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Cardiac Risk Assessment

Study each risk factor below and circle the most appropriate score for yourself. Add your
scores together for an indication of your cardiac risk.
Do you have a father or brother who No 0
had heart disease before age 55, or a Yes (1 in family) 3
mother or sister with heart disease Yes (> 1 in family) 4
before age 65?
Age / Gender
Are you a male 45 years of age or older, No 0
or a female 55 years of age or older? Yes 4
Cigarette smoking
Never smoked 0
Ex-smoker 1
Smoke 1-20 cigarettes/day 2
Smoke 21-40 cigarettes/day 3
Smoke > 41 cigarettes/day 4
Systolic blood pressure
Your systolic blood pressure is < 120 mmHg 0
121 – 129 mmHg 1
130 – 139 mmHg 2
140 – 149 mmHg 3
> 150 mmHg 4
Total cholesterol
Your total cholesterol is < 5.2 mmol/L 0
5.2 – 5.7 mmol/L 1
5.8 – 6.2 mmol/L 2
6.3 – 6.8 mmol/L 3
> 6.9 mmol/L 4
Physical inactivity
How often do you engage in physical 5 or more times per week 0
exercise that increases your breathing 3-4 times per week 1
and heart rate, makes you sweat, for at 2 times per week 2
least 30 minutes a day? 1 time per week 3
Never 4
How would you rate your body weight? Close to ideal 0
5 – 10 kg overweight 1
10 – 20 kg overweight 2
20 – 45 kg overweight 3
> 45 kg overweight 4
How would you describe the levels of Low to moderate levels of stress 0
stress you experience? High stress, but able to cope 1
High stress and unable to cope 2
Very high stress, but trying to cope 3
Very high stress and unable to cope 4
Have you been diagnosed with diabetes No 0
by a doctor? Yes 4
Classification (circle):
Very low risk: < 5 Moderately high risk: 11 – 15* Very high risk: > 20*
Low risk: 6 - 10 High risk: 16 – 20* * make changes to reduce

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