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Aguilar, Sandra Marie Tabumpama

M2 – Constitutional Law 2
1st Prelim Assignment
Feb. 5, 2024

General Welfare and Common Good

General welfare is a concept that is used in political philosophy. It

allows the governing body to enact laws to promote the general
welfare of the people, commonly referred to as the “public welfare”.
It has served as the foundation for legislation that supports the
health, safety, morals, and well-being of the people they rule. It
aimed at improving education, infrastructure, and social services. In
the Philippine Constitution, general welfare maintains peace and
order, protecting the life, liberty, and property that are essential for
all the people.

Common Good refers to the resources, material, cultural, or

institutional that people within a community would provide to all
members to fulfill a moral obligation by seeking out shared interests.
The common good is an important principle in political philosophy.
Let us assume that "public life" in a political community refers to
members working together to maintain certain facilities for the
benefit of shared interests. The best examples are police protection
and public policy, public schools, the Clean Air Act and Clean Water,
public transportation, etc.

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