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1 Read the definitions and complete the words. The first letter of each word is given.
1 A doctor does this to remove or repair part of somebody’s body. o
2 You may suffer from this if you eat too much. s a
3 This can show a broken bone in your arm, for example. X-
4 When you hit a part of your body, this will change colour after a few days and may be black or blue. b
5 You may find it hard to speak or eat if you have one of these. s t
6 You can take this medicine if you have a headache. a
7 You may do this to your ankle or wrist. It is not as serious as a fracture. s
8 If you break your leg, it will be put in one of these. p c
9 If you feel very hot, you may have one of these. h t
10 You may have one of these if you have an accident with a knife. c

2 Complete the sentences with the missing sport words. Write only one letter in each space.
1 Have you ever played _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? It’s a popular American game.
2 I go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the local pool every weekend.
3 Lots of teenagers do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the new track. Everyone wants to be Usain Bolt!
4 We go _ _ _ _ _ _ every winter when there’s lots of snow.
5 You definitely need a helmet and gloves if you play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it’s a dangerous sport.
6 I want to play _ _ _ _ _ _ later so can I borrow your racket?
7 We go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the Alps every summer even though I’m afraid of heights.
8 ‘How many players are there in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ team?’ ‘There are six players on each team.’
9 My brother goes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whenever the waves are big enough.
10 I do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every week at the new gym. I like it because it’s not competitive and it keeps me fit.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, go or play.

1 We tennis every week in the summer.
2 Lots of my friends rollerblading in the local park.
3 If you want to surfing, you need to buy a board first.
4 When I skiing last winter, I lost my favourite gloves in the snow.
5 You can avoid many illnesses if you running three times a week.
6 Where is the course where Matthew golf every Sunday?
7 I love going to the track to watch my son athletics.
8 George basketball on the school team because he was so tall!
9 gymnastics demands a lot of training and may cause some injuries if you’re not careful.
10 There is a lovely path in the forest where I cycling at the weekends.

1 Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun. Leave out the pronoun where possible.
1 Do you know the boy is talking to your sister?
2 I often go back to the place I grew up.
3 Mark is the boy dad is a famous actor.
4 Alex, plays in the school band, is my best friend.
5 Did you enjoy the book I lent you?
6 The Olympics of 2016, I was a student, took place in Brazil.
7 I didn’t pass my maths exam, is annoying, as I had studied hard for it.
8 Madrid, my cousins live, is my favourite city.

Complete Preliminary for Schools Test Generator This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

2 Join the sentences using because and the past perfect.

1 I was late. I overslept.

2 We got lost. We forgot our map.

3 I felt sick. I ate too much.

4 Martin celebrated. He passed all his exams.

5 Dad was upset. Mum didn’t buy him a birthday present.

6 I couldn’t call you. I lost my phone.

7 We won the match. We trained hard.

8 Emma took up swimming. A new sports centre opened.

9 We moved into a new house. My grandparents came to live with us.

10 I was in hospital last week. I broke my leg playing football.

UT9 Listen to the sentences. Underline the stressed words.
1 You may be right but …
2 I don’t think so!
3 I don’t agree at all.
4 I’m not really sure about that.
5 Yes, I quite agree with you.
6 That’s not the way I see it.

Complete Preliminary for Schools Test Generator This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

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