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Stage 1 – Semester 2 Name : …………………………..

Class : ………….………….......
UNIT 9 – Exercise
A. Cross ( X ) the correct answer.
1. The letter below forms the shape of an animal. What animal is that?
a. tiger
b. lion
c. zebra
2. The first letter of the alphabet is …
a. A b. Q c. Z
3. The last letter of the alphabet is …
a. X b. Z c. A
4. The following object that contains a lot of letters is …
a. book b. anvelope c. wood
5. Fonts can be made using …
a. telephone b. computer c. TV
6. Which is the type of font that we can find in computer?
a. Times New Roman b. Latin c. joined- up writing
7. The letter P in the picture below describes an animal. What animal is that?
a. rabbit
b. cat
c. panda
8. The letter T below is decorated with an animal. What animal is that?
a. duck
b. fish
c. turtle

9. The letter K below is decorated with a …
a. kangaroo
b. rabbit

c. koala

10. Today is Mita’s birthday. She got a beautiful greeting card decorated with …
a. flowers
b. leaves
c. seeds

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. The number of alphabet A – Z is …
2. Types of letters are called …
3. One example of font is …
4. Look at the picture below.
This is letter …
The shape of the letter looks like a …

5. The third letter of the alphabet is …

C. Answer the following questions correctly.

1. I have a new story book. The cover is written using different fonts.
What is the function of the fonts?
fonts …………………………………………………….

2. These are the examples of fonts.

What do you think “ font“ is?
3. There are a lot of fonts in the computer. Mention three ( 3 ) examples of them!


4. Look at some letters below. What animals that decorate the letters?

5. Look at the alphabet combined with the shapes of animals below.

Now, write your nickname using these letters.


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