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1. Name of the Organization:

2. Year of Commencement:

3. Designation:

4. What sector does your company operate in?

o Finance/Investment
o Technology
o Manufacturing
o Energy
o Healthcare
o Retail
o Other (please specify) ___________________________________________

5. Annual Revenue Range:

6. Number of Employees:

7. How long has your company been actively implementing ESG initiatives?

o Less than 1 year

o 1-3 years
o 3-5 years
o More than 5 years

8. Which of these stakeholders do you think would play a crucial role in implementing various
ESG initiatives?

o Investors
o Employees

o Customers
o Trade associations/other non-profit organizations
o Government

9. How does your company engage with stakeholders to carry out various ESG initiatives?

o Reports
o Events/Conferences/Seminars/Roundtables
o Data collection – interviews/focus groups/surveys
o Through dedicated ESG committees or boards

10. Which of the following factors would influence the increase in adoption of ESG practices in
your company?

o Regulatory measures
o Pressure from various stakeholders, especially the investors
o Competitive advantage
o Industry peer pressure
o Ethical considerations
o Risk Mitigation
o Company reputation
o Long-term sustainability
o Other (please specify) _______________________________________________

11. What are all the challenges your company faces in implementing ESG policies?

o Lack of awareness
o Reluctance of stakeholders to buy-in to the idea.
o Insufficient resources
o Insufficient budget allocation
o Regulatory hurdles
o Limited access to data
o Other (please specify) _______________________________________________


12. How informed are your employees on your organization’s ESG practices?

o Low
o Moderate
o High
o Very High

13. How important are ESG frameworks for businesses?

o Extremely important
o Moderately important
o Not important

14. What sources or channels do you typically use to keep up with the current ESG-related trends
and practices?

o Industry-specific reports and publications

o Professional networks
o Company’s training programs
o Other (please specify)

Resource Allocation and Investment:

15. What percentage of revenue does your company allocate for carrying out various ESG

o Less than 5%
o 5-10%
o 10-20%
o More than 20%

16. What factors influence your company's decision-making when it comes to investing in ESG-
related initiatives?


o Regulatory compliance
o Company’s reputation
o Stakeholders’ expectations
o Other (please specify)

17. Do you see sufficient ROIs coming through the implementation of ESG practices in the long

o Yes
o No
o Unsure

Monitoring and Reporting:

18. How does your company monitor and measure its performance regarding the effectiveness and
integrity of its ESG reporting?

o Internal audits
o Third-party assessments / Independent verification
o ESG software/platforms
o Industry benchmarks
o Quantitative metrics (e.g., CO2 emissions reduction, waste diversion)
o Qualitative metrics (e.g., stakeholder perception, employee satisfaction)
o Both quantitative and qualitative metrics
o No formal reporting
o Other (please specify)

19. What challenges do you face in collecting and analyzing relevant data for ESG reporting?

o Lack of data
o Inaccurate data
o Data compilation
o Lack of standardized metrics
o Other (please specify)

20. How transparent is your company in disclosing its ESG performance to stakeholders, including
investors and the general public?

o Very transparent
o Somewhat transparent
o Not transparent

21. How frequently does your company publish ESG reports?

o Annually
o Biannually
o Quarterly
o Irregularly
o Never

Integration with Business Strategy:

22. To what extent are ESG considerations integrated into your company's overall business
strategy and decision-making processes?

o Not integrated at all

o Somewhat integrated
o Moderately integrated
o Highly integrated

23. How do you bring your ESG goals and your business objectives into alignment?

o Standardized assessments
o Integrated planning system
o Dedicated ESG committees/teams
o Other (please specify)

24. Have you observed any notable benefits or competitive advantages as a result of integrating
ESG principles into your company's operations?

o Yes

o No
o Unsure

Future Outlook and Adaptation:

25. What are your company's future plans regarding ESG initiatives?

o Expansion and enhancement

o Maintaining current efforts
o Scaling back
o No plans

26. What steps is your company taking to adapt to potential changes in ESG regulations or market

o Proactive monitoring of regulations

o Investing in ESG training and education
o Enhancing ESG reporting capabilities
o Other (please specify)

27. Are there any emerging trends or best practices in ESG implementation that your company
plans to adopt in the near future?

o Yes
o No
o Unsure

28. Please select the appropriate option that applies to your case (Perception):

ESG initiatives promotes long-term sustainability for an
ESG initiatives provide a competitive advantage in the

ESG initiatives impact the investment decisions of
institutional investors.
ESG initiatives impact the brand reputation of your
ESG initiatives influence the recruitment and retention of
talent within your organization.
ESG initiatives incorporating diversity and inclusion
practices within your organization.
Organization is confident in its ability to achieve their
ESG goals within specified timeframes.
Employees are highly engaged in ESG-related activities.
I could foresee the importance of ESG compliance
evolving in the industry over the next few years.

29. Please select the appropriate option that applies to your case (Impact):

ESG initiatives influence the operational efficiency of
your organization.
ESG initiatives impact the increase in cost of capital for
your organization.
ESG initiatives impact the innovation culture within the
ESG initiatives impact the risk management practices in
your organization.
ESG initiatives impact the long-term viability and
resilience in your organization.

30. Have you observed any changes in corporate behavior or practices as a result of ESG reporting?

o Yes
o No

If yes, please specify the nature of these changes (e.g., improved transparency, enhanced
stakeholder engagement, reduced environmental impact, etc.).


General Feedback:

31. Is there any additional feedback or insights you would like to share regarding the expectations
or support and/or the challenges and opportunities related to ESG compliance?



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