10a-B Practice 3

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NAME: __________________________________________________ GRADE: 10TH A - B

DATE: January ______,2024 TEACHER: Miss Alexandra Quintana P.

Review for the exam #3

1. Choose the names for each picture.

A. coins – win a prize – be famous

B. coins – get good grades – discount
C. coins – discount – be famous
D. coins – money – be famous

2. Write the name of the pictures.

3. Read and circle the correct word to complete the statements.

A. I save / buy half of my allowance and use the other half to go out with my friends.
B. When my mom bought her new bike, they gave her a discount / credit card.
C. Oh no! I’ve left my wallet at home – could I lend / borrow some money until tomorrow?
D. She prefers to swap / waste video games with friends – new games are very expensive.

4. Write the correct word in the box next to the definitions.

5. Look at the picture and write a sentence.


NAME: __________________________________________________ GRADE: 10TH A - B
DATE: January ______,2024 TEACHER: Miss Alexandra Quintana P.
6. Read and choose the correct letter.

7. Order the words to make sentences in the past progressive.

A. doing / 7:00 pm last night / I was / my homework at

B. 30 minutes ago / He was / sending / to his mom / a text message
C. having / At 1:00 pm yesterday / they were / their lunch
D. skiing / Last weekend / in the mountain / she was
E. watching / At 8:30 pm yesterday / I was / a sports show on TV
F. at the gym / swimming / At 8:00 am this morning / he was

8. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

A. When she finishes school, she wants to __________ a good job working as a nurse.
B. Joining a club is a great way to meet people and __________ friends.
C. I __________ proud of my little brother – he loves animals and helps at the local animal home.
D. The hockey team must beat all the other teams to __________ the competition.
E. He’s driving a very expensive car so he must __________ rich.
F. A jellyfish has no heart? Wow, you __________ something new every day!
NAME: __________________________________________________ GRADE: 10TH A - B
DATE: January ______,2024 TEACHER: Miss Alexandra Quintana P.
9. Read the text and answer the questions.

 Where did the astronauts go? _____________________________________

 Why was the trip famous? ________________________________________

10. Read the text again and answer the questions.

NAME: __________________________________________________ GRADE: 10TH A - B
DATE: January ______,2024 TEACHER: Miss Alexandra Quintana P.

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