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Unit 5 | Session 1

Lost... and then found

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about lost and found things,
and needing and giving help
Unit 5 | Session 1
Lost... and then found
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about lost and found things,
and needing and giving help
Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: Losing and finding things

2 PREPARE: A happy ending

3 SPEAKING: A lost-and-found story

4 PREPARE: Needing and giving help

5 SPEAKING: Helping a stranger

Losing and finding things
Which item do you think people lose the
most often? Which items have you lost

❑ car keys
❑ glasses / sunglasses
❑ luggage
❑ phone
❑ remote control
❑ wallet / purse
A happy ending
Tell a lost-and-found chain story with your
classmates about the photo. Take turns.
Use the simple past form of the verbs in
the box.

appear disappear
discover drop
fall off get (something) back
leave (something) behind locate
return search for

The little girl was upset because she

discovered that her dog was missing.

She searched for...

A lost-and-found story
Think about something you’ve lost or
found in your life. It could be your own
items or someone else’s.
Take notes about:

● what the things were

● when it happened

● where you lost or found them

● how you felt at first

● what you did next

● how the story ended

A lost-and-found story
Work in small groups. Talk about the
things you lost or found. Ask and answer
each other questions.

I remember the time my luggage

disappeared. The airline put it on the
wrong plane! I was so upset because I
didn’t have any clothes with me!

What did you do?

Did you ever get your luggage back?

Needing and giving help
Complete the statements with your own ideas so they go together.

Situation Idea 1 Idea 2

1 While I was looking for,... When I found it,...
2 While I was studying,... When I finished studying,...
3 While I was driving home,... When I arrived home,...
4 While I was visiting,... When I left,...
5 While I was…, ... When I…, …

While I was looking for my wallet, my mom called. When I

found it, I called my mom back.
Helping a stranger
Think about a time you helped a stranger.
Use the questions to help you brainstorm.
Take notes.

● What were you doing?

● Where were you?

● Who did you help?

● What was the other person doing?

● How did you help the person?

● How did it end?

Helping a stranger
Work in small groups. Take turns sharing
your experiences and asking questions.

What were you doing when you helped someone?

I was driving along the highway when

I saw a car on the side of the road.
When I got out, the woman was trying
to start her car. I felt sorry for her!

Oh no! What happened next?

We decided to push the car to a gas

station. It wasn’t easy!

Now I can...

❑ talk about lost and found things.

❑ talk about giving and needing help.

Unit 5 | Session 1
Lost... and then found
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about lost and found things,
and needing and giving help

Thank you!

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