1979 Trichomoniasis and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Trichomoniasis and Other

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

FACTS ABOUT TRICHOMONIA- irritation of the vulva, and a greenish- infected person has recently used.
SIS AND OTHER SEXUALLY gray discharge often containing small Question: Doesn't the government
TRANSMITTED DISEASES: Tricho- bubbles. Some women have noted a monitor the incidence of venereal
moniasis and other sexually trans- slight burning sensation during uri- disease?
mitted diseases (STDs) may pose nation. Answer:Yes. The Center for Dis-
both long- and short-term health risks Question: What are symptoms of ease Control (CDC) receives weekly
to men and women. A brief descrip- trichomoniasis in the male? reports on the incidence of five
tion of the most STDs, specific facts Answer: Males are usually asymp- venereal diseases from local public
about trichomoniasis, and informa- tomatic carriers of the disease - that health offices. For CDC reporting
tion on vaginal infections are listed is, they experience no symptoms but purposes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chan-
below: can unknowingly infect or reinfect croid, granuloma inguinale, and
Question: What is trichomoniasis? their sexual partners. This is why it is lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV),
Answer: Trichomoniasis is one of important that men be informed if the are defi ned as "reported venereal
the most widespread sexually trans- female sexual partner contracts the diseases." However, other sexually
mitted diseases in the United States. disease. Occasionally the male may transmitted diseases may also be
Its incidence in the population was experience painful urination in asso- hazardous, even though they are not
estimated at 2.3 million in 1977 and ciation with trichomoniasis. monitored by CDC.
may have reached 2.8 million during Question: Why is the rate of reinfec-
1978. It is an infection found in the Question: What are sexually trans-
mitted diseases? tion of sexually transmitted diseases
genital and urinary tracts of both men like trichomoniasis so high?
and women usually between the ages Answer: These are diseases which
may be spread by sexual contact. Answer: Trichomoniasis and other
of 16 and 35, when sexual activity is at sexually transmitted diseases are
STDs, as they are commonly known,
a peak. nearly impossible to eradicate unless
may occu r because of the presence of
Question: What causes trichomoni- both sexual partners are treated. The
a parasite (as in trichomoniasis) or
asis? high rate of reinfection undoubtedly
due to a bacterial infection (such as
Answer: Unlike other forms of sex- means that one or more sexual part-
those that cause gonorrhea or syphi-
ually transmitted disease, tricho- ners has not been informed and
lis). Often, sexually transmitted dis-
moniasis is caused by the presence of treated.
eases have a ping-pong effect. They
a parasite known as the trichomonad.
can be transferred from one sexual Question: What kinds of medication
Despite good hygienic practices,
partner to another and back again are available for treatment of t richo-
once transmitted, the genital or u ri-
unless both receive proper treatment. moniasis?
nary tract makes a perfect environ-
Question: What is the difference Answer: The most effective treat-
ment for the parasite to exist and
between a sexually transmitted dis- ment currently available is the oral
ease and a venereal disease? drug Flagyl (metronidazole). Al-
Question: What are the symptoms
Answer: Physicians believe that though topical creams may reduce
of trichomoniasis in the female?
venereal diseases are always sexually the incidence of swelling or itching in
Answer: According to Danforth's
transmitted, while some STDs may be the vulva, they rarely eradicate the
text on Obstetrics and Gynecology
contracted via contact with toi lets, parasite causing the infection.
(1977), symptoms may include some
or all of the following: itching and articles of clothing or towels which an Question: Can Flagyl cause adverse

side effects, such as cancer? Non-Gonococcal Urethritis or vaginal infections are diabetes, anti-
Answer: A recent study conducted NGU is sometimes caused by forms biotics, onset of pregnancy and oral
at the Mayo Clinic revealed no inci- of the chlamydia trachomatis bac- contraceptives. Avoidance of tight
dence of cancer in 767 women given teria, but 50 percent of NGU infec- fitting garments, especially during
at least one prescri ption of metroni- tions are not identifiable. However, warm weather also helps reduce
dazole for trichomoniasis infection none are caused by the gonococcus chance of vaginal infections.
between 1960 and 1969. Studies in bacteria found in gonorrhea, hence SEXUALL Y TRANSMITTED DIS-
rodents involving long-term adminis- the name NGU. Approximately 2.5 EASE DIAGNOSED IN 20 PERCENT
tration of metronidazole at dosage million men were diagnosed as car- MORE PA TlENTS IN 1978: Diag-
levels markedly in excess of the riers of NGU in 1977, of which 15 nosed cases of trichomoniasis, one of
therapeutic dose have shown evi- percent were thought to have tricho- the most widespread sexually trans-
dence of tumorigenic activity. Evi- moniasis. Women may have no signs mitted diseases in the United States,
dence of human tumorigenic poten- of NGU but can pass the disease to may have increased more than 20
tial attri butable to Flagyl has not been offspring during delivery. percent in 1978 over the previous
confirmed during more than 16 years Lymphogranuloma venereum or year, according to figures released by
of clinical experience. LG V is the result of another strain of G.D. Searle & Co.
Question: What medications are chlamydia trachomatis and is con- Available statistics indicate that
used in the treatment of other sexually sidered a reportable venereal disease more then 2.8 million cases of tricho-
transmitted diseases? by the Center for Disease Control. It moniasis were identified and treated
Answer: Usual treatment for gonor- affects both men and women but is during the year. This compares with
rhea and syphilis is penicillin, or other not as widespread as gonorrhea, fewer than 1 million reported cases of
antibiotics if the person is allergic to syphilis or trichomoniasis. gonorrhea and 21,000 reported cases
penicillin. Both gonorrhea and syphi- Chancroid is probably sexually of syphilis in the same period.
lis may cause damage to an unborn transmitted in both sexes through The estimate is based on marketing
child during the prenatal or delivery open lesions caused by this bacterial data for medications used in treating
stages if left untreated in the mother. infection. It is also considered a the disease, which appears to have
venereal disease by the CDC and can reached serious proportions in recent
Question: What preventive methods be treated with antibiotics. years. The U.S. Center for Disease
can women use to avoid trichomonia- Non-specific Vaginitis is a relatively Control recently warned that tricho-
sis and other forms of sexually trans- mild but very common vaginal infec- moniasis and other little-known vene-
mitted diseases? tion that may be spread by sexual real diseases, not reported to health
Answer: Dr. Leonard Cibley, Assis- contact. Caused by bacteria, hemo- authorities in many states, are
tant Clinical Professor, Boston Uni- phylous vaginal is, sym ptoms may becoming a major health problem.
versity School of Medicine, advises include a grayish, malodorous dis- Caused by a microscopic parasite,
his patients to avoid the use of tight charge and slight irritation. It is trichomoniasis produces an irritating
support garments and panty hose, treated with antibiotics. vaginal infection in women, but usu-
which may aggravate infection by Crab lice and scabies may occur in ally causes no symptoms in men.
interfering with good hygiene. Use of both sexes as a result of direct Thus men frequently go untreated
a condom during intercourse can also contact with an infected person, not and are unsuspecting carriers of the
help prevent infection. However, the necessarily via intercourse. These disease.
most important way to prevent the mites cause severe itching and in "Males rarely experience the itch-
spread of STDs is to make sure all some cases lesions. Both are treated ing, burning and other discomfort
infected partners are informed and with topical ointments. females do, and therefore may not
seek medical treatment. realize they have contracted tricho-
Question: What are vaginal infec-
Question: What are some other tions? moniasis," said Dr. Frederick Fleury
sexually transmitted diseases men Answer: Vaginal infections are the of Southern Illinois University. "For
and women should be aware of? most common of all gynecologic this reason, both partners should
Answer: Herpes simplex" (genital infections; in fact most women will consult their physicians and receive
herpes) is a virus. It is different from have at least one type of vaginal treatment if necessary."
herpes simplex I which produces cold infection during their lifetime. Vaginal Dr. Fleury pointed out that the trend
sores and fever blisters. Both men infections such as monilia or candida toward more frequent diagnosis of
and women can contract herpes II. albicans can be influenced by many the disease may be an important step
Lesions appear on the penis or ureth- factors: infection or reactions to toward its eradication.
ra in men and on the external genital harsh douches, poor hygiene, agents The most effective treatment avail-
area, cervix or vagina in women. such as soap, detergents, deodorants, able is a drug called Flagyl (metro-
Herpes II can also be passed to babies toilet paper dyes, and locally applied nidazole), which can be taken orally
via the birth canal, and can be fatal to medications. Factors that occasion- by both men and women. Dr. Allen
the newborn infant. ally may contribute to the growth of Charles of Michael Reese Hospital in

Occupational Health Nursing, August 1979 19


Chicago commented on his clinical ranged from large urban areas like in male sexual partners through sim-
experience with the drug: Detroit, Michigan, to smaller popula- ple diagnostic procedures performed
"Topical creams may well eliminate tions such as DeKalb County, Geor- in the doctor's office, and highly
the itching and burning women gia. The incidence of trichomoniasis effective treatment is available.
experience, but are not sufficient to ranked as one of the three most An alarming reinfection rate
kill the parasite in both partners. prevalent STDs treated, along with through sexual contact has caused
Since concu rrent treatment is the gonorrhea and non-specific vagi nitis. trichomoniasis to reach epidemic
only way to stem the high rate of The presence of trichomonads in proportions, now estimated at about
reinfection, metronidazole (Flagyl) the genital and urinary tracts may 2.8 million cases annually in the
should be prescribed." also signal the possibility of other United States in 1978. According to
Dr. Charles noted that trichomonia- infections. the American College of Obstetri-
sis can rarely be cured by douching or "Patients with trichomoniasis are at cians and Gynecologists, greater
other hygienic practices since the a greater risk of havi ng other diseases responsibility and knowledge among
parasite may invade the urogenital than the population at large," com- men that trichomoniasis could
tract of both sexes. mented Dr. Hume, who is dean emeri- threaten their own long-term health
According to Dr. Rodney P. Gwinn tus of The Johns Hopkins University - as well as that of their sexual
of Searle, which manufactures Flagyl, School of Hygiene and Public Health. partners - is essential in the elimina-
the drug is the only treatment for "The association of trichomoniasis tion of the disease among both sexes.
trichomoniasis in the United States and vaginal candidiasis, for example, SUCCESSFUL DIAGNOSIS OF
which has been demonstrated effec- has long been recognized. Studies TRICHOMONIASIS KEY TO
tive in clinical studies. consistently show that 10-20 percent TREA TMENT: Trichomoniasis, an
He pointed out that patients should of women with trichomoniasis also infection caused by the presence of a
not consume alcohol while using have candida." parasite, is one of the most wide-
Flagyl, and that use of the drug Common symptoms of trichomoni- spread forms of vaginitis. Most forms
should be avoided during early preg- asis in the female include itching, a of vaginitis are accompanied by
nancy. He said the prescription drug greenish-gray discharge often con- annoying physical symptoms, but
has rarely been associated with seri- taining small bubbles and a burning unless proper diagnosis is obtained it
ous side effects in humans since its sensation during urination. is easy to confuse one type for
introduction in 1963. TRICHOMONIASIS IN THE MALE another.
MA Y SUFFER FROM TRICHOMONI- HEAL TH: Although men seldom cedure called a "wet smear" for
ASIS DURING LIFETIME: During experience the pain or discomfort detecting trichomoniasis. A small
their lifetimes as many as one in five from trichomoniasis that women do, drop of vaginal discharge, taken while
American women may suffer from there is new evidence that untreated the patient undergoes routine exami-
trichomoniasis, a sexually transmit- males may not only infect their sexual nation, is mixed with saline on a slide.
ted disease caused by the tricho- partners but could also suffer sig nifi- Under the microscope the parasite
monad parasite, according to a recent cant health problems of their own. appears to be pear-shaped with four
report in Medical Times. According to According to Dr. Michael Rein, hair-like flagella on one end and a
physicians, the condition isespecially Assistant Professor of Medicine at the whip-like tail on the other.
common in men and women between University of Virginia: A common myth is that trichomoni-
the ages of 16 and 35 who are sexually "Trichomoniasis can cause estab- asis can be detected in a Pap Smear.
active. lished infection in men and may be Dr. Frederick Fleury of Southern
Trichomoniasis, according to Dr. responsible for inhibiting the move- Illinois University School of Medicine
John Hume, author of the article, is ment of sperm because of toxic comments on this:
present in all segments of the popula- products produced by the parasite." "Pap smears are clearly an inade-
tion. Private practice physicians cur- Moreover, the untreated male with quate diagnostic procedure for tri-
rently see two cases oftrichomoniasis trichomoniasis is frequently a "car- chomonas. In one series where tri-
for every case of gonorrhea. Since it is rier" of the disease. Because he chomonas was reported on Pap
usually sexually transmitted, there usually experiences no symptoms, he smears, the diagnosis was not con-
may also be a high rate of reinfection unknowingly infects or reinfects the firmed in 37 percent of the patients
if all partners do not receive treat- female, who usually seeks treatment who were re-examined by wet smear
ment. because of the annoying symptoms and culture for that organism. In the
In a study recently completed by experienced in women. Female same report, the Pap smears of 43
the U.S. Center for Disease Control, symptoms include itching, burning percent of those patients with proven
eight clinics specializing in treatment and vaginal discharge of a grey-green trichomoniasis showed no evidence
of sexually transmitted disease color. of trichomonas."
(STDs) were monitored. The eight The disease can often bediagnosed Patients can aid in successful diag-

nosis by cooperating with their physi- pong" or reinfection syndrome unless sex partners of infected women will
cian. According to Dr. Herman L. he is examined and treated if the harbor the trichomoniasis organism,
Gardner, clinical professor of Obstet- disease is present. In Mary H's case, according to a report prepared by Dr.
rics and Gynecology at Baylor Uni- her doctor found the presence of the Sumner E. Thompson, chief, clinical
versity College of Medicine, the most parasite which causes trichomonia- research section of the U.S. Center
meaningful examination is at the time sis. Her husband might be carrying for Disease Control.
the patient is experiencing symptoms, the disease without knowing it, and "This trend can only be reversed if
when she has not douched for at least need treatment to prevent further all sexual partners are treated," noted
two or three days, and when she has reinfection. Dr. Michael F. Rein, assistant profes-
not used a vaginal medication or Mary's physician solved this prob- sor of medicine at the University of
contraceptive cream or jelly for sever- lem in part by alleviating her fears Virginia.
al days. about long-term consequences of "Men acquire trichomoniasis, vir-
Immediate and correct diagnosis, trichomoniasis and by giving her a tually without exception, from sexual
using the wet smear technique, is prescription for Flagyl (metronida- relations. Cure rates in women who
important in treating and curing the zole) and a letter asking her husband are treated may be as high as 100
patient of this sexually transm itted to seek examination and treatment. percent, but this can mean little or
disease. Her doctor also pointed out that, in nothing since they can be easily
EFFECTIVE TREATMENT OF addition to being a sexually trans- reinfected in just one exposure to a
TRICHOMONIASIS DEMANDS CO- mitted disease, trichomoniasis may man who is carrying the disease.
OPERA TlON OF THE MALE: The be contracted by other means - such "It follows that since Flagyl is the
scene in the gynecologist's office is a as from swimming pools or by sharing only medication available in the U.S.
familiar one since the onset of the washroom facilities. that has proven effective in eradicat-
"sexual revolution." A 26-year-old At a follow-up visit two weeks later ing the parasite, it should be used to
married woman, Mary H , has experi- there was no sign of the parasite treat all diagnosed partners," Dr. Rein
ence a grey-green frothy discharge causing infection in Mary's vaginal said.
as well as itching and burning in the discharge. A brief discussion revealed One of the biggest obstacles in
genital area for six weeks. Reason for her husband had seen a doctor and ending the cycle of reinfection - or
postponing treatment: her husband taken the prescribed Flagyl treatment the "ping-pong" effect, as it is some-
had asked for a trial separation as well. Without this cooperation by times called - is the asymptomatic
because he suspected she had other the male, the recu rrence of tricho- nature of the disease in the male. Men
sexual partners. moniasis due to reinfection could be a may be unaware they are carriers
The solution to the problem is not continuing problem for both partners. unless informed by a female in whom
easy for either patient or physician, MALE TREA TMENT KEY TO END- the condition has been diagnosed.
but the rising incidence of sexually ING CYCLE OF TRICHOMONIASIS Trichomoniasis was first reported
transmitted diseases may affect the REINFEC TlON: One of the primary in men in 1894. The most common
short- and long-term health of both reasons that diagnosis of trichomoni- site of infection is the urethra, the
sexes. Rising health problems of this asis may have risen more than 20 passageway from both the urinary
type include gonorrhea, syphilis, percent in the past year appears to be and reproductive systems of the male
herpes genitalis and trichomoniasis. that infected but untreated men are to the outside of the body. A test
Since the man can carry some spreading the disease faster than performed in a physician's office can
diseases without experiencing symp- their partners can be cured. help to determine if a man has
toms, there is a danger of a "ping- An estimated 70 percent of male contracted trichomoniasis.

The Great American Smokeout

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Occupational Health Nursing, August 1979 21

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