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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 5

Objective: 1. Identify the steps on how to multiply fractions, by another

fractions, whole numbers by a fraction, and mixed numbers by a fraction., .
Perform correctly the necessary mathematical operations using manipulatives,
such as fraction tiles or fraction circles to visualize and solve the problems.,
Reflect the use of multiplication of fractions in real life situations.

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Multiplication in real life situations (Science) - Understanding how to multiply

fractions is essential in various scientific calculations involving measurements and

2) Scaling in art (Arts) - Multiplication of fractions can be applied in scaling artwork

either digitally or manually to achieve desired dimensions.

3) Financial calculations (Home Economics) - Multiplying fractions is important in

budgeting and financial planning to accurately calculate expenses and savings.

- Across:

1) Building and construction (Technology and Livelihood Education) - Multiplying

fractions is used in calculating materials needed for construction projects accurately.

2) Geographic coordinates (Social Studies) - Multiplying fractions is applied in

determining locations using longitude and latitude coordinates.

3) Recipe measurements (TLE and MAPEH) - Multiplying fractions is crucial in

adjusting ingredient proportions when cooking or baking.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Fraction tiles, whiteboard]

Engaging Activity 1 - Math Mystery Box

Engaging Activity 2 - Fraction Tiles Puzzle

Engaging Activity 3 - Real-Life Scenario Storytelling

Activity 1: Fraction Multiplication Magic

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials - Fraction tiles

Significance - Develop a deeper understanding of multiplying fractions using visual


Instructions -

1) Explain the concept of multiplying fractions using fraction tiles.

2) Ask students to model and solve multiplication problems involving fractions.

3) Assess students' understanding based on their ability to correctly represent and

solve fraction multiplication using fraction tiles.


- Accuracy of representation - 15 pts.

- Correct solution - 15 pts.

- Explanation of reasoning - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Multiply 2/3 by 4/5.

2) What is the result when you multiply 1/4 by 2/3?

3) How can you visually represent 3/8 multiplied by 1/2?

Activity 2: Mixed Numbers Challenge

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Fraction circles

Significance - Practice multiplying mixed numbers and fractions.

Instructions -

1) Provide mixed number multiplication problems for students to solve using fraction

2) Encourage group work to discuss and solve the challenges together.

3) Assess each group's ability to correctly multiply mixed numbers by fractions.


- Correct solution of mixed number multiplication - 20 pts.

- Collaboration within the group - 10 pts.

- Clear explanation of the solution - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Calculate 4 1/2 * 2/3.

2) How would you represent and solve the multiplication of 3 2/5 by 1/4?

3) Explain the steps to multiply 2 3/4 by 1/3.

Inclusive Activity 3: Real-Life Multiplication Stories

[Teaching Strategy: Storytelling]

Materials - None

Significance - Connect fraction multiplication to everyday scenarios.

Instructions -

1) Present real-life situations where multiplying fractions is needed (e.g., recipe

measurements, resizing images).

2) Encourage students to identify and solve the fraction multiplication challenges in

the stories.

3) Evaluate students' ability to apply fraction multiplication in practical contexts.


- Correct application of fraction multiplication - 20 pts.

- Engagement in storytelling - 10 pts.

- Creativity in solutions - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How can you apply fraction multiplication in doubling a recipe that calls for 1/2 cup
of flour?

2) Explain a real-life scenario where multiplying fractions is essential for accurate


3) In what practical situation would you need to multiply fractions to solve a problem?


Activity 1 - Students were able to grasp the concept of multiplying fractions using
visual aids effectively.

Activity 2 - Group collaboration helped students understand how to multiply mixed

numbers by fractions efficiently.

Activity 3 - Connecting fraction multiplication to real-life scenarios enhanced

students' application of the concept.

Multiplying fractions is a crucial skill that extends beyond the classroom, allowing
students to solve practical problems and make accurate calculations in various
fields. It helps in understanding proportions and adjusting quantities accurately.
Further exploration through reading materials can deepen students' comprehension
and reinforce their learning.

Supporting Material 1 - "Mathematics in Everyday Life: Applications of Fraction

Multiplication" - This article provides examples of how multiplying fractions is used in
real-life situations, emphasizing the importance of this skill in daily tasks.

Supporting Material 2 - "Visualizing Fractions: Enhancing Mathematical

Understanding" - This resource explores the use of manipulatives like fraction circles
in understanding and solving fraction multiplication problems effectively.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Task 1 - Have students create their own real-life scenarios where multiplying
fractions is necessary and solve them using manipulatives.

Task 2 - Conduct a cooking activity where students need to adjust recipe

measurements by multiplying fractions accurately.


[Teaching Strategy: Multiple Intelligences Approach]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, whiteboard]

Question 1 - Calculate 3/4 * 2/5.

Question 2 - Explain a situation where you would need to multiply fractions in daily

Question 3 - Solve the mixed number multiplication: 1 2/3 * 3/4.


Question 1 - How does understanding the steps to multiply fractions help in solving
complex mathematical problems?

Answer 1 - Understanding fraction multiplication lays the foundation for more

advanced mathematical concepts involving proportions and ratios, leading to more
accurate problem-solving.

Question 2 - Can you think of a situation where multiplying fractions incorrectly can
lead to significant errors in a real-life scenario?

Answer 2 - Incorrectly multiplying fractions in tasks like baking or construction can

result in incorrect measurements, leading to failed outcomes.

Question 3 - Explain the significance of using manipulatives like fraction tiles in

learning fraction multiplication.

Answer 3 - Manipulatives help visually represent abstract mathematical concepts,

making it easier for students to understand and apply the processes accurately.


1. Create a recipe that involves multiplying fractions for a family dinner and explain
the steps taken to adjust the measurements accurately.

2. Research and write a short essay on the importance of understanding fraction

multiplication in different fields such as science, art, and finance.

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