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1, JANUARY 2013 147

Gas Flow Effect on E. coli and B. subtilis Bacteria

Inactivation in Water Using a Pulsed Dielectric
Barrier Discharge
Benjamín Gonzalo Rodríguez-Méndez, Member, IEEE, Alma Neli Hernández-Arias, Régulo López-Callejas,
Raúl Valencia-Alvarado, Antonio Mercado-Cabrera, Rosendo Peña-Eguiluz, Member, IEEE,
Samuel Roberto Barocio-Delgado, Arturo Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, and Aníbal de la Piedad-Beneitez

Abstract—This paper presents an experimental study of the tained at room temperature, and the electrode configuration can
inactivation in water of two representative classes of bacteria, be widely varied. These features allow that this technology
Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Bacillus sub- can be used for a wide range of applications. In particular,
tilis, using pulsed dielectric barrier discharges (PDBDs) in a coax-
ial arrangement. To this purpose, an adjustable plasma source the plasmas generated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)
supplies 25-kV/500-Hz pulses, 30 μs long, at atmospheric pressure, have shown a high effectiveness in bacterial inactivation, both
with total energy consumption estimated at about 100 mJ/pulse. in gas and surfaces, whereas pulsed corona discharge (PCD)
The inactivation effect of a PDBD on these types of microor- plasma is generally applied in liquid media [1], [3]. Pulsed dis-
ganisms has been previously studied in dependence on an oxy- charges generated in liquid produce electromagnetic radiation,
gen gas flow mode (null, continuous, and modulate). The results
have shown a significant bacterial reduction rate from 108 to shock waves, electric fields, and chemical species that facilitate
103 cells/mL with E. coli and from 107 to 103 cells/mL with collateral physicochemical action which increases the synergy
B. subtilis. The inactivation effectiveness is substantially similar of the bacterial inactivation process [4]. Mechanisms of the
in both kinds of bacteria, although some data suggest a greater bactericidal properties of the electrical discharge in water have
susceptibility of the Gram-negative E. coli to plasma exposure. been proposed, both theoretically and experimentally, assuming
Plasma diagnostics was carried out using optical emission spec-
troscopy whereby the OH radical and reactive oxygen species local and nonlocal effects, yet the central mechanism of bac-
formation rates in solution were found and the level of ozone terial inactivation remains unknown. A proposed mechanism
produced by the discharge was monitored. Finally, a kinetics of bacterial inactivation by electrical discharges is the one that
model was developed to characterize the chemical species taking suggests that chemical action degrades or inactivates biological
place in nonthermal plasma inactivation processes in water. cells, showing a given amount of residual disinfectant capa-
Index Terms—Atmospheric-pressure plasmas, discharge, mod- bility even when the plasma has been turned off, maintaining
eling, pulsed power supply (PPS), spectroscopy. an inactivation ability [5]. However, the chemical mechanisms
are not well understood, and this field is being extensively
I. I NTRODUCTION investigated [6], [7].
High-voltage power supply is currently applied to generate
N ONTHERMAL PLASMAS (NTPs) at atmospheric pres-
sure are finding uses in diverse industrial and research
applications, with particular interest in environmental, medi-
electric discharges. When this high voltage is applied between
two electrodes without isolation, an electric arc can be de-
cal, and biological areas [1], [2]. Different investigations have veloped causing heating and high energy consumption. If a
shown that the NTP is a promising technology in the treatment, dielectric barrier layer is placed between them, this barrier
modification, or processing of media and materials, mainly limits the current, avoiding the arc formation and, in some
because it represents an efficient source of chemical species cases, forming a homogeneous plasma. This is a temporary
(electrons, ions, and active radicals), the gas phase is main- phenomenon, and in order to sustain the DBD plasma, the
applied voltage has to change over time. With this, a transient
NTP is generated in the gap [8].
Manuscript received August 9, 2012; revised November 15, 2012; accepted
November 17, 2012. Date of publication December 20, 2012; date of current
In this paper, we present the results of a pulsed DBD (PDBD)
version January 4, 2013. This work was supported by CONACYT, México. applied to bacterial inactivation in an aqueous environment
B. G. Rodríguez-Méndez, A. N. Hernández-Arias, R. López-Callejas, using a high-voltage pulsed power supply (PPS) in a cylindrical
R. Valencia-Alvarado, A. Mercado-Cabrera, R. Peña-Eguiluz, S. R. Barocio-
Delgado, and A. E. Muñoz-Castro are with the Instituto Nacional de Inves- coaxial geometry reactor. The strains considered in this study
tigaciones Nucleares, México 11801, México (e-mail: benjamin.rodriguez@ were the two representative classes of bacteria: Gram-negative;;; raul. Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis;; rosendo.eguiluz@;; (B. subtilis). We use an initially constant oxygen (O2 ) gas flow
A. de la Piedad-Beneitez is with the Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca, injected to culture suspension samples in the reactor, in order
Metepec 52140, México (e-mail: to compare them to the null gas flow sample case. After that,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at we proposed a modulated gas flow in order to compare the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2012.2230343 influence of either: null, constant, and modulated gas flows on

0093-3813/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


ulated in 5 mL of Luria-Bertani (LB) liquid broth and incubated

for 24 h at 37 ◦ C, being continuously stirred (overnight culture).
The culture was centrifuged twice for 10 min at 5000 r/min. The
sedimented bacteria were put in 5 mL of distilled and sterilized
water. In the case of B. subtilis bacteria, 5 mL of trypticase-
soy-broth solution was inoculated with a strain and incubated
for 24-h periods at 37 ◦ C as to obtain the reference sample
following the method described earlier.
In order to determine the initial concentration of both kinds
of cells obtained after overnight culture, an aliquot of 100 μL
at 1 : 102 dilution from the original sample was made, and the
count of cells was performed by a phase contrast microscope
in a Neubauer improved chamber (depth of 0.1 mm and a
0.04-mm2 area per square). The concentration in cells per
milliliter (cells/mL) was recorded.
Fig. 1. Experimental layout for PDBD in water. The number of E. coli cells counted was approximately
107 cells/mL. The original concentration can also be ap-
the bacterial inactivation process effectiveness. The chemical
proached by multiplying it by the dilution factor, leading to
species generated in a water environment with O2 are important
∼109 cells/mL. A count of ∼105 cells/mL of B. subtilis was
to understand better the mechanism of bacterial inactivation.
obtained, giving a final concentration of ∼107 cells/mL. The
Thus, the respective optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and
concentration for each experiment was obtained following this
chemical kinetics model results will be presented, and the
method and adjusted by standard progressive dilutions.
proposed inactivation mechanism will be discussed.

C. Experimental Method
The power supply output was established as 25 kV at 500 Hz,
A. Electrical Setup
with an ∼30-μs pulsewidth. As for E. coli bacteria experi-
The high-voltage pulsed discharge was provided by a com- ments, 15-mL distilled water samples containing controlled
pact PPS in a flyback configuration. The main circuit of the concentrations of 103 , 104 , 106 , and 108 cells/mL were placed
PPS consists of a direct current source, a power insulated-gate into the reactor. Ten experiments were carried out with each
bipolar transistor coupled by means of a pulse transformer. This concentration, whereas an untreated sample was kept as a
design allows a pulse repetition rate of 100–2000 Hz, a 1–30-μs reference. The reactor gas inlet was kept closed during exper-
pulsewidth, and 0–30-kV amplitudes and can be adjusted at any iments without gas flow. In order to improve the production
time [9]. The reactor cathode was made of stainless steel in of reactive oxygen species (ROS), two cases were considered:
coaxial configuration (30 cm long with an inner diameter of First, O2 was injected at a 0.5-L/min flow rate in a continuous
2.54 cm) whose symmetry axis is occupied by a tungsten rod mode during each treatment period, maintaining a gas bubbling
covered with alumina as dielectric barrier. In order to provide throughout the reactor. In the second place, an intermittent
the gas supply, a gas inlet and a commercial MKS mass flow 0.5-L/min flow of O2 was admitted for 15-s periods every
controller have been assembled. High-purity O2 (99.99%) is 30 s until the end of the treatment period. The 0.5-L/min O2
used as discharge gas at atmospheric pressure, creating bub- gas intake flow optimized the production of ozone (O3 ) under
bles into the culture liquid. The main electrical diagnostics the experimental conditions.
include an oscilloscope (TDS 2024, Tektronix Inc.), a high- The plasma treatment of B. subtilis bacteria demanded a sus-
voltage probe (Tektronix P6015A, 1000 × 3.0 pF–100 MΩ), pension prepared by placing 15 mL of distilled water containing
and a current transformer (Stangenes 2-0.1 W). In order to 103 , 105 , and 107 cells/mL. The experiments were carried out
identify the chemical species in the discharge, we used a during periods dependent on each concentration and in three
spectrometer (Jaz OceanOptics) with a maximum optical reso- modes, namely, without gas flow (null mode), continuous, and
lution of ∼0.3 nm (FWHM) performed over the 270–870-nm modulated modes, maintaining the discharge parameters as
wavelength range and an ultraviolet (UV) absorption ozone mentioned before.
meter (Ozone Monitor model 460 L, Teledyne Instruments) Immediately after plasma treatment, the suspension volume
operating at 253.7 nm. Both outputs are processed and recorded samples (water containing bacteria) were removed from the
on a computer. The experimental layout for PDBD in water is reactor and transferred to sterile tubes after which the micro-
shown in Fig. 1. biological analysis was carried out.

B. Preparation of Biological Samples D. Microbiological Analysis

The effectiveness of PDBD bacterial inactivation in water Three Petri dish (90-mm diameter) sets per sample of 103
was measured with cells of E. coli (ATCC 8739) and vegetative E. coli cells/mL (undiluted, at a 103 cells/mL concentration)
cells of B. subtilis (ATCC 6633). As for E. coli, a strain is inoc- in LB agar were compounded by inoculating 100 μL in each

dish using a spread-plate technique. Samples were taken from

both untreated and treated samples. Aliquots of 103 cells/mL,
from 104 , 106 , and 108 E. coli cells/mL concentrations, were
obtained from an untreated sample by standard dilution assay.
In order to determine its initial concentration, 100 μL of the
dilution was spread onto Petri dishes containing agar medium.
With respect to treated samples, dilutions from 1 : 10 to 1 : 105
were spread in triplicate directly onto the surface of LB agar,
and the cultivation method was applied. Once labeled, the
inoculated dishes were incubated overnight at 37 ◦ C for 24 h.
The culture of B. subtilis bacteria was carried out on three
Petri dishes per sample containing trypticase soy agar (TSA)
and compounded by inoculating aliquots of 100 μL that were
taken from both the untreated and the treated bacterial sus-
pension. The bacteria were cultured directly on the plate when
the concentration was 103 cells/mL. For 105 and 107 cells/mL, Fig. 2. Typical voltage and current waveforms of a PDBD in water.
samples of 103 cells/mL were obtained from a series of succes-
sive dilutions and spread on TSA. The inoculated dishes, once x are mol per liter (mol/L). The step change in xi , after the
labeled, were incubated for 24-h periods at 37 ◦ C. completion of Rj denoted by dij = rij − lij , is given by
After incubation, the number of colonies from the initial ⎧
⎨ −lij if Xi is a reactant in Rj
cell concentration and the treated suspension was estimated
dij = +rij if Xi is a product in Rj (2)
as the number of surviving cells, assuming that every viable ⎩
0 otherwise.
bacteria results in the formation of a colony [10]. Colony-
forming units (CFUs) were enumerated, and concentrations We can thus write for the reaction rate vj of Rj
per unit volume (CFU/mL) were determined by direct colony
counts. The bacterial inactivation effect versus the total plasma 
treatment time (kinetics) was determined and presented in v j = kj xiij (t) (3)
semilogarithmic scale. Later, the “D” value (decimal value or
decimal reduction), which is the interval of time required to and for the system of ODEs describing how each concentration
provide one decimal logarithm or 90% reduction in the initial changes over time
viable bacterial population, was determined.
dxi (t) 
= dij vj (x). (4)
dt j=1
E. Description of the Chemical Kinetics Model
To describe the chemical processes during the high-voltage
discharge in water, a chemical kinetics model was developed.
The model was based on the construction of a set of rate
equations represented as ordinary differential equations (ODEs) A. Electrical Measurements of the PDBD
with concentrations of chemical species as variables. We con-
The PDBD voltage and current waveforms are shown in
sider that chemical reactions are the only cause of concentration
Fig. 2. The current waveform presents peaks, which indicate
changes, and diffusion, thermal shift, etc., were neglected for
streamer formation in the reactor, which is limited by the
simplicity. Therefore, the model becomes 0-D and time depen-
dielectric avoiding arcing and maintaining the typical behavior
dent. To set up a general mathematical framework, we consider
of a PDBD [9].
a chemical reaction network or pathway involving N species.
The energy per pulse dissipated in the reactor was determined
To apply the law of mass action, the framework is decomposed
from the time integral of the voltage and current waveforms,
into M elementary reactions, where an elementary reaction will
measured across the electrodes of the reactor (using the Waves-
be written as [11]
tar program from Tektronix), resulting in ∼100 mJ/pulse. It
seems that the PDBD is more energy efficient compared with

Rj : lij Xi → rij Xi , j = 1, . . . , M (1) other electrohydraulic discharge systems where PCDs consume
i=1 i=1 energy in the 1-J/pulse range. Likewise, pulsed arc discharges
require energy in the range of 1 kJ/pulse and larger [12].
where Xi is the ith chemical species, Rj is the jth elementary
reaction, lij and rij are the stoichiometric coefficients, and
B. E. coli Inactivation
kj is the rate coefficient for Rj . If a species Xi is not a
reactant in reaction Rj , lij = 0. Similarly, rij = 0 if Xi is not Initial experiments of E. coli inactivation were carried out
a product in Rj . It is common to use the notation xi for the comparing the three gas flow modes: without gas, continuous,
molar concentration [Xi ], where the units of the concentrations and modulated O2 gas flow at 103 , 104 , 106 , and 108 CFU/mL

Fig. 3. E. coli inactivation by PDBD treatment with the following initial Fig. 4. Inactivation kinetics curve of the B. subtilis by PDBD at (a) 107 ,
conditions: (a) 108 , (d) 106 , (g) 104 , and (j) 103 CFU/mL without gas flow; (d) 105 , and (g) 103 CFU/mL without gas flow; (b) 107 , (e) 105 , and
(b) 108 , (e) 106 , (h) 104 , and (k) 103 CFU/mL in continuous oxygen flow; and (h) 103 CFU/mL in continuous oxygen flow; and (c) 107 , (f) 105 , and
(c) 108 , (f) 106 , (i) 104 , and (l) 103 CFU/mL in modulated flow. (i) 103 CFU/mL in modulated gas flow.

concentrations. Results are shown in Fig. 3. Without gas flow, it TABLE I

took around 240 s of treatment time to achieve a 1.4-log CFU/ D-VALUES FOR E. coli AND B. subtilis I NACTIVATION
mL reduction at 103 CFU/mL concentrations. A 1.7-log re-
duction in continuous gas flow was achieved, and a 2.6-log
reduction was achieved when a modulated gas flow was applied,
both at 120 s. At concentrations of 104 CFU/mL, it took around
300 s to achieve a 2-log order reduction without gas flow.
These are extended up to > 3-log when the treatment period is
300 s with continuous O2 flow. In contrast, modulated gas flow
produced a greater than 3-log inactivation in measured E. coli
CFU/mL concentration, within 240 s. At 106 CFU/mL, the re-
duction is < 1-log without gas until 420 s, 3.4-log with 360 s of Based on the data of Figs. 3 and 4, preliminary results
continuous O2 injection, or 4-log when the O2 was modulated indicate that O2 increased the efficacy of the process and that
for 300 s. Finally, if concentrations as high as 108 CFU/mL are the modulation action is much more effective and raises the
chosen, 3-log reductions demand 600-s periods with modulated elimination efficacy. D-values, given in seconds for E. coli and
gas flow; otherwise, the times extend much longer. B. subtilis, are listed on Table I.

C. B. subtilis Inactivation D. Chemical Analysis of the Discharge

Experiments of B. subtilis inactivation were performed at The electric discharges produce physical phenomena and
103 , 105 , and 107 CFU/mL for different treatment periods under reactive chemical species acting synergistically, thereby ac-
the conditions without gas flow, in continuous flow, and in celerating the elimination rate of microorganisms. In particu-
modulated O2 flow. The quantitative results are given in Fig. 4. lar, breaking down in water can generate powerful oxidation
The survival curves in this figure indicate that a 2.8-log species such as the hydroxyl radical (OH) with a high potential
reduction was achieved in about 360-s exposure treatment to inactivate the bacteria [13], [14]. The main chemical pro-
time at concentrations of 103 CFU/mL without gas flow. A cesses concerning the atoms of O and H and the molecules of
3.3-log reduction was determined in continuous O2 flow at O2 , O3 , OH, H2 O, HO2 , and H2 O2 are listed in Table II, where
120 s, whereas a 3-log reduction was achieved in only 30 s we have identified some of them by applying OES.
with modulated gas flow. At concentrations of 105 CFU/mL, The emission spectrum from chemical species determined by
reductions are achieved on the order of 2-log at 600 s in null OES is shown in Fig. 5, displaying the emission bands from the
flow mode and 3.9-log at 360 s when the gas is injected in discharge with and without O2 gas flow.
continuous mode, and a 4.8-log reduction was obtained when Fig. 5(a) shows the respective emission spectra, mainly from
a modulated flow of gas was provided. Finally, at 107 CFU/mL, hydroxyl radical in the 306.3-nm band (A2 Σ+ → X2 Π, 0-0),
around 1-log reduction demanded 1200-s periods without O2 the band of the N2 second positive system (337.1 nm, C3 Πu →
B3 Πg , 0-0), the N+2 first negative system (358.2, B Σu →
2 +
gas flow, whereas a 3-log reduction in continuous mode in the
2 +
same time and a 4-log reduction in modulated gas flow at 600 s X Σg , 1-0), the N2 second positive system (380.4 nm,
are achieved. C3 Πu → B3 Πg , 0-2), the Hα (656.3 nm, 3d2 D → 2p2 P o ), and


Fig. 6. Numerical simulation of the main chemical species generated by

PDBD in water.

4 −
molecule ion (O+ 2 ) first negative system (529.5, b Σg → a Πu ,

2-0) and the OH radical in the band of 613.7 nm (X2 Π, 5-0),

presenting a significant difference compared to Fig. 5(a).
Ozone concentration, in parts per million (ppm), was ob-
tained from all experiments. Concentration was saturated be-
tween 140 and 155 ppm in continuous oxygen flow, whereas
with modulated gas, saturation did not exist, but it presented an
oscillatory behavior between 30 and 120 ppm. The ozone level
measured in the process without gas flow is < 10 ppm.
For the second part of our chemical analysis, the simplified
chemical model considers a system of 15 ODEs, and all equa-
tions were solved using the ODE solver in MATLAB program.
First, the rate constant values of the reactions were obtained
mainly from [15]–[17]; we assume quasi-stationary concentra-
tions of the species initially present in the reactor (H2 O and
O2 ) and electron impact reactions. The initial concentrations of
water and oxygen were 0.83325 and 0.0186 mol/L, respectively,
and the concentrations of all other species are assumed to be
equal to zero at the reactor. The electron density was taken on
the order of 1014 cm−3 [18], and the reactor temperature was
fixed at room temperature, 300 K.
Results from the mathematical model obtained through sim-
ulations are shown in Fig. 6 where the concentrations (mol/L)
are plotted versus time. During the initial voltage pulse period,
electron impact reactions take place and produce radicals.
These radicals then react with other species in the system to
Fig. 5. Typical emission spectrum in PDBD in water: (a) Without oxygen gas initiate the chemistry in water.
flow and (b) with oxygen gas flow into the reactor. Under the condition that O2 gas is not bubbled (Fig. 7), an ef-
fect in the OH radical, H2 O2 , HO2 , and O3 species is observed
with respect to when oxygen is bubbled in continuous mode
O (777.4 nm, 3p5 P → 3s5 S o ), produced by the PDBD in H2 O (see Fig. 8). The initial concentrations used in the simulations in
without O2 flow. It should be observed that the spectra are these last figures were taken from simulation data from Fig. 6.
dominated by N2 transitions. We can notice that, by adding or removing the oxygen supply in
When O2 gas was bubbled, the emission intensities the last interval of the simulation, we obtain very different kinds
[see Fig. 5(b)] of the Hγ (434 nm, 5d2 D → 2p2 P o ), Hβ of profile charts. The formation of OH, O, H, and O+ 2 radicals
(486.1, 4d2 D → 2p2 P o ), Hα (656.3 nm, 3d2 D → 2p2 P o ), in this system was proven by the emission spectroscopy, but
O (777.4 nm, 3p5 P → 3s5 S o ), and O (844.6 nm, 3p3 P → from the viewpoint of application of electrical discharges for
3s3 S o ) are increased considerably compared to the case with- water treatment, OH radical and H2 O2 are the most important
out gas. A strong emission is observed in the positive oxygen species [19].

susceptible to degradation by direct attack [19]. Thus, O3 can

react in an aqueous medium both directly, e.g., as molecular
ozone, or indirectly, via radical intermediates formed during
ozone decomposition in the aqueous media. OH radical is the
most important species formed during ozone decomposition
through reactions (R25)–(R26). H2 O2 is a strongly oxidative
compound and is produced by the recombination of OH radical
(R21) and by the recombination of hydroperoxyl (HO2 ) radical
through reaction (R27).
Atomic oxygen and OH radicals are reported to be one of the
important contributors to bacterial inactivation, are suggested
to play an important role to cause the physical destruction
of bacteria, and lead to irreversible cytoplasmic membrane
damage by oxidation [20]. Ozone germicidal effects are caused
by its interference with cellular respiration. The unsaturated
fatty acids of the cell membrane are susceptible to attacks by
Fig. 7. Kinetic simulations without O2 gas in the reactor gas inlet and its OH radical; the presence of this radical can therefore compro-
effect on chemical species concentrations. mise the function of the membrane lipids. Protein molecules
are susceptible to oxidation by atomic oxygen or metastable
oxygen molecules [21]. We estimate that the pure discharge
survival curve reflects inactivation by intrinsic photodesorption
and rupture of the cytoplasmatic membrane due to the elec-
trostatic force and/or UV radiation, mainly since not enough
ROS from the gaseous phase are available. In contrast, when
adding O2 , which partially dissociates to yield O, O(1 D), O+ 2,
O3 , and then both electrostatic force and ROS contribute to
the bacterial inactivation. The results for O2 modulated can be
interpreted as ROS and radicals being formed during the O2
gas-on events, which react with the environment during and as
soon as the flow is suppressed (residual inactivation ability) and
where one or more active species interact with the cytoplasmic
cell membrane suppressing consequentially the bacterial activ-
ity. The residual inactivation ability might be contributed by
long-life active species, such as H2 O2 and O3 . By contrast, a
saturation of O2 and O3 molecules and O atoms produced by
Fig. 8. Dependence of the O2 gas injected in the reactor on chemical species
the added O2 in continuous mode can react together and with
OH radicals through reactions (R28)–(R30) [13] producing O2
and maintaining a relative abundance of hydroperoxyl radical,
but it is a much less strong oxidizer than the OH radical, O3 , or
In order to understand the difference between the spectra H2 O2 . Thus, although a vast number of OH radicals are formed
shown in Fig. 5 and numerical simulations shown in Figs. 7 with H and HO2 reacting with O3 , (R25)–(R26), a saturation of
and 8 and its effect in bacterial inactivation, we will discuss the O and O3 could be counterproductive.
production processes of O, H, and OH radical under the condi-
tion of added O2 . The O2 can be dissociated through reactions
(R1)–(R5), whereas considerable proportions of O(1 D) and O
atoms can be produced [13]. The main pathway leading to OH A PDBD technique in water has been carried out success-
radical formation by discharge is thought to be the result of fully, proving that its application is determinant for Gram-
the direct dissociation of water molecules by electron impact, positive and Gram-negative bacteria inactivation in water even
leading to the generation of O(1 D), H, and OH, (R7)–(R9). at high concentrations. Discharges in water were efficient in the
However, it has also been reported that the generation of OH formation of chemically active species, particularly OH radicals
radicals increases along with the concentration of O2 molecules and ozone, where the optical emission spectra of chemical
through the reactions (R11) and (R14) [14]. However, there species in water, with and without oxygen flow, have been
are other reactions responsible for the OH decay as well as observed successfully. It appears that, at atmospheric pressure,
the recombination reactions such as reactions (R16)–(R21). the principal agent of bacterial inactivation is the chemical
Ozone (O3 ) is the primary species produced by an electrical species. When O2 gas was bubbling, the effectiveness for bac-
discharge occurring in either air or oxygen, through reactions terial inactivation was higher because of the formation of active
(R22)–(R24). It is the only active species that can diffuse into species based in oxygen (ROS). The enhanced effectiveness
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[2] A. Pokryvailo, Y. Yankelevich, M. Wolf, E. Abramzon, S. Wald, and received the Ph.D. degree from the Instituto
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no. 2, pp. 024021-1–024021-7, May 2008. charge generation and plasma applications. His re-
[4] M. Laroussi, “Low temperature plasma-based sterilization: Overview and search interests include the modeling and electronic
state-of-the-art,” Plasma Process. Polym., vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 391–400, instrumentation in the plasma field.
Jun. 2005.
[5] C. W. Chen, H. M. Lee, and M. B. Chang, “Influence of pH on inactivation
of aquatic microorganism with a gas-liquid pulsed electrical discharge,”
J. Electrostat., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 703–708, Jul. 2009.
[6] B. Gweon, D. B. Kim, S. Y. Moon, and W. Choe, “Escherichia coli
deactivation study controlling the atmospheric pressure plasma discharge
conditions,” Current Appl. Phys., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 625–628, May 2009.
[7] M. M. Guivan, T. Kamikozawa, H. Kurokawa, H. Motomura, Alma Neli Hernández-Arias was born in 1984. She
K. Kadowaki, and M. Jinno, “Comparative inactivation of Bacillus subtilis received the Eng. degree in chemical engineering
spores using a DBD-driven xenon iodide excilamp and a conventional from the Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca, Toluca,
mercury lamp,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1972–1977, México, in 2008, where she is currently working
Aug. 2010. toward the Ph.D. degree.
[8] H. Ayan, “Uniform dielectric barrier discharge with nanosecond pulse She is currently with the Instituto Nacional de
excitation for biomedical applications,” Ph.D. dissertation, Drexel Univ., Investigaciones Nucleares, México, México. She has
Philadelphia, PA, 2009. been involved in research on the decontamination of
[9] B. G. Rodríguez-Méndez, R. López-Callejas, R. Peña-Eguiluz, water and pulsed power applications to the biological
A. Mercado-Cabrera, R. Valencia Alvarado, S. R. Barocio, A. de field. Her current research interests include biologi-
la Piedad-Beneitez, J. S. Benítez-Read, and J. O. Pacheco-Sotelo, cal effects of electric discharges.
“Instrumentation for pulsed corona discharge generation applied to
water,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 185–191, Feb. 2008.
[10] P. S. Lee, Practical Handbook of Microbiology, Quantitation of Microor-
ganisms., 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009.
[11] M. Ullah, H. Schmidt, K.-H. Cho, and O. Wolkenhauer, “Determinis-
tic modelling and stochastic simulation of biochemical pathways using
MATLAB,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng.—Syst. Biol., vol. 153, no. 2, pp. 53–60,
Mar. 2006.
Régulo López-Callejas received the Ph.D. degree
[12] J. S. Chang, “Thermal plasma solid waste and water treatments: A critical
in electronics engineering from the Instituto Tec-
review,” Int. J. Plasma Environ. Sci. Technol., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 67–84,
nológico de Toluca, Toluca, México, in 2002.
Sep. 2009. Since 1979, he has been a Full-Time Researcher
[13] F. Liu, W. Wang, S. Wang, W. Zheng, and Y. Wang, “Diagnosis of OH
in plasma physics instrumentation with the Plasmas
radical by optical emission spectroscopy in a wire-plate bi-directional
Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Investi-
pulsed corona discharge,” J. Electrostat., vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 445–451,
gaciones Nucleares, México, México. His current
Jun. 2007.
research interests include plasma applications, new
[14] R. Ono and T. Oda, “Measurement of gas temperature and OH density
plasma technologies, and electronic instrumentation.
in the afterglow of pulsed positive corona discharge,” J. Phys. D, Appl.
Phys., vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 035204-1–035204-11, Feb. 2008.

Raúl Valencia-Alvarado received the Ph.D. degree Samuel Roberto Barocio-Delgado received the
in nuclear science from the Universidad Autónoma Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of
del Estado de México, Toluca, México, in 2006. Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in 1997.
He is currently a Researcher with the Plasmas He was a Full-Time Researcher in the areas of
Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Investi- modeling and data interpretation with the Plasmas
gaciones Nucleares, México, México, where he is Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Investiga-
focusing on the plasma characterization and plasma ciones Nucleares, México, México, since 1981. He
processing of materials. passed away on 2012.

Antonio Mercado-Cabrera received the Ph.D. de- Arturo Eduardo Muñoz-Castro received the M.Sc.
gree in plasma physics and engineering from Paul degree in materials science from the Universidad
Sabatier University, Toulouse, France, in 2003. Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México,
He is currently a Full-Time Researcher with the in 2008.
Plasmas Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de He is currently a Researcher with the Plasmas
Investigaciones Nucleares, México, México, where Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Investi-
he is working on chemical kinetics, computational gaciones Nucleares, México, México, where he is
fluid dynamics for air pollution control, and new working on plasma physics, plasmas applied to sur-
technologies for waste treatment. faces, and biomaterials.

Rosendo Peña-Eguiluz (S’99–M’03) received the Aníbal de la Piedad-Beneitez received the M.Sc.
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the In- degree from the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad
stitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México,
France, in 2002. México, in 1979.
He is currently a Researcher with the Plasmas For several years, he was with the Institute of
Physics Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Investi- Physics, UNAM, where he worked on radiation
gaciones Nucleares, México, México. His research physics. Since 1988, he has been with the Instituto
interests include the modeling and control of power Tecnológico de Toluca, Toluca, México. He special-
static converters, plasma applications, and applied izes in plasma applications.
digital control.

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