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Semester: 4th

Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009

Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE


Qn. Set Code-7 (SOT)
School of Computer Engineering
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be University
Cloud Computing
Time: 2 1/2 Hours Full Mark: 50

1. Answer all the questions.

A. How does scalability enhance the features of Cloud Computing infrastructure?
Scalability plays a crucial role in enhancing the features of Cloud Computing infrastructure.
1. On-demand self-service and Rapid Elasticity:
Scalability allows cloud systems to allocate or deallocate resources based on demand
automatically. Moreover, during heavy usage periods, the system can maintain
consistently high-performance levels by dynamically adjusting resources. Thus,
scalability facilitates rapid elasticity and gives the customer the realization that they have
unlimited resources.
2. Flexibility and Cost Control:
Cloud scalability enables businesses to add or remove computing resources as needed
without significant hardware investment or infrastructure changes. This flexibility leads to
better cost control, as resources are allocated only when required.
3. Optimized Performance :
A scalable Cloud architecture efficiently manages a drastic rise and fall in traffic, thus
optimizing the performance. It ensures the effective utilization of resources, therefore
eliminating idle resources or insufficient resource circumstances. Optimized performance
also leads to cost-effective services.
B. A reliable, scalable, and secure infrastructure that can handle the complex needs of banking
services is provided by distributed computing. In comparison to conventional centralized
architectures, its durability, scalability, performance, security, cost effectiveness, and regulatory
compliance make it more appropriate. This allows banks to offer dependable, creative, innovative
customer-focused banking services.
C. A real-life example of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is Netflix using Amazon Web Services
(AWS) EC2, to host and manage its streaming operations, allowing for scalability and efficient
handling of viewer traffic.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
D. Xen hypervisor. Xen is a type 1 hypervisor that creates logical pools of system resources so that
many virtual machines can share the same physical resources. Xen is a hypervisor that runs directly
on the system hardware.
E. Two advantages of multi-tenancy:
Better use of resources and cost effective.
F. Discusses the application of cloud computing in the health sector.
Ans- Cloud computing has significant applications in the health sector, offering numerous benefits
such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and improved collaboration.
Health Information Systems: Cloud-based Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems allow healthcare
providers to securely store, manage, and share patient data in real-time. This improves data accessibility,
reduces administrative burden, and enhances patient care coordination.
Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring: Cloud computing supports telemedicine services by
enabling secure video consultations, remote monitoring of patients' vital signs, and mobile health
applications. This helps in extending healthcare services to remote areas and managing chronic
conditions effectively.
Data Analytics and Research: Cloud platforms provide scalable infrastructure for processing and
analyzing vast amounts of healthcare data. This includes genomic data analysis, population health
management, and drug discovery, leading to better treatment outcomes and personalized medicine.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Cloud services offer robust data backup and disaster
recovery solutions. Healthcare organizations can ensure data resilience and continuity of operations,
even during unforeseen events.
Medical Imaging and Diagnostics: Cloud-based platforms facilitate the storage and sharing of medical
images (e.g., X-rays, MRIs) among healthcare professionals for timely diagnosis and treatment
planning. This improves efficiency and reduces the need for physical storage space.
Healthcare IoT (Internet of Things) Devices: Cloud computing supports the connectivity and data
processing needs of IoT devices in healthcare, such as wearable fitness trackers, smart medical devices,
and sensors. This data can be integrated into patient records for better insights.
Cost Efficiency and Scalability: Cloud services eliminate the need for large upfront investments in IT
infrastructure. Healthcare providers can scale resources up or down based on demand, optimizing costs
and improving resource utilization.
Collaboration and Communication: Cloud-based collaboration tools enhance communication among
healthcare teams, enabling secure sharing of patient information and facilitating interdisciplinary care
1.G. Source IP Hash load balancing uses an algorithm that takes the source and destination IP address of
the client and server to generate a unique hash key.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
H..Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that helps organizations build, deploy and manage
applications and services. Azure is different from other clouds in the following ways.:
capability-It allows them scale their applications up or down based on demand.
Reliability-It has global network of data centre that are designed to be highly available, Storage System-
more delivery points and data centres compared to other cloud services. It Facilitates SQL nd No SQL
data services and built in support. It is the only platform that offers Blockchain as a Service(BaaS)
I.Advantages of FCFS Scheduling
Most popular and simplest scheduling algorithm.
•Fairer than other simple scheduling algorithms.
•Depend on FIFO rule in scheduling task.
•Less complexity than other scheduling algorithms.
•Tasks have high waiting time.
•Not give any priority to tasks. That means when we have large tasks in the begin tasks list, all tasks
must wait a long time until the large tasks to finish.
•Resources are not consumed in an optimal manner.
J. Ans: Commercially available community cloud: IBM, HPE, Cicso
2. A. State and contrast the characteristics of different service models of cloud citing
example of each. 5 marks

Characteristics IaaS PaaS SaaS

Users IAAS is used by PAAS is used by SAAS is used by the

network architects. developers. end user.
Access PAAS gives access to
IAAS gives access to
run time environment
the resources like SAAS gives access to
to deployment and
virtual machines and the end user.
development tools
virtual storage.
for application.
Model It is a cloud
It is a service model It is a service model
computing model
that provides in cloud computing
that delivers tools
virtualized computing that hosts software
that are used for the
resources over the to make it available
development of
internet. to clients.
Technical There is no
understanding. Some knowledge is requirement about
It requires technical
required for the basic technicalities
setup. company handles
Cloud services. Amazon Web Facebook, and MS Office web,
Services, sun, vCloud Google search Facebook and
Express. engine. Google Apps.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE

2. b) Cluster computing in cloud computing indeed involves multiple nodes or computers working
together to form a unified system. 5 marks
One of the primary reasons for employing cluster computing in cloud environments is scalability. By
distributing tasks across multiple nodes, the workload can be scaled up or down dynamically based on
demand. This allows for efficient resource utilization and ensures that the system can handle varying
workloads effectively.

• In a clustered environment, if one node fails or experiences issues, other nodes can continue to operate,
ensuring high availability and fault tolerance. Cloud providers often design their clusters with
redundancy and failover mechanisms to minimize service disruptions.
• By harnessing the computational power of multiple nodes simultaneously, cluster computing can
significantly enhance performance. Tasks can be parallelized and executed concurrently across nodes,
leading to faster processing times and improved overall system performance.
• Cluster computing enables efficient resource sharing among nodes. Resources such as CPU, memory,
and storage can be pooled together and allocated dynamically based on workload requirements. This
ensures optimal resource utilization and prevents any single node from becoming a bottleneck.
• Utilizing cluster computing in cloud environments can be cost-effective compared to traditional
dedicated hardware setups. Cloud providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing models, allowing users to only
pay for the resources they consume. Additionally, the ability to scale resources up or down based on
demand helps in optimizing costs and avoiding over-provisioning.
• Cloud computing offers on-demand resources, but for highly complex tasks, a single virtual machine
might not be enough. Cluster computing combines the processing power of multiple nodes, acting as a
single, powerful unit. This allows tackling computationally intensive workloads like scientific
simulations, data analysis, and large-scale rendering much faster.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Cluster computing in cloud environments combines the computational power of multiple nodes to form
a unified system, enabling scalability, fault tolerance, improved performance, resource sharing, and

3.a. 4+1 marks

Virtualization is a technique that allows us to create virtual versions of computing resources, such as
servers, storage devices, networks, and even operating systems. It enables us to divide a single physical
resources into one or more execution environments. Here are the key types of virtualization:
Server Virtualization:
o Definition: Server virtualization involves dividing a physical server into multiple isolated
virtual servers. Each virtual server can run its own operating system and applications as
if it were a separate physical server.
o Benefits:
o Consolidation: Organizations can consolidate storage into unified pools or arrays,
reducing the number of physical storage devices needed.
o Increased Utilization: By pooling storage capacity, server virtualization enables higher
utilization rates across consolidated storage.
o Flexibility: Organizations can add, upgrade, migrate, and rebalance storage non-
disruptively without impacting applications or users1.
Storage Virtualization:
o Definition: Storage virtualization abstracts away physical storage and presents it to the
operating system as virtual disk blocks that can be grouped into virtual disks. It operates
at the block layer of the storage stack.
o Benefits:
o Flexible Allocation: Efficiently allocate storage blocks without worrying about physical
o Snapshots, Replication, and Migration: Facilitates operations like snapshots, replication,
and migration without disruption1.
Network Virtualization:
o Definition: Network virtualization creates virtual networks by abstracting network
resources. It allows multiple virtual networks to coexist on the same physical network
o Benefits:
o Isolation: Isolate network traffic for different applications or tenants.
o Scalability: Dynamically create, modify, and delete virtual networks as needed.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Data Virtualization:
o Definition: Data virtualization abstracts data from multiple sources (databases, files,
APIs) and presents it as a unified view. It allows querying and accessing data without
knowing its physical location.
o Benefits:
o Unified Data Access: Provides a single access point for data from various sources.
o Agility: Easily adapt to changes in data sources without modifying applications.
Desktop Virtualization:
o Definition: Desktop virtualization allows multiple virtual desktops to run on a single
physical machine. Users access their virtual desktops remotely.
o Benefits:
o Centralized Management: Simplifies desktop management and updates.
o Security: Isolates user environments, enhancing security.
Application Virtualization:
o Definition: Application virtualization decouples applications from the underlying
operating system. Applications run in isolated environments.
o Benefits:
o Compatibility: Run legacy applications on modern systems.
o Resource Isolation: Prevent application conflicts.
GPU Virtualization:
o Definition: GPU virtualization allows sharing GPU resources among multiple virtual
machines. Useful for graphics-intensive workloads.
o Benefits:
o Efficient GPU Utilization: Multiple VMs can share a single GPU.
Memory Virtualization:
o Definition: Memory virtualization pools memory resources across multiple servers. It
provides a unified view of memory.
o Benefits:
o Dynamic Allocation: Allocate memory based on demand.
o Fault Tolerance: Enhance system reliability23.
Now, let’s differentiate between block virtualization and file virtualization:
Block Virtualization:
Works at the disk or volume level.
o Manages blocks of data storage.
o Abstracts away physical storage and presents it as virtual disk blocks.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
o Enables creating logical volumes or LUNs composed of storage capacity from different
o Facilitates operations like snapshots, replication, and migration without disruption.
File Virtualization:
o Works at the file system or file level.
o Allows multiple servers to access shared files and folders.
o Operates at a higher level of abstraction.
o Presents physical storage as a file system accessible via standard file access protocols
(e.g., NFS, SMB).
In summary, block virtualization deals with low-level storage blocks, while file virtualization operates at
a higher level, allowing shared file access among servers.
b Storage solutions in AWS: 5 marks
1. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
It is object storage with simple web service interface to store and retrieve data. It’s features are
•Simple – Web based console
•Durable- It provides durable infrastructure to store important data which is stored redundantly across
multiple facilities
•Scalable – One can store as much data as needed.
•Available – It is designed for 100% availability over a given period and is backed by S3 SLA.
•Secured – It supports data transfer over SSL and automatic encryption of data once uploaded.
•Low cost – Allows to store large amount of data at low cost.
•Integrated – S3 is deeply integrated with other AWS services to build solutions easily.
2. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
It provides persistent block storage volume for use with Amazon EC2 instances. Such volumes
behave like raw, unformatted storage device, allowing users to create a file system. Each Amazon
EBS volume is replicated within it’s availability zone to protect from component failure. EBS
volumes provide consistent and low latency performance needed to run workloads.
3. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) –
It provides simple salable file storage to use with Amazon EC2 instances. It provides
standard file system interface and file system access semantics to integrate with existing applications
and tools.
4. Amazon Glacier –
It is a secure, durable, low-cost storage service for data archiving and long term backup
4.a. Benefits of data center- 2 mark
Privacy issues with data center- 3 marks
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
There are numerous benefits to having a data center in the cloud. Here are some of the key advantages:
1. Scalability
2. Cost Efficiency
3. Reliability and Redundancy
4. Security
5. Flexibility and Accessibility
6. Automation and Management
Data centers play a critical role in the digital age, housing vast amounts of data and supporting the
infrastructure for various online services. However, they also raise several privacy concerns, including:
1. Data Breaches: Data centers are prime targets for cyber attacks due to the sheer volume of sensitive
information they store. Breaches can lead to the exposure of personal data, such as financial
information, health records, and private communications.
2. Unauthorized Access: Without proper security measures, unauthorized individuals may gain access to
the data stored in data centers. This could result in identity theft, fraud, or other malicious activities.
3. Data Misuse: Even if data is not stolen, it can still be misused by those with access to it. This might
involve selling personal information to third parties without consent or using it for targeted advertising
without user permission.
4. Lack of Transparency: Data centers are often operated by large corporations, and their operations may
lack transparency. Users may not know how their data is being handled or who has access to it, making
it difficult to trust that privacy is being respected.
5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Data centers must comply with various laws and regulations
regarding data privacy and security, such as GDPR in Europe or HIPAA in the United States. Failure to
comply can result in fines and legal consequences.
4.b. Trust and security are paramount concerns for businesses when considering migrating their
operations to cloud platforms. 5 marks
1. Securing Virtualized Datacenter Resources:
- Virtualization technology, while offering benefits such as resource optimization and flexibility,
introduces unique security challenges. Without proper isolation and security measures, vulnerabilities in
one virtual machine could potentially compromise others on the same physical server.
- Robust security measures, such as hypervisor security, network segmentation, and regular security
updates, are essential to mitigate risks and prevent unauthorized access or data breaches within
virtualized environments.
- By ensuring the security of virtualized datacenter resources, cloud providers demonstrate their
commitment to protecting client data and infrastructure, thereby instilling confidence among businesses
considering cloud adoption.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
2. Upholding User Privacy:
- Cloud platforms often store vast amounts of sensitive user data, ranging from personal information to
proprietary business data. Protecting this data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse is
paramount for maintaining user trust.
- Implementing stringent privacy measures, such as encryption of data both in transit and at rest, role-
based access controls, and regular
security assessments, helps safeguard user privacy and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
- By prioritizing user privacy and adhering to strict privacy standards, cloud providers demonstrate their
dedication to maintaining the
confidentiality and integrity of user data, which is essential for fostering trust with businesses entrusting
them with their data.
3. Preserving Data Integrity:
- Data integrity ensures that data remains accurate, consistent, and reliable throughout its lifecycle. In a
cloud environment, where data is constantly accessed, transferred, and stored across distributed systems,
maintaining data integrity is critical.
- Cloud providers employ various techniques such as checksums, cryptographic hashing, and data
replication to detect and mitigate data corruption or tampering attempts.
- Additionally, implementing robust backup and disaster recovery solutions helps ensure data
availability and integrity in the event of hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyberattacks.
- By prioritizing data integrity, cloud providers demonstrate their commitment to delivering reliable and
trustworthy services, reassuring businesses that their data will remain intact and accessible even in
challenging circumstances.
In summary, by addressing these key areas—securing virtualized datacenter resources, upholding user
privacy, and preserving data integrity—cloud providers not only mitigate security risks but also
establish a foundation of trust with businesses seeking to leverage cloud computing services for their
operations. This trust is essential for driving broader acceptance and adoption of cloud platforms in the
business landscape.
5 (a). What is Live migration? State the virtual machine provisioning in virtual machine life cycle.
Live migration ( which is also called hot or real- time migration) can be defined as the movement
of a virtual machine from one physical host to another while being powered on. -1 mark
Stages explanation- 4 marks

5 (b). A company currently works on a centralized server mechanism. But with the increasing
workload, it wants to distribute the workload among multiple servers. Explain the type of scaling
required for the same. Mention its characteristics and benefits over others. 3+1+1 marks
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Ans Hint:
The student should mention the following benefits of Cloud Based Application Deployment over
Centralized Server Based Application Deployment:
Cloud-based application deployment has various advantages over traditional, centralized server-based
application deployment:
Scalability: Cloud-based apps can simply scale up and down in response to demand. Cloud systems
provide on-demand resources, allowing applications to manage unexpected traffic surges or scale back
during periods of low activity. This scalability is frequently automated and can be altered in real-time,
giving flexibility and cost savings.
Cost-effectiveness: Cloud deployment eliminates the need for upfront hardware investments and
ongoing maintenance costs associated with traditional servers. Instead, customers pay for the resources
they use on a pay-as-you-go basis, lowering capital costs and improving cost predictability.
Global Accessibility: Cloud-based applications are accessible from any location with an internet
connection, making them available to users all over the world. Cloud companies often have data centers
spread across numerous geographic zones, allowing for reduced latency access and increased
performance for consumers in various places.
High Availability and Reliability: Cloud platforms incorporate redundancy and failover techniques to
achieve high availability and reliability. Auto-scaling, load balancing, and data replication are examples
of cloud-based application features that can reduce downtime and improve fault tolerance.
Elasticity: With cloud-based deployment, apps can assign resources dynamically based on workload
requirements. This elasticity allows programs to manage changing traffic patterns more efficiently and
assures optimal resource use without requiring manual intervention.
Automatic upgrades and Maintenance: Cloud providers manage infrastructure maintenance, security
patches, and software upgrades, reducing the workload for IT teams and guaranteeing that applications
run on the most recent software versions. This eliminates the downtime and security concerns associated
with outdated software.
Scalable Storage Alternatives: Cloud platforms provide several storage alternatives, such as object
storage, block storage, and database services, which can be scaled to meet growing data volumes. This
eliminates the need to manage and provision storage hardware separately and enables seamless
application integration.
DevOps Integration: Cloud deployment is compatible with DevOps principles, allowing teams to
automate application deployment, testing, and monitoring processes. Cloud platforms include a variety
of tools and services for continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and infrastructure as code
(IaC), which improve cooperation and agility in software development workflows.
Why horizontal scaling is preferred not the vertical scaling
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Vertical scaling refers to boosting the capacity of a single server by adding more resources such as CPU,
RAM, or storage. While vertical scaling may be appropriate for certain cases, it is not optimal for
managing the increasing demand in a distributed system for various reasons.
Limited Scalability: Vertical scaling has intrinsic scalability constraints. There is a limit to how much
a server can be vertically scaled in terms of resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage. Eventually,
you'll reach the hardware's maximum capacity, making further growth unfeasible or excessively
Single Point of Failure: When you vertically scale a server, you rely on a single, larger server to
handle the whole workload. If the server fails, it might cause downtime and disruption to the entire
system. In contrast, horizontal scaling distributes the workload over numerous servers, mitigating the
impact of individual server failures.
Cost inefficiency: To meet rising workload needs, vertical scaling frequently necessitates the
purchase of high-end, costly gear. This upfront expenditure can be prohibitively expensive, particularly
for businesses with limited budgets. Horizontal scaling, on the other hand, allows you to increase
incrementally while using more affordable commodity hardware.
Upgrading a single, large server can be complicated and disruptive. It may require downtime for
maintenance or updates, affecting the application's availability. Horizontal scaling, on the other hand,
enables seamless upgrades and maintenance because individual servers may be taken offline without
affecting the entire system.
Limited Flexibility: Vertical scaling restricts your program to the capabilities of a single server. You'll
face difficulties if you need to expand beyond those constraints or react to shifting workload patterns.
Horizontal scaling increases flexibility by allowing you to add or remove servers based on demand.
Overall, while vertical scaling may be appropriate for specific cases where the workload can be
accommodated within the boundaries of a single server, it is unsuitable for managing an increasing
burden in a distributed system. Horizontal scaling offers a more scalable, fault-tolerant, cost-effective,
and adaptable solution for fulfilling the demands of current applications.
Horizontal scaling, also known as scale-out scaling, is the sort of scaling necessary to distribute
workload across numerous servers, particularly in a cloud context.
Features of horizontal scaling:
Horizontal scaling is the process of adding extra machines or servers to your pool of resources to
handle a rising workload. It's a more gradual and adaptable strategy than vertical scaling, which requires
upgrding to more powerful gear.
Distributed Architecture: Horizontal scaling distributes the burden over numerous devices or servers.
Each server handles a share of the overall workload, decreasing the stress on any single server while
boosting overall system performance and dependability.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Fault Tolerance: Horizontal scalability improves fault tolerance because if one server fails, the
workload may be automatically shifted to other servers, ensuring ongoing operation with minimal
impact on overall system performance.
Linear Scalability: Horizontal scaling often provides linear scalability, which means that adding more
servers results in a proportional increase in system capacity and performance. This enables easy and
predictable expansion as the workload increases.
Advantages of horizontal scaling versus vertical scaling:
Horizontal scaling is frequently more cost-effective since it allows you to employ less expensive
commodity gear and scale only when needed, rather than investing in pricey high-end technology up
Better Resource Utilization: Horizontal scaling makes better use of resources by dividing the
workload over different servers. This prevents any single server from being overworked while others are
underutilized, resulting in optimal resource allocation.
Improved Scalability: Horizontal scaling is more scalable than vertical scaling, particularly in cases
where workload growth is unpredictable or varies over time. You can easily add or delete servers as
needed, with minimal disturbance to the system.
Horizontal scaling increases flexibility and agility by allowing you to scale your infrastructure in
smaller increments and adjust to changing workload demands more readily. This agility is critical in
dynamic contexts where requirements change quickly.
Overall, horizontal scaling is well-suited for distributed architectures such as cloud-based environments,
as it provides cost-effectiveness, fault tolerance, linear scalability, and flexibility, all of which are
required to handle growing workloads efficiently and effectively.
6(a) Q. Application of Cloud computing in business. 5 marks
Ans. Cloud Computing has indeed changed the way how business operates. There are an abundance of
business applications that a cloud computing system can support. Here are few ways of cloud computing
business applications explained .
Infrastructure as a Service:
With cloud computing, you can offer your clients the use of your infrastructure to host their cloud
services. Another option is to sell third-party infrastructure for creating websites to promote clients’
products and services.
Platform as a Service:
Alternatively, you can offer your platform to clients through cloud computing. Most online platforms
run on cloud computing today, because they are available to anyone with a connection. Companies are
rapidly moving to the cloud to eliminate the need for computer hardware in their own offices decreasing
their IT cost.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
File Storage;
File storage is a common use for cloud computing. You can store pretty much any type of file on the
cloud, and if you need limited access to your files, private cloud services can be made highly secure.
Cloud storage is essentially only limited to the maximum storage available from your provider.
Data Backup:
Data backup is another common use of cloud computing. While you can backup to your computer or a
drive, either of these can be physically damaged in a storm, flood or fire.The cloud offers you a place to
backup data that is away from your location and will keep data safe in a secure environment. If needed,
you can also share these backup files to other members of your team.
Disaster Recovery:
In the event of a disaster, you can recover your files, programs and data from the cloud as long as you
have a computer and an internet connection. Cloud computing is a good way to safeguard your
important business information for recovery later on.
Increasing Collaboration:
Collaboration within your company and with other companies has become a global concern. Cloud
computing makes collaboration easy no matter where you and your collaborators are physically located
because you can all access the project files on a shared cloud space. This type of collaboration can be
made private until you are ready to bring your finished work to public attention. Even if you are
working from home with other people from your company, the cloud offers more opportunities to work
24/7 with your partners without any restrictions based on available resources.
Testing New Projects:
Tech companies often use their company’s private cloud to test new programs or processes before they
see the light of day. An engineer can easily set up a test program on the cloud, add data sets and then run
the data through the program to find any leftover problems, before pronouncing it ready to send to a
client. Once the test is done, the cloud space is relinquished back to the pool.
Website hosting:
Many users prefer cloud hosting rather than purchasing physical server to host your website. Web
Hosting is far more cost effective than a dedicated server as you only need to pay for the service you are
using instead of paying the full cost of running an entire server. You also need to be well aware of the
security risks when choosing cloud hosting.
Work Management:
Tracking and allocating of work is much easier with the help of cloud computing. If you have a team
who are sitting at office or who are working on field or remotely then work management solution hosted
on cloud is very much useful. You can simply share the files required, communicate to your team,
allocate timelines and set reminders for work.
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Customer Relationship Management Software solution is one of the widely used method to manage and
improve customer relationships. CRM on cloud offers number of benefits to you and your team in
increasing the business profits and helping in bringing and efficient business model. CRM lets your
store and access all client related information.
Many CRM products provide automated functions letting you to capture new prospects or to finish up
the customer queries within the turn around time.
Sales & Marketing Management:
With the sales & marketing management system, you will always have an easy reach to the latest
data. Track all the converted, potential customers or even enquiries. It can help in analysing customer
information to see where you have missed out interesting leads and those who use marketing techniques
for sending emails can make use of cloud solutions in an effective level.
6(b) Dynamic Load balancing in cloud computing 5 marks
A load balancer is a hardware component that divides network or application traffic among several
servers, serving as a reverse proxy. Dedicated hardware or software, like a multilayer switch or a
Domain Name Service server process, is typically used for load balancing.
Dynamic load balancing is a more flexible load balancing strategy that can determine which system
should carry the load and how much weight has to be shed dynamically during runtime.
Flexibility: Because dynamic load balancing adapts instantly to changing circumstances, it works
effectively in environments where workloads are diverse and unpredictable.
Optimal Resource Utilization: It improves system performance by allocating traffic to the
servers that have the most resources available and are capable of handling it.
Scalability: Due to its ability to effectively spread workloads among a changing number of
servers, dynamic load balancing is particularly scalable and can adapt to changes in system
capacity or size.
Complexity: More intricate algorithms and processes are needed to implement dynamic load balancing.
It can also include more complicated devices and extra expense.
Computational Overhead: Continual tracking and real-time modifications may lead to a rise in
computational overhead, which undoubtedly impacts the performance of the system.
Configuration Challenges: Improper settings should lead to subpar performance because fine-tuning
dynamic load balancing algorithms and parameters might be more challenging than setting up a static
6 c. Integration of Cloud with WSN 5 marks
Semester: 4th
Semester: 6thSub & Code: OS & CS - 2009
Subject Name:- Cloud
Branch (s):Computing& Code:-
CSE, IT, CSSE, IT-3022
Branch (s): - CSE,IT, CSCE, CSSE
Diagram with explanation, advantages, approaches

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