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Creative writing

In the early morning hours of a bright morning, I had just returned from a business trip in the
United States, and I had just arrived at the airport. I decided to sit on a sofa at the airport
and rest my eyes for a little while, and since I had just landed, it was relatively easy for me
to fall asleep. Suddenly, I awoke in the middle of nowhere feeling weak and unable to move
my legs. I looked around and noticed I was in a strange room. I could hear the sound of
aeroplanes taking off and landing. I couldn't understand what had happened.

“Where am I?” I slowly said to myself as I tried to get myself up. I could see a security
camera in the corner of the room. Suddenly before I knew it, alarms started going off.

“What's happening?” I said quietly to myself

I quickly scrambled to my feet and made my way over to the door. I slowly opened the door
and peeped into the darkness outside. I could hear faint voices. I wanted to leave. I didn't
want to explore or try to figure out what was happening. I just wanted to get out of here but
where could I go? I knew that I had to make a decision and fast but before I knew it those
faint voices started getting louder and louder I ran as fast as I could to the boxes on the
other side of the room. What should I do? I thought to myself I thought for a second and
realised I would have to pretend I was asleep so they would suspect that I was gone I had
less than 10 sec to run and lie down before they came in I slowly stood up and went to the
other side, I could hear the footsteps and chatter of the people, as I slowly crept to the other
side of the room I then heard a door open just as I lay down thankfully they didn't notice I
held my breath and waited for what felt like hours until I heard them leave. I exhaled with
relief and slowly stood up, thankful that I had made it through unscathed.

I still had no idea where I was . I looked around, but it was dark and I couldn't see anything.
I decided to leave the room and continue walking, hoping to find some clue to my
whereabouts. I soon came to a road and followed it, hoping to find some help. After a few
hours, I saw the lights of a town in the distance. I continued walking, and eventually made it
to the town. But I still had no clue where I was. I indeed was very thankful to be out of there
but I couldn't help but wonder "where was I before?", "will those people try find me?",
"should I get the police?"

As I looked around everywhere, I saw a gloomy town and a big clock

“oh wow its 3AM!” I said to myself still clueless where I was

The whole town was dark only some streetlights were on most of them flickering, I felt a
chill in every step I took, I felt an eerie feeling not knowing what to do, there was dark
alleyways everywhere, I decided to keep exploring and find a bench to rest on for the night,
The more I walked the more scared and hopeless I felt, I then saw a bench nearby

“Thank god” I say to myself whilst breathing a sense of relief

As I made my way over to the bench the wind started to pick up and it started getting colder
and colder and by the time I got to the bench I was shivering I didn't know how I would
make it past tonight I had no money or anything but as I lay on the bench trying to close my
eyes and after what felt like hours I finally fell asleep, as I rested my eyes I felt a strong
breeze of wind wake me up as I woke up I saw a beautiful town nothing like the one from
last night. I saw kids running around with kites, As I stood up and started walking around I
could sense the feeling of happiness I decided to ask someone where this place was

“Excuse me” I begin to say

“Yes?” the beautiful lady says

“Where am I?” I ask her looking confused

“Your in Lockwood town” She replies

“The land of hope” She says adding on to her sentence

“Thank you” I say looking even more confused

“Your welcome” She says kindheartedly

“The land of hope? Well I hope I can go home” I say to myself as I start walking away

I slowly start to walk away thinking Lockwood? Where is that? How come I've never heard
of it? Questions kept piling into my head. I felt even more lost and confused. I started
coming up with more questions like, “who kidnapped me? and, why? Where will I sleep
tonight? Why was it so gloomy at night and dirty but so clean, fresh and fun during the
morning? I decided to keep walking but I had no idea of what would happen next. I was
worried and alone, I had no idea where I was going. And all I could do was hope that I
would find my way out. I didn't know why I was here I just wanted to start a solo career but
after a while of walking through all the kids playing with there kites and having fun i saw
something out in the distance It looked gloomy, Like the gloomy town I had seen last night

There wasn't a single flower there But just then I heard a sharp ringing in my ear I was now
on the ground holding my ear but just then I woke up In a dark room

“Was it all a dream?” As i got up i realised I was in the same room as my dream!

“This can't be happening!” I say in shock and disbelief

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