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A Thesis Manuscript
Presented to the Faculty of the
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of



May 2024


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The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following

individuals for their invaluable support and contributions to the completion of this

research project.

First and foremost, the researchers extend their gratitude to the Almighty for

His guidance and wisdom in every aspect of this endeavor. The researchers would not

have been able to achieve success without his wonderful grace.

To their research advisers, ENGR. JESSIE B. CORRALES and ARCH.

RAFFY G. LORETO, for their invaluable mentorship, guidance, and

encouragement. Their expertise and insights have been greatly instrumental in

shaping the course of this study. A big gratitude to Engr. Corrales for always being

available whenever the researchers wanted to schedule a consultation meeting, and to

Arch. Loreto for still accommodating the researchers even though they have already

been transferred to another research adviser.

To the Student’s Research Committee, ENGR. ALLAN A. GULLES and

ENGR. MARCELO T. ABRERA JR., for their support, facilitation, and

constructive feedback on this research endeavor. The researchers are thankful for their

insights and recommendations given during the project proposal. Through their input,

the researchers were able to see a different approach to their study, and steer towards

a direction aimed at maximizing the potential impact of their study to the community.

To the Civil Engineering Project Coordinator, ENGR. ANDY PHIL

CORTES, for his excellent guidance, especially during the critical phase of idealizing

potential research topics. His method of evoking research ideas from the students

proved effective and efficient. Also, his consistent gentle reminders and

encouragement were greatly helpful during the course of this study. His dedication to

nurturing our growth and fostering a conducive learning atmosphere significantly

enhanced our experience.

To the DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, the faculty and staff

have provided professional insights for the academic development of the researchers.

Respect and acknowledgement are offered to them for continuing to culture young

visionaries for the Civil Engineering field.

To SIR PAULO G. BATIDOR, his outstanding knowledge on statistical

analysis has brought so much light for the achievement of the research objectives. The

researchers deeply appreciate the careful work in assisting the investigation of this

study, especially the time spent in expounding to the researchers about the analytical

processes to be used.


generosity and trust in providing the researchers a confidential matter. The researchers

give credit to the value they put towards safety within the construction industry. Their

participation provides another systematic approach in further enhancing the

construction works in the city.

To the researchers’ dear family and friends, thank you for your endless

encouragement, understanding, and patience. Your constant presence became a source

of strength and motivation to persevere through challenges and celebrate

achievements. Your unwavering belief and support became the pillars of strength

every step of the way.



Approval Sheet.................................................................................................i
Table of Contents............................................................................................v
List of
List of Tables................................................................................................vii
List of Appendices.......................................................................................viii

1.1 Background of the Study....................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of the Study......................................................................................3
1.3 Scope and Delimitations....................................................................................4
1.4 Potential Impact of the Study.............................................................................5
1.5 Definition of Terms............................................................................................6

2.1 Statistical Records on Construction Accidents..................................................9
2.2 Trends in Construction Occupational Safety and Health.................................11
2.3 Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Construction..................................13
2.4 Root Cause Analysis for Accident Prevention.................................................15
2.5 Accident Causation Model...............................................................................20

3.1 Area of the Study.............................................................................................21
3.2 Research Design...............................................................................................21
3.3 Conceptual Framework....................................................................................22
3.4 Methods of Data Collection.............................................................................24
3.4.1 Company Selection Criteria.................................................................26
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis................................................................................27
3.5.1 Analysis of Prevalence of Construction Accidents..............................27
3.5.2 Modeling Type of Accident.................................................................28
3.5.3 Assessment on the Reliability of the CART Models...........................30
3.5.4 Identification of the Key Contributing Factors....................................30
3.6 Formulation of safety measures recommendations..........................................31


4.1 Company 1.......................................................................................................33
4.2 Company 2......................................................................................................47
4.3 Company 3.......................................................................................................60
4.4 Company 4.......................................................................................................69
4.5 Company 5.......................................................................................................81
4.6 Company 6.......................................................................................................94
4.7 Company 7.....................................................................................................105
4.8 Observation of Accident Types and Contributing factors..............................120


5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................121
5.2 Recommendations..........................................................................................123




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ARRADAZA, RODRIGO D. BANTILAN JR. Visayas State University. May

2024. Enhancing Occupational Safety in Ormoc City’s Construction Industry:

Identifying the Prevalence Rate and Key Contributing Factors of Construction


Adviser: Engr. Jessie B. Corrales

The study mainly aims to identify the key contributing factors of construction

accidents and provide targeted safety measure recommendations to reduce the

occurrence of such accidents. The participants of the study are seven (7) selected

construction companies in Ormoc City based on a set of criteria. First, the

researchers reported the prevalence rate of accidents per construction company.

They then identified the contributing factors using the operational definition

developed in the study of Behm and Scheller in 2009. The study proceeded to

employ the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis to achieve the

second and third objectives of the study. From the analysis, the researchers

identified the key contributing factors to the accidents as the researchers all

developed a decision tree unique to each company. These decision trees are

predictive in nature. These decision trees illustrate the relationships between

different factors and they present the probability that a particular observation

belongs to each class, in this case, the type of accident. After the key contributing

factors have been identified, targeted recommendations to mitigate such accidents


were developed, anchoring from official standards and published studies.

Subsequently, the findings of the study were conveyed to the participating

companies, with the goal that the results would yield positive impacts on the

construction community.

Keywords: [construction accidents, occupational safety, key contributing factors,

safety improvement measures]



1.1 Background of the Study

The construction industry is known to be one of the largest and essential

sectors of a country that contributes significantly to economic growth, job

opportunities, and infrastructure development. This sector, however, bears the weight

of a concerning issue – construction safety. The construction industry is infamous for

its high rate of accidents and occupational hazards. In the Philippines, the Department

of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has taken proactive measures by establishing

safety standards and guidelines within the labor force and workplaces to ensure the

welfare of workers and mitigate the risks associated with construction-related

accidents. However, the strict implementation of these standards continues to be

undervalued in most construction firms (Demeterio, 2019). Furthermore, past studies

have discovered that only a few well-established construction companies practice

strict implementation while medium and small-scale contractors do not consider these

practices necessary (Cabahug, 2014). A recent inspection in Metro Manila last August

revealed that fifty-two (52) of ninety-five (95) construction firms are violating safety

rules. Among the common violations were missing safety programs, insufficiently

trained personnel, and lack of personal protective equipment.

An accident is defined as an unpredicted, unwanted, and uncontrolled event

that results in harm, injury, or damage to equipment, materials, and workers.

Construction accidents not only pose a direct threat to the lives and safety of the

workers, but they also have profound implications on the cost, schedule, and overall

quality of the project. These accidents include a wide variety of occurrences, from

minor injuries to life-threatening accidents, each imposing its unique array of effects

on physical health and financial resources.

Despite the advances in construction safety equipment, technology, and

training, the construction industry continues to face high rates of fatal and nonfatal

injuries and accidents among its workers. A study conducted by Dr. Jinky Lu at the

National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila, stated that 3,032

cases of construction accidents were reported for the year 2017 in the capital city of

the country. This substantial number emphasizes the need for a continued push to

improve on-the-job safety for those working in the construction industry. Given the

vastness of the subject matter, the student researchers have decided to focus the study

on Ormoc City, Leyte.

Ormoc City, located in Leyte, Philippines, boasts a thriving construction

industry integral to its economic and urban development. The sector is driven by

various factors, including ongoing infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and

public buildings. As the city experiences economic growth and population expansion,

there is a consistent demand for new residential and commercial structures. Upon

careful observation, the student researchers observed a lax approach in this city

regarding the adherence to the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) guidelines set

forth by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Furthermore, upon

reviewing existing research papers, the student researchers discovered the lack of

investigation regarding construction accidents and their contributing factors in the

city. The student researchers are convinced that it is imperative to understand the

factors that underlie these accidents to develop safety improvement measures to


reduce the occurrence of construction accidents, and ultimately create a more secure

working environment in the continuously growing construction sector of the city.

The factors contributing to construction accidents are multifaceted and can

be broadly categorized into several key dimensions. These dimensions include

work team and workplace, materials, and equipment (Haslam et. al., 2005). This

research aims to delve into these contributing factors and shed light on the

complex interplay of elements that compromise safety within this industry.

Ultimately, the findings of this research will contribute to a deeper understanding

of the complexities surrounding construction accidents and provide valuable

insights for stakeholders, including construction companies, regulatory bodies,

workers, and researchers.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The principal aim of this research is to investigate construction accidents

from 2019-2023 within selected companies in Ormoc City and identify their key

contributing factors. Specifically, the study seeks to achieve the following:

1. Identify and report the prevalence rate of construction accidents per

company of interest.

2. Determine the key contributing factors of the identified accidents.

3. Investigate the relationship of the key contributing factors to the identified


4. Recommend safety improvement measures to reduce the occurrence of the

identified accidents.

1.3 Scope and Delimitations

Recognizing the dynamic development and substantial growth of the

construction industry in Ormoc City, Leyte, the student researchers decided to

focus the lens of their study on this area. The decision to focus on Ormoc City is

motivated by considerations of convenience, as the area is more accessible for their

research endeavors compared to larger urban centers such as Tacloban.

Additionally, Ormoc City boasts a higher concentration of construction companies

in comparison to neighboring cities such as Baybay City, thus increasing the

chances of collecting a significant amount of data for the study.

According to Hamid's study in 2008, it is recommended to encompass at

least five (5) years when investigating construction-related subjects. In light of

this, this study covered reported construction accidents from the years 2019 to

2023, a span of five (5) years. The study utilized accident reports obtained directly

from the construction firms in Ormoc City who consented to participate in the

study. The criteria for the selection of companies were the following: (1) Ormoc-

based company, (2) PCAB registered, (3) Projects handled are in Ormoc, and (4)

Category A and above company.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the reliability of the data gathered may be

compromised by potential errors or inaccuracies in the reporting mechanisms or

data entry procedures within the respective companies. This is where the principle

described by Lundberg et. al. (2019) called the WYLFIWYF - WYFIWYF

Principle comes into play. This acronym stands for “What You Look For Is What

You Find and What You Find Is What You Fix.” The WYLFIWYF Principle

underscores the importance of maintaining objectivity and open-mindedness in


research endeavors. It highlights the need for researchers to critically evaluate all

evidence, including data that may challenge their hypotheses, to ensure the validity

and reliability of their findings. By being aware of the WYLFIWYF Principle,

researchers can strive to mitigate biases and consider alternative perspectives,

ultimately enhancing the quality and integrity of their research outcomes.

The study is limited in terms of the applicability of results. The findings

may be specific to the companies that passed the criteria, and caution must be

exercised when generalizing the results to the whole construction industry of the

city. Each construction company operates with distinct practices and policies,

creating a large variability with other companies. As stated by the team’s

statistician, it is not ideal to aggregate the data gathered from the companies of

interest into a single analysis. Also, since the construction industry is dynamic,

new safety practices may emerge. Thus, the study may not capture real-time

changes, and its recommendations may need periodic updates.

1.4 Potential Impact of the Study

The potential impact of this research is far-reaching, with the anticipated

outcomes aimed to foster a safer working environment, reduce accident

occurrences, and serve as a foundation for improved adherence to safety standards.

Below, the researchers present the key potential impacts of the study.

Tailored Recommendations: The granular analysis of construction accidents per

construction company of interest is expected to yield insights that will enable the

tailoring of recommendations for the improvement of safety measures to specific


Risk Mitigation Strategies: By understanding the contributing factors of the

accidents, the study has the potential to propose concrete strategies for mitigating

risks associated with occupational safety in the construction sector. This may

include the development of proactive measures, technological interventions, and

comprehensive training programs aimed at reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Sustainable Industry Practices: Beyond immediate impacts, the study has the

potential to contribute to the long-term sustainability of the construction industry.

By recommending safety measures that help reduce the occurrence of construction

accidents, the study can promote resilience, adaptability, and longevity.

Strengthened Compliance Culture: The study's insights can contribute to the

development of strategies that reinforce a culture of compliance with DOLE

regulations. This may involve educational campaigns, incentivization programs, or

regulatory adjustments that promote a collective commitment to occupational

safety and health standards.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Accidents - refer to unforeseen and often undesirable events that cause harm,

damage, injury, or loss. In the context of construction or workplace safety,

accidents can involve various incidents such as injuries, property damage, or even


Caught-in - are accidents when someone is caught, crushed, squeezed,

compressed, or pinched between two or more objects.

Cuts/Wound/Puncture - a cut is a break or opening in the skin. A puncture is a

wound made by a pointed object such as a nail, knife, or sharp tooth.

Electrocution - an incident where a person comes into contact with an electrical

current, resulting in injury or death.

Equipment/Vehicular - property damage involving equipment or vehicles in

construction encompasses instances of collision, misuse, wear and tear, theft or

vandalism, and transportation accidents.

Fires and Burns - construction accidents involving burn-related injuries caused

by exposure to intense heat such as fire, bomb flash, hot solids, electrical flashes,

chemical destruction, and ultraviolet rays.

Immediate Factors - are the more proximate or direct elements that have an

instantaneous impact on an accident. These factors are typically closer in time and

space to the observed accidents and can directly trigger or influence specific

aspects of it.

Key Contributing Factors - are the primary elements or variables that

significantly influence or contribute to the occurrence of a particular outcome or


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Guidelines - are a set of regulations,

standards, and recommendations established by governmental bodies or relevant


organizations to ensure the safety, well-being, and health of workers in various

industries. These guidelines are designed to prevent workplace accidents, injuries,

and illnesses by providing a framework for employers and employees to follow.

Originating Factors – refer to the fundamental and overarching factors that set

the foundation for the development or emergence of an accident. These influences

often represent the broad and underlying forces that contribute to shaping the

context or environment of an accident.

Participants - refer to the construction companies/firms within the study area who

passed the selection criteria, agreed to disclose information, and become a part of

the study.

Prevalence Rate - is calculated by dividing the number of accidents per type by

the total number of cases then multiplying by 100 to express the result as a

percentage. This metric helps in assessing the magnitude of the problem and

guiding preventive measures and interventions.

Property Damage - refers to any harm or destruction inflicted on physical

structures, equipment, materials, or other property during construction activities.

Shaping Factors – encompass the specific elements, forces, or conditions that

actively mold and define the characteristics, structure, or trajectory of an


Slips and Falls - refers to an incident where a worker or anyone present on a

construction site loses their footing, traction, or balance, resulting in a fall. These

accidents can occur due to various factors such as slippery surfaces, uneven

terrain, inadequate safety measures, or negligence.

Struck-by - refers to a situation where a worker is hit or struck by an object such

as moving parts, heavy machinery, and materials being transported, lifted, or



With rapid urbanization and development, there has been a surge in

construction activities, paving the way for progress and job opportunities. However,

the construction sector bears the weight of a concerning issue – construction safety.

The construction industry is widely recognized as one of the risky sectors in terms of

workplace safety. Unfortunate events, which encompass a range of incidents from

near-misses up to fatalities pose a significant threat to the well-being of workers,

progress of construction projects, and overall safety standards of the industry.

2.1 Statistical Records on Construction Accidents

Despite the substantial contribution of the industry to the economic sector,

it is still associated with high numbers of injuries and fatalities. The construction

industry is still largely labor-intensive even with the mechanization of works.

According to the data gathered by the International Labour Organization (ILO),

one fatal accident for every 10 minutes occurs in the construction industry and one

in every six fatal accidents occurs in construction sites. This is estimated to be at

least 60,000 fatal accidents. Furthermore, construction accidents account for up to

25% to 40% of all work-related deaths in industrialized countries even though

there are only 6% to 10% of the employed workforce. This is similar or even

worse in developing countries.

Based on the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) statistics of a

developing country, Malaysia, the number of accidents reported in the construction


sector increased to 7,338 in 2016 from 4,330 in 2011, a 69.47% rise. Based on

databases and records kept by Malaysian authorities like the Department of

Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), 88 deaths occurred in the construction

industry in 2015 and it increased to 106 deaths in 2016. These figures, particularly

those involving fatalities, are concerning because they only include cases evaluated

by DOSH. If we include unreported cases, the figure rises (Hamid,2019).

In the Philippines, the construction industry employs 8.8% of the total

workforce participation. Precisely, this is about 3.50 million workers among 40.30

million employed individuals across various industries (Philippine Statistics

Authority, 2017). Injuries and fatalities from this sector rank sixth in the year 2015

and comprise 4% (2,155 incidents) of occupational injury and accident cases.

While the current statistics presented may connote a lower value, this may also

imply an understatement given the increasing trend of construction establishments

being registered each year. On a larger scale, this sector employs 7% of the

world’s labor force and accounts for 30%–40% of industrial accidents (Sunindijo

& Zou, 2012).

Currently, Statistics on Trends of Occupational Injury and Related Injuries

were identified in the study of Lu (2021). It showed that of the 2 million Filipinos

employed in the construction sector, there were 1,986 to 3,032 cases of

occupational injuries. In a research investigation, 30% of work-related injuries in

the field of construction are attributed to musculoskeletal disorders. Domingo et al.

found that various construction tasks, such as chipping, lay-outing, welding,

painting, demolishing, shoveling, lifting, grinding, scaffold erection, and hauling,

contribute to physical discomfort among Filipino construction workers.


Additionally, these workers face fire hazards that pose a risk of burn injuries,

particularly from electrical incidents, which are prevalent in developing countries.

A study conducted at the Philippine General Hospital revealed that 80.45% of

electrical burns were work-related, with 75.5% occurring among construction

workers. The primary cause of these occupational accidents was contact with

overhead electrical power lines using metal poles. Furthermore, 79.46% of patients

experienced high-voltage electrical injuries, 46.03% had severe electrical burns,

and 11.33% suffered associated trauma injuries. These are appalling data that

highlight the need for a concerted and coordinated effort to develop, implement,

and evaluate novel approaches to dealing with this consequential problem.

2.2 Trends in Construction Occupational Safety and Health

The occupational safety and health have become a very important focus in

providing action to the increasing number of accidents that occur in the construction

industry. Research in this field has evolved over time and this section provides a

literature review of its trends and application classified according to the Occupational

Safety and Health Cycle — Education and Training, Risk Assessment, and Risk


Education and Training. This area was given less focus on research with 1.8%

of the published papers in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

related to education and professional development (Pietroforte & Stefani, 2004).

However, Opfer (2011) discussed the significant changes in the construction safety

training of the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US-

OSHA) to improve its impact in the construction industry. The duration of the course

day, the required topic coverage in the course material, and, in most cases, the

restriction on having more than fifty pupils in a class are among these changes.

Moreover, the study entitled “The experience of burnout among future construction

professionals: A cross national study” by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) found out

that training courses for adjusting specific personality qualities may help to reduce

levels of staff burnout, as particular personality features appear to be the second most

significant predictor of burnout. It implies that training initiatives can improve

employees' capacity to recognize equipment issues, reducing the likelihood of


Risk Assessment. According to Sanchez and Pelaez (2017), this area, risk

identification and analysis, of the occupational safety and health cycle is the most

popular topic with 35.4% appearance on journals and articles. The trend started by a

mathematical evaluation for controlling hazards based on three factors — probability

of the accident happening, personnel exposure to the risk, and the severity of the

accident (Fine, 1971). From this, research approach on management of occupational

safety, quantifying occupational risk through modeling, and quantifying risk through

probability analysis were developed. Liu and Tsai (2012) proposed a fuzzy risk

assessment method that relates hazard causes with hazard types. The performance

evaluation results indicates the effectiveness of this method to provide satisfactory

risk assessment values of hazard causes and relevant improvement strategies like

visual checks.

Risk Prevention. 54 out of the 285 articles (20.4%) from the literature review

of Sanchez and Pelaez were focused on risk prevention. First, Hinze (1992) presented

the importance of the designer’s role as the decision makers for the construction work.

Gambatese (2005) took this idea further by conducting several thorough interviews

regarding the design for the construction worker’s safety. The results revealed

successful implementation of designing for safety such as proper training, and work

schedule management.

Occupational Safety and Health have garnered significant attention in

research. This review emphasizes the varied nature of addressing safety concerns in

construction, emphasizing the importance of complete approaches that include

education, risk assessment, and prevention strategies in order to successfully mitigate

risks and assure construction workers' well-being.

2.3 Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Construction

Construction works are inherently dangerous, but many risks can be

avoided and accidents can be prevented through the proper implementation of safe

work practices. For this purpose, construction safety standards were developed.

The International Labour Organization developed a code of practice for the safety

and health of construction to provide practical direction for all individuals, both in

the public and private sectors, who have obligations, responsibilities, duties, and

rights relating to construction safety and health.

The Philippines also follows a certain code of practice. The Occupational

Safety and Health (OSH) standards refer to a set of rules issued by the Department

of Labor and Employment (DOLE). It incorporates guidelines governing

occupational safety and health in the construction industry (Department Order No.

13). The guidelines are developed in the interest of ensuring the protection and

welfare of construction workers, the protection and welfare of the general public

within and around any construction worksite, and the promotion of harmonious

employer-employee relationships in the construction industry, and after

consultations with construction industry stakeholders, taking into account industry

practices (OSH DO No. 13, Series of 1998).

However, the problem lies in the implementation of these construction

safety standards. Though it is mandated and highly required to follow the set of

rules, the decision for the implementation is still dependent on the members of the

construction industry. According to Raheem et. al. (2014), developing countries

seldom follow the International Labour Organization’s construction safety

standards due to socioeconomic difficulties.

Generally, the status of health and safety in the construction sector is

reported to be declining. Consequently, this indicates the necessity of developing

an awareness and a comprehensive knowledge of the role of various stakeholders

in their contribution to construction health and safety improvement. Safety is

primarily developed through engineering programs, workforce training, and

implementation of directives by close compliance inspection (Laufer, 1987). More

importantly, an effective safety management system is significant in reducing the

high rate of occupational incidents and providing a more secure labor environment.

In an attempt to decrease accidents, several advantages can be derived, such as

improved productivity and decreased accidental spending from construction firms

(Jaafar et al., 2017).

Despite the considerable importance of construction safety, this practice

continues to be undervalued in most construction firms. Interestingly, despite

efforts to improve the current state of safety in this sector, it has been found that

the implementation of safety management systems appears to be of high

contribution (Teo & Ling, 2006). Moreover, a study by Idoro (2011) asserts that

among various stakeholders, contractors play a significant role in the execution

and influence of health and safety practices in construction firms.

Correspondingly, Cabahug (2013) conducted a survey on the

implementation of safety standards of ongoing construction projects in Cagayan de

Oro, Philippines to assess and evaluate the safety conditions and practices of

construction workers at the project site while the project is ongoing. A survey

questionnaire was given and actual field visits were conducted to gather

information using the checklist of Department Order No. 13, Occupational Safety

and Health (OSH) Standard practices of the Department of Labor and Employment

(DOLE). The findings revealed that standard safety practices were poorly

implemented in the field and that in most cases, standard safety requirements were

simply taken for granted.

2.4 Root Cause Analysis for Accident Prevention

Many researchers took this issue further by understanding the underlying

causes of accidents. Behm and Schneller (2012) highlighted that in order to

improve its poor safety performance, the construction industry must learn from its

mistakes and put the lessons learned to good use. Several other construction safety

scientists recognized that learning from previous accidents and near misses is

essential to prevent damaging incidents (Kletz, 2006; Lindberg et al., 2010;

Fahlbruch and Schobel, 2011). In line with this, several root cause analysis studies

were administered.

The study by Hamid, A. R. A., Majid, M. Z. A., and Singh, B. (2008) titled

"Causes of Accidents at Construction Sites" published in the Malaysian Journal of

Civil Engineering investigates the causes of accidents in the construction industry

based on recorded cases and studies how professionals’ perceive the causes.

Phases of the study's data collection process included a literature review, data

collection, and data analysis. A literature review was conducted to obtain pertinent

data from multiple sources, which will eventually be utilized for the following set

of objectives, to investigate the causes of accidents. The Department of

Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) documents from 2000 to 2004

were utilized thereafter to analyze the causes of accidents from cases that were

reported. The last goal was attained through the analysis of survey data from 116

respondents in Peninsular Malaysia. The findings demonstrated that a wide range

of factors, which are not limited to site conditions, unsafe devices, unsafe methods,

human factors, and management concerns, contribute to accidents. Therefore,

rather than reacting to the consequences of accidents, workers, managers, bosses,

and other governmental bodies should be proactive by treating the underlying

causes of accidents.

Furthermore, the study conducted by Haslam et. al (2005) titled

“Contributing Factors in Construction Accidents” takes a comprehensive approach

to examining the causes and contributing factors in accidents. The research

technique entails gathering and analyzing accident reports and data from different

locations of construction. Then, in order to determine common contributing causes,

these accidents are grouped and carefully examined. To learn more about the

underlying factors that lead to accidents in the construction sector, surveys and

interviews with experts and workers are also undertaken. The results of the study

show that there are numerous causes of construction accidents. The main

contributing causes are insufficient worker education and training, ineffective

communication, defects in machinery and tools, poor ergonomic workplace design,

physical and mental exhaustion, timetable demands, and weaknesses in safety

management systems. Hence, the study underlines how these many elements

frequently interact to cause accidents in the construction business.

To identify and assess factors that have an impact on accidents and risky

behavior related to construction works, Khosravi et al. (2014) carefully reviewed

the body of literature. The techniques entail synthesizing and summarizing a wide

range of studies and research articles that have been published in order to identify

recurring themes and patterns. The study's findings all point to risky workplace

practices and accidents, such as poor safety policies and supervision, lack of

training, insufficient experience, pressure to achieve deadlines, and site and

weather circumstances. The study also highlights how these components are

interconnected and complex, emphasizing how many different factors are

commonly combined to cause accidents rather than having a single underlying

reason. Reasons include (a) society, (b) organization, (c) project management, (d)

supervision, (e) contractors, (f) site conditions, (g) work groups, and (h) individual

characteristics. The review's findings confirmed the significance of intermediate

elements, such as society, organization, and project management. These elements

not only aid in preventing risky actions and accidents but also to close factors like

site conditions and human characteristics.


In the construction field, major infrastructures like dams and power plants

are just as important as buildings and bridges. According to Andrić et al. (2019),

construction works are prone to physical and environmental incidents. In his study,

which used 499 occurrences that occurred on Australian construction works over

an 8 year period, the root causes of incidents and the immediate responses are

identified using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The findings indicate that

equipment and plant failure, oil spills, and fuel spills were the most frequent event

causes, whereas flooding, bad weather, and process failures were the most

expensive incidents to mitigate. The most frequent post-incident actions included

cleaning and clearing, shutting down plants and equipment, and alerting people.

Therefore, this study provides strategies for project and environmental managers to

better understand potential environmental threats.

Another study by Lingard (2013) aims to give readers an extensive

understanding of the issues, procedures, and techniques surrounding Occupational

Safety and Health (OSH) in the building industry. The study goes on to examine

numerous causes of OSH problems in the construction industry, such as human

factors, organizational factors, and legal frameworks. In the subject of the

prevention of accidents, Lingard touches on human behavior, training, and

supervision. The article also emphasizes the significance of a strong safety culture

and the participation of all stakeholders in promoting a safer working environment,

including management and employees. The study also emphasizes the importance

of strong regulatory guidelines and standards for maintaining OSH compliance. In

creating and implementing safety laws, Lingard analyzes the function of

governmental organizations and business organizations. In summary, Lingard's


research offers a thorough analysis of occupational safety and health in the

construction sector. It highlights the complexity of OSH issues and provides

information on possible remedies. This study is an important resource for

academics, lawmakers, and construction industry experts who want to improve

safety procedures in the industry, thus boosting worker safety and the efficient

completion of construction projects.

On a local scale, there are only a few published studies on the cause

analysis of Philippine construction accidents. One study conducted in Leyte,

derived different root causes when a multiple causation approach was used to

identify causes of accidents in the construction of a shopping mall in Tacloban

City. The overall results found that unsafe acts of the workers on the construction

works were discovered as significant factors that caused the accidents. Also,

unorganized and untidy working areas cause accidents in working places (Treceñe,

2019). Moreover, construction workers believed that they needed more orientation

and training before starting their construction activities.

Based on the previous studies, theories derived from the cause analysis

vary depending on the data acquired and analyzed. The use of varying

investigation techniques also causes inconsistent results of casualties. This

inconsistency of results followed the principles described by Lundberg et. al.

(2019) using the acronym WYLFIWYF which stands for “What You Look For Is

What You Find” and WYFIWYF which means “What You Find Is What You

Fix.” The study gave importance to Accident investigation manuals which are

influential documents on various levels in a safety management system, therefore,

it is important to consider them in the light of what we currently know, or assume,


about the nature of accidents. In the study, it was found that the causes of the

incident discovered during an investigation reflect the assumptions of the incident

model, thus the WYLFIWYF principle.

2.5 Accident Causation Model

To provide valuable insights into the root causes of accidents and allow for

the development of effective preventive measures, accident causation models are

developed. The most widely used causation model is termed the Construction

Accident Causation (ConAC) Model. This is based on the understanding that

accidents in complex systems occur through the interaction of multiple factors

(Reason et. al., 2006; Hopkins, 2014). Haslam et. al (2003) implies the use of the

model to understand that all accidents are caused by multiple combinations of

factors (multi-casual) that coincide and cause the accident to occur.

The framework includes three levels of factors (Figure 2.1): immediate

factors, shaping factors, and originating factors. Worker/team factors, site factors,

material and equipment factors are the four types of immediate factors. Under

these are the shaping factors - factors considered to influence the immediate

factors. The double arrows in the model's center represent various two-way

Figure 2.1 The Construction Accident Causation Framework (Haslam et al., 2005)

Although the use of the Construction Accident Causation Model has been

established, there were still concerns regarding its objectivity. The classification of

the factors was found to be problematic since it was open to interpretation (Cooke and

Lingard, 2011; Behm and Schneller, 2013; Winge and Albrechtsen, 2019). With that,

they incorporated in their studies the operational definitions (Table 1) that further

describe the factors in the ConAC Framework.

Table 1. Operational definitions of the 23 factors used in this study. Based on Haslam

et al. (2005), Behm (2009), Behm and Schneller (2013), and Winge and Albrechtsen


Factors Description

Includes all acts at the ‘sharp end’ that have an

impact on the accident, violations of procedures,
Worker Actions taking shortcuts, and personal choice to overlook
and Behaviour risks (eg. not wearing PPE). Also refer to the
specific and immediate actions taken by a
worker in a given situation and their observable

It includes attributes such as physical strength,

endurance, agility, cognitive abilities (e.g.,
decision-making, problem-solving, avoiding
Worker mistakes), and proficiency in performing tasks.
Capabilities Includes factors like physical fitness for heavy
lifting, agility for navigating construction sites
Worker and Work Team
safely, and mental alertness for making quick
decisions in specific situations.

Lack of, or poor, communication at the

workgroup level, supervisory level, or the
organizational level and between organizations.
Communication Includes poor command of the language and lack
of safety communication from supervisors.
Includes the written communication such as
posted warnings as well as spoken words.

Attitude pertains to the mindset and beliefs of

workers regarding safety protocols and the
importance of adhering to safety guidelines.
Attitudes and Motivation refers to the driving forces that
Motivation influence workers' behavior, including their
willingness to adhere to safety protocols.
Motivation includes prizes for safety
performance, disciplinary measures, financial

incentives, priced work, payment methods, and


These are skill-related attributes that influence a

Knowledge and worker's ability to perform tasks safely and
Skills effectively. Consider questions such as, did the
worker/team have adequate training to know
how to do the job, use the equipment, and
identify hazards and risks associated with the

The supervisor is a key individual in accident

prevention, having daily contact with staff and
the opportunity to control unsafe conditions and
acts likely to cause accidents and plan the work
Immediate in a manner to reduce risk and identifiable
Supervision hazards. The assessment is based on (1)
inadequacies in controlling unsafe conditions
and acts likely to cause accidents, and (2)
planning the work in a manner to reduce risk and
identifiable hazards.

Worker Health/ Worker health/fatigue. (WINGE)


Hazards and risks that are specific to the site,

which should have been identified or somehow
Local Hazards managed or planned to avoid or minimize.
Examples include uneven terrain, collapse of
excavation and trenches, falling objects, and
electrical hazards.

Refers to the physical arrangement and

characteristics of the construction site, including
its layout, topography, spatial constraints, and
Site Layout and overall dimensions. Refers to the arrangement
Space and organization of various elements within the
construction site, including buildings, structures,
materials, equipment, access points, work areas,
and storage areas.

The work environment includes wet conditions,

thermal stressors, lights, noise, and other
Work Environment physical, and climatic factors involved in
influencing the factors involved in the incident.
Housekeeping Disorderly condition of trucks, equipment,
materials, and waste.

Poor pace of work, work sequencing, scheduling

Work Scheduling pressures, and other factors affecting the safety
and health of workers in relation to work
preparation and arrangement.

Refer to limitations and restrictions present at a

Site Constraints construction site. Examples are limited space,
adjacent structures/utilities, environmental
considerations, and regulatory requirements.

Unsafe condition of materials/equipment (eg.

Lack of proper maintenance).

Lack of/limited functionality of the

Usability materials/equipment or lack of
materials/equipment themselves.
Materials/equipment utilized not suitable for the
Suitability job and task to be performed. Materials/
equipment used for other types of work than
meant for.

Poor designs and specifications of materials and

Design and equipment. The specified properties, quality
Specification standards, and installation methods for each
material are not followed.

Poor supply and availability of materials and

Supply and equipment which results in the use of substitutes
Availability or lower-quality materials that do not meet safety



3.1 Area of the Study

Ormoc City is a first class-independent component city in the Eastern Visayas

region of the Philippines. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of

230,998 inhabitants, making it the second most populous city in the province of Leyte

after the provincial capital of Tacloban (PhilAtlas, 2020). Ormoc is a highly urbanized

coastal port city, serving as the economic, cultural, commercial, and transportation

hub of western Leyte. In recent years, Ormoc City's economic development has

attracted investments in commercial and industrial projects. This includes the

construction of shopping malls, office buildings, warehouses, and manufacturing

facilities to support local businesses and industries. Also, the city has been undergoing

various infrastructure projects aimed at improving transportation, utilities, and public

facilities. This includes road expansions, bridge constructions, drainage systems, and

upgrades to water and power infrastructure.

3.2 Research Design

This research design entailed a quantitative research approach. Quantitative

data were collected, summarized, and filtered based on key constructs and theoretical

frameworks gathered from existing literature. This refined data then underwent

statistical analysis, employing both descriptive and inferential methods and

multivariate analysis to explore the simultaneous impact of multiple factors on an

accident. By combining the numerical findings with existing theories, this study

endeavored to better understand the nature of construction accidents, ultimately

forming evidence-based recommendations for safety improvement measures to reduce

the occurrence of construction accidents. The schematic representation in Figure 3.1

outlines the overall workflow followed in accomplishing the research objectives.

Figure 3.1 Workflow diagram of the study

3.3 Conceptual Framework

The selected framework for this research is the Construction Accident

Causation (ConAC) framework, outlined by Haslam et al. in 2005. The ConAC

framework emerged through an inductive process involving focus groups and an in-

depth examination of 100 construction accidents. The decision to use this framework

is grounded in three main considerations. Firstly, it is rooted in established accident

theories and models, such as an ergonomics systems approach (Haslam et al., 2005),

situating it within the construction industry context as presented by Reason (1997)


(Lingard and Rowlinson, 2005, p. 30). Secondly, the framework has been applied in

diverse construction settings and countries by other studies (Cooke and Lingard,

2011; Lingard et al., 2013; Behm and Schneller, 2013), demonstrating its "sufficiently

generalizable" terminology that can be applied to various construction accident

scenarios, offering organizational learning opportunities at both the operational site

level and the project management or design level (Gibb et al., 2014, p. 457). Thirdly,

the operational definitions of the framework's factors have been meticulously

documented in the original research and subsequent studies, facilitating ease of


The independent variables are the various factors categorized into three

groups; namely, workers and work team, workplace, and materials/equipment while

the dependent variable is the occurrence of the construction accidents. The influence

of the independent variables on the dependent variable is outlined below.


Occurrence of

Figure 3.2 Variables of the Study

3.4 Methods of Data Collection

This study employed a single approach method wherein the required

quantitative data were directly obtained from the participants of the study. The

researchers searched for construction companies in Ormoc City that passed the

company selection criteria. A formal request letter was sent personally to the potential

participants, expressing the extent of their involvement and the scope of the data that

will be needed for the study. When the request was approved, a non-disclosure

agreement was established between the participating construction companies and the

researchers to give assurance that the data would be handled with utmost


Figure 3.3. Data Gathering from Participating Company

The reports were summarized in an objective manner which entails a concise

description of the accident, its causes, and the date of the incident. The summarized

accident reports were used to ensure that any information that has a potential breach

of confidentiality was filtered out. The figure presented below entails the detailed

process of the collection of quantitative data.


Figure 3.4 Methods of Data Collection

3.4.1 Company Selection Criteria

The researchers sought out construction companies in Ormoc City that

met the following predefined selection criteria.

1. Ormoc-Based Company - Given that the focus of the study is

Ormoc City, it is imperative that the participating companies are

based within Ormoc. This ensures that the findings directly benefit

the local community.

2. PCAB Registered - PCAB registration indicates that the company

meets certain standards and qualifications set by the government. It

ensures that the company adheres to industry regulations, safety

standards, and ethical practices, enhancing credibility and

reliability. This criterion was also included to conveniently locate

the companies and gather background information about them.


3. Projects Handled are in Ormoc - As there are construction

companies that are in Ormoc but handle projects outside of the city,

the researchers only included construction accident reports from

construction projects within Ormoc so that the impact of the study

is directly on the construction industry of the city.

4. Category A Company Size - Category A companies are often

better equipped to handle large-scale projects and they have a

broader scope of services. Thus, this group of companies is critical

to be studied. Also, they offer more comprehensive data and

insights for research purposes.

The researchers were able to identify nine (9) construction companies that

passed the criteria. However, only seven (7) companies agreed to their request,

contributing 77.78% of the established population.

3.5 Methods of Data Analysis

This research employed statistical analysis methods suitable for interpreting

the collected data. These methods were utilized to identify patterns and trends,

ultimately providing insights to guide the formulation of recommendations for safety

improvement measures in construction sites.

3.5.1 Analysis of Prevalence of Construction Accidents

The study utilized descriptive statistical analysis to provide basic

information about the variables. Specifically, the percentage of prevalence rate

of an accident was measured by dividing the number of cases for a specific


type of accident by the total number of accident cases in the report. This is to

provide information about the relative weight of each type of accident.

3.5.2 Modeling the Type of Accident

In the modeling process, the student researchers first identified the

contributing factors of construction accidents through a Presence/Absence

Indicator method. A 0 value is placed for the absence of the factor, and a value

of 1 for the presence of a factor. They referred to the operational definitions

developed by Behm and Scheller (2009) from the Construction Accident

Causation (ConAC) framework by Haslam et. al (2005). However, for this

study, only eighteen (18) operational definitions were used since the

originating factors cannot be accurately determined due to the inadequacy of

information from the reports. The identification of contributing factors was

guided by the expertise of a professional civil engineer.

In identifying the contributing factors of the accidents, the student

researchers applied the principle from the study of Lundberg (2009) termed as

“What You Look For Is What You Find (WYLFIWYF) and What You Find Is

What You Fix (WYFIWYF)”. This principle helps mitigate biases and

assumptions, ensuring that conclusions are based on objective evidence rather

than subjective interpretations. Consequently, the recommendations

formulated at the end of this study were tailored per construction company of

interest, as it is assumed that each company will have different construction

accidents and different sets of contributing factors due to the difference in

safety practices and protocols being followed by the company.


In modeling the multiple types of accidents per company of interest,

the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) method was considered. This

method is a nonparametric modeling that is usually performed to produce rules

that would classify the category of accident given the identified factors.

Initially, the factors were identified based on their relative importance,

regardless if they were immediate factors or shaping factors. Important factors

are factors that can significantly contribute to the variation of the outcomes.

Then, the identified important factors were only considered in the next step

which is the splitting. The important factors were split to return the type of

accident in a particular company to maximize the homogeneity within each of

the groups/clusters formed. This process was then repeated over and over,

yielding a set of rules. Three (3) important parts should be noted in the

decision tree model and these are as follows:

1. Root Node

The topmost node is called the root node. It implies the best

predictor (independent variable).

2. Terminal Node

It holds the final classification outcome where there is no splitting

anymore; this is also called the leaf. The terminal nodes can be found

in the bottom part of the classification tree.

3. Internal Node

The nodes in which predictors (independent variables) are tested

and each branch represents an outcome of the test. These are the boxes

that can be found between the root node and the terminal nodes, in

short these are sub-nodes.

3.5.3 Assessment of the Reliability of the CART Models

A confusion matrix was created to assess the performance of the CART.

Ideally, the number of predicted accidents should be equal to the number of a

particular actual type of accident; hence, the off-diagonals of the matrix should be

equal to 0. The overall sensitivity, specificity, precision, detection rate, detection

prevalence, and balanced accuracy are metrics interpreted using the confusion matrix.

The interpretation of these metrics is as follows:

 Sensitivity: The percentage of actual cases with the type of accident that

were correctly identified by the fitted CART.

 Specificity: The percentage of the actual cases without that type of accident

that were correctly identified by the model.

 Precision: The percentage of predictions with that type of accident.

 Detection Rate: The percentage of actual cases with the type of accident that

were correctly detected by the model.

 Detection Prevalence: The percentage predicted as the type of accident by

the model.

 Balanced Accuracy: The average sensitivity and specificity, providing a

balanced assessment of the model’s performance for predicting a type of

accident per company of interest.

3.5.4 Identification of the Key Contributing Factors

From the results of the CART Analysis, the contributing factors were

identified by computing the variable importance. Variable importance


measures the contribution of each predictor variable to the overall

performance of the model. It indicates how much the model's predictive

accuracy would decrease if a particular variable were removed. The variable

with the highest importance score is set as the most important variable, and the

other variables follow in order of importance. The key contributing factors,

however, are identified by referring to the decision tree model. While a

variable has a high importance value, it may not meet the criteria for splitting

nodes at any point in the tree-building process, leading to its exclusion. That is

why contributing factors with low importance scores are not observed in the

final model and, thus, are not considered key contributors.

3.6 Formulation of Safety Measures Recommendations

After the key contributing factors were identified, the student

researchers proceeded to formulate safety measures recommendations. The

recommendations were tailored per company of interest and were grounded on

published studies and official guidelines such as the DOLE Department Order

No. 13 and the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards 2020

Edition. The results of the study were then compiled, summarized, and given

to each participating company. The format of the recommendation includes a

brief discussion of the background of the study, the objectives, the results of

the company’s accident analysis, and the safety improvement measures

recommended. A copy of the factor’s operational definition was also provided

to guide the companies in interpreting the results.



A total of one hundred thirty-seven (137) construction accidents from the

years 2019-2023 were gathered and analyzed from seven (7) participating companies

in Ormoc City. Company 1 contributed twenty-six (26) accident reports, accounting

for 18.98% of the total. Company 2 recorded fourteen (14) construction accidents,

which represented 10.22% of the total gathered reports. Meanwhile, Company 3

contributed seventeen (17) cases, accounting for 12.41% of the total. Enriching the

dataset further, Company 4 contributed twenty-two (22) accident cases, making up

16.06% of the total accidents. Similarly, Company 5 added fifteen (15) cases to the

analysis, comprising 10.95% of the total. Company 6 also contributed twenty-one (21)

accident cases contributing 15.33% of the total accidents. Lastly, completing the

dataset, Company 7 disclosed twenty-two (22) cases of construction accidents,

capturing a significant 16% of the total accident rate across the seven companies.

Improvement and enforcement of safety measures were recommended to

minimize the risks for each key contributing factor. The recommendations made by

this study, however, are not restricted to a specific key contributing factor; rather, they

may apply to other important factors as well. As it is assumed that each company will

have different construction accidents and different sets of contributing factors due to

the difference in safety practices and protocols being followed, the analysis of these

accidents was done per company of interest.


4.1 Company 1

The researchers gathered a total of twenty-six (26) construction accident cases

from Company 1. The prevalence rate for each accident type is presented in Figure

4.1.1 below. Results showed that the most prevalent accident type is

equipment/vehicular (9 cases), followed by property damage (5 cases), struck-by (8

cases), and others which consist of caught-in and slips and falls (4 cases).

Figure 4.1.1 Prevalence rate of construction accidents in Company 1

Using the operational definitions of the ConAC Framework, the researchers

identified the contributing factors of each case using the Presence (1) and Absence (0)

method. Thirteen (13) contributing factors from the Framework were identified as

shown in the table below.


Table 4.1.1. Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 1


1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
11 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
12 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
15 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
19 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
20 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
21 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
24 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
25 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
26 0 1 0 0 0 0 1



1 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 1 0 0 0
18 1 0 0 1 0 0
19 1 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 1 0 0 0 0 0
23 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0

7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 1 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0 0 0
23 0 0 0 0 0
24 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 0 0 0 0

As shown in Table 4.1.2 below, the findings from the CART analysis

indicated the presence of seven (7) contributing factors to accidents within Company

1. Local Hazards has the highest relative importance rate of 28.38%. This implies that

hazards and risks that are specific to the site may not have been identified, managed,

or minimized which led to accidents. The next key factor is the Communication

Factor which has a value of 16.54%. This suggests a lack of, or poor, communication

at the workgroup level, supervisory level, or organizational level which led to

accidents. The Suitability Factor followed with a value of 13.77%. This suggests that

accidents occurred due to the lack of/limited functionality of the materials/equipment

or lack of materials/equipment themselves. Other factors with lesser relative

importance are as follows: Condition (12.97%), Worker Health/Fatigue (12.97%),


Immediate Supervision (12.34%), and Design and Specification (3.24%). Among

these factors, only six (6) were further used to model the classification tree model (see

Figure 4.1.2)

Table 4.1.2. Variable importance for the type of accidents in Company 1

Factor Variable Importance

Local Hazards 28.38%

Communication 16.54%

Suitability 13.77%

Condition 12.97%

Worker Health/Fatigue 12.76%

Immediate Supervision 12.34%

Design and Specification 3.24%

For Company 1, the confusion matrix is presented in Table 4.1.3 below. Here,

it can be seen that only four (4) cases with of equipment/vehicular accident were

correctly classified, only two (2) property damage accidents were correctly classified,

and three (3) other types of accidents (caught in and slips and falls) were also

correctly classified; on the other hand, the struck-by accidents were perfectly


Table 4.1.3. Confusion matrix for the type of accidents in Company 1

Predicted Actual
Equipment/ Struck-by Property Others
Vehicular Damage

Equipment/ 4 0 1 0

Struck-by 5 8 2 1
Property Damage 0 0 2 0
Others 0 0 0 3

From the table above, the observed overall accuracy of the CART is 65.38%

with a 95% confidence interval of 44.33% and 82.79%. This suggests that the CART

model used in Company 1 was able to correctly classify the type of accident with a

misclassification error rate of 34.62%. Furthermore, Table 4.1.4 below summarizes

the predictive performance of grouping the four (4) types of accidents using the

factors considered in the study.

Table 4.1.4. Predictive performance of the model in Company 1

Metric Equipment/Vehicular Struck-by Property Damage Others

Sensitivity 44.44% 100.00% 40.00% 75.00%

Specificity 94.12% 55.56% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 80.00% 50.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 34.62% 30.77% 19.23% 15.38%
Detection Rate 15.38% 30.77% 7.69% 11.54%
Detection 19.23% 61.54% 7.69% 11.54%
Balanced Accuracy 69.28% 77.78% 70.00% 87.50%

From the seven (7) important factors involved in the accident cases of

Company 1, only six (6) factors were further used in the final model of the

classification tree. As observed in the figure below, the Communication Factor is at

the root node of the tree as it is the best predictor for the accident types. Furthermore,

at this node, the predicted accident type is Equipment/Vehicular with a predicted

probability of 35%.

Figure 4.1.2 Classific

The classification tree can be easily interpreted using rules presented in Table

4.1.5. The rules derived from the classification tree can be interpreted in a simple

context of “if” and “then” based statements and thus are self-explanatory. The

corresponding rules in classifying the type of the accidents are presented below.

Table 4.1.5. Rules derived from the classification tree of Company 1

Rule Condition

1 If communication factor is present, then there is 100% chance that the

accident is equipment/vehicular.

2 If there is no presence of communication factor but the worker health/fatigue

factor is present, then there is 100% chance that the accident is classified as


3 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue

factor but there is immediate supervision and local hazards, then there is

100% chance that the accident is classified as others.

4 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue

factor but there is immediate supervision with no local hazards, then there is

100% chance that the accident is classified as property damage.

5 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue

factor and there is no immediate supervision, but condition and local hazards

factors are both present, then there is 100% chance that the accident is

classified as others.

6 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue

factor and there is no immediate supervision, but condition factor is present

without local hazards, then there is approximately 67% chance that the

accident is classified as equipment/vehicular and 33% chance that the

accident is classified as property damage.

7 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue


factor and there is no immediate supervision including condition factor, but

suitability factor is present, then there is a 100% chance that the accident is

classified as property damage.

8 If there is no presence of communication factor nor worker health/fatigue

factor and there is no immediate supervision including condition and

suitability factors, then there is 50% chance that the accident is classified as

struck-by, 31% chance as equipment/vehicular, 12% chance as property

damage, and 6% chance as others.

Based on the identified key contributing factors, the student researchers

recommend the following safety measures:

1. Local Hazards (28.38%)

a. Training and Education: Accident reports from Company 1 highlighted

that workers often failed to recognize local hazards, leading to accidents.

Thus, it is recommended to provide comprehensive training to workers on

recognizing and mitigating local hazard factors in accordance with Rule

1031 of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standard which

highlights the need for training programs either directly or through

accredited organizations to increase the supply and competency of the

workers. The training should include specific modules on hazard

awareness, emergency procedures, and safe work practices relevant to the

construction site environment (Clark & Wood, 2006).

b. Localized Safety Signage: Some accident reports entailed that the

workers failed to recognize the local hazards present on the site due to a

lack of warning signs. To address this, it is recommended to install

localized safety signage indicating specific hazards present in the area,

such as steep slopes, unstable terrain, or bodies of water. The signage

should also be prominently displayed and easily visible to workers

including visitors (Clark & Wood, 2006). Furthermore, it is

recommended from Section 9 of the OSH Standards that the language

used in the signage should be in a language that is understandable to most

of the workers employed.

c. Comprehensive Hazard Assessment: The construction site, as it is, is

already considered a hazardous workplace according to Rule 1013 of the

OSH standards. With this, it is recommended to conduct a thorough

hazard assessment of the construction site. Factors including local

environmental factors such as weather conditions and geological features

must be recognized. Weather conditions may include high winds, or

extreme temperatures while geological features may include landslides,

sinkholes, or seismic risks. Especially regarding the geological features, a

good percentage of the reports stated that unstable grounds and steep

slopes significantly contributed to the occurrence of accidents (Clark &

Wood, 2006).

2. Communication (16.54%)

a. Enhanced Communication Training: Figure 4.1.2 shows that when

communication between the workers is lacking or ineffective, then there

is a 100% chance that the predicted accident is equipment/vehicular. This

result is further supported by the actual reports as they revealed that the

lack of spotters and miscommunication between spotters and drivers play

a great role in the occurrence of equipment/vehicular accidents. To

address this, it is recommended to provide comprehensive training

programs for all personnel, emphasizing the importance of clear

communication. This training should cover effective communication

techniques, such as hand signals and radio communication, as well as

protocols for coordinating with spotters and other workers on the site

(Teizer et al. 2010). The training content, especially for operating

equipment, may be rooted in Rule 1416 of the OSH 2020 Standard. This

section discusses the communication techniques that signal men can use to

assist the operator.

b. Utilize Communication Technologies: It is recommended to invest in

two-way radios to enable instant voice communication between workers,

supervisors, and equipment operators, regardless of their location within

the construction site. These tools allow real-time communication

capability for quicker information dissemination, better coordination

among workers, quick decision-making, and timely response to

emergencies or changing circumstances (Lingard et al, 2016). Studies

such as those conducted by Wong and Yiu (2015) have demonstrated that

the use of two-way radios minimizes the risk of miscommunication and

misunderstandings among workers, leading to fewer errors and accidents

(Teizer et al. 2010).

3. Suitability (13.77%)

a. Job-Specific Equipment Training: The accident reports revealed

accident cases that occurred due to the use of equipment not suitable for

the job. Thus, it is recommended to provide comprehensive training to

workers on the proper use of materials and equipment specific to their

assigned tasks. Research by Hinze and Thurman (2014) emphasizes the

importance of job-specific training in preventing accidents caused by

equipment or tool misuse. The Bureau, in Rule 1031 of the OSH Standard,

prescribes that training programs shall contain provisions of the latest

trends, practices, and technology in occupational safety and health.

b. Equipment Inspection Protocols: It is recommended to implement

regular inspection protocols to ensure that materials and equipment are

suitable and in good working condition for the intended tasks. A study

conducted by Jisu Lee (2018) highlighted the effectiveness of proactive

equipment inspection in reducing the risk of accidents. Equipment

Inspection is a specific activity for Routine Inspections mandated in

Section 10.2.3 of the OSH 2020 Standard where a logbook should be kept

by the general contractor and the equipment owner as a necessary

reference of the inspection.

c. Task Analysis and Job Planning: It is recommended to conduct

thorough task analysis and job planning to ensure that materials and

equipment are selected based on their suitability for the intended tasks. A

study by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) underscores the importance of

proactive planning in preventing accidents caused by mismatched

materials and equipment.


4. Condition (12.97%)

a. Regular Maintenance and Inspection: It is recommended to implement

a proactive maintenance program to ensure that materials and equipment

are regularly inspected, serviced, and maintained in optimal condition.

Also, establish scheduled equipment checks before each use to identify

any signs of wear, damage, or malfunction. Daily routine inspections are

mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards in the interest

of preventing accidents in the construction site. A study by Jisu Lee

(2018) demonstrates that scheduled checks are a key step that help detect

potential safety hazards before they lead to accidents.

b. Prompt Repair or Replacement: It is recommended to address any

identified issues or defects promptly through repair or replacement of

materials and equipment. A study by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005)

highlights the significance of timely interventions in mitigating accidents

caused by unsafe equipment conditions.

c. Training on Equipment Inspection: It is recommended to provide

training to mechanics and operators on how to properly inspect materials

and equipment for signs of damage or deterioration. The same

aforementioned study by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) suggests that

training programs can enhance workers' ability to identify problems with

equipment and thus mitigate the occurrence of accidents. It is further

suggested that training on these workers is done in accordance with

standards set by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) since


equipment that does not comply with the minimum certification may be

immediately removed from the work site for restoration or repair.

5. Worker Health/Fatigue (12.76%)

a. Monitor and Address Workload: It is recommended to regularly

monitor workload levels and adjust staffing or task assignments as

needed to prevent excessive fatigue among workers. A study by Carayon

et al. (2006) highlights the importance of workload management in

minimizing the risk of fatigue-related errors and accidents. This strategy

may be provided to comply with the mandated function of occupational

health services in Rule 1961.03 of the OSH 2020 Standards. This

recommendation can serve as a surveillance of the worker’s health in

relation to work, as well as the factors which may affect their well-being.

b. Encourage Open Communication: It is a common occurrence that

workers still report on duty even though they are feeling unwell. Thus, it

is recommended to create a culture of open communication where

workers feel comfortable discussing concerns related to fatigue and

workload with supervisors and colleagues. A study by Gander (2007)

indicates that effective communication channels can help identify and

address fatigue-related issues before they escalate into accidents.

c. Provide Access to Support Services: It is recommended to offer access

to support services such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) or

counseling services to help workers manage stress and mental health

issues that may contribute to fatigue. A study by Bambra (2008)

suggests that providing support services can improve worker well-being


and resilience to fatigue. There are also provisions for large-scale

establishments in Rule 1960: Occupational Health Services of the OSH

Standards that can be used in planning to provide access to support

services. This may include programs such as Health Examinations,

Health Counseling, Immunization programs, and nutrition programs.

6. Immediate Supervision (12.34%)

a. Provide Adequate Training for Supervisors: It is recommended to

ensure that supervisors receive comprehensive training on safety

procedures, hazard recognition, and effective communication skills. A

study by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) emphasizes the importance of

well-trained supervisors in promoting safety on construction sites. The

safety training to be provided may follow the same provisions for

training a safety personnel according to Section 13 of the OSH 2020

Standards to establish coordination in taking actions to eliminate

accident causes.

b. Ensure Adequate Supervisory Coverage: It is recommended to ensure

that construction sites have sufficient supervisory coverage to effectively

monitor work activities and address safety concerns in a timely manner.

Adequate coverage ensures that the supervisor acts in an advisory

capacity on all matters, especially on safety for the guidance of the

workers. The same study by Lingard and Rowlinson (2005) indicates

that inadequate supervision can increase the risk of accidents.


4.2 Company 2

A total of fourteen (14) construction accidents records were retrieved from

Company 2. These accidents were categorized primarily into four types — Slips &

Falls, Cuts/Wounds/Puncture, Struck-by, and Others which consisted of Electrocution

and Equipment/Vehicular. Among these categories, Slips & Falls accounted for the

highest prevalence rate at 35.71%, with five (5) cases. Following that, all other three

categories accounted for 21.43% each of the total cases, each having three (3) cases.

The distribution of these accidents based on their prevalence rates is illustrated in the

Figure 4.2.1 below.

Figure 4.2.1. Prevalence rate of construction accidents in Company 2

Using the operational definitions of the ConAC Framework, the researchers

identified the contributing factors of each case using the Presence (1) and Absence (0)

method. Table 4.2.1 below presents 13 identified contributing factors for this


Table 4.2.1. Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 2


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
10 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
11 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
14 0 1 0 0 0 0 1



1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 1 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 1 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 1 1 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 1 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 0 0 1



1 0 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 1 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0

As shown in Table 4.2.2, the findings from CART analysis indicate the

presence of eight (8) key contributing factors to accidents within Company 2. Worker

Actions and Behaviour has the highest relative importance rate of 19.32%. This

implies that the workers violated safety procedures, took shortcuts, and personally

chose to overlook risks (eg. not wearing PPE) which led to accidents. The second

highest factor is Worker Capabilities with a value of 17.05%. This implies that there

may have been deficiencies in the attributes of workers such as physical strength,

endurance, agility, cognitive abilities (e.g., decision-making, problem-solving,

avoiding mistakes), and proficiency in performing tasks. The third highest factor is

the Work Environment with a value of 14.58%. This highlights that the company may

have lacked in mitigating environmental conditions such as wet conditions, thermal

stressors, lights, and noise. Other factors with lesser relative importance are as

follows: Housekeeping (13.59%), Attitudes and Motivation (12.23%), Usability

(10.33%), Local Hazards (9.66%) and Immediate Supervision (3.22%). Among these

factors, only six (6) were further used to model the classification tree model (see

Figure 4.2.2)

Table 4.2.2. Variable importance for the type of accidents in Company 2

Factor Variable Importance

Worker Actions & Behaviors 19.32%

Worker Capabilities 17.05%

Work Environment 14.58%

Housekeeping 13.59%

Attitudes & Motivations 12.23%

Usability 10.33%

Local Hazards 9.66%

Immediate Supervision 3.22%

For Company 2, the confusion matrix is presented in Table 4.2.3 below. Here,

it can be observed that the number of predicted accidents corresponds to the actual

number of accidents. Thus, all four (4) categories of accidents, namely slips and falls,

struck-by, cuts, others (electrocution and Equipment/Vehicular), were perfectly


Table 4.2.3. Confusion matrix for the type of accidents in Company 2

Predicted Actual

Slips and Struck-by Cuts Others


Slips and Falls 5 0 0 0

Struck-by 0 3 0 0

Cuts 0 0 3 0

Others 0 0 0 3

From the table above, the overall accuracy of the CART is 100% with a 95%

confidence interval of 76.84% and 100%. This suggests that the CART model used in

Company 2 was able to perfectly classify the type of accident with a misclassification

error rate of 0%. Furthermore, Table 4.2.4 below summarizes the predictive

performance of grouping the four (4) types of accidents using the factors considered

in the study.

Table 4.2.4. Predictive Performance of the model in Company 2

Metric Slips and Falls Struck-by Cuts Others

Sensitivity 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Specificity 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 35.71% 21.43% 21.43% 21.43%
Detection Rate 35.71% 21.43% 21.43% 21.43%
Detection Prevalence 35.71% 21.43% 21.43% 21.43%
Balanced Accuracy 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

From the eight (8) factors involved in the accident cases of Company 2, only

six (6) factors were further used in the final model of the classification tree presented

in Figure 4.2.2 below. The model identified the absence of the workers & actions

factor as the best predictor and the slips and falls as the predicted accident with a

predicted probability of 36%.

Additionally, understanding Figure 4.2.2 is made simple through the use of

rules. Derived from the classification tree, these rules are simply expressed in "if" and

"then" statements, making them easily comprehensible. Below are the corresponding

rules for classifying the types of accidents.

Table 4.2.5. Rules derived from the Classification and Regression Tree of Company 2

Rul Condition

1 If there is an absence of worker actions and behavior factor, work

environment factor, worker capabilities factor, and housekeeping factor,

then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as Slips and


2 If there is an absence of worker actions and behavior factor, work

environment factor, worker capabilities factor, but the housekeeping factor

is present, then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as


3 If there is an absence of worker actions and behavior factor, work

environment factor, but the worker capabilities factor is present, then there is

a 100% probability that the accident is classified, also, as Cuts.

4 If there is an absence of worker actions and behavior factor, but the work

environment factor is present, then there is a 100% probability that the

accident is classified as Struck-by.

5 If there is a presence of the worker actions & behaviour factor, and the

usability factor is also present, then the probability of classifying the

accident as Cuts is 100%

6 If the worker actions & behavior factor is present, the usability factor is

absent, but the worker capabilities factor is also present, then there is a

100% probability that the accident is classified as Struck-by.

7 If the worker actions & behavior factor is present, the usability factor and

the worker capabilities factor is absent, but there is also a presence of the

attitude and motivation factor, then the probability for the accident to be

classified as Struck-by is 100%.

8 If the worker actions & behavior factor is present, but the usability factor,

the worker capabilities factor, and the attitude and motivation factor is

absent, then the probability for the accident to be classified as others is


Based on the identified key contributing factors, the student researchers

recommend the following safety measures:

1. Worker Actions and Behaviour (19.32%)

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The accidents reports in

Company 2 entailed that some of the accidents involving the Worker

Actions and Behaviour factor involved workers without PPE. With

this, it is recommended to provide appropriate and sufficient PPE to

workers in accordance with Rule 1080 of the Occupational Safety And

Health Standards (OSHS) based on the specific hazards present at the


construction site. This may include safety helmets, high-visibility

clothing, gloves, safety glasses, and footwear with slip-resistant soles.

2. Enforce Consequences with Positive Reinforcement: The study

findings of Lingard and Johns (2017) revealed that despite the

company's provision of complete PPE, some workers chose not to wear

them, leading to increased risks of occupational hazards. To address

this issue, the study recommended establishing clear consequences for

non-compliance with PPE policies, such as verbal warnings, written

warnings, and disciplinary actions. The consistent enforcement of

consequences was emphasized to demonstrate the seriousness of safety

violations and promote accountability among workers. Additionally,

the study suggested providing positive reinforcement by recognizing

and rewarding workers who consistently comply with PPE

requirements, which could include verbal praise, incentives, or

acknowledgment in safety meetings.

3. Offer Behavioral Safety Programs: The common reason why

workers sometimes choose not to follow safety protocols is that they

lack awareness and risk perception (Lingard, 2005). Thus, it is

recommended to implement behavioral safety programs that focus on

observing and addressing unsafe behaviors, misconceptions about risk,

and encourages workers to accurately assess and prioritize safety in

their work environment. As stated in DOLE DO. 13, no person shall be

deployed in a construction site unless he has undergone a safety and

health awareness seminar conducted by the Occupational Safety and


Health Center (OSHC), BWC and other concerned offices of DOLE or

by safety professionals or safety organizations or other institutions

DOLE has accredited or recognized.

2. Worker Capabilities (17.05%)

1. Conduct Pre-Employment Assessment: It is a common practice to

hire workers based on recommendations from other employees without

thorough assessment. With this, it is recommended to conduct pre-

employment screening for construction workers which involves

assessing applicants to ensure they possess the necessary physical and

cognitive abilities for the job. This includes evaluating physical fitness

through tests of strength, endurance, and flexibility, assessing

cognitive skills such as decision-making and problem-solving, and

reviewing past experience to gauge proficiency and familiarity with

construction tasks and safety protocols. By conducting comprehensive

screenings encompassing these aspects, employers can select

candidates best suited to the demands of construction work, reducing

the risk of accidents and injuries on-site (Gouttebarge, 2019).

2. Training and Education Programs: It is recommended to implement

comprehensive training programs focusing on physical fitness, agility,

and cognitive skills relevant to construction tasks. Workers should be

trained in proper lifting techniques, navigating hazardous areas, and

making quick decisions under pressure. This can include simulation

exercises to enhance decision-making skills. (Hallowell et al., 2017)

3. Work Environment (14.58%)


1. Accident Prevention in Wet Conditions: Majority of the accident

reports in Company 2 involved slipping and falling due to wet

conditions in the workplace. With this, it is recommended to ensure

proper drainage systems are in place to minimize standing water. The

use of non-slip surfaces or anti-slip coatings on walkways and working

platforms would also help reduce the chances of accidents. Also, it is

recommended to implement regular cleaning and maintenance

procedures to remove debris and spills promptly (OSHA, 2021).

4. Housekeeping (13.59%)

1. Establish Clear Housekeeping Procedures: It is recommended to

develop and implement clear housekeeping policies and procedures

that outline expectations for maintaining a clean and organized work

environment. Also, assign responsibilities for housekeeping tasks to

specific individuals or teams and ensure they are adequately trained to

perform their duties effectively (Lingard & Rowlinson, 2005). Section

12.3 of the DOLE DO. 13 states that every worker shall receive

instruction and training regarding good measures in housekeeping.

Specific sections in the OSH Standards such as Section 1412.11 to

1412.15 also give provisions regarding proper housekeeping.

2. Designate Storage Areas: It is recommended to designate specific

storage areas for tools, equipment, materials, and waste to prevent

clutter and obstruction of walkways and work areas. Clearly mark and

label storage locations to facilitate easy identification and retrieval of

items, reducing the risk of tripping hazards and misplaced equipment.


Implement inventory management systems to track the quantity and

condition of materials and equipment stored on-site and ensure timely

replenishment as needed. Rule 1150: Materials Handling and Storage

of the OSH Standards specifies that storage of material shall not create

a hazard and that storage areas shall be kept free from accumulations

of materials that constitute hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or

pest harborage.

3. Schedule Regular Inspections and Audits: The purpose of this is to

assess housekeeping standards and identify areas for improvement.

(WINGE, 2019)

5. Attitude and Motivation (12.23%)

1. Attitude Improvement by Leadership Role Modeling: Ensure that

supervisors and managers consistently demonstrate a commitment to

safety through their actions and decisions. Furthermore, encourage

open communication and feedback between workers and management

to address any concerns or misconceptions about safety protocols

(Stewart & Shams, 2019). One efficient way for supervisors to

promote safety is by having a toolbox meeting. Section 12; Safety and

Health Information of DOLE DO. 13 states that each supervisor or

any designated person (e.g. foreman, leadman, gangboss, etc.) shall

conduct daily tool box or similar meetings prior to starting the tasks for

the day.

2. Attitude Improvement by Training and Education: According to

Stewart and Shams (2019), offering workshops and training sessions


that focus on safety protocols, hazard recognition, and the

consequences of non-compliance can lead to attitude improvement

among workers regarding safety practices. Real-life examples and case

studies may be particularly effective in illustrating the impact of

attitudes on safety outcomes. By engaging workers with practical

scenarios and demonstrating the tangible effects of safety attitudes on

workplace incidents, employers can enhance safety awareness and

promote a culture of proactive risk mitigation.

3. Motivation Enhancement by Incentive Programs: Implement

incentive programs that reward workers for adhering to safety

protocols and achieving safety milestones. This can include verbal

praise, certificates of achievement, financial bonuses, or other tangible

rewards based on safety performance metrics. This can provide

additional motivation for workers to prioritize safety in their daily

activities (Stewart & Shams, 2019).

4. Motivation Enhancement by Disciplinary Measures: According to

Stewart and Shams (2019), clear communication of consequences for

safety violations and consistent enforcement of disciplinary measures

can enhance motivation among workers to comply with safety

regulations. While disciplinary actions should be used as a last resort,

maintaining firm consequences for repeated non-compliance

underscores the seriousness of safety regulations and promotes a

culture of accountability in the workplace.

6. Usability (10.33%)

1. Inventory Management and Procurement: Establish robust

inventory management systems to track the availability of materials

and equipment needed for construction tasks. Conduct regular

assessments to identify potential shortages or deficiencies in essential

supplies and proactively replenish stock as needed (Sacks et al., 2018).

2. Equipment Standardization and Training: Standardize the selection

and use of equipment and materials across construction projects to

minimize variation and ensure compatibility. According to the DOLE

DO. 13 Section 12.6: Safety and Health Information, specialized

instruction and training should be given to ensure that workers are

familiar with the limitations and capabilities of different types of

equipment to avoid misuse and accidents.

4.3 Company 3

There were a total of seventeen (17) construction accident cases gathered from

Company 3. The prevalence rate for each accident is presented in Figure 4.3.1 below.

The results showed that the most prevalent accident was equipment/vehicular (4

cases), followed by slips and falls (4 cases), struck-by (6 cases), and cuts (3 cases).

Figure 4.3.1. Prevalence rate of construction accidents in Company 3

Using the operational definitions of the ConAC Framework, the researchers

were able to identify ten (10) contributing factors of the accidents. The identified

factors were tabulated using the Presence (1) and Absence (0) method. Table 4.3.1

below presents the contributing factors identified for each construction accident.

Table 4.3.1 Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 3


1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 1 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 1 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 1 1 0 0
14 1 0 1 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 1 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 1 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0

The CART analysis revealed five (5) key factors for modeling accident types.

In this company, the primary factor was the work environment, followed by

condition, worker capabilities, knowledge and skills, and immediate supervision.

Furthermore, other variables were deemed insignificant for predicting accident types

within this company. Refer to Table 4.3.2 for the relative importance of these factors.

They were incorporated into the classification tree model, as depicted in Figure 4.3.2.

Table 4.3.2 Variable Importance for the Types of Accidents in Company 3

Factor Variable Importance

Work Environment 32.04%

Condition 21.83%

Worker Capabilities 17.81%


Knowledge & Skills 14.55%

Immediate Supervision 13.76%

For Company 3, the confusion matrix is presented in Table 4.3.3 below. It can

be seen that only two (2) cases with an accident property damage were correctly

classified, only one (1) cut accidents were correctly classified, and both struck-by and

slips and falls were perfectly classified.

Table 4.3.3 Confusion Matrix for the type of accidents in Company 3

Predicted Actual
Struck- Slips and Falls Equipment/Vehicular Cuts
Struck-by 6 0 2 2
Slips and Falls 0 4 0 0
Equipment/ 0 0 2 0
Cuts 0 0 0 1

The overall accuracy of the CART is 76.47% with a 95% confidence interval

of 50.10% and 93.19%; hence, the misclassification error rate is 23.53%.

Furthermore, Table 4.3.4 above summarizes the predictive performance of grouping

the four (4) types of accidents using the factors considered in the study.

Table 4.3.4 Predictive Performance of the model in Company 3

Metric Struck-by Slips and Falls Equipment/Vehicular Cuts

Sensitivity 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 33.33%
Specificity 63.64% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 60.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 35.29% 23.53% 23.53% 17.65%

Detection Rate 35.29% 23.53% 11.76% 5.88%

Detection 58.82% 23.53% 11.76% 5.88%
Balanced 81.82% 100.00% 75.00% 66.67%

The final model of the classification and regression tree made use of all the

five (5) key contributing factors. Furthermore, the model presents the absence of the

work environment factor as the best predictor. And, the struck-by accident type is the

predicted accident with 35% predicted probability.

Figure 4.3.2 Classifica


The classification tree can be easily interpreted using rules in Table 4.3.5.

Rules derived from a classification tree can be interpreted in a simple context of “if”

and “then” based statements and thus are self-explanatory. The corresponding rules in

classifying the types of the accidents are presented below.

Table 4.3.5 Rules derived from the classification tree of Company 3

Rul Condition
1 If the work environment factor, the worker capabilities factor, and the

immediate supervision factor are absent, then there is a 60% probability that

the accident is classified as struck-by, 20% probability that it is classified as

equipment/vehicular, and also 20% probability that it is classified as Cuts.

2 If the work environment factor, and the worker capabilities factor are absent,

but the immediate supervision factor is present, the. there is a 100%

probability that the accident is classified as equipment/vehicular.

3 If the work environment factor is absent, but the worker capabilities factor

and the knowledge & skills factor are present, then there is a 100%

probability that the accident is classified as Slips and Falls.

4 If the work environment factor is absent, the worker capabilities factor is

present, but the knowledge & skills factor is also absent, then there is a

100% probability that the accident is classified as Cuts.

5 If the work environment factor is present, but the condition factor is absent,

then there is a 100% that the accident is classified as Slips and Falls.

6 If there is a presence of the work environment factor and the condition factor

is present, then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as



Based on the identified key contributing factors, the student researchers

recommend the following safety measures:

1. Work Environment (32.04%)

a. Conduct Site Safety and Orientation Program: Implementing a

comprehensive site safety and orientation program is essential to acquaint

employees with the site layout, potential hazards, and safety protocols. This

is one of the duties of employers and workers according to Chapter III,

Section 4 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards, which mandates

providing complete job safety instructions and proper orientation. This

program should be mandatory for all employees, including new hires and

contractors. It should cover topics like emergency procedures, safe work

practices, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and reporting

procedures for hazards and incidents. (Wu, 2017)

b. Regularly Create Discrepancy Reports and Hazard Audit: Establishing

a system for creating discrepancy reports and conducting hazard audits

helps identify potential safety issues and areas for improvement. Workers

should be required to promptly report any discrepancies or hazards

encountered during their work activities. As part of the OSH standards,

every worker shall report to their immediate supervisor or any other

responsible safety and health personnel any work hazard that may be

discovered in the workplace. These reports can then be reviewed by safety


professionals or management to assess the risks and implement corrective

actions as necessary. (Wu, 2017)

2. Condition (21.83%)

a. Conduct regular checks on vehicular units: Establish a systematic

schedule for conducting comprehensive inspections of all vehicular units

used in the workplace. These inspections should cover various components

such as brakes, tires, lights, steering systems, and safety equipment. Any

problems found during the inspections must be fixed immediately and

recorded. (Lee et al., 2018)

3. Worker Capabilities (17.81%)

a. Implement Housekeeping Protocols: Workers must ensure that work

areas are kept clean, organized, and free from tripping hazards such as

loose cords, nails, or debris. According to Rule 1412.11 of OSH standards,

any materials with protruding shall not be used in any work or be allowed

to remain in any place where they pose a danger to the workers. Therefore,

it is essential to constantly inspect and remove any obstructions or potential

trip hazards from the work area.

b. Ensure Proper Material Selection and Inspection: Select the appropriate

material for the task at hand, ensuring the structural integrity, durability,

and safety. For instance, conducting regular inspections of ladders helps

identify defects, damage, or deterioration that could compromise safety. It

allows for timely repairs, replacements, or adjustments to maintain material

integrity and functionality. Furthermore, workers should also be oriented on

what are the do’s and don'ts in using such materials.


4. Knowledge & Skills (14.55%)

a. Provide Fall Protection Equipment: Workers should be provided with

appropriate fall protection equipment, such as harnesses, lifelines, lanyards,

or guardrails when working at heights. As required by OSH standards Rule

1080, Personal Protective Equipment shall be provided to the workers.

Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that workers are trained in the proper

use of fall protection equipment and that they use it correctly and

consistently (Choi et al., 2006).

5. Immediate Supervision (13.76%)

a. Enhanced Supervisory Training: Provide comprehensive training for

supervisors on their roles and responsibilities in ensuring workplace

safety. This training should cover topics such as hazard identification,

incident reporting protocols, and efficient worker communication. As one

of their duties, every worker shall participate in capacity-building

activities, which can include workshops, training sessions, seminars,

conferences, mentoring programs, or any other structured learning

opportunities. It is imperative that supervisors possess the requisite skills

and expertise to identify and promptly handle safety hazards (Hardison et

al., 2014)

b. Establish Safety Performance Metrics: Implement safety performance

metrics to track and measure the effectiveness of supervision in accident

prevention. Monitor indicators such as the frequency of safety

observations, response times to reported hazards, and the implementation


of corrective actions. Use these metrics to evaluate supervisory

performance and identify areas for improvement. (Hardison et al., 2014)

4.4 Company 4

In the analysis of construction accidents within Company 4, a total of twenty-

two (22) cases were examined, on the prevailing hazards encountered in the

workplace. Topping the list of prevalent accidents are the instances of

electrocution/burns, constituting a significant 27.27% of the total cases observed.

Accounting with an equal share of 27.27%, are the accidents categorized under

cuts/wounds/puncture. Followed by slips and falls, representing 22.73% of the cases.

Struck-by comprising 13.63% of the recorded accident in Company 4. Lastly,

equipment/vehicular related accidents, accounting for a small proportion at 9.09%.

Figure 4.4.1 Prevalence rate of construction accidents in Company 4


Using the operational definitions of the ConAC Framework, the researchers

identified the eleven (11) contributing factors of each case using the Presence (1) and

Absence (0) method. Table 4.4.1 below presents the contributing factors identified for

each construction accident.

Table 4.4.1 Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 4


1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
16 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
17 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
20 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
21 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
22 0 1 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 1 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 1 0 0 0 0 0



1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0

7 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0
18 1 0 0 1 0
19 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0 0 0

The CART analysis revealed ten (10) key factors for modeling accident types.

In this company, the most important factor was the communication, followed by local

hazards, work environment, knowledge & skills, worker actions & behavior, attitudes

& motivations, worker capabilities, condition, housekeeping, and worker

health/fatigue. Furthermore, other variables were deemed insignificant for predicting

accident types within this company. Refer to Table 4.4.2 for the relative importance of

these factors. They were incorporated into the classification tree model, as depicted in

Figure 4.4.2.

Table 4.4.2 Variable Importance for the Types of Accidents in Company 4

Factor Variable Importance

Communication 23.12%

Local Hazards 15.41%

Work Environment 13.11%


Knowledge & Skills 12.58%

Worker Actions & Behaviors 11.01%

Attitudes & Motivations 8.26%

Worker Capabilities 6.88%

Condition 4.13%

Housekeeping 2.75%

Worker Health/Fatigue 2.75%

For Company 4, the confusion matrix is presented in Table 4.4.3 below. Here,

it can be seen that there are only five (5) cases with an accident

Cuts/Wounds/Puncture were correctly classified, only four (4) Electrocution/Burns

were correctly classified, only three (3) cases with an accident Slips and Falls were

correctly classified, on the other hand, the Equipment/Vehicular accidents were

misclassified as Slips and Falls

Table 4.4.3 Confusion Matrix for the type of accidents in Company 4

Predicted Actual
Cuts/ Electrocution/ Slips and Struck by Equipment/
Wounds/ Burns Falls Vehicular
Cuts/Wounds/Puncture 5 2 2 0 0
Electrocution/Burns 1 4 0 0 0
Slips and Falls 0 0 3 1 2
Struck by 0 0 0 2 0
Equipment/Vehicular 0 0 0 0 0

From the table above, the observed overall accuracy of the CART is 63.34%

with a 95% confidence interval of 40.66% and 82.80%. This suggests that the CART

model used in Company 4 was able to correctly classify the type of accident with a

misclassification error rate of 36.36%. Furthermore, Table 4.4.4 below summarizes

the predictive performance of grouping the five (5) types of accidents using the

factors considered in the study. It is to be noted that some metrics under the

equipment/vehicular accident has 0 values due to the relatively small amount of

accident records.

Table 4.4.4 Predictive Performance of the model in Company 4

Cuts/Wounds/ Electrocution/ Slips and Equipment/

Metric Struck by
Puncture Burns Falls Vehicular
Sensitivity 83.33% 66.67% 60.00% 66.67% 0.00%
Specificity 75.00% 93.75% 82.35% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 55.56% 80.00% 50.00% 100.00% -
Prevalence 27.27% 27.27% 22.73% 13.64% 9.09%
Detection Rate 22.73% 18.18% 13.64% 9.09% 0.00%
Detection 40.91% 22.73% 27.27% 9.09% 0.00%
Balanced 79.17% 80.21% 71.18% 83.33% 50.00%

From the ten (10) key contributing factors involved in the accident cases of

Company 4, only five (5) factors were further used in the final model of the

classification tree. Figure 4.4.2 presents the absence of the communication factor as

the best predictor. And, the cuts/wounds/puncture accident type is the highest

predicted accident with 27% predicted probability.


Figure 4.4.2 Classificat

The classification

tree can be easily interpreted using rules in Table 4.4.5. Rules derived from a

classification tree can be interpreted in a simple context of “if” and “then” based

statements and thus are self-explanatory. The corresponding rules in classifying the

severity of the accidents are presented below.

Table 4.4.5. Rules derived from the Classification Tree of Company 4

Rul Condition

1 If the communication factor is absent, but the local hazard factor is present,

then there is a 25% probability that the accident is classified as

Cuts/Wounds/Puncture, and 75% probability that the accident is classified as


2 If communication factor and local hazard factor is absent, but workers

actions and behavior factor is present, then there is 50% probability that the

accident is classified as Cuts/wounds/puncture, 25% probability that it is

classified as electrocution/burns, and also 25% probability that the accident

is classified as Slips & falls.

3 If the communication factor, local hazard factor, and workers' actions and

behavior factor are absent, but the knowledge & skills factor are present,

then, there is 100% probability that the accident is classified as


4 If the communication factor, local hazard factor, workers’ actions and

behavior factor, and knowledge & skills factor are absent, but the work

environment factor is present, then, there is a 100% probability that the

accident is classified as Cuts/wounds/puncture.

5 If the communication factor, local hazard factor, workers' actions and

behavior factor, knowledge & skills factor, and the work environment factor

are all absent, then there is 50% probability that the accident is classified as

Slips and Falls, 17% probability that it is classified as struck by, and 33%

probability that it is classified as equipment/vehicular.


6 If the communication factor is present, then there is a 100% probability that

the accident is classified as struck by.

Based on the identified key contributing factors, the student researchers

recommend the following safety measures:

1. Communication (23.12%)

a. Enhanced Communication Training: It is recommended to provide

comprehensive training programs for all personnel, emphasizing the

importance of clear communication. This training should cover effective

communication techniques, such as hand signals and radio

communication, as well as protocols for coordinating with spotters and

other workers on the site (Teizer et al. 2010). The training content,

especially for operating equipment, may root around Rule 1416 of the

OSH 2020 Standard. This section discusses the communication techniques

that signal men can use to assist the operator.

b. Utilize Communication Technologies: It is recommended to invest in

two-way radios to enable instant voice communication between workers,

supervisors, and equipment operators, regardless of their location within

the construction site. These tools allow real-time communication

capability for quicker information dissemination, better coordination

among workers, quick decision-making, and timely response to

emergencies or changing circumstances (Lingard et al, 2016). Studies

such as those conducted by Wong and Yiu (2015) have demonstrated that

the use of two-way radios minimizes the risk of miscommunication and


misunderstandings among workers, leading to fewer errors and accidents

(Teizer et al. 2010).

2. Local Hazards (15.41%)

a. Training and Education: It is recommended to provide comprehensive

training to workers on recognizing and mitigating local hazard factors in

accordance with the Rule 1031 of the Occupational Safety and Health

(OSH) Standard which highlights the need for training programs either

directly or through accredited organizations to increase the supply and

competency of the workers. The training should include specific modules

on hazard awareness, emergency procedures, and safe work practices

relevant to the construction site environment (Clark & Wood, 2006).

b. Localized Safety Signage: It is recommended to install localized safety

signage indicating specific hazards present in the area, such as steep

slopes, unstable terrain, or bodies of water. The signage should also be

prominently displayed and easily visible to workers including visitors

(Clark & Wood, 2006). Furthermore, it is recommended from Section 9 of

the OSH Standards that the language used in the signages should be in a

language that is understandable to most of the workers employed.

c. Comprehensive Hazard Assessment: The construction site, as it is, is

already considered as a hazardous workplace according to Rule 1013 of

the OSH standards. With this, it is recommended to conduct a thorough

hazard assessment of the construction site. Factors including local

environmental factors such as weather conditions and geological features


must be recognized. Weather conditions may include high winds, or

extreme temperatures while geological features may include landslides,

sinkholes, or seismic risks. Especially regarding the geological features, a

good percentage of the reports stated that unstable grounds and steep

slopes significantly contributed to the occurrence of accidents (Clark &

Wood, 2006).

3. Work Environment (13.11%)

a. Providing Comprehensive Safety Training: Offer regular and

comprehensive safety training programs that cover hazard recognition,

safe work practices, and emergency procedures. Proper training has been

associated with reduced accident rates and improved safety behavior

among construction workers. (Hinze, J., Gambatese, J., & Smallwood, J.,


4. Knowledge & Skills (12.58%)

a. Training Reimbursement: Provide reimbursement or incentives for

workers who complete additional safety training, certifications, or

continuing education courses. Encourage ongoing learning and skill

development by offering incentives for workers to expand their

knowledge of safety practices and regulations. (Choi et al., 2006)

b. Hands-On Training: Provide hands-on training opportunities that

allow workers to practice using tools, equipment, and safety gear in a

controlled environment before working on-site. Incorporate simulations

and practical exercises to simulate real-world scenarios and reinforce

learning. (Choi et al., 2006)


5. Worker Actions & Behaviors (11.01%)

a. Safety Performance Bonuses: Offer financial bonuses or rewards to

workers who consistently demonstrate safe behaviors and adhere to

safety protocols. Link bonuses to specific safety metrics such as

accident-free days, near-miss reporting, or participation in safety


b. Incentive-Based Training: Provide incentives for workers to

participate in safety training programs and workshops. Offer rewards

such as gift cards, additional paid time off, or opportunities for career

advancement upon completion of training modules or achieving safety


c. Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Encourage peer-to-peer recognition by

allowing workers to nominate their colleagues for safety awards or

incentives. Create a culture where workers feel empowered to

recognize and celebrate each other's safe behaviors and contributions to


4.5 Company 5

In Company 5, a total of fifteen (15) construction accidents were documented.

These incidents were categorized primarily into three types —

Electrocution/Fire/Burns, Cuts/Wounds/Puncture, and Slips & Falls. Among these

categories, Slips & Falls accounted for the highest prevalence rate at 53.33%, with

eight (8) reported cases. Following that, Electrocution/Fire/Burns accounted for

26.67% of the accidents, totaling four (4) cases. Lastly, Cuts/Wounds/Puncture had a

prevalence rate of 20%, comprising three (3) out of the fifteen (15) recorded

accidents. The distribution of these accidents based on their prevalence rates is

illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 4.5.1 Prevalence Rate of Construction Accidents in Company 5

The contributing factors were determined by examining the compiled

construction accident records. Then, applying the operational definitions outlined in

the ConAC Framework, the presence (1) and absence (0) of each factor were

identified. Nine (9) factors from the ConAC framework were identified to contribute

to the occurrence of accidents. The table below presents the contributing factors

identified for each construction accident.

Table 4.5.1. Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 5



1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 1 0 1 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1 0 0 0 0 1
12 0 0 0 0 0 1
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 0 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 1 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0
14 1 0 0 1 0
15 0 0 0 0 0

As shown in table 4.5.2, the findings from CART analysis indicate the

presence of eight (8) significant contributing factors to accidents within Company 5

— Worker Capabilities, Attitudes & Motivations, Knowledge & Skills, Worker

Health/Fatigue, Site Constraints, Worker Actions & Behavior, Condition, and Design

& Specification. Among these factors, Worker Capabilities stand out with the highest

relative importance rate of 23.75%. This underscores issues related to various aspects

of workers' abilities, including physical strength, endurance, agility, cognitive skills

(such as decision-making and problem-solving), and proficiency in task execution.

The factors of Attitudes & Motivations and Knowledge & Skills, each with a relative

importance rate of 18.88%, also highlight concerns about workers' attitudes towards

safety protocols and their understanding of safety guidelines. Additionally, the worker

health/fatigue factor, having a relative importance of 13.52%, suggests that issues

related to workers' physical well-being and level of fatigue may contribute to the

occurrence of accidents in the workplace. Other factors such as site constraints,

worker actions & behavior, condition, and design & specification were calculated to

have relative importance of 8.53%, 7.92%, 4.26%, and 4.26% respectively.

Table 4.5.2. Variable Importance for the type of accidents in Company 5

Factor Variable Importance

Worker Capabilities 23.75%

Attitudes and Motivation 18.88%

Knowledge & Skills 18.88%

Worker Health/Fatigue 13.52%

Site Constraints 8.53%

Worker Actions & Behavior 7.92%

Condition 4.26%

Design & Specification 4.26%

The confusion matrix in the table below shows an almost perfectly classified

construction accident. Eight (8) cases were perfectly classified as slips and falls, and

all 4 cases were classified as fire and burns. However, only two (2) out of three (3)

construction accidents were classified as cuts & punctures, while the other one was

misclassified as fire and burns.

Table 4.5.3. Confusion Matrix for the type of accidents in Company 5

Predicted Actual

Slips and Falls Fire and Burns Cuts and Puncture

Slips and Falls 8 0 0
Fire and Burns 0 4 1
Cuts and 0 0 2

Based on the confusion matrix above, the CART model's overall accuracy

within Company 5 is 93.33%, with a 95% confidence interval spanning from 68.05%

to 99.83%. This indicates that the model can correctly classify accident types, with a

misclassification error rate of 6.67%. Table 4.5.4 outlines the predictive performance

of grouping the three (3) types of accidents based on the factors examined in the


Table 4.5.4. Predictive Performance of the Model in Company 5

Metric Slips and Falls Fire and Burns Cuts and Puncture
Sensitivity 100.00% 100.00% 66.67%
Specificity 100.00% 90.91% 100.00%
Precision 100.00% 80.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 53.33% 26.67% 20.00%
Detection Rate 53.33% 26.67% 13.33%
Detection 53.33% 33.33% 13.33%
Balanced Accuracy 100.00% 95.45% 83.33%

The final classification model (Figure 4.5.2) revealed that Worker

Health/fatigue is the best predictor for the accident types in Company 5 and the

predicted accident type is Slips and Falls with 53% predicted probability. Other

factors used in the splitting are worker actions & behavior, knowledge & skills, site

constraints, worker capabilities, and attitudes & motivations.


Figure 4.5.2 Classific


Additionally, understanding Figure 4.5.2 is made simple through the use of

rules. Derived from the classification tree, these rules are simply expressed in "if" and

"then" statements, making them easily comprehensible. Below are the corresponding

rules for classifying the types of accidents.

Table 4.5.5. Rules derived from the Classification Tree of Company 5

Rul Condition

1 If the worker health/fatigue factor is present, then, there is a 100%

probability that the accident is classified as Slips and Falls.

2 If the workers’ health/fatigue factor is absent, the workers' action &

behavior factor are present, and the knowledge & skills factor is also absent,

then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as Slips and


3 If the workers’ health/fatigue factor is absent, but the workers’ action &

behavior factor, and the knowledge & skills factor is present, then there is a

100% probability that the accident is classified as Cuts & Puncture.

4 If the workers’ health fatigue factor, the workers’ action & behavior factor,

and the site constraints factor are absent, the worker capabilities factor is

present, and the attitudes & motivation factor is also absent, then there is a

100% probability that the accident is classified as Slips and Falls.

5 If the workers’ health fatigue factor, the workers’ action & behavior factor

and the site constraints factor are absent, but the worker capabilities factor

and the attitudes & motivations factor are present, then there is a 100%

probability that the accident is classified as fire & burns.

6 If the workers’ health fatigue factor, the workers’ action & behavior factor,

the site constraints factor, and the worker capabilities factor are absent, then

there is a 75% probability that the accident is classified as Fire & Burns, and

25% probability that it is classified as Cuts & Puncture.

7 If the workers’ health fatigue factor and the workers’ action & behavior

factor are absent, the site constraint factor is present, and the worker

capabilities factor is also absent, then there is a 100% probability that the

accident is classified as Slips and Falls.

8 If the workers’ health fatigue factor and the workers’ action & behavior

factor are absent, but the site constraint factor and the worker capabilities

factor are present, then there is a 100% probability that the accident is

classified as Cuts and Punctures.

Based on the identified key contributing factors, the following safety measures

are recommended to prevent or minimize the risks of accidents.

1. Worker Capabilities (23.75%)

a. Cognitive Skills Training: Accident reports gathered in Company 5 show

that most workers exhibit a drawback in their cognitive ability to avoid

mistakes which leads to accidents. With this, as part of the OSH provisions

of Section 13: Construction Safety and Health Training, it is recommended

to target training programs/exercises that build on their situational

awareness, especially, on safety-critical tasks. It is suggested to incorporate

training content that includes attention and concentration exercises to


improve focus, vigilance, and the ability to maintain situational awareness

in dynamic work environments. Examples of this are the visual search tasks

and focused attention exercises. (Lingard et al., 2017)

b. Agility Training: The dynamic demands of many job tasks in the

construction industry require workers to have coordination and quick

reactions to changing situations. Corresponding to cognitive skills training,

it is recommended to include agility drills in the company’s comprehensive

training program to improve balance, coordination, and reaction time which

can potentially prevent accidents, or minimize their severity. (Lingard et al.,


2. Attitudes & Motivations (18.88%)

a. Safety Training and Awareness Programs: Reports gathered from

Company 5 reveal that workers often personally choose to overlook risks

which lead to accidents. Thus, it is recommended to conduct regular safety

training and awareness programs to promote positive safety attitudes and

behaviors among workers. Safety awareness programs should be reinforced

or enforced, covering a wide range of topics including hazard recognition,

personal protective equipment (PPE), and equipment operation.

Methodologies for this mandate may vary from hands-on training sessions

to toolbox talks and safety meetings. This recommendation conforms with

Section 12 of the Department Order 13: Safety and Health Information

which mandates to provide workers with instruction and training regarding

the general safety and health measures common to construction sites.

Promoting a safety culture does not only aim on imparting technical


knowledge, rather, it fosters a collective commitment to safety excellence.

(Fung et al., 2005)

b. Safety Recognition Program: From the results of the analysis, it is also

recommended to encourage proactive reporting and addressing of unsafe

behaviors among workers. This incentive program recognizes the

employees’ contributions in creating a safe working environment. It mostly

includes incentives, public recognition, and monetary rewards that enhance

the workers’ engagement and morale. However, it is important to note that

this program should be mandated with legal and ethical considerations to

avoid creating a competitive environment that may foster resentment

among employees. (Sparer, 2015)

c. Safety Suggestion Box: It is recommended to provide this confidential

mechanism where workers can anonymously report safety concerns. The

goal for this is to create an environment where workers feel empowered to

report unsafe behaviors, near misses, and hazards without fear of

counterattacks. These suggestions should be regularly reviewed by a safety

personnel to evaluate their validity and take necessary actions. A study by

Griffin, Neal, and Parker (2007) suggests that safety suggestion boxes

provide an enhanced involvement of workers regarding safety initiatives.

3. Knowledge & Skills (18.88%)

a. Technical Proficiency Requirements: It is recommended to further

establish certification and licensing requirements for workers in

specialized trades. These requirements would include completing formal

training programs, passing competency exams, and obtaining licensure


from regulatory bodies or organizations within the industry. In accordance

with OSH DO 13: Construction Worker Skills Certificate, workers can

upgrade and update their level of competency by undergoing mandatory

skills testing of the Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority (TESDA). This suggestion ensures that workers are equipped

with adequate technical skills and knowledge to navigate the assigned

tasks safely and efficiently (Sparer, 2016). Like in the case of one

accident report where miscalculations on the clearance caused a brief

power outage, adequate technical skills could minimize the risk of


b. Job-Specific Training: Similar to the mandate of OSH Standard Section

12.6: Specialized Instruction and Training, it is recommended to provide

job-specific training to equip workers with the knowledge and skills

necessary to perform their tasks safely and effectively. Workers assigned

to a specific job should have adequate training regarding the specific tasks

to recognize its unique hazards and safety considerations. For example,

training that is specific for steel works highlights the importance of

wearing protective eye equipment when using angle grinder, preventing

eye injuries due to dust and debris. (Johari, 2018). Other worker

descriptions that require job-specific training are also stated in Section

12.6 of the DOLE Department Order 13.

4. Worker Health/Fatigue (13.52%)

a. Task and Job Redesign: Zohar (2010) mentioned task rotation as a

strategy to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. It is used in the


construction industry to prevent monotony or fatigue associated with

repetitive tasks in the construction works. By periodically changing tasks,

workers can maintain their alertness and energy levels as the cumulative

risk of exposure to hazards and fatigue are minimized. In directing this job

design, factors such as worker skill levels, and project timelines can be

used as guidelines. Rotation may occur as frequently as needed to ensure

adequate variation in work assignments.

b. Health and Wellness Program: Offering health assessments, and

counseling services is a proactive approach to promoting worker well-

being, mitigating the risks associated with fatigue-related accidents.

Lerman et. al. (2012) suggests medical screenings, sleep evaluations, and

surveys to assess the workers overall well-being. Quick and Tetrick

(2011) also recommends to provide workers an access to professional

support and guidance in managing stress, coping up to fatigue-related

issues. Similar provisions are also stated in Section 5: Construction Safety

and Health Program of the OSH 2020 Standards. The mandate may be

used as a guideline in creating a comprehensive company-based health

and wellness program that addresses the health concerns of the workers.

5. Site Constraints (8.53%)

a. Site Inspections and Preparation: This recommendation highlights the

provisions of Site Inspection and Preparation in Rule 1414.05 of the OSH

2020 Standards. Study by Hinze and Thurman (2013) reviews various

safety practices and trends in the construction industry, emphasizing the

significance of addressing site constraints and environmental hazards


through preventive measures such as site inspections. Inspections evaluate

environmental factors such as weather conditions, terrain characteristics,

and proximity to natural hazards that may impact site safety. It is

recommended that a trained personnel, either a safety officer or

supervisor, should conduct site inspections using checklist,

documentation, and observation techniques. This should be conducted

regularly with additional inspection for cases with significant events that

result in sudden changes on site conditions. On the other hand, the goal of

site preparation is to make sure the soil is solid and level. Mud and soft

soil should be replaced with crushed stone or compacted gravel, and on

slopes, the area where mudsills rest should be leveled by excavation rather

than backfilling.

6. Worker Actions & Behavior (7.92%)

a. Progressive Discipline: Section 19 of the Department Order No. 13 is a

mandate for the violations and penalties of a contractor who does not

conform with the construction safety standards. However, no mandates

were discussed in regards to the penalties that the company can implement

to workers. With this, it is recommended to reinforce or enforce a

consistent and fair company-based progressive discipline approach for

workers who do not comply with safety policies and procedures. A

structured process can be followed which typically starts with verbal

warnings and written reprimands as less severe consequences for minor

infractions. Then, the severity of the discipline could escalate for cases

wherein the employee’s personal choice poses a significant risk to

themselves and others.

4.6 Company 6

Twenty-one (21) accident cases were gathered from Company 6 which is

further classified into four (4) types of accidents — Equipment/Vehicular, Property

Damage, Slips and Falls, and Struck-by. Eight (8) cases of equipment/vehicular type

of accidents were recorded from the year 2019-2023, hence, the calculated prevalence

rate for this type of accident is 38.10%. The second highest prevalent accident is the

struck-by type with a prevalence rate of 28.57% (6 cases). Followed by, slips & falls

type of accident with 4 cases and a prevalence rate of 19.05%. 3 out of 21 accident

cases were classified as property damage, hence, it has the lowest prevalence rate of


Figure 4.6.1. Prevalence Rate of Construction Accidents in Company 6

Fourteen (14) factors were found to contribute to the occurrence of

construction accidents. The presence of all except the site layout and space factor,

work scheduling factor, suitability factor, and design and specification factor were

given a value of 1 shown in the table below. A 0 value indicates the absence of that

factor in contributing to the occurrence of the accident. Table 4.6.1 below presents the

identification of the accidents’ contributing factors.

Table 4.6.1. Identification of Contributing Factors in Company 6


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
9 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
17 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
18 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
19 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 1 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 1
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 1 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 1 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 1 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0 0




Case No.
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 1
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 1 0 0 1

The results of the CART Analysis revealed five contributing factors to

accidents in Company 6. Firstly, the Worker Actions & Behavior Factor, with a

relative importance of 26.21%, highlights issues concerning workers' actions at the

'sharp end,' including procedural violations, shortcuts, and choices to disregard risks,

such as neglecting to wear PPE. This also pertains to a lax in specific and immediate

actions taken by workers in given situations and their observable behavior. Secondly,

the communication factor, with a relative importance of 24.13%, suggests deficiencies

in communication at various levels within the company and between organizations,

encompassing both verbal and written communication. Additionally, the usability

factor, with a relative importance of 22.09%, indicates issues with the functionality or

availability of materials/equipment. Lastly, the Worker Health/Fatigue Factor and

condition factor, both with relative importance values of 13.81% and 13.76%

respectively, also contribute to accidents, pointing to concerns related to workers'

health and the condition of the workplace.

Table 4.6.2. Variable Importance for the type of accidents in Company 6

Factors Variable Importance

Worker Actions & Behavior 26.21%

Communication 24.13%

Usability 22.09%

Worker Health/Fatigue 13.81%

Condition 13.76%

To assess the reliability of modeling the type of accidents, the confusion

matrix below was formulated. The matrix presents that only the vehicular/equipment

accidents were perfectly classified. From the table, it can be seen that 1 struck-by

accident was misclassified as vehicular/equipment, and 2 falling accidents were

misclassified as struck-by and vehicular/equipment. Then, for property damage


accidents, only two (2) were perfectly classified and the other one (1) case was

misclassified as vehicular/equipment.

Table 4.6.3. Confusion Matrix for the type of accidents in Company 6

Predicted Actual
Vehicular/ Struck-by Falling Property Damage
Vehicular/Equipment 8 1 1 1
Struck-by 0 5 1 0
Falling 0 0 2 0
Property Damage 0 0 0 2

With reference to the confusion matrix, the CART model achieves an overall

accuracy of 80.95% within Company 6, accompanied by a 95% confidence interval

ranging from 58.09% to 94.55%. This indicates the model's capability to accurately

classify accident types, with a corresponding misclassification error rate of 19.05%.

Additionally, table 4.6.4 provides a summary of the predictive performance regarding

the grouping of the four types of accidents based on the factors examined in the study.

Table 4.6.4. Predictive Performance of the model in Company 6

Metric Vehicular/Equipment Struck- Falling Property

by Damage

Sensitivity 100.00% 83.33% 50.00% 66.67%

Specificity 76.92% 93.33% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 72.73% 83.33% 100.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 38.10% 28.57% 19.05% 14.29%
Detection Rate 38.10% 23.81% 9.52% 9.52%
Detection 52.38% 28.57% 9.52% 9.52%
Balanced Accuracy 88.46% 88.33% 75.00% 83.33%

The final classification model indicates that the absence of the

Communication factor emerges as the best predictor for accident types in Company 6,

with the predicted accident type being Vehicular/Equipment, with a 38% predicted

probability. Additionally, the model utilizes other factors for splitting, including

worker actions & behavior, usability, worker health/fatigue, and material/equipment

condition (refer to Figure 4.6.2).

Figure 4.6.2 Classificat


Interpreting the classification tree in figure 4.6.2, the “if” and “then”

statements were formulated as shown in the table below.

Table 4.6.5. Rules derived from the Classification Tree of Company 6

Rul Condition

1 If the communication factor, the usability factor, the workers’ action and

behavior factor, the worker health/fatigue factor, and the condition factor are

all absent, then there is 73% that the accident is classified as

vehicular/equipment, 9% that it is classified as struck-by or falling or

property damage.

2 If the communication factor, the usability factor, the workers’ action and

behavior factor, and the worker health/fatigue factor are absent, but the

condition factor is present, then, there is a 100% probability that the accident

is classified as struck by.

3 If the communication factor, the usability factor, and the workers’ action and

behavior factor are absent, but the worker health/fatigue factor is present

then there is a 50% probability that the accident is classified as struck by or


4 If the communication factor and the usability factor are absent, but the

workers’ action & behavior factor is present, then, there is a 100%

probability that the accident is classified as struck by.

5 If the communication factor is absent, but the usability factor is present, then

there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as Falling.

6 If the communication factor is present, then there is a 100% probability that

the accident is classified as Property Damage.

From these results, the following recommendations for Company 6 were made.

1. Worker Actions & Behavior Factor (26.21%):

a. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Tool Tethering Policy:

Accident reports in Company 6 revealed that workers often overlook risks,

especially in handling with tools and equipment. With this, it is

recommended to reinforce or enforce PPE and Tool Tethering Policies

based on specific hazards present at the site. This recommendation is made

in accordance with the standard provisions of personal protective

equipment (PPE) in Rule 1080 of the Occupational Safety and Health 2020

standards. Additionally, research suggests that providing workers with tool

tethering equipment such as tool lanyards, retractable tethers, or tool belts

with attachment points can reduce the risk of associated accidents.

b. Progressive Discipline: To ensure that the PPE and tool tethering policies

are followed, it is advised to implement a systematic and equitable

progressive disciplinary procedure for workers who fail to adhere to safety

policies and procedures. This approach involves a structured process,

usually commencing with verbal warnings and progressing to written

reprimands for minor infractions. Subsequently, disciplinary actions can

escalate in severity for instances where an employee's actions pose

significant risks to themselves and others.


c. Positive Reinforcement: In addition to disciplinary measures, positive

reinforcement can also be used to encourage safe behavior. Recognizing

and rewarding employees who consistently follow safety procedures can

reinforce the importance of safety and motivate others to do the same.

Safety officers and supervisors can implement a safety spot award system

to grant real-time recognition of the worker’s positive actions towards


2. Communication Factor (24.13%):

a. Timely Communication Training: While it is sure that the company

ensures effective communication, it is recommended that workers follow a

timely and efficient exchange of information. However, the validity of the

information should be checked before it is promptly passed. For example,

in the accident case where a not-yet-cured asphalt surface was opened to

the public because of the wrong information sent to the worker. Issues on

effective coordination among the workers and the management aroused.

Invest in two-way radios to enable instant voice communication among

workers, supervisors, and equipment operators, regardless of their location

on the construction site. These tools enable real-time communication,

which leads to faster information dissemination, better worker coordination,

faster decision-making, and timely response to emergencies or changing

circumstances (Lingard et al, 2016).

3. Usability Factor (22.09%):

a. Equipment Inspection Checklist: Mandated in Section 10.2.3 of the OSH

2020 Standard is to conduct an equipment inspection where a logbook


should be kept by the general contractor and the equipment owner as a

necessary reference of the inspection. In line with this, the study suggests

creating equipment inspection checklists that operators can follow to

thoroughly inspect equipment before each use. Aside from checking the

availability of tools and equipment, this can include visual checks for signs

of wear, damage, or malfunction (Liu et al., 2012). Checklists can help

identify and report safety problems like for the accident case where the

unavailability of the safety harness leads to the falling accident of the


4. Worker Health/Fatigue Factor (13.81%):

a. Task and Job Redesign: This study recommends the enforcement or

enhanced implementation of task rotation strategy to address issues

regarding worker health/fatigue. Zohar (2010) mentioned task rotation as a

strategy to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. It is used in the

construction industry to prevent monotony or fatigue associated with

repetitive tasks in the construction works. By periodically changing tasks,

workers can maintain their alertness and energy levels as the cumulative

risk of exposure to hazards and fatigue are minimized. In directing this job

design, factors such as worker skill levels, and project timelines can be used

as guidelines. Rotation may occur as frequently as needed to ensure

adequate variation in work assignments.

b. Health and Wellness Program: Offering health assessments, and

counseling services is a proactive approach to promoting worker well-

being, mitigating the risks associated with fatigue-related accidents.


Lerman et. al. (2012) suggests medical screenings, sleep evaluations, and

surveys to assess the workers overall well-being. Quick and Tetrick (2011)

also recommends to provide workers an access to professional support and

guidance in managing stress, coping up to fatigue-related issues. Similar

provisions are also stated in Section 5: Construction Safety and Health

Program of the OSH 2020 Standards. The mandate may be used as a

guideline in creating a comprehensive company-based health and wellness

program that addresses the health concerns of the workers.

c. Ergonomic Design Considerations: It is recommended to conduct

ergonomic assessments as research by Punnett and Wegman (2004)

highlights its importance in mitigating risk factors associated with

musculoskeletal disorders. Ergonomic assessments provides information on

what the workers need in completing their tasks more productively and

comfortably. Then, the company can proceed in providing them with

ergonomic tools such as hammers with shock absorbing handles, saws with

cushioned and anti-slip handles and blade guards, drills with balanced and

lightweight bodies, etc.

5. Condition Factor (13.76%):

a. Regular Maintenance Schedule: Implement a regular maintenance

schedule for all construction equipment, including inspections, lubrication,

and repairs. Follow manufacturer recommendations for maintenance

intervals and procedures of equipments (Dhillon, 2010). Or, follow daily

routine inspections as mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health

Standards in the interest of preventing accidents in the construction site.


b. Preventive Maintenance Programs: Develop preventive maintenance

programs that include routine inspections and proactive repairs to identify

and address potential issues before they lead to equipment failures or

accidents. Document maintenance activities and keep records of equipment

history for reference (Chan et al., 2011).

c. Safe Storage and Handling: As part of the general provisions of Rule

1150: Materials Handling and Storage, material storage must not pose a

risk. To keep bag containers, bundles, etc., stored in tiers stable and safe

from sliding or collapsing, they must be piled, blocked, interlocked, and

kept to a minimum height. Store equipment properly in designated areas

when not in use to protect it from environmental elements and prevent

damage. Materials that could cause a trip hazard, fire, explosion, or pest

harborage should not be piled up in storage places. Moreover, adequate

training on safe handling practices to prevent accidents during equipment

transportation, assembly, and disassembly can be provided.

4.7 Company 7

Company 7 reported twenty-two (22) cases of construction accidents which

include Vehicular/Equipment, Slips and fall, Overwork/ Fatigue, Property Damage,

Struck-by, Cuts/Punctures, and Fire/Burn. In Figure 4.7.1, eight (8) out of twenty-two

(22) accidents, the Slips/Falls hold the highest prevalence rate of 40.9%, followed by

Electrocution and Burns, Others(Struck-by, Cuts, Burns), and Property Damage with

prevalence rate of 27.27%, 22.73%, 9.09%, respectively.


Figure 4.7.1 Prevalence Rate of Construction Accidents in Company 7

Using the operational definitions of the ConAC Framework, the researchers

identified the contributing factors of each case using the Presence (1) and Absence (0)

method. Table 4.7.1 below presents the contributing factors identified for each

construction accident.

Table 4.7.1. Identification of Contributing Factors for Company 7



1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
16 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
18 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
22 0 1 0 0 0 0 0


1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 1 1 0 0
7 0 0 1 1 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 1 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 1 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 1 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 1

19 1 0 0 0 0 0
20 1 0 0 1 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 1 0 0 0 1
13 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0
17 1 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0
22 0 0 0 0 0

As shown in Table 4.7.2, the findings from CART analysis indicate the

presence of seven (7) key contributing factors to accidents within Company 7. Local

Hazards has the highest relative importance rate of 27.11%. This implies that hazards

and risks that are specific to the site may not have been identified, managed, or

minimized which led to accidents. The next key factor is the Housekeeping Factor

which has a value of 21.08%. This describes the disorderly condition of trucks,

equipment, materials, and waste within the construction site, which led to accidents.

Then with a value of 14.30%, Knowledge & Skills Factor holds the third highest

relative importance value which signifies lack of workers skill-related attributes that

influence their ability to perform tasks safely and effectively. Attitudes & Motivations

followed with a value of 14.30%. This suggests poor attitude of workers and their

mindset and belief regarding safety protocol and the importance of adhering to safety

guidelines. Other factors with lesser relative importance are as follows: Condition

(11.86%), Site Layout & Space (10.46%), and Worker Actions and Behaviors

(2.53%). Among these factors, only six (6) were further used to model the

classification tree model (see Figure 4.1.2)

Table 4.7.2. Variable Importance for the Type of Accidents in Company 7

Factor Relative Importance

Local Hazards 27.11%

Housekeeping 21.08%

Knowledge & Skills 14.30%

Attitudes & Motivations 12.65%

Condition 11.86%

Site Layout & Space 10.46%

Worker Actions & Behaviors 2.53%


For Company 7, the confusion matrix is presented in Table 4.7.3 below. Here,

it can be seen that the all of the eight (8) Slips and Falls accidents were perfectly

classified, only eight (4) cases with an accident Vehicular/Equipment were correctly

classified, only one (1) property damage accidents were correctly classified, and two

(2) other types of accidents (Struck-by, Cuts/Punctures, Fire/Burns) were also

correctly classified.

Table 4.7.3. Confusion Matrix for the Type of Accidents in Company 7

Predicted Actual
Slips and Falls Vehicular/ Property Damage Others
Slips and Falls 8 2 0 2
Vehicular/ 1 4 1 1
Property Damage 0 0 1 0
Others 0 0 0 2

From the table above, the observed overall accuracy of the CART is 65.38%

with a 95% confidence interval of 44.33% and 82.79%. This suggests that the CART

model used in Company 7 was able to correctly classify the type of accident with a

misclassification error rate of 34.62%. Furthermore, Table 4.7.4 below summarizes

the predictive performance of grouping the four (4) types of accidents using the

factors considered in the study.

Table 4.7.4. Predictive Performance of the Model in Company 7

Metric Slips and Vehicular/Equipment Property Others


Falls Damage
Sensitivity 88.89% 66.67% 50.00% 40.00%
Specificity 69.23% 81.25% 100.00% 100.00%
Precision 66.67% 57.14% 100.00% 100.00%
Prevalence 40.91% 27.27% 9.09% 22.73%
Detection Rate 36.36% 18.18% 4.55% 9.09%
Detection 54.55% 31.82% 4.55% 9.09%
Balanced 79.06% 73.96% 75.00% 70.00%

From the seven (7) factors involved in the accident cases of Company 7, only

six (6) factors were further used in the final model of the classification tree.

Figure 4.7.2 Classification tre

The decision tree above can be interpreted using the Rules presented in Table


Table 4.7.5. Rules Derived from the Classification Tree of Company 7

Rule Condition

1 If the local hazards factor is absent, but the knowledge & skills factor is

present, then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as

slips & falls.

2 If the local hazards factor, the knowledge & skills factor, and the site layout

& space factor are absent, but the condition factor is present, then there is a

100% probability that the accident is classified as vehicular/equipment.

3 If the local hazards factor, the knowledge & skills factor, the site layout &

space factor, the condition factor, and the attitudes & motivation factor are

all absent, then there is a 60% probability that the accident is classified as

Slips and Falls, and 20% probability that it is classified as

Vehicular/Equipment or others.

4 If the local hazards factor, the knowledge & skills factor, the site layout &

space factor, and the condition factor are absent, but the attitudes &

motivation factor is present, then, there is 40% probability that the accident

is classified as vehicular/equipment, and 20% probability that it is classified

as slips and falls or property damage or others.

5 If the local hazards factor and the knowledge & skills factor is absent, but the

site layout & space factor is present, then there is a 100% probability that the

accident is classified as vehicular/equipment

6 If the local hazards factor and the housekeeping factor are present, then there

is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as property damage.


7 If the local hazards factor is present, but the housekeeping factor is absent,

then there is a 100% probability that the accident is classified as others.

Based On the identified key contributing factors, the student researchers

recommended the following safety measures.

1. Local Hazards (27.11%)

a. Employee Training and Education: It is recommended to provide

extensive safety training to all construction workers. The result of the

analysis in Company 7 implies that most of the construction workers lack

knowledge on how to navigate the construction site safely, including

subcontractors and temporary staff. According to OSH standards, firms

should conduct continuing programs to increase the supply and competence

of the personnel. A monthly extensive safety training will help ensure that

workers are trained to recognize local hazards specific to the project site

and understand how to mitigate risks effectively. Regularly reinforce safety

protocols through toolbox talks, safety meetings, and ongoing education


b. Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Conduct regular inspections of

the construction site to identify and address potential hazards promptly.

This involves a safety officer to conduct health and safety within the

construction site (OSH Standard Rule 1040 Health and Safety Committee,

2020). Inspect equipment, machinery, scaffolding, and temporary structures


to ensure they are in good working condition and comply with safety

standards. Promptly repair or replace any damaged or defective equipment.

c. Site-Specific Safety Measures: Implement site-specific safety measures

tailored to address local hazards. This site for the Rule 1010: Other Safety

Rules of the OSH Standards that provide specific rules applicable to

condition, practice, means, methods, operations or processes shall apply for

different work scenarios (Rule 1012 - Special Rule). For example, if

working near a busy road, establish barriers, signage, and traffic control

measures to protect workers from passing vehicles. If operating in a coastal

area prone to storms, secure equipment and materials to prevent them from

being swept away by high winds or flooding.

d. Risk Assessment and Planning: Conduct thorough risk assessments

before starting any construction project. According to Labor Advisory No.

04 Series of 2019 that defines the guide for compliance of establishment to

DO 198-18 that establishment shall be responsible in determining its own

level of classification based on Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment

and Control (HIRAC) conducted by the company. Identify potential local

hazards such as unstable terrain, adverse weather conditions, nearby traffic,

or environmental risks. Develop comprehensive safety plans that address

these hazards and implement appropriate control measures.

2. Housekeeping (21.08%)

a. Regular Cleaning Schedule: Implement a regular cleaning schedule for

the construction site, including daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. In Rule

1070 Occupational Health and Environment Control, regular cleaning for


different equipment is required to ensure safety. This can also be

implemented in construction where a regular cleaning schedule could help

prevent construction accidents related to poor housekeeping (OSH

Standards, 2020). Assign responsibilities to specific individuals or teams to

ensure accountability.

b. Tool and Equipment Organization: Establish designated storage areas for

tools and equipment when not in use (Rule 1150 Materials Handling and

Storage - OSH Standard 2020). Encourage workers to return tools to their

proper place after each use to prevent clutter and tripping hazards.

c. Proper Waste Management: Provide sufficient waste bins and dumpsters

throughout the site and ensure proper disposal of construction debris and

materials. Implement recycling programs where feasible to reduce waste

and clutter. In rule 1076.03: Cleanliness - OSH Standard 2020, dusts,

gasses, vapors, or mists generated and released in work processes shall be

removed at the points of origin and not permitted to permeate the

atmosphere of the workrooms. The employer shall carry out the working

environment measurement in indoor or other workplaces where hazardous

work is performed and shall keep a record of such measurement.

d. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of the construction site

to identify and address housekeeping issues promptly. Encourage workers

to report any hazards or concerns they observe during their work. This

involves a safety man to conduct health and safety within the construction

site (OSH Standard Rule 1040 Health and Safety Committee, 2020)

e. Clear Pathways and Work Zones: Keep pathways, stairwells, and work

areas clear of debris, tools, and equipment. In accordance with Rule 1150:

Materials Handling and Storage that sufficient safe clearance shall be

allowed for aisles, at loading docks, through doorways and wherever turns

or passage must be made. Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in

good repair, with no obstruction across or in aisles that could create a

hazard. Permanent aisles and passageways shall be appropriately marked

(OSH Standard, 2020). Clearly mark designated work zones and pedestrian

walkways to prevent collisions and tripping hazards.

3. Knowledge and Skills (14.30%)

a. Training Reimbursement: Provide reimbursement or incentives for

workers who complete additional safety training, certifications, or

continuing education courses. Encourage ongoing learning and skill

development by offering incentives for workers to expand their

knowledge of safety practices and regulations. In Rule 1030 of OSH

Standard 2020, that training of personnel in occupational safety and health

is a must and with a training reimbursement this can encourage the

workforce to engage in such activities.

b. Hands-On Training: Provide hands-on training opportunities that allow

workers to practice using tools, equipment, and safety gear in a controlled

environment before working on-site, in accordance with Rule 1960:

Occupational Health Services of OSH Standard 2020). Incorporate

simulations and practical exercises to simulate real-world scenarios and

reinforce learning

4. Attitudes and Motivations (12.65%)

a. Positive Safety Culture: Foster a positive safety culture within the

organization by creating an environment where safety is valued,

celebrated, and prioritized over productivity or deadlines. In guidance

with Rule 1070: Occupational and Environment Control, the employer

shall exert efforts to maintain and control the working environment in

comfortable and healthy conditions for the purpose of promoting and

maintaining the health of his workers. Encourage open communication,

feedback, and collaboration among workers to address safety concerns

and promote a sense of ownership and accountability for safety (Neal &

Griffin, 2006).

b. Training and Education: Provide comprehensive safety training and

education programs to equip workers with the knowledge, skills, and

confidence to identify hazards, assess risks, and implement effective

safety measures in relation with Rule 1960: Occupational Health Services

of OSH Standard 2020 Offer ongoing training opportunities to ensure that

workers stay updated on the latest safety regulations, procedures, and best

practices (Ochieng et al., 2018).

c. Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward workers for their

contributions to safety, such as adhering to safety protocols, reporting

hazards, participating in safety initiatives, and achieving safety

milestones. According to Department Order No. 182 Series of 2017 of

OSH Standard 2020, paid incentives for workers encourage individuals to

perform well. Acknowledge individual and team efforts through


incentives, awards, and positive reinforcement to motivate continued

commitment to safety (Lindbeck et al., 2009).

5. Condition (11.86%)

a. Regular Maintenance Schedule: Implement a regular maintenance

schedule for all construction equipment, including inspections,

lubrication, and repairs. Daily routine inspections are mandated by the

Occupational Safety and Health Standards in the interest of preventing

accidents in the construction site. Follow manufacturer recommendations

and industry standards for maintenance intervals and procedures (Dhillon,


b. Preventive Maintenance Programs: Develop preventive maintenance

programs that include routine inspections and proactive repairs to identify

and address potential issues before they lead to equipment failures or

accidents. In accordance with the OSH Standard of 2020, maintenance for

each equipment must be conducted. Document maintenance activities and

keep records of equipment history for reference (Chan et al., 2011).

c. Equipment Inspection Checklists: Develop equipment inspection

checklists that operators can use to systematically inspect equipment

before each use. Include visual checks for signs of wear, damage, or

malfunction, and encourage operators to report any issues promptly (Liu

et al., 2012).

d. Safe Storage and Handling: Store equipment properly in designated

areas when not in use to protect it from environmental elements and

prevent damage and not create a hazard (Rule 1150: Materials Handling

and Storage OSH Storage 2020). Provide adequate training on safe

handling practices to prevent accidents during equipment transportation,

assembly, and disassembly (Chen et al., 2018).

6. Site Layout and Space (10.46%)

a. Site Layout Planning: Develop a comprehensive site layout plan that

considers factors such as the flow of materials, equipment movement,

access routes, and temporary structures. In relation with Rule 1070:

Occupational Health and Environment Control, efforts must be exerted to

maintain and control the working environment in a comfortable and

healthy condition for the purpose of promoting and maintaining the health

of the workers. Designate separate areas for different activities to

minimize congestion and conflicts (Chen et al., 2016).

b. Clear Signage and Markings: Install clear signage, markings, and

barriers to demarcate hazardous areas, pedestrian walkways, vehicle

routes, and restricted zones. Use visual cues such as color-coded lines,

arrows, and symbols to guide workers and prevent accidental entry into

dangerous areas (Tixier et al., 2015). In accordance with Rule 1150 of

OSH Standards 2020, clearance signs to warn of clearance limits shall be

provided in a construction site.

c. Adequate Workspace Design: Design work areas with sufficient space,

clearance, and ergonomic considerations to accommodate equipment

operation, material handling, and worker movement. In accordance with

Rule 1150 of OSH Standards 2020, clearance signs to warn of clearance

limits shall be provided in a construction site. Avoid overcrowding and


clutter by optimizing layout and storage arrangements (Zacharatos et al.,


d. Lighting and Visibility: Ensure adequate lighting and visibility

throughout the construction site, especially in low-light conditions or

during night shifts. In relation to Rule 1075: Illumination, that all places

where persons work or pass or may have to work or pass in emergencies,

shall be provided during time of use with adequate natural lighting or

artificial lighting or both, suitable for the operation and the special

type of work performed. Therefore, the installation of temporary lighting

fixtures and reflective materials is necessary to improve visibility and

reduce the risk of trips, slips, and falls (Dong et al., 2018).

4.8 Derived Observation

It is observable that Companies 4 and 7 have similar types of accidents

namely, Slips and Falls, Equipment/Vehicular, Struck-by, and Cuts/Wounds/Puncture.

Despite this similarity, they only exhibit two common key contributing factors:

Knowledge and Skills, and Local Hazards. This indicates that the factors influencing

accidents may be influenced by additional variables, such as the safety measures and

protocols implemented within each company. This observation reinforces the

researchers' decision to analyze accidents on a per-company basis rather than to

combine all accident reports and analyze them as a whole. Such an approach

acknowledges the significant variations underlying safety practices among companies,

thereby mitigating the risk of inaccuracies in the study results.



5.1 Conclusion

A total of one hundred thirty-seven (137) construction accident reports from

seven (7) construction companies in Ormoc City were gathered and analyzed. The

accidents were categorized as Slips and Falls, Struck-by, Electrocution/Burns,

Cuts/Wounds/Puncture, Equipment/Vehicular, and Property Damage. The prevalence

rate of accidents per company is reported in Figures 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 4.5.1,

4.6.1, and 4.7.1. In identifying the key contributing factors and modeling the effects

of these factors to the occurrence of construction accidents, the Classification and

Regression Tree (CART) Analysis was employed. The results of the analysis showed

that for Company 1, there are six (6) key contributing factors, namely Local Hazards

(28.38%), Communication (16.54%), Suitability (13.77%), Condition (12.97%),

Worker Health/Fatigue (12.76%), and Immediate Supervision (12.34%). Furthermore,

the observed overall accuracy of the CART is 65.38% which suggests that the CART

model used was able to correctly classify the type of accident with a misclassification

error rate of 34.62%. For Company 2, the analysis identified six (6) contributing

factors, namely Worker Actions and Behaviour (19.32%), Worker Capabilities

(17.05%), Work Environment (14.58%), Housekeeping (13.59%), Attitudes and

Motivations (12.23%), and Usability (10.33%). For this company, the overall

performance accuracy of the model was computed to be 100% with a

misclassification error rate of 0%, which indicates that there was a perfect prediction

probability of 100% for all accident types. For Company 3, the analysis identified five

(5) key contributing factors, namely Work Environment (32.04%), Condition

(21.83%), Worker Capabilities (17.81%), Knowledge and Skills (14.55%), and

Immediate Supervision (13.76%). The overall performance of the model was

identified to be 76.47% with a misclassification error rate of 23.54%. For Company 4,

there were five (5) key contributing factors identified. These factors are

Communication (23.12%), Local Hazards (15.41%), Work Environment (13.11%)

and Knowledge and Skills (12.58%). The overall accuracy performance of the model

in this company is 63.64% with a misclassification error rate 36.36%. For Company

5, the analysis identified six (6) key important factors listed as follows: Worker

Capabilities (23.75%), Attitudes and Motivation (18.88%). Knowledge and Skills

(18.88%), Worker Health/Fatigue (13.52%), Site Constraints (8.53%), and Worker

Actions and Behavior (7.92%). For this company, the computed overall performance

of the model is 93.33% with a misclassification error rate of 6.67%. For Company 6,

five (5) key contributing factors were identified and these were Worker Actions and

Behaviour (26.21%), Communication (24.13%), Usability (22.09%), Worker

Health/Fatigue (13.81%), and Condition (13.76%). The CART model achieved an

overall accuracy of 80.95% with a corresponding misclassification error rate of

19.05%. For Company 7, six (6) key contributing factors were identified through the

analysis, namely Local Hazards (27.11%), Housekeeping (21.08%), Knowledge and

Skills (14.30), Attitudes and Motivations (12.65%), Condition (11.86%), and Site

Layout and Space (10.46%). The observed overall accuracy of the CART is 65.38%

which suggests that the CART model used was able to correctly classify the type of

accident with a misclassification error rate of 34.62%. The relationship between these

factors were depicted in each of the company’s classification trees and explained in

each of the rules derived from them. The recommendations derived from the results of

the analysis were tailored to fit the contributing factors unique to each company.

These recommendations were anchored from official standards and published studies.

5.2 Recommendations

For future studies, the student researchers recommend establishing

connections with relevant regulatory bodies such as the Department of Labor and

Employment (DOLE). Working with a single agency such as DOLE for data

gathering ensures that researchers have access to a centralized database of accident

reports which could simplify the data collection process by eliminating the need to

approach multiple sources for information. Moreover, information from a single

database is expected to have uniformity which enhances the consistency, quality and

reliability of the dataset. It is also recommended to include in the study the practices

done by each company to add depth and context to the study, providing valuable

insights into the specific factors that contribute to construction accidents. By

identifying the challenges and deficiencies in current safety practices in each

company, the researchers can ensure better that the recommendations developed are

practical, relevant, and actionable, increasing the likelihood of successful

implementation and impact. It is also recommended to expound the study to other

categories of company and apply study to other areas as well for benchmarking and

comparison. Comparing practices across different companies and areas allows

researchers to identify patterns, trends, and variations in safety performance. This

benchmarking facilitates the identification of industry-wide best practices,

benchmarks, and benchmarks for safety improvement. It also provides valuable


benchmarks for companies to assess their safety performance relative to peers and

identify opportunities for improvement.


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