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Boudali Zeineb

+216 93 770 379

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

+11 years of experience

2009-2012 National Diploma in Computer Engineering
National School of Computer Sciences ENSI (Tunis - Tunisia), winner of the promotion
ENSI is an elite school

2007-2009 Preparatory studies

Preparatory Institute for Scientific and Technical Studies IPEST (Marsa - Tunisia)
IPEST is an elite institute

Languages Java, Typescript, Android, Objectiv C

Angular 13, React Js, HTML5, XML, JSON, CSS3, PHP5, JavaScript, PrimeFaces
Web Technologies
AJAX, JQuery, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf

Nodejs, Nestjs, JUnit, Mockito, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring
DATA, Spring Core, Spring ORM, Spring AOP, Spring Cloud, Microservices,
JSF2.0, Swing, Hibernate, PrimeFaces, Richfaces, EJB, JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS
Apache tomcat, JBOSS
Application Servers

SGBD MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Web Services REST, SOAP (WSDL), JAX-WS, Postman
Tools Git, JIRA, Redmine, SVN, Bitbucket, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, SonarLint, JBPM,
Eclipse, Intellij
Systems WINDOWS, UNIX/LINUX (Ubuntu, Debian)
Methodology Agile Scrum


● Management and resolution of technical and functional incidents

● Expertise in designing and implementing Web projects (Java/Jee, Angular, Nodejs, Nestjs..)
● Expertise in the design and production of native (Android and iOS) and hybrid (Ionic/Cordova/ React
Native) mobile applications


● French : Fluent English : Good level German : School level

January 2023 - October 2023 : Team leader @ Orienteed (Italy)

Project: Frames Direct

Context: Design and development of an eCommerce platform for Luxottica (Frontend part).
The platform offers several customizations:
- Robust filters for category pages
- Virtual try-on (Virtual mirror, Frame advisor, Size advisor)
- Detailed product pages
- Prescriptions management
- Lens selection (ROX configurator)
- Analytics part
Environment: Windows, React js, Docker, Jenkins…
August 2022 - December 2022 : Senior Fullstack engineer @ Guest Adom (France)

Project: Guest Adom

Context: Design and development of a platform offering a concierge service that manages the seasonal rental of
Environment: Windows, Java, Spring boot, Vue js, PostgreSql, Docker, Swagger…
May 2022 - July 2022 : Senior Fullstack engineer @ Limbiq (Germany)

Project: Limbiq CMS

Context: Design and development of two modules: containers management and containers planning for a logistic
Environment: LINUX/Windows, Java, Spring boot, Angular 13, Mongodb, Docker, Swagger…

Dec 2021 - Apr 2022 : Senior Fullstack engineer @ Medatus (Germany)

Project: Medatus CMS

Context: Design and development of a medical CMS. The plateform supports users in their search for information,
experts and suitable products from the healthcare sector.
Environment: LINUX/Windows, Typescript, Javascript, Nest js (Websockets), Nodejs, Angular 13, Mongodb, Docker

Apr 2021 - Dec 2021 : Senior Fullstack engineer @ Signality (Sweden)

Project: Signality API

Context: Design and development of sport cloud API. The goal is to create real-time tracking data from match videos.
Environment: LINUX/Windows, Typescript, Javascript, Loopback 3/4, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, VS Code.
Sept 2020 - Mar 2021: Senior Fullstack engineer @ CruxSoft (Beligum)

Project: CST-Connect
Context: Design and development of Web Application for recruitment.
- Profiles/Commercials management
- Companies management
- Offers and offers responses management
- Conventions management
- A dashboard panel for the platform settings
Environment: LINUX (Debian), JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring Boot, Spring Security), Jasper Reports + eReports designer,
Apache Tomcat 9, PostgreSQL, Maven , SOAP, REST, XML, JSON ,JUnit 4, Angular 9, Material design, GIT, Bitbucket,
Jira, Intellij

Aug 2018 - Aug 2020: Senior Fullstack engineer / Scrum Master @ Webgoeson (Switzerland)

Project: MITC Consulting (Switzerland)

Context: Design and development of service monitoring platform within a payroll company.
- Users management
- Hours scheduling, leaves and absences management, overtime calculation...
- Companies management
- Generation of html, pdf and xls reports
Environment: LINUX (Debian), JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring Boot, Spring Security), AJAX, Javascript, Thymeleaf,
Bootstrap, Jasper Reports + eReports designer, Apache Tomcat 9, PostgreSQL, Maven, REST, JSON ,JUnit 4, JBPM,
ESB, Angular 9, Material design, GIT, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Jira, Intellij
Project: Xerya (France)
Context: The project consists of a platform dedicated to private educational establishments.
- Management of school canteens
* Management of meal vouchers
* Monitoring and assignment of tickets to students
* Reporting volumes and amounts
* Tickets and receipts printing
- School transport management
* Management of transport tickets
* Definition of routes
* Assignment of routes to students
* Monitoring and assignment of tickets to students
* Reporting volumes and amounts
* Tickets and receipts printing
Environment: LINUX (Debian), JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring MVC 4, Spring Data 2, Spring Security 4), AJAX, Jquery,
Javascript, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, Apache Tomcat 9, PostgreSQL, Maven, SOAP, WSDL, XML, XSD, XSLT, JAXP/JAXB,
JUnit 4, JBPM, ESB, Angular 9, Material design, SVN, Jira, Docker, Intellij
Project: CNED (France)
Context: The project consists of an educational game for college students.
- Development of the backend in Java / Jee / Spring / Hibernate
- Development of the back office with Angular 8
- Management of the mobile team (4 Android and iOS developers)
- Communication and customer demonstrations
- Animation of daily scrum meetings
- Animation of sprints planning and review meetings
- Resolution of reported problems

Environment: LINUX (Ubuntu) / Windows, JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring Boot, Spring Security), AJAX, Javascript,
Thymeleaf, Ionic, Bootstrap, Jasper Reports + eReports designer, Apache Tomcat 9, PostgreSQL, Maven, REST, JSON,
JUnit 4, JBPM, ESB, Angular 8, HTML5, CSS3, Material design, GIT, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Jira, Intellij

Project: Helvet Group (Switzerland)

Context: It's about developing a time tracking platform. It allows the company to manage its projects, monitor
working times and measure productivity.
The application also focuses on collaboration. It facilitates the organization of clients, projects and tasks on a
dashboard and allows users to see the work done by other members of the teIn-depth analysis of timesheets,
performance reports and billing can also be generated.
Environment: LINUX (Debian), JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring MVC, Spring Security), JPA, Hibernate, EJB, Jasper Reports
+ eReports designer, JBOSS, PostgreSQL, WS-Security, Primefaces, Richfaces, JSF, Maven , SOAP, XML, WSDL,
JUnit 4, SenGrid Java, GIT, Bitbucket, Jira, Eclipse
Project: INEON Biotech, Alfresco Consultant
Context: Management of the backend part (Rest Alfresco API) for two mobile applications : Android & iOS.

June 2017 - July 2018: Senior Java/Jee engineer @ ALPA Group (France)

Project: HORUS
Context: Alpa Group, located in France, is very active in three major areas:
- Food preparation
- Hydrology
- Hospital hygiene
The project consists of the development and maintenance of the HORUS V1 information system of the ALPA
laboratory group: A platform for the management of medical analyzes and the control of product quality
- Benefit planning
- Sampling and analysis of benefits
- The filling of slips
- Billing
- Validation of analysis reports
Environment: LINUX (Ubuntu), JAVA/JEE, JAVA 8, (Spring MVC, Spring Security), JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, EJB, Jasper
Reports + eReports designer, JBOSS, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, WS-Security, Primefaces, Richfaces, JSF, Maven, SOAP,
XML, WSDL, JUnit 4, SenGrid Java, GIT, Bitbucket, Jira, Eclipse

Oct 2016 - May 2017: Web & Mobile developer @ Freelance (Tunisia)
Apr 2015 - Sept 2016: Web & Mobile developer @ Ardia (Tunisia)

Web Project:
Development of a web application that communicates with an electric telecommunication box to
configure it. The project has two parts:
- A WebSocket part hosted on a server Lighttpd running in the box.
- A web application developed in HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS ..
The user can configure the box from the web interface, as it can view the latest configuration files, export
them .. WebSockets are used to synchronize data between the two parts. Data is transferred in the form of
JSON files.

Android Project
Development of an application to drive an Arduino board via Bluetooth communication. A
simplified version of the application was made with PhoneGap (Intel XDK)

Web Project: (more than 6 mois)

The SDIAG location system is used to supervise a set of vehicles and display their details such as their GPS
positions, their ECU parameters, etc. This system is composed of two parts: - A board part on vehicles that
communicates with the vehicle computer, and is connected to a GPS device to collect data and send them to
the Cloud via SIGFOX Radio communication.
Some back office that enables administrators to recover data sent to the cloud SIGFOX using a REST API
and displayed on the HMI as well as send commands to the vehicle via the Cloud.
The project was developed using Spring, Hibernate, AngularJS, Bootstrap ... The same concept of the project
was introduced to the field of agriculture and construction to track the movements of the tractor / construction
vehicle and retrieve the necessary information (speed, water, temperature, position ..)

Mobile Projects (EON MOTORS)

Developing three applications to control a card integrating BLE:
- An Android application with "Central" role to drive and configure the electric vehicle
- Two Smartphone applications (Android and iOS) to control
the car. Links :
(The same iOS version was developed and published on AppStore)
Website :
(The image of the main application is at the bottom of the site)

Web Project:
A web application for managing obsolescence of electronic components within the company. The project
was developed using Spring, Hibernate, Primefaces …

Android Project:
Developing a custom launcher app for android tablet.

Aug 2012 - Apr 2015: Mobile developer @Telnet (Tunisia)

Web and iOS Project: iBeacons technology

The iOS application offers to users visiting a mall equipped with iBeacons technology:
- Consult the plan of the mall and view the different shops and their promotions.
- Check the list of promotions
- Consult the list of stores
- Consult the promotional details: pictures, prices, delivery ...
- Be notified of new promotions even when the application is in background or inactive.
- Be guided when visiting the center. In fact, the user can be automatically directed to the details
screen for the promotion by entering the associated shop, equipped with a iBeacon.
The second part of the project is a backend website communicating with Parse Server
Android Project
Development of three Android applications for three measuring devices (CA 6417 Earth Clamp, Clamp
millimeter F407 / F607, air quality clamp CA 1510).
Some common features include:
- Offset the display of the current measurement according to the measurement mode.
- Plotting of real-time measurements (Integration and use of open-source library AndroidPlot).
- Configuration of certain parameters of the unit.
- File management reports in multiple formats ICP, Excel, Txt.
- Multi-language management.
- GPS Location.
- Screenshots.
- Photo Taking action scene.
Communication with measurement devices is based on the SPP protocol (using the Java API for
RFCOMM connections) via Modbus commands.

ALIUM Project (Phone : DECT & Android)

Development and bug fixing for the product ALIUM (AndroidDECT phone).
Bugs fixing in the kernel level, Framework and application.

Android Project
Development of a system update application for Android Dect product. Checking the availability of the updated
every 24 hours. An automatic check at startup if the last check has exceeded 24 hours. The update can be
forced or normal, incremental or total. Checking the battery level and device status before starting the
installation in the case of a forced day update automatically discovered.
Blackberry Project
Development of an application "Football statistics".

Android Project
Development of a custom launcher for Android STB SagemCom with TV application. The project will launch
TV channels, retrieve information related to the current channel. The other main tasks performed during this
- Android Environmental Compilation KitKat
- Development of Android Widgets
- Development using the Android fragments.
iOS Project:
Development of a fitness iOS application, communicating with a sensor (SensorTag) via BLE.
The application includes the following features:
- The display of real-time measurements of the race (speed acceleration, time, calories burned )
=> There is a decline in formulas for these parameters.
- Plotting of real-time measurements in graphs (Integration and
use of open-source library CorePlot).
- Configuration of some application settings.
- Save races.
- Multi-language management.
- GPS Location.
- Photo Taking inventory of races: the photo gallery.

iOS Project:
The project consists of an iOS application communicating with a particular device. This allows to locate the
object to which it is attached, from the smartphone via BLE. The application basically allows you to:
- Save the smartphone's GPS position when breaking the BLE link
- Refresh GPS position when a user of the application passes near the device
- Indicate the distance to the device
- By activating the safety mode, an alarm is triggered on the smartphone
signaling the bond breaking BLE
- Sounding the smartphone by pressing the device
- Linking a person who finds the device with its owner via chat.

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