In-Class Assignment 4

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Linear Algebra

Instructor: Le Hai Yen In-Class Assignment 4 November 15, 2022


Question 1. Let u = (1, 2, 3) and v = (−1, 3, 4), find 3u − 2v.

Question 2. Solve for x provided that u = (1, −1, 2), v = (0, 2, 3) and w = (0, 1, 1) and

2x − u + 3v + 2w = 0.

Question 3. Determine which sets together with the two operations (scalar multiplication and addition) defined
respectively are vector spaces:
1. The set of all triples of real numbers (x, y, z) with the following operations (x, y, z) + (x′ , y ′ , z ′ ) = (x +
x′ , y + y ′ , z + z ′ ) and c · (x, y, z) = (cx, y, z);

2. The set of all pairs of real numbers (x, y) with the following operations (x, y) + (x′ , y ′ ) = (x + x′ , y + y ′ )
and c · (x, y) = (2cx, 2cy);
3. The set of all pairs of real numbers of the form (x, y) where x ≥ 0, with the standard operations on R2 ;
4. All 2 by 2 matrices with the matrix addition and scalar multiplication;

5. The set of singular 2 by 2 matrices with the matrix addition and scalar multiplication;
6. The set of non-singular 2 by 2 matrices with the matrix addition and scalar multiplication;
a 1
7. The set of all 2 by 2 matrices of the form with the matrix addition and scalar multiplications;
1 b
8. All one variable polynomials of degree 2 with the scalar multiplication and addition are the scalar multi-
plication and additions in polynomials.
Linear Algebra
Instructor: Le Hai Yen In-Class Assignment 4 November 15, 2022

Question 4. Which of the following subsets of R3 are actually subspaces?

(a) The plane of vectors (b1 , b2 , b3 ) with first component b1 = 0.
(b) The plane of vectors b with b1 = 1.
(c) The vectors b with b2 b3 = 0 (this is the union of two subspaces, the plane b2 = 0 and the plane b3 = 0).

(d) All combinations of two given vectors (1, 1, 0) and (2, 0, 1).
(e) The plane of vectors (b1 , b2 , b3 ) that satisfy b3 − b2 + 3b1 = 0.

Question 5. Write v as a linear combination of u1 , u2 and u3 if possible, where

v = (3, 0, −6), u1 = (1, −1, 2), u2 = (2, 4, −2), u3 = (1, 2, −4).

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