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After Dewi has had breakfast, Mom asks Dewi to wash the …
a. foot
b. clothes
c. laundry
d. hands
e. dishes
2. Teachers must give … love for their student.
a. a
b. any
c. many
d. much
e. most
3. …. Rusia …. Canada are the countries that have a large area
a. Both … And
b. Either … or
c. Neither … nor
d. Not only … and
4. We need to … more information to support our argument.
a. Look for
b. Look down
c. Look after
d. Look back
e. Look forward
5. Sindy celebrates her Wedding anniversary every year but Rina and Jessica?
a. do
b. does
c. don’t
d. doesn’t
e. did
6. Jayawijaya is the …. Mountain in Indonesia
a. tallest
b. highest
c. more highest
d. most highest
e. higher
Text for questions number 7-9

It is our pleasure to announce the promotion of Bill
William as our new Sales Manager. Although Bill has
been with us for merely five years, he had shown us his
full commitment, dedication, and more importantly his
great achievement in the computer industry. The thirteen
years experiences he had earlier in Eclipse Enterprises,
Spark Software, and Cloud Development have proven
to strengthen not only his skills and capacity, but also
strong networking. The company would also like to
extend its highest appreciation to Ms. Rachel Brown,
our former Sales Manager, for the dedication and
commitment she showed us until the day of her

HRD Manager

7. The announcement is mostly concerned with …

a. Manager substitution
b. Bill’s experience
c. Computer industry
d. Bill’s achievement
e. The new sales manager
8. What made Mr. William get the promotion?
a. Ms. Brown’s retirement
b. Mr. William’s experience
c. Ms. Brown’s recommendations
d. Mr. William’s achievement
e. Mr. William’s networking
9. It can be best inferred from the text that ….
a. Bill William is a skilful IT engineer
b. Bill William is a new Sales Manager
c. Bill William has 13 years of experience in computer industry
e. Bill William replaces Ms. Brown’s position
Text for questions number 10-13

I lost my father when I was only nine years old. This was the biggest loss I have
had. He was everything to me, his only daughter. We were so close. I did not lose
him to death though. I lost him in a much harder way: I lost my father to drugs. He
got addicted and started to ignore my brother and me.

One cool summer night, my brother, a couple of our friends, and I were watching
Scary Movie 3 in the living room. Around 9:30 pm, when I looked toward the
kitchen, I saw orange and yellow flames reflecting off the door's window. It was a
mess explosion caused by his careless actions under the influence of the drugs.

After the fire was out, I saw my dad run around to the backyard and jump into the
pool. I knew then that he had gotten burned. He ended up confined in the hospital.
After he got better, they put him in jail for a month under drug charges. I was so
mad and hurt, and suffered from severe depression. It destroyed my health and my
social life.

One day, one of my teachers stopped me in the hall to ask if I was okay. She asked
if she could help me, if I would tell her what was going on. So, I did. She helped
save me and lift me back up. After a while, I started to feel and do better. She is
now one of my greatest friends and mentors, and we talk daily. I could never repay
her for everything she has done for me.

Through my experiences, I learned never to do anything without thinking of how it

will impact the people around me.
10. What was the source of the writer’s problem?

a. Her father was a victim of an explosion

b. Her father was confined to the hospital

c. Her father was heavily addicted to drugs

d. Her father was imprisoned for drug offenses

e. Her father destroyed her health and social life

11. Paragraph 4 is about ….

a. How is the writer solved her problem

b. How her teacher helped her recover

c. How the teacher stopped her in the hall

d. How the writer met her only best friend

e. How the writer repaid her teacher’s kindness

12. How did the writer recover from her difficult situation?

a. She went to see doctors in hospitals

b. She left her father and her home

c. She stopped going to school

d. She abandoned her friends

e. She talked to her teacher

13. “The writer’s father got burned … he mess explosion.” Which of the following
sentence best?

a. since

b. despite

c. because

d. because of e. consequently
Text for questions 14-21

Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1918, German physics Max Planck is the best
remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped user in a new area in
theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of atomic
and sub atomic processes.

Plank introduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the foundation of
twentieth century physics. In December 1990, Planck worked out an equation that
described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequencies.
He had developed a theory which depended on a model of matter that seemed very strange
at the time. The model electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These
particles were later called quantum. The energy associated with each quantum is measured
by multiplying the frequency of the radiation, v, by a universal constant, h. Thus, energy,
or E, equals hv. The constant, h, is known as Planck’s constant. It is now recognized as one
of the fundamental constants of the world.

Planck announced his finding in 1900, but it was years before the full consequences of his
revolutionary quantum theory were recognized. Throughout his life, Planck made
significant contributions to optics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, physical
chemistry, and other fields. In 1930, He was elected president of the Kaiser Wilhelm
society, which was renamed the Max II. Though deeply opposed to the fascist regime of
Adolf Hitler, Planck remained in Germany throughout the war. He died in Gottingen on
October 4, 1947.

14. In which of the following field the Max Planck NOT make a significant
a. Optics
b. Thermodynamics
c. Statistical mechanics
d. Biology
15. The word “revolutionary” as used in paragraph 3, means ….
a. Dangerous
b. Extremist
c. Momentous
d. Militarist
16. It can be inferred from the passage that Planck’s work led to the development of
which of the following?
a. The rocket
b. The atomic bomb
c. The internal combustion engine
d. The computer
17. The particles of electromagnetic radiation given off by matter are known as …
a. Quantum
b. Atoms
c. Electrons
d. Valences
18. The word “Universal” as used in line 11, most nearly means …
a. Planetary
b. Cosmic
c. Worldwide
d. Always present
19. The implication in this passage is that …
a. Only a German physics could discover such a theory
b. Quantum theory, which led to the development of twentieth a mathematical
c. Planck’s constant was not discernible before 1990
d. Radiation was hard to study
20. “An idea” as used in line 5, refers to …
a. Model of matter
b. Emission of electromagnetic radiation
c. Quantum
d. The equation that described the accurately over the range of low to high
21. What is known as Planks constant?
a. V
b. H
c. e
D. E
22. The company …. a new product next month.
a. Will launch
b. launched
c. has launched
d. is launching
e. are launching
Read the conversation below!

Rafi: I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver

Sifa: Don’t be so sad, my friend, let us search it around the park.
Rafi: I have looked for it for hours, but I could not find it. Do you
have any suggestion?
Sifa: You should tell the security to announce it to other students.
Rafi: Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.

23. Which sentence that shows asking suggestion?

a. Don’t be so sad, my friend.
b. I have just lost my driver licence.
c. You should tell the security.
d. Do you have any suggestion?
e. That sounds good.
Read the conversation below!
Alex: You look unhealthy, Boy.
Byan: Yes, I get a headache and stomachache.
Alex: You should go to a doctor. Come on. I will accompany you.
Byan: Ok.
24. The underlined words show:
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
c. Advice
d. Necessity
e. Plan
Read carefully the conversation below!
Amir: I am not good at English
Budi: ……………………..
25. Complete the dialogue above with an advice
a. I should practice English every day
b. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?
c. Do you like English?
d. I must take an English course
e. You must sleep often
Read carefully the conversation below!
Anton: If the driver in front had not stopped so suddenly. I would have been able to avoid
the accident.
Richard: Well, it’s over. Let me take you to the hospital. You are seriously hurt.
26. From the underlined expresses we know that Anton …
a. Could not avoid the accident
b. Did not hit the card in front of him
c. Could push his brake pedal on time
d. Was able to stop his car on time
e. Was hit by the car in front of him
Read carefully the conversation below!
Ridwan: Do you think our youth have the competence to keep up with the Americans in
Ade: I don’t think so because it needs a lot of money.
27. The competence word means?
a. Profession d. Experiment
b. Knowledge e. Culture
d. Capability
28. Tiger moths …. Wings marked with stripes or spots.
a. Have d. Whose
b. With e. Has
c. Their
28. Most of Annie Jump Cannon’s career as an astronomer involved the observation,
classification, and …..
a. She analyzed stars
b. The stars’ analysis
c. Stars were analysis
d. Analysis of stars
e. The star is analyzing
29. Platinum is harder than copper and is almost as pliable …
a. Gold
b. Than gold
c. As gold
d. Gold is
e. Golds
30. Many communities are dependent on groundwater …. From wells for their water supply.
a. that obtained
b. obtained
c. is obtained
d. obtain it
e. obtains
31. There were … federal laws regulating mining practices until 1872.
a. None
b. Not
c. No
d. Nor
e. Yes
32. Sari … to school with her friends at 06.30 am tomorrow.
a. walks
b. will walk
c. is going to walk
d. will have walked
e. has walked
33. I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee
members … the whole material from all the attendants.
a. examines
b. examine
c. are examining
d. has examined
e. is examining
34. The restaurant I have owned since several years ago has always been fully booked
almost every weekend. And my friend named Damon often … to my restaurant every
a. was coming
b. comes
c. come
d. is coming
e. were coming
35. There …. photographs and graphs in this book that meet the needs of instructors in
introductory courses.
a. is many d. many more
b. are many e. many are
c. many are
36. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.
“If she …. Harder, she would have passed the exam.”
a. studies
b. studied
c. had studied
d. is studying
e. will study
37. Find the synonym of the underlined word. “The teacher was astonished by the students’
exceptional performance.”
a. pleased
b. surprised
c. angry
d. puzzled
e. worry
38. “Had the suspect …. More cooperative during the interrogation, the investigation might
have concluded sooner.”
a. been d. to be
b. being e. will
c. were
Read the passage and answer the question
"With the rise of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, many
countries are gradually reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. This shift not only helps in
combating climate change but also promotes energy independence. However, the
transition requires significant investments in new infrastructure and technology."
39. What is one benefit of the shift to renewable energy sources mentioned in the passage?
a. Lower energy costs
b. Increased fossil fuel usage
c. Combating climate change
d. Reduced technological investment
e. Decreasing fossil fuel usage
40. “If he … the warning, he would not have lost his data.”
a. heed
b. heeds
c. had heeded
d. heeding
e. will heed
41. Arrange these sentences below to form a sequential order!
1) Dredge the shrimp in flour. Then, dip shrimp into eggs, then press shrimp into bread
crumbs. Coat the shrimp on both sides.
2) Finally, use tongs to transfer the shrimp to paper towel to drain. Arrange shrimp on a
plate and serve.
3) First of all, peel and devein one pound of shrimp. Set aside.
4) Next, mix 1/3 cup of flour, ¾ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of black pepper in
another medium bowl.
5) Crunchy fried shrimp is a delectable dish. This is how to make it.
6) Second, bet three eggs in a medium sized bowl until frothy. Set aside. It will be used
to coat the shrimp.
7) As the shrimp has been coated thoroughly, deep-fry the shrimp thoroughly cooked.
A. 3-4-6-1-7-5-2 D. 5-3-4-6-7-1-2
B. 3-6-1-5-7-4-2 E. 5-3-6-4-1-7-2
C. 3-6-4-5-1-7-2

Text for questions 42-44

Nine tips to increase concentration when studying

1. 1. Be enthusiastic with what you learn. Stay away from others and take a deep
breath several times. It will help you feel relaxed and beat a bad mood
2. 2. Find a place to study. It should not always be a a nice place but you must be
comfortable in the place
3. 3. Identify thing that can probably disturb you, such as noise, certain fragrances,
etc. You have to have strategies to remove the disturbance.
4. 4. If you want to study while listen to music, choose soft music. It functions as
background that help you feel comfortable
5. 5. To help you understand the material easily, start your study with questions and
chapter outlines
6. 6. Break up the materials into smaller parts that can be completed in a short time
7. 7. Concentrate on one task. Complete the task and move to another
8. 8. Spend your peak time of concentration on difficult topic
9. 9. Take a five-minutes break.

42. What is the text about?

A. how to finish the task on time
B. how to improve concentration during study
C. how to get a good mark in doing homework
D. how to prepare students to be successful learner
E. how to increase the concentration in the final exam.

43. What is true according the text?

A. playing rock music can improve concentration during study
B. taking breaks should be done before and after doing task
C. the whole material should be divided into smaller parts
D. peak time of concentration should be used for less interesting topics
E. using earphones can decrease noises which disturb the concentration

44. “Identify thing that can probably disturb you.” (number 3)

What does the underlined word mean?
A. deal with D. recognize
B. take care E. look after
C. make sure
(Funded by the European commission)

The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant
impact. Since august 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and the H5N1
virus has crossed the species barrier resulting in at least 135 confirmed human cases with 110
deaths. Moreover, the potential exists for the H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus to trigger a human
Research on clinical disease, virology and epidemiology of H5N1 in Indonesia is
needed to understand the ecology and variability in transmission to human. To foster essential
research, WHO requested for proposal that will then be evaluated through a review process.
The awards will then be made to competent researchers and institutions focuses on research
of local scientists and public health professionals.
Areas for research include:
1. Studies of disease ecology, transmission and epidemiology.
2. Studies of clinical spectrum and management of disease.
Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process,
assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO
Indonesia Country Office web- site.

45. Who are specifically invites to send research proposals?

A. Scientists and professionals from around the world

B. Indonesian scientists and public health professional’s virus
C. Professionals’ researchers in health sciences
D. health institutions in Indonesia
E. researchers specializing in H5N1
46. "...for the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus to trigger a human pandemic"(line 4-5)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. to impact
B. to share
C. to increase
D. to immune
E. to cause
47. The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza .... (line 1)
A. continuous
B. temporal
C. current
D. subsequent
E. previous
Text for questions 48-50
The best way to have lunch at school?
1. Bring a healthy packed lunch from home. It can avoid wasting time in the line in
the school canteen. Students have their break time simultaneously. They will rush
to the canteen. Sometimes you have to go back to the class even though you have
not had your lunch yet.
2. Enjoy various kinds of favourite foods that you might not find at the school cafe
like mom’s chicken soup, pita bread and some chips.
3. Prepare food full of energy for tight school activities. For example, combination
of protein and carbohydrates. You have to maintain the nutrition inside the food.
4. Do not buy fast-food lunch out of school. Bringing your packed lunch will make
you stay away from fast-food. People say that fast food is rubbish, because it does
not give nutrition you need. Additionally, it will help you save your money.
48. What is the purpose of the text?
A. informing how to avoid food temptations
B. showing the importance of healthy lunch snacks
C. describing the bad impact of fast-food lunch
D. giving advice on how to have lunch at school
E. giving suggestion to maintain the nutrition food intake.

49. What is the advantage of bringing healthy packed lunch from home?
A. avoid unused nutrition
B. preventing you to go back to class soon.
C. maintaining the carbohydrates inside a fast food
D. preventing us from buying fast food
E. avoiding wasting your energy

50. “...maintain the nutrition inside the food.” What does the underlined word mean?
A. keep D. run about
B. look for E. put down
C. deal with

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