presentation provide presentation, analysis, and Interpretation of data that

discusses the results of the survey conducted among the respondents regarding GRADE

11 STEM students The Positive Correlation Effect of Teacher-Student Relationships

Towards Academic Achievement

Table 1:


Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly

Agree Disagree

1.The teacher demonstrate care and 26.6% 60% 13%

concern students well-being.

2.The teacher provides timely and 20% 80%

Constructive feedback on students


3.The teacher fosters in inclusive and 20% 46.6% 33%

Supportive classroom environment.

4.The teacher effectively communicate 26.7% 33% 40%

Expectation and objectives.

5.The teacher respects students 46.7% 20% 33%


And encourages open discussion.

6.The teacher shows enthusiasm for 20% 53% 26.7%

the Subjects matter professionalism.

7.The teacher establish clear 13% 26.7% 40%


And maintain styles and abilities.

8.The teacher recognizes and 26.7% 33% 40%

accommodates different learning styles

and abilities.

9.The teacher demonstrates fairness 33% 46.7% 13% 6%

and impartiality with subjects.

10.The teacher encourages students to 2.7% 53% 20%

set and achieve academic goals.

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly

Agree Disagree
1.The quality of my relationship with 13% 60% 6%
my teachers positively influences my
academic performance.
2.I feel comfortable approaching my 13% 66.7% 20%
teachers with questions or concerns the
course material.
3.My teachers provide interest in my 13% 46.7% 33% 1%
academic success.
4.Positively interactions with my 26.7% 46.7% 26.7%
teachers motivate to be proper better
5.My teachers provide helpful 16% 26.7% 8%
feedback on my academic work.
6.I feel respected by my teacher on her 26.7% 60% 13%
7.The atmosphere in my classroom is 16% 26.7% 46.7%
conclusive to learning longely due to
the teacher student relationships.
8.My teacher demonstrate empathy 26.7% 33% 53%
towards their statement Challenges and
9.The rapport between me and my 20% 53% 26.7%
teachers fosters a supportive learning

10.My teachers actively encourage and 13% 46% 53%
support academic goals and

Question number 1 The teacher demonstrate care and concern students well-being 26.6%

are Strongly Agree, 60% Agree, 13% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree

Question number 2 The teacher provides timely and constructive feedback on students’

work 20% are Strongly Agree, 80% Agree 0% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 3 The teacher fosters in inclusive and Supportive classroom

environment 20% are Strongly Agree, 46.6% Agree, 33% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree

Question number 4 The teacher effectively communicate expectation and objectives

26.7% are Strongly Agree, 33% Agree 40% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree

Question number 5 The teacher respects students opinions and encourages open

discussion 46.7% are Strongly Agree, 20% Agree, 33% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 6 The teacher shows enthusiasm for the subjects matter professionalism

20% are Strongly Agree, 53% Agree, 26.7% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 7 The teacher establish clear boundaries and maintain styles and

abilities 13% are Strongly Agree, 26.7% Agree, 40% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 8 The teacher recognizes and accommodate different learning styles

and abilities 26.7 are Strongly Agree, 33% Agree, 40% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 9 The teacher demonstrates fairness and impartiality with subjects 33%

are Strongly Agree, 46.7% Agree, 13% Neutral, 6% Strongly Disagree.

Question number 10 The teacher encourages students to set and achieve academic goals

26.7% are Strongly Agree, 53% Agree, 20% Neutral, 0% Strongly Disagree.



This study aims to determine the conclusion effect between teacher relationships

and student academic achievement. Teacher relationships were categorized as

intrapersonal and inter- personal relationship types Intrapersonal and inter personal

relationship are directed at different individuals intrapersonal relation refer to the inner

life and thoughts of a teacher which are effective on the way of teaching and human

relations Interpersonal relations refer to social links between a teacher and the other

people of the school community. A positive factor school community relationship, and

student academic achievement is positively at a very large level. Upon participant

approval, interviews were conducted by collecting the perspective and perceptions of

Grade 12 students.


This study qualitative results suggest that the identified teach approaches with

60% agreed that they feel respected by the teachers on the classroom, 46% agreeing that

their teachers actively encourage and support their academic goals and aspirations, 46%

agreed that teacher foster in inclusive and supportive classroom environment.


The variance of the effect sites between positive teacher relationships types and

student academic achievement dipper or not according to moderator variables was

searched, According to the result of the study it can be said that teachers who show close

attention to students and have a high level of social and psychological maturity will

increase their success. The fact that the teacher has positive relation relationship on

student achievement. The result show that teachers should develop their personality traits

in a positive way towards teaching and learning and make effort to gain skills

establishing positive relationships with students and school community.


This study’s purpose was to explore teacher student relationships and their

potential effects on student engagement, academic performance and self efficacy. This

study was able to support current literature regarding effective teacher approaches to

fostering positive teacher student relationship. Additional, this study was able to give new

suggestions for teachers approaches to creating and maintaining positive teacher-student

relationship as well as benchmarks for teachers to gauge student self-efficacy. Themes

found in this study can translate over to themes found in one’s personal friendships. It

would be beneficial to specify characteristics found in teacher-student relationships and

personal friendships in order for teachers to be able to promote positive teacher-student



Part I

Direction: Kindly check (✓) and indicate your level of agreement ranging from

“Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”, based on your own perceptions and experiences

with the

statement provided.


Questionnaire Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1.The teacher demonstrate care

and concern students well-being.

2.The teacher provides timely

and constructive feedback on

students work.

3.The teacher fosters in

inclusive and supportive

classroom environment.

4.The teacher effectively

communicate expectation and


5The teacher respects students

opinions and encourages open


6.The teacher shows enthusiasm

for the subjects matter


7.The teacher establish clear

boundaries and maintain styles

and abilities.

8.The teacher recognizes and

accommodates different learning

styles and abilities.

9.The teacher demonstrates

fairness and impartiality with


10.The teacher encourages

students to set and achieve

academic goals.



Question Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1.The quality of my

relationship with my teachers

positively influence my

academic performance.

2.I feel comfortable

approaching my teachers with

questions or concerns the

course material.

3.My teachers provide interest

in my academic success.

4.Positively interactions with

my teachers motivate to be

proper better academically.

5.Mybteachers provide helpful

feedback on my academic


6.I feel respected with my

teachers by my teachers on the


7.The atmosphere in my

classroom is conclusive to

learning longely due to

teachers student relationship

8.Ly teacher demonstrate

empathy towards statement

challenges and struggles.

9.The rapport between me and

my teachers foster a supportive

learning environment.

10.My teachers actively

encourage and support my

academic goals and


Curriculum Vitae


Name: July Ann C. Betuin


Address: Brgy, San Juan Sta Rita, Samar

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father: Franklin C. Betuin Occupation: Tricycle Driver

Mother: Minda C. Betuin Occupation: Nail Salon


Elementary: San Juan Elementary School. S.Y: 2017-2018

Junior High School: Dampigan National High School S.Y: 2021-2022


Strand: General Academic Strand


Name: Mary Jane Tinos


Address Paterno Extension Tacloban City

Religion: Jehovah’s Witness

Father: Eddie Cuesta Occupation: Time


Mother: Juanita Tinos Occupation:

Massage Therapist


Elementary: Macupa Central School. S.Y : 2017-2018

Junior High School: Cirilo Roy Montejo National High school. S.Y : 2021-2022


Strand: General Academic Strand


Signing the approval

To Conduct a Survey Questionnaire

We conduct survey questionnaire in Grade 12 STEM


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