AI+and+ML Assigment 04

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Assignment 04

1. Explain the fundamental differences between supervised and unsupervised learning. Provide a
real-world example for each type and discuss how the choice between them impacts model

2. In a medical diagnosis scenario, explain how supervised learning algorithms can be trained to
classify patients into different disease categories based on their symptoms. Provide a numerical
example using a hypothetical dataset.

3. Discuss how unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering, can be applied in smart
home systems to group similar devices together for efficient management. Provide a hypothet-
ical scenario and describe the clustering process.

4. Compare and contrast K-Means clustering and agglomerative hierarchical clustering algo-
rithms. Use a small synthetic dataset to demonstrate how each algorithm partitions the data
into clusters.

5. Given a dataset of 1000 data points with 5 features, apply the K-Means clustering algorithm
with K=3 clusters. Calculate the centroid coordinates for each cluster after convergence.

6. Using a dendrogram, illustrate the step-by-step process of agglomerative hierarchical cluster-

ing on a small dataset with 6 data points.

7. Case Study: Self-Driving Cars: Explain how supervised learning algorithms can be used in
self-driving cars to classify objects on the road. Calculate the precision and recall of the object
detection system based on a confusion matrix.

8. Case Study: Smart Home and IoT Applications: Describe a scenario in which unsupervised
learning techniques are used to analyze energy consumption patterns in a smart home. Calcu-
late the average energy usage for each cluster identified through clustering.

9. Case Study: Robotics: Discuss the application of reinforcement learning in robotics for train-
ing a robot to navigate a maze. Use a Q-learning algorithm to determine the optimal policy for
the robot's actions.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

10. Case Study: Mine Detection: Provide a numerical example illustrating how machine learning
algorithms can be used to detect mines in a given area. Evaluate the performance of the mine
detection system using precision, recall, and F1-score metrics.

11. Case Study: Medical Diagnosis: Explain how a decision tree algorithm can be utilized to diag-
nose a medical condition based on patient symptoms. Construct a decision tree model and cal-
culate the information gain for each attribute.

12. Case Study: Personalized Medicine: Discuss the concept of personalized medicine and how it
can be implemented using machine learning techniques. Develop a regression model to pre-
dict the effectiveness of a particular drug for a given patient based on their genetic profile.

13. Smart City Applications: Explain how machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze
traffic patterns in a smart city. Calculate the average travel time for different routes based on
historical data collected from sensors.

14. Implications of AI: Discuss the ethical implications of using AI algorithms to make decisions in
sensitive areas such as criminal justice or healthcare. Provide examples of bias and fairness is-
sues that may arise.

15. Predicting the Future: Describe the concept of time series forecasting and its application in
predicting stock prices. Use a simple moving average method to forecast the next day's stock
price based on historical data.

16. Social Implications of AI: Analyze the societal impact of AI technologies on job automation
and employment rates. Estimate the percentage of jobs that could be replaced by AI-based au-
tomation in the next decade based on current trends.

17. Unsupervised Learning Applications: Provide examples of real-world applications where un-
supervised learning techniques, such as anomaly detection, are used for fraud detection or net-
work security. Calculate the anomaly score for a given data point.

18. Challenges in Clustering: Discuss the challenges associated with clustering high-dimensional
data. Apply dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset and visualize the clusters.

19. Evaluation of Outlier Detection: Evaluate the performance of an outlier detection algorithm
using precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. Interpret the results in the context of identifying
fraudulent transactions in a financial dataset.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

20. Emerging Trends in AI: Describe emerging trends in AI research, such as federated learning or
generative adversarial networks (GANs), and their potential applications in healthcare or cyber-
security. Provide a hypothetical scenario for each trend.

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